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Posts posted by Azazel

  1. just finished book 3. so all in the spoilers is about that. beware.

    last chance..

    what a book. it changed the entire scope of story. the show is gonna make me cry this season, i can feel it already. as already stated the red wedding was.. gut wrenching. I need to see someone smash the Freys into pieces. i don't even know WHO to like anymore. i'm not sure whose good anymore. i loved Stannis coming to save the day, but i can't get behind the Lord of Light yet. i love Beric and his lads, but again.. the Lord of Light makes me wary. Davos has been fantastic, and i'm so pleased Jon became lord commander and decided against burning the old gods. that would be horrible. Littlefinger and Lysa's treachery shocked me. so damn much. i didn't see it coming, at all. it's all his fucking fault, essentially. and then Cat at the end! i don't know if i like that.. i just, it's weird. but in a way it's good. i feel so sorry for the Stark family. Winter has come for them from the start, there's so many people that the Stark's need retribution against, but so few Starks left in a position to get. Sansa's gone from one hell to another. Arya's (i LOVED her scene with the Tickler, that was, man i could have cheered!) been lost for such a long time, and i kinda feel bad for the Hound. Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon are all separated and so young, but i feel like i need to see the Starks get the Lannisters, the Freys, Bolton, Greyjoys.. Tyrion's murder of Tywin shocked the shit out of me (and Tywin..) and oh my god, it was great but Tyrion is going to be hunted big time now and it again throws the kingdom into disarray. Jamie's treatment of Brienne gained him some brownie points, but he still needs to get his, for Ned. i was sad to see the Red Viper die, i so wanted him to live. he had such a small part, but he was brilliant. Jorah getting kicked away from Dany is interesting, especially considering the Old Bear's last words.. could be interesting, i also don't think he was the betrayal for love. he was working against her before love, so i think the guy she keeps eyeing up could end up betraying her too. Barristan going to her was something i expected, but i didn't expect it like that. there's probably loads more i want to say, but i've forgotten. gonna get started on the next book right away, though.

    Summers - No spoilers here, just a respose

    So much shit happens in book 3, I love it. As much as I am struggling to not say anything, I just need to say this...(if you haven't got there you won't get this, if you are done book 5 then you will pop)

    The North Remembers

  2. I would be inclined to think Benoit, Danielson and Regal are on par with Angle when it comes to chain wrestling.

    I also believe El Generico would be an A in ariel. Not only does he do some amazing high flying moves, he also knows how and when to use them to make them not just spectacular, but meaningful as well.

    Just my opinion.

  3. Here's a promotion we can add, http://www.apwvt.com/index2.html

    Almost if not all of the wrestlers are in the game.

    Edit: Another promotion: http://www.teampower....com/index.html

    A canadian promotion where most of the roster is already in the game.

    Edit 2: http://www.primewres....com/index2.php

    There's about 5-10 wrestlers that are not in the game as of right now.

    Edit 3: Most definitely this promotion: http://www.crossfirellc.vze.com/

    All the wrestlers here are in the game, except for maybe 2 or 3.

    Edit 4: Possibly this one: http://www.fightbrand.ca/

    According to a website, http://www.onefallwr...s-this-weekend/ the promotion features wrestlers such as “Canadian Crazyhorse” Michael Elgin, “Textbook” Tyson Dux, Ashley Sixx, Christopher Bishop, Lionel Knight, Nick Watts, “Pyscho” Mike Rollins, “Ronin” Josh Alexander, Ethan Page, Derek Wylde, Kenneth Crisses, Tyler Tirva and Rj City. Kobra Kai could also be added to that list as he appears on this banner for one of their events: https://sphotos-b.xx...631249281_n.jpg

    Edit 5: http://www.ftwprowre...g/FTW_HOME.html

    Almost the whole roster is missing from the game but it would be a nice addition to the game.

    Fight has only run 4 shows in total, so they might not be the best choice. However C*4 has basically the same roster and has been around for years. C*4 includes Kevin Steen, Frankie the Mobster, El Generico, Player Uno, Player Dos, Michael Elgin, Josh Alexander, Mike Rollins, Ethan Page, Christopher Bishop, Lionel Knight, Aeroform, Tyson Dux, Twiggy, Addy Starr, Michael Von Payton, Sabian, Sebastian Suave, Sexxxy Eddy, Mike Bailey. A few might have to be added, but not many.

  4. I've figured out a good chuck on this game in the past but haven't played for a while. The military went from easy to use but kind of useless to confusing as hell but useful. Unfortunately I could never properly figure it out.

    I always got overwhelmed with a ton of migrants and would lose my way, I liked it better when they would come a few at a time not like 20 off the bat, no time to prepare for all them. Is there a new version though? Maybe I'll try it again...

  5. Loved the passages where they all proclaimed Robb as King of the North. It was great in the show, but in the book it just felt epic and a real big moment.

    I also read about the theory discussed earlier..

    R+L=J. It's really interesting, definitely. Makes me wonder who knows and how it would be openly revealed. And of course then what it means to the landscape of Westeros if it is true and does come out.

    Major theory discussion thing!

    Howland Reed was with Eddard at the Tower of Joy. Since you are only about to start book 2 I'll stop there.

  6. Feel free to say no, I say you needed a replacement for Srar, I have been looking over Mafia's for the last week, looking to try it out. I'd be happy to replace Srar but I will say now I have never played before (just read a bunch). If you need a replacement I'll do it, but if you'd rather take someone with experience I understand and will wait for the next newb mafia sign up.

  7. Long story short and to avoid spoilers. A big difference between the books and the show is that in the books he can use vague descriptions to HINT at certain things that lets the reader create theories. In the show that is impossible to do.

    A non-real example would be this. In the book we hear that a character named Jim (not real) is executed by a Lannister Lord. Later in the book an unrelated character runs into someone who has a very similar description to Jim. Some people might thing nothing of it, some people might start the theorize that Jim is alive the Lord lied to the Lannisters because he is secretly a Stark supporter.

    The biggest example of major changes would be the House of the Undying. In the show its a character building moment for Daenerys, in the book it is a catalyst for many, many theories on the story.

  8. I'm still a little miffed by the lack of Ramsey and the Reed siblings not being included yet, but they are in next season so I guess that's okay.

    There are a few things I've realized that the show does that differs from my view on characters in the books, some characters I love/hate more based off the show. Bronn is probably my favorite character in the series, and in the show he is beyond fantastic. Although I don't like how they are trying to take the hate off of Cercei in the show and push it onto Joffrey, both as terrible people but Cercei is definitely the worse of the two.

    As for who Jon's mother is...

    There is a huge theory on this that I could get into but the show has had absolutely none of the flashbacks/prophecies so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to someone just watching the show, but I understand them cutting it out of the show because it would be hard to keep the mystery.

  9. I didn't like the last episode, it seemed like filler and nothing really happened. I don't know if we still need spoilers or not but...

    So what was with the zombie in the well? How in the hell did it get there? Either Hershel has a secret which is why he wants them to leave ASAP or they just needed to have a zombie in the episode.

    I find it crazy how little Carol is doing to find her own daughter? I don't think there is a mother in the world that wouldn't be out there all the time looking for her, despite the danger.

  10. Fuck Shane! In no way is what he did understandable or agreeable. I understand its more of a plot point than anything and Otis had to be likeable for it to work but I hope something really bad happens to Shane for that. I also disagree that its similar to Rick/Merle because Merle was safe and they were going to let him out when they had to but T-Dogg lost the key and they even went back for him, Shane straight up murdered Otis. I also disagree with Gogo, I don't think Daryl would have done that, he's done more selfless things for the group at this point, hell he risked his own life to save T-Dogg who he would have a reason to want dead.

    I also don't like the Sophia story, she's been gone a long time now and nobody seems to care anymore, I mean her mom is crying and Daryl is only looking for her because he can't stand the crying. But they are clearly telling us Carl is more important that Sophia.

    As it stands now, the only person I will be pissed to see killed is Daryl, I would have said Glenn and Dale but this season those characters are just blah although Herschel is quickly moving up this list. On the other hand, Lori, Shane and even Carol I wouldn't mind seeing die.

  11. I don't get why Shane had to have such a heart to heart with Rick about staying there so he can give blood to Carl... I mean if they need Rick to keep Carl alive why the hell does he want to leave so badly? Because he has to find Lori? He has to help Shane? If he does either, Carl would die...

    I found that pretty stupid.

  12. Okay, I actually like that they added the Dicksons, I think Daryl is a great character being the non sophisticated one that just wants to live and can help in a lot of ways and if they bring back Merle, it could be an exciting story that nobody will know how it will turn out.

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