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Everything posted by rocksta

  1. So is anyone else trying to see next scenes episodes and watching this Small Town Security shit? Holllly fuck I have never wished for a commercial so bad.
  2. Frozen Synapse key it comes with two
  3. Just re-watched the finale. My body is ready. I don't even want to speculate on where this season is going to take Walt and everybody else left standing. Just want to enjoy it. Haven't been this pumped for a series premiere in a long while.
  4. I just bought it too. RUKI! You have it yet? Want my spare?
  5. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    I...don't know what you mean.
  6. Fuckin Morey man. Gets Lin at less money than the initial offer sheet and less years. Backloads the fuck out of the contract making a serious deterrent to the Knicks stance of matching 'any offer'. Fuckin Morey.
  7. Yah I was at a party and missed it. I am bad at steam sales
  8. Ruki buy Frozen Synapse and gift me the second copy!
  9. Nah that's one of the detriments not sure how it would really work anyway though. For the sale price I'd say it's definitely worth it.
  10. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    ...is that an hour?
  11. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    I can play from now till like, mayyybe if I push it, 2 hours from now before I gotta run if people are on today.
  12. I recommend Tropico 4! If you like city planner type games it's an enjoyable one. Lotta fun.
  13. Hmm some interesting things for me today. If I've never played Borderlands should I pick that up? What about Dead Island? Frozen Synapse sounds fun too >_<
  14. Yah everything I've heard about Ganso after his knee injury simply is not re assuring. Should have left and got that big contract beforehand. I wouldn't want to take the risk on him.
  15. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    you're not even on :\
  16. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    I am able and willing
  17. Honestly, he could be no worse than what Johnson was. So as long as we didn't give Lou freakin' Williams that kind of money, it's progress. That's all I want from the Hawks this year: progress. No you don't get it. He won't have as bad of a contract as Johnson but you don't understand his shortcomings. He came off the bench for more than the fact that he was a great scorer. He can't play defense on an NBA level. You can't give him starters minutes, his defense is that bad. His man will consistently blow by him, bully him and generally make him look foolish. He is going to get paid like a starter but if you start him the opposing SG will literally tear your team apart. I'd love to have him back as a 6th man but I know he will be getting paid more than he could possibly be worth. I love all of the Hawks other moves but as someone who has seen enough of Lou this is one I disagree with. His own teammates called him out publicly for his abysmal defense last year. We could have won the Celtics series if our best crunch time scorer wasn't such an overwhelming liability.
  18. Have fun with Lou Williams. His shot selection is flawless.. And he plays great defense. I'm lying.
  19. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    I'd play just got back from a little road trip last night
  20. Reportedly Jrue Holiday wants a max contract. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: And in other terrible big man contract news Omer Asik has been signed by the Rockets @ 3 years 25.1 million. Yup. I understand the scarcity at the 5 position but that is a blatant overpay.
  21. rocksta

    FIFA 12

    Well that was a terrible thing to do!
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