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Everything posted by MJB

  1. How is Tim Howard still on the pitch?! Even if the referee didn't see his spat with Costa, Howard then stuck his head into Azpilicueta just inches away from the official. I don't like Costa but nothing wrong with what he did, IMO, especially after Coleman has spent the last 20mins winding him up.
  2. I'd have taken Song at Utd. Great signing for West Ham.
  3. Villa are going to pay us £8m for Tom Cleverley?!
  4. Isn't Gibbs injured aswell? I mean, he usually is.
  5. Alonso and Kimi will remain at Ferrari for 2015, according to Marco Mattiacci.
  6. Wasn't Sirotkin confirmed by Sauber for 2014? Don't get me wrong, Max is driving beautifully in F3 and I'm sure he'll make it to F1 at some point but I'm just not convinced he'll be on the grid for Australia next year.
  7. Nothing else he could do really. Without signing any defenders, this is all we have. Lingard is a bit of a surprise but it's no more of a risk than anyone else would have been (ie. Cleverley). With Evans, Shaw, Rafael and Valencia all hopefully to come in at some point, it should get better. But even so, we really could do with another defender or two.
  8. MUFC: De Gea, Smalling, Jones, Blackett, Lingard, Young, Fletcher, Herrera, Mata, Rooney ©, Hernandez. Subs: Amos, James, M.Keane, Fellaini, Kagawa, Nani, Januzaj. The front five look good but the obvious concern is how the wing-backs get on in a competitive match.
  9. So, who's gonna finish where? I've got to be honest, I've found this really difficult this year. I can't see anyone other than City or Chelsea winning the league while I'd expect Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal to be fighting out for the CL places. Everton and Spurs should finish in the top eight without too much trouble but down at the bottom, I really could see any of about seven teams going down. Burnley have to be the favourites for the drop while I'm expecting Villa, Palace, West Brom and Swansea to give Leicester and QPR a chance to stay up. 1. Chelsea 2. Man City 3. Man Utd 4. Arsenal 5. Liverpool 6. Everton 7. Spurs 8. Newcastle 9. Stoke 10. West Ham 11. Hull 12. Sunderland 13. Southampton 14. QPR 15. Swansea 16. Leicester 17. Aston Villa 18. Crystal Palace 19. West Brom 20. Burnley
  10. Considering he wouldn't even be 18 by the time next season starts, I'd be amazed if he was racing in 2015.
  11. The Toro Rosso thing isn't confirmed yet and I wouldn't expect to see him on the F1 grid for a couple of years yet although I wouldn't be surprised to see him drive in a Young Drivers Test or something like that.
  12. There really are some strange keeper pairings this season. Navas/Lopez at Real Madrid, Bravo/Ter Stergen at Barca and now Neuer/Reina at Bayern. Three very good goalkeepers are going to be on the bench most weeks.
  13. While I'd like some CB's at United, Vermaelen doesn't count. Not bothered about him going to Barca. However, I'm not sure my heart can take a first choice back three of Smalling, Jones and Evans.
  14. The thing is, Nico didn't even try and force his way past. He didn't get within 0.8 secs of Hamilton and would have needed to be within half of that to make a move. At no point did Rosberg look as though he was close enough to pass. Yes, he cruised up behind Hamilton but had Lewis let him through, he would have lost vital time himself and Nico would have ended up increasing his championship lead. One of the two Mercedes drivers are going to win the World Championship and the team were incredibly stupid to ask Lewis to move over. I think it's also significant that neither Lowe or Wolff gave the order. They were still trying to apologise to Lewis after the problem on Saturday and didn't want to fuck him over again.
  15. Surely the biggest test for Liverpool is how they handle Europe? I truly believe that they were helped to 2nd last year because they only had the league to concentrate on. They had just the one game per week for a number of months, allowing them to play their first XI almost every week. They won't be able to do that this season, unless they are knocked out of everything else by February.
  16. Fabulous to see that podium. Ricciardo looked on for the win after the first safety car but he produced one good overtake on Alonso and a superb one on Lewis to grab the victory. Fully deserved. Great drive by Fernando aswell. Hands up who saw Lewis finishing ahead of Nico without Rosberg retiring? Nope, neither did I. Fantastic drive by Lewis. Especially as the car didn't have so much of an advantage compared to last week. I'm guessing the team order was to try and give Nico a chance to win the race but nobody can really blame Hamilton for needing to keep Nico behind. One of these two are going to be the WDC and so they need to fight like crazy for every single position. 11 points difference heading into the Summer Break and is the luck starting to tilt towards Hamilton? He's had more retirements and general car problems but the safety car came out at the wrong time for Nico today. It might be starting to even itself out. I can't split them at the moment, and it's almost certainly going to come down to double points at Abu Dhabi. I can't wait!
  17. At least it'll be fun to see how far Lewis can get through. He might just make the top five.
  18. Ospina and Szczesny at Arsenal? Forster and Boruc at Southampton? Lloris and Vorm at Spurs? Cech and Courtois at Chelsea? Four of those very good goalkeepers are going to find themselves on the bench a lot.
  19. Thank god. Now, we need two very good CB's and preferably one who could play LB if needed. But not Vermaelen
  20. He went from 9th to 2nd in Austria and 6th to 1st at Silverstone. However, 15th in Hockenheim could be a little too much for Lewis to make up. The podium looks unlikely so he just needs to get some decent points tomorrow and minimized the loss to Rosberg.
  21. There's been a rumour today that Adrian Sutil will be replaced by Giedo Van Der Garde for the German Grand Prix and the rest of 2014.
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