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Everything posted by deli

  1. There isn't. The Game Informer cover story said that a while back
  2. A summary of all the previews so far
  3. Is that any good? Thinking of picking it up. Well, I thought it was good. It kinda sticks to the avant-gardness of Embryonic a bit, as well as being very, very ambient. So if you're not a fan of that side of their discography then it's not for you.
  4. Fucking Awesome. Michael's has Radio GaGa so it's automatically the best.
  5. deli

    The 2013 Music Thread

    So Neutral Milk Hotel are touring again...
  6. Slint's 'Spiderland'. Jesus christ what a bleak album.
  7. https://twitter.com/Suntimes/status/319894506931617793 Sun-Times Obituary
  8. deli

    The 2013 Music Thread

    Oh My God. The new Flaming Lips album is so fucking good. And Deerhunter have a new track as well! It just won't stop!
  9. Well, they've just revealed the cover
  10. The only one I've watched out of that bunch is moonrise kingdom, which was pretty decent. I do want to see Dredd though. Heard great things about it.
  11. I think White Light/White Heat is the best Velvet Underground record, so underrated. Yoshimi Battle the Pink Robots is a good Flaming Lips album, but The Soft Bulletin is a masterpiece. I agree with metalman that Angles is the best strokes album. Likewise, I always thought that Humbug was the best Arctic Monkeys album, never was a fan of the first two. When you mention Talk Talk, people always talk about their new wave stuff (It's My Life etc.), but overlook their fantastic Post Rock records (Spirit of Eden/ Laughing Stock) I'm a massive QOTSA fan, but I feel like not enough people appropriated stuff like their debut self-titled album at all.
  12. Things Fall Apart is one of the greatest novels of all time. And Achebe was one of the great Nigerian icons. RIP
  13. deli

    The 2013 Music Thread

    I'll just add in my thoughts and say that this new bowie album is fantastic. Also, the new flaming lips song is fantastic, cannot wait for 'The Terror'
  14. So the debut trailer for AC4 has already been leaked. Good Job Ubisoft.
  15. I think that was confirmed somewhere. Also, you can preorder this at ShopTo?
  16. It's fucking brilliant though isn't it?
  17. I am a bit miffed that they didn't show the console. I can understand why they haven't done it. Also, here's a quick recap for people you didn't see it last night.
  18. Nintendo did this with the Wii U in E3 2011 and no one batted an eyelid. Microsoft did this with their Xbox 2000 reveal as well. They are saving the big guns for this years E3.
  19. Is that watch dogs I hear in the distance?
  20. Graphics look nice. Not Crysis 3 levels though.
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