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Everything posted by rocksta

  1. rocksta

    Diablo III

    I found an item that is definitely worth real money I'm happy
  2. First touch control could be awesome. Shame no changes with defense really I feel like it could using some touching up if they keep giving more options on offense. Saw a cheeky finese shot in the gameplay vid too >_>
  3. It was 10 bucks like 4 days ago on amazon and included in a 5 game paradox pack for 18. Back up to 40 now and the pack 130. Fuckers.
  4. I want this game so bad. Apparently it was one sale on Amazon a couple days ago and I missed it >_<
  5. rocksta

    Diablo III

    Which is not an accomplishment :\ And Ellis if you're still stuck on Bellial I can help. It just requires patience all of his attacks in P2 are entirely dodgeable.
  6. rocksta

    Diablo III

    Anyone else in Inferno yet?
  7. Death. Taxes. Shitty NBA officiating. Can't be fixed. Spurs/Thunder is the only series left that I'm all in for this year. I can only hope whoever wins murders whatever team comes out of the East. Death I'll give you. Taxes can be fixed at least in the complexity of doing them if companies like Intuit weren't lobbying against keeping the tax code so damn complicated. When it comes to NBA officiating there are numerous parties that have it in there best interest to keep it as is, fucking awful. It may not be able to be fixed but it can definitely be improved. Refs shouldn't win games players should. I don't know if there was any truth to those Donaghy excerpts but that was some flat out terrifying stuff. Refs shouldn't turn or win games much less series and we all have seen it happen to many times. I'm tired of it. The lack of accountability is eroding my interest in the sport. The league is in great shape talent wise but the officiating system is letting the game down. The game is so fast and to have 3 bumbling idiots running around being the sole deciding factors just can't be the best option.
  8. The officiating in the NBA is so fucking bad. Somethings gotta change.
  9. Thank god Cech saved Robben's penalty for Drogba and his legacy. Couldn't go out on a better note.
  10. rocksta

    Max Payne 3

    Rockstar also made Table Tennis so to say that because it's Rockstar it has to be an open world game doesn't really correlate. I'd put Red Dead as more of an open world RPG as opposed to a straight up shooter which is what Max Payne is. Two different genres imo, to be compare the two would be unfair to both. Got to play a chapter or whatever at a friends today it was a good time but I don't know if I can really shelve out the money for it right now.
  11. 40-18-9 by Lebron tonight and the pressure was on tonight. Got Wade involved all game. I don't know if it was a must win but it was damn close. I hope the Pacers win, I hope that so hard but Lebron haters are just insane. I don't like the guy really but he gets so much shit and he has so much time left ahead of him. A little perspective : http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/pgl_finder.cgi?request=1&player=&match=game&year_min=&year_max=&age_min=0&age_max=99&team_id=&opp_id=&is_playoffs=Y&game_num_type=team&game_num_min=&game_num_max=&game_month=&game_location=&game_result=&is_starter=&is_active=&is_hof=&pos_is_g=Y&pos_is_gf=Y&pos_is_f=Y&pos_is_fg=Y&pos_is_fc=Y&pos_is_c=Y&pos_is_cf=Y&c1stat=pts&c1comp=gt&c1val=40&c2stat=trb&c2comp=gt&c2val=15&c3stat=ast&c3comp=gt&c3val=5&c4stat=fga&c4comp=lt&c4val=27&order_by=pts 5/6 were in overtime I believe.
  12. rocksta

    Diablo III

    I feel like a lot of those complaints are just due to the version your playing. To complain bout out the difficulty and item variety at that point is kind of silly,
  13. rocksta

    Diablo III

    I mean..how far in are you? It can get quite tough. Normal is a cakewalk but that's how it's designed to be. And are you talking about not being able to buy better stuff in the auction house or from vendors?
  14. Yah Sixers game was great last night. As for the lakers game..
  15. Don't worry you guys still have someone on your side... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bXk4F8Rmlo
  16. rocksta

    Diablo III

    I'm done normal >_>
  17. rocksta

    Diablo III

    Wonderrrful news.
  18. I thought I'd love the Clippers and they are entertaining but they definitely have some dislikable features. The obvious one being the softness some of the team has portrayed. Griffin falling everywhere, Paul(who I have so much respect for) is also quite the embellisher. Reggie Evans' little incident at midcourt. Coupled with that they whine for calls a lot, just take a look back a couple games to that stupid game with however many technical fouls.
  19. rocksta

    Diablo III

    Amazon may be doing a special, but Blizzard's store may be the easiest place to grab it. Also, mildly bummed that the special "fatality" scenes some creatures/bosses had were removed. If I gotta croak, I'd want it to at least be awesome Hate to double post too but where are you basing that second statement off of? I literally just watched a video of a boss picking up a character and biting him in half.
  20. rocksta

    Diablo III

    So who in the Americas is getting this anyway?
  21. rocksta

    Diablo III

    Yah you can buy it digitally and using the launcher you can also download the game client. From there you can install it at around something like 8am PST (I could be wrong going off memory) on the 14th so it is ready to go by midnight. You can't play till the 15th but if you want you can take care of all the installation beforehand.
  22. Mm I'm not lying I'm not saying it's free to buy it's free to play for the weekend.
  23. Speaking of free Tropico 4 is free for the weekend.
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