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Everything posted by deli

  1. I started the game in the Renaissance era and on quick pacing though. Also, the day I win by a culture victory is the day hell freezes over
  2. Jesus. In my mulitplayer game, my 2 mates decided to try and take my empire. They started slowly advancing their units to my border while I built my defenses. And then for around a dozen turns we were seeing who would make the first move. Probably the tensest moment I've had on civ. Turns out they have way more units than i expected and I'm utterly fucked.
  3. Washington and America can fuck right off. First we make an open borders/strategic resources deal. Then he has the balls to declare war on the civ with the most advanced military in the game. But he catches me off guard and takes down a few of my units. When I show my full might, he panders to me like a little bitch and starts offering deals. No, fuck you Washington. I was going for a science victory but now I'm razing your empire to the ground.
  4. Glad to see everyone I want to run over in this game is getting it on 360.
  5. A terrible band. Actually CAN'T ARGUE WITH THAT
  6. But seriously, who the hell are Sleeping with Sirens?
  7. The fact that it doesn't feature Axl Rose
  8. Just brought the Witcher 2. Is it good? Am I in for a good time?
  9. Ha. I'm so poor My Steam Profile (from SteamDB) Worth: £305.78 Games owned: 28 Games not played: 7 Percentage: 25% Hours spent: 325.5h
  10. Why am I always a sucker for these things?
  11. Jesus fucking christ on a stick
  12. Wow, I've missed a lot haven't I?
  13. More info from R* here Some tidbits:
  14. This argument is so fucking irritating. It's optional, you can turn it off completely, and you can do it for all the other consoles as well. But of course, me wanting to socialize with friends makes me some fucking prole from 1984. I love Charlie Brooker, but he's wrong on this point.
  15. All of Skummy's talk about octodad recently makes me want to play octodad.
  16. Shamless Plug time. Go read a music thing I did with my friend here: http://t.co/s5yv7s8jQ7 I REGRET NOTHING!

  17. Jesus, it's fucking depressing that people don't understand basic logic like this. Anyway, props to microsoft (hopefully) for backpedalling on this. It was still a shitty move but at least this whole debacle should be over.
  18. Normal people who have done nothing wrong can still be wrongly banned and lose ALL OF THEIR GAMES THAT THEY PAID FOR. That's why it's an issue.
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