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Posts posted by Hailtothechimp

  1. DS9 for sure.

    1st season of Heros was pretty good. Never seen Lost (never really cared to watch it.). I'll agree that Warehouse 13 is pretty damn good. Enjoyable, funny, and some pretty cool shit has happened in the show.

    Never seen FarScape either. I should really catch up on my Sci-Fi.

  2. Why is everyone hating Nelson?

    Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC. Wren had that first round locked in my opinion. He pushed the pace, he nailed some terrific combos and really made Roy look like he was going down.

    The second round was more competitive. Roy started building up his offense from the start of the round while Wren just looked gassed as hell. Roy took the second round no doubt about it.

    Seriously though, how did this not go to a third round? Wren may have had the punchers chance to win and thats about it, but we won't know now. Upsetting as hell and I hope to god the person to knock Fat Ass out is Dana White.

    End Rant.

    • Like 1
  3. Oh fuck the Flames. If Dallas actually managed to score on half of those opportunities they had all night, that game would have been 6 to 2 at least.

    Your guys on the ice need a lot of help. Your goal tender on the other hand, was a beast yesterday and I'll applaud him for that. He looked fantastic, especially for not even being the starter.

    Whatever, we play them again on January 27th. We'll just kick your asses then.

  4. No King love? You guys stink.

    Seriously though, I was excited as fuck when this was announced at E3 in 2008. Sucks about the single player campaign dealy sucking some balls though, but arcade is always the reason anybody should be playing fighting games anyways.

    I'll probably get this once I get a new XBOX.

  5. Tough game last night for any Maple Leaf fans. Stars really took it to them in the 3rd and finally manged to pull out a win in OT. Terrific for them (and me, seeing as I am a Stars Fan.)

    Leafs looked okay though. Their bad record shouldn't stick around for too long. Stars need to start hammering out some points though.

  6. No particular order:

    -Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (I could probably should put all of them here, but this one tops out my favorite movie ever made list.)

    -Seven Samurai


    -Kingdom of Heaven

    -Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan

    -Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    -Star Trek: Generations

    -Star Trek: Nemesis

    -Fast Times at Ridgemont High



    -The Last Samurai

    -The Transporter Series (each one gets constantly better)

    -Back to the Future

    -Sin City

    -300 (Has to be the ultimate man movie.)

    -Bang Ra Jan (I need to check the spelling on this. Makes my top 5. Terrific action and character depth.)

    -Smockin' Aces

    -Ready To Rumble

    -School of Rock


    I am sure I could a whole fuck ton of others, but this is all that comes to mind right now.

  7. On the subject of buying whole albums, has there really been any full album released that actually merited being released in full as DLC?

    I'd say the Boston album was worth it, all great songs that translated well. And Megadeth is great for the psycho YouTubers with three arms.

    Seconded about Boston. That album is freakin' amazing. The Cars album they have on there is also quite amazing, but I may be one of the few people around here that likes The Cars.

  8. In This Moment FTW! Their first album (Beautiful Tragedy) is just gloriously angry and awesome and their newish album Forever is a complete 180 from their first album but they still manage to pull it off quite well and bring some more awesome to the table.

    That is all.

  9. Metallica.

    It feels to me that nowadays, with Death Magnetic, Metallica are doing the kind of stuff they think the diehard fans want them to do, which is not necessarily the same as what they themselves really want to do. I think it sucks. And what also sucks, is that the period when I think Metallica's music was at its most honest and perhaps most rocking, is that of Load and ReLoad. These two much-scorned 90's Metallica albums are, for my money, fucking awesome. No, they're definitely not thrash metal, but as hard rock albums go, they're full of win.

    During the Load/ReLoad era, following the insanely successful series of world tours promoting The Black Album, the band had reached the point where they could do what the fuck they ever wanted, and it would sell like Jesus. So, they did what nobody would've thought they'd do, and made two glorious albums filled with bluesy, rootsy, country-tinged hard rock. Granted, that might not be exactly what the 80's diehard headbangers wanted, but FUCK THEM. For my money, Load and ReLoad sound like they're done by people who are doing just the kind of music they like, and not giving a damn what anybody thinks. And I love them to death.

    Cheers sir! I get ripped on a lot for thinking that both of those albums are where Metallica's best stuff came from. Both would make my top ten best albums from me as their really isn't anything bad on any of those albums. I mean come on, Load had Ain't My Bitch, 2 x 4, Until It Sleeps, King Nothing, Hero of the Day, Bleeding Me (Has to be one of my favorite Metallica songs ever), and Outlaw Torn. Everything else on that album is icing on that fuckin' delicious cake. And the ReLoad comes and gives us a second, even more delicious cake with Fuel, The Memory Remains, The Unforgiven II, Better Than You, Prince Charming, Where the Wild Things Are, and Fixxxer all thrown on top with some other incredible awesome songs mixed in as well.

    My favourite Beatle is Ringo Starr. Mostly cos he just seems to be the most laid back and the Beatle who would be the least annoying to go for a (non alcoholic) drink with down the local pub...And he's nearly 70!

    Ringo is the best, not only does he seem to be the nicest out of the bunch that would gladly go out for some drinks with you to talk about some stuff, but he was fuckin' Mr. Conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, a show I grew up on and he has to be hands down, the best narrator I have ever heard in my life.


  10. Banshees are much easier with your ranged weapon, espeically a fully modded out repeater rifle or crossbow (I believe the strategy guide suggests the crossbow, but to each his own.)

    With my first guy, I maxed out the ranged abilities and was able to take banshees in no less than two go's with little mini guys.

  11. I thought they had two more movies to make... I know the next movie had a trailer on the Bender's Game disc which looked pretty good as well. But as for Bender's Game, I loved it. As a big D&D nerd, the whole part where they start the acutally adventure part just made me smile and laugh the whole way through.

  12. Okay my real estate is All of Bowerstone (Market, Old Town, and the Cementary House) but no Castle yet, waiting for my gold to come in. All of Oakfield (including the Temple of Light), the Gypsey Camp, that house that the first bandit you kill at in Bower Lake, some of Bloodstone, Brightwood Farm and Tower. That's all I can remember at this rate.

    Wives, I had my first wife and had four childern and then took on a second wife and had a child with her. I was attacked by bandits in front of that house at Bloodstone and she was killed in the crossfire and the girl we had together was taken away. Spoilers for the next part.

    My first wife and our four childern were killed at the end of game and I did the good ending (the one where it brings back everybody who died at the Spire, so no family and no dog for me at the end of the game).

    Blue lines and height for me as I am a will user and maxed out all of my skill.

    And as for marrying a guy and then marrying a women, as far as I am aware you only get the points for marrying again whilst already married. I don't think they would give you corrpution points for being bi-sexual but who knows?

  13. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Star Wars: Legacy

    Star Wars: Dark Times

    Star Wars: Rebellion

    This sir is all you really need. Old Republic comic makes me giddier than a school girl every time I get my grubby hands on it. Rebellion and Legacy are pretty good by I loves me some Dark Times as well.

    And seeing as I have been out of the comic buying spree for about a month now and have apparently missed Secret Invasion, is it any good?

  14. Whoever suggested putting Brooks Bollinger in for Brad Johnson needs to be punched in the face or something. I knew we shouldn't have signed him in the first place, it was just asking for Romo to get injured really <_<

    My face is open for punching if you wish AD, Johnson came out solid enough in the second half and then Dallas's D was just awesome. I really am looking forward to seeing how well Dallas can do next week against the G-men. If the game remains close enough, I think it'll be a rousing success for Dallas when they are missing so much on the offensive side of the ball. Maybe the D will show up again, who knows.

    Did anyone else besides me watch the Browns/Jaguars game? Big offensive plays a plenty in real exciting game that the Browns managed to come out of strong. Anderson looked decent and my hopes of seeing Brady Quinn play some regular season football have been dashed aside again. Also Houston raped Cincinnati, but who doesn't these days?

    And is it just me or is the first real Monday night game that might prove to be interesting and close as opposed to the blow outs that have taken place most of this season?

  15. Scars come from dying in battle

    Correct sir, I have my fair share of them as well but I am completely ranged guy so once they get up close to me I am quite screwed so two tons of rolling begins to occur. Resurection Vials stop this from happening though so when you die you don't get the scars or the exp penalty.

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