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Everything posted by K

  1. Side quest mini spoiler. I have put nesting spoiler tags which get increasingly spoilery if you wanna avoid spoiler.s the first one just tells you which quest i'm talking about.
  2. Over one hundred koroks found, still no sign of hestu. (No spoilers please, I'll find that leafy prick)
  3. I have around 90 korok seeds and I still haven't found hestu. I'm almost, almost ready to ask for help.
  4. You need to be fusing weapons. All the weapons suck kind of on purpose. You need to defeat, say, a bobobkin, and then fuse his horn onto a weapon to defeat a stronger bobobkin, and so forth. You can sort your items by how much additional power they will give to your weapon by pressing y on your item menu The trap I fell into was only fusing weapons with environmental things, like rocks and whatever, but you need to think of it like how you craft food, and look at your held items. It's also tough if you're one of those players that hoards items 'just in case'. The game really wants you to make things
  5. In the sense that they are both giant towers yes, but they are different models with different attributes and you use them differently. That's not supposed to be sarcastic
  6. I will probably buy this but I dunno when i'm gonna play it what with TOTK having just come out
  7. That's what happened to my wife. She is waiting for me to find him so I can tell her where he went. The Rito Village quest line, and the journey to the quest, was really good. I just did a fun quest (Post camera spoiler) really good. I've also started figuring out what to do with some of the things... like the zonalite and whatever, and also the
  8. Koroks Edit: Obviously I'm avoiding hints and stuff for now
  9. I thought the whole point was to get them in the order you find them, and then work out the story from the fragments? Collecting them in a set order goes against the whole point of the open world adventure? Spoilers for after you get the camera and do the first camera mission
  10. found a super cool combat shrine today
  11. Zelda storyline spoilers for Rito Village Also I love the ability to attach stuff to arrows, but man scrolling horizontally through like 100 options to get to the one I need really removes some of the flow from a battle. I feel like instead of just having everything in a row [bomb flower] [fire flower] [bat wing] [different bat wing] [eyeball]....[different eye ball] [etc] They could have gone horizontally and vertically based on type [flowers] [enemy stuff] [food stuff] [crystals] [bomb flwr] [bat wing] [apple] [ruby] [fire flwr] [eye ball] [pumpkin] [sapphire] So scroll across to get to enemy stuff, then down to get to eye ball. I figure once I get a fighting style down, all the frequently used stuff will be at one end, eyeball, wing, bomb, fire fruit, but rn, i'm doing a lot of scrolling.
  12. Had a lot of fun in the Jirugamac shrine just now
  13. K


    Alex Horne has previously had a show called The Button, which was essentially family taskmaster, it was really good fun.
  14. Oh shit, how weird I was literally coming in here to talk about this shrine.
  15. In the last game there were statues in each town, but I don't know about totk. There is definitely one in the underground safe house that you went to when you first reached the surface though. That's probably more accessible than the sky one for you. It's the hole in the ground with the free beds next to the first sky tower you unlocked Edit: shit, i didn't refresh. Sorry gang.
  16. Enjoying TOTK. Did the same thing I did in BOTW and rush to get the towers open first thing, hate having the map missing areas. Been exclusively levelling up stamina so far. It makes some of the combat a little harder, but I'm spending so much time in the air it just makes sense at the moment. Haven't really done any quests or anything. Just walking around finding shrines and things.
  17. Finished the Rookie s05. That finale was nuts. Debating if I want to watch Rookie Feds. the backdoor pilot did less than nothing for me.
  18. im just finishing whatever the great plateau is called in this new game. it's been achingly slow so far, but i understand that it gets more interesting soon. Also all the shrines look like goatse and now you cant unsee it either.
  19. Oh absolutely, I've had that clip on repeat for most of the day
  20. and then it does the best cold open in history and i love it again
  21. Just got to a 'tenants take advantage of nice landlords' story. Like, come on.
  22. I know we shouldn't have guilty pleasures, because it's like gatekeeping yourself, and I agree with like bubblegum pop or whatever, just enjoy the music and don't worry about it, but... The Rookie is such a guilty pleasure for me, because I know it's just pro police propganda. It's awful. All the cops are these amazing do gooders who would never hurt a fly or whatever, and the few stories where there are bad police officers it's treated as if it's the craziest thing in the world. But the show is just so stupid and cheesy that I really enjoy it, and it makes me feel so guilty for supporting their propaganda. Brooklyn 99 did a whole 180 when people started turning on the police, but the Rookie just keeps going and ignoring it. Stupid charismatic nathan fillion.
  23. K

    Random Music Thoughts

    Been playing this playlist quite a lot. Quite a few I've never heard before. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX89XXHpIgTCJ?si=aw6X-MHiTn6tq5FOaBzPDw
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