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Everything posted by K

  1. ok good note, I will also revise my strategy --- Just throwing a quick recommendation for Mint Works if you can find it cheap. It's really small, put it in your bag. it's a fun little game. ten minute time killer. just a quick recommendation for Mint Works
  2. I looked up some UK versions of American shows and there's an english spin off of sesame street called The Furchester Hotel. With 104 episodes it might be one of the most successful non-quiz show UK remakes.
  3. Really looking forward to seeing Mike on taskmaster
  4. I would be incredibly surprised to find it better than the UK version. Just an incredibly warm and funny television series. I'll check out the US one though
  5. K

    Star Trek TV

    The fact that they have two penises was made canon in discovery
  6. Thinking about GTA3, that's a good example of collectables. It's explained to you what they are, they fit in with the games lore, you get tangible, useful and properly weighted rewards for collecting them, and they're not obtrusive
  7. I'm watching "No-one saw a thing" at the moment. No One Saw a Thing examines "an unsolved and mysterious death in the American Heartland and the effects of vigilantism in small town America. The case garnered international attention in the early 1980s after a resident, Ken Rex McElroy, was shot dead in front of almost 60 townspeople. These witnesses deny having seen anything, to this very day."[2]
  8. I don't mind collectables at all, I love collectables. but with this assassins creed game there's no story. you just land on the map and there are these icons for things to collect like, how does the player character know they're there? What the fuck is an animus fragment? Why are these treasure chests which contain like £8 so important that they're worth having icons on the map? what's the point of it? There's no reward or anything, there's no storyline to introduce them, it's all just so pointless and generic. it's really soured me on ever playing another AC game. Like, take Breath of the Wild and those fuckin korok seeds, there's a narrative reason for them. You're told why they're important, and the first 100 or so you get tangible rewards for collecting them. Then if you wanna get the last 800, that's on you, but there's no prompts or map icons or anything, if you ignore them after that point you'd never even know they were there. And even while you're collecting, there are puzzles to unlock them. But with AC treasure chests it's just like, walk to this treasure chest, open it, collect £8, walk to the next one, collect £9 and a necklace, but the necklace doesn't do anything so you just get the cash value of £25. What was the point of saying it was a necklace? I'm so mad at myself for having wasted the time doing it.
  9. So the timeline is January 2021 GCW hold Fight Forever event March 2021 AEW file trademark for Fight Forever April 2021 AEW announce the name is Fight Forever July 2021 GCW file trademark for Fight Forever Mar 2023 GCW file extension May 2023 the courts will decide? Pretty messy
  10. K


    I love kids
  11. K


    A Luther movie has just come out on Netflix. It's a continuation of the series.
  12. No I'm playing Rogue, so I just have to collect... Treasure chests Sea shanties Animus Fragments Templar Maps (And then whatever the hell the map leads to) Native Pillars Viking Swords Ipads in the overworld It suckkkks
  13. i'm playing an assassins creed game properly for the first time. And I just collected all 200 animus fragments and... nothing happened. I get a little letter, no different from the hundreds of other letters I've had to collect. Are you serious. fuckin bullshit man. The main thing that's pissing me off about this game is how much stuff their is to collect, but at least the first couple things gave me some pointless tat to trigger some dopamine release or something. But 200 shiny blue pieces of shit get me nothing. fuck man.
  14. K

    Star Trek TV

    I think that's fine. I think Discovery had some very good stuff but also made some very bad choices in places. Five seasons with a planned end date is pretty good going tbh.
  15. The UK one was also dead after two seasons. It's impossible to say because they don't tell you the secret rules obviously, but it's a lot of the same crew so i imagine so. The rule I hated in the UK version was the last episode, where the huntees all have to gather at the same location which is just out in the open or a major city or whatever making it really easy for the hunters
  16. The reason Son Of The Mask sucks is because it is not the real version of The Mask history even the original Jim Carrey movie was not a true version of the comic book mask which was made my Dark Horse Comics where it was more of a adult orientated horror comic than anything else as The Mask was a murder . The truth is when New Line movies bought the rights to it they planned a new horror movie series franchise as Freddy and Jason both owned by them were dieing out and they had already killed Freddy off by this point Here is a brief history on The TRUE Mask origins and you will see just how it differs from the kids movie The Mask is a mystic artefact which is capable of transforming the wearer into a crazed living cartoon type person . Originally from Africa, it was stolen and took to The USA to be sold Before this it was locked away and no human had put it on for many years possibly even hundreds of years Stanley Ipkiss was the first person in modern times to put the mask on bt he was a neurotic person He first found it lying in an antiques shop, and bought it as a present for his girlfriend Kathy. What he did not realise is that The Mask is able to sense evil in a person's heart, and called out to Stanley, and made him try it on. He tuned into The Mask and then killing spree where he took revenge on anybody who had ever hurt or pissed him off He was dubbed Big-Head my the media and public In the end Stanley managed to take Mask off. but then it took control of his girlfriend Kathy, who then murdered Stanley. Kathy also was able to take off the Mask, and gave it to police officer Lt. Kellaway for safe-keeping. She told him to never in no circumstances to put it on or let anybody else do so . But later he tried it on as a joke and became an crazed vigilante, he decided to destroy invulnerable mob killer Walter and other criminals In the end Mask drove him mad and it was only when he almost killed a good friend who got in his way that convinced him to give up wearing it. He buried under his basement. However the mobsters he had attacked hunted him down, and Kellaway tried to retrieve the Mask free off the cement floor. But was wounded before he could get it the Mask hen took over a nerd man who was only used by the mob as a driver, he then took over the entire local criminal underworld. However Kathy tracked him down, and tricked him into taking off the Mask, then she killed him. By the time this happened Walter had gotten out of prison by this point and in a new fight between the mobster and Kathy once again wearing Mask saw the loss of the Mask the presumed death of Walter. But sometime later the Mask was found once again, this time by 4 high school kids who shared it around between them. But Walter was not dead as thought and he to had returned looking for revenge After this it fell into the hands of an embittered comic book artist whose wife had been murdered by the mob, who went on a murderous rampage After this Dark Horse did crossover comics with it with other comic book makers most notably DC (Detective Comics) IT stared falling through the parallel dimensions finally ending up coming out the Vortex into Comic's Greatest World. The next wearer used it to hunt for his missing sister in New Orleans, The last real know wearer was no other than The Joker where he used it to try and did successfully defeat Batman After Joker lost it the Mask has continued to move from wearer to wearer, leaving chaos murder and destruction in it's wake I would say to anyone get the comics and see how The Mask should be
  17. I like the part where he goes like Sssssssssmokin.
  18. Started watching Hunted Australia, it's most of the same cops as the UK version, and the same concept, except the contestants have to stay within the state of Victoria, which is about the same size as Great Britain, but with only one city. My main thought is fuckin hell, stop taunting the hunters. Christ. One pair tagged the hunters on Instagram with their location and then when the hunters turned up shortly after they're like "holy shit, how did they know???" Fuck, you tagged them on insta you idiot. you did this. Then he's sat in a chair looking like he's gonna shit his pants in fear. My dude, you did this.
  19. Find your next binge-watch! - Rating Graph (ratingraph.com) The Simpsons - You can really see where the simpsons fell off around season 11 Community - You can see the Gas Leak Year standing out. Though to be honest I didn't find it as offensive as others do. Game of Thrones: I've never seen it, but the graph is pretty famous
  20. K

    Star Trek TV

    I think it's great, Star Trek is more than just one thing. People have this idea that all Star Trek needs to just be TNG over and over again, but Star Trek is just a place where you can set different kinds of stories. Strange New Worlds is your classic Sci Fi explorers, deep space nine was a war story, Lower Decks is an adult animated comedy, prodigy is a kids show, picard is a grizzly detective series, discovery is an anthology series. TOS was famously just a western in space. Star Trek is just an umbrella for all of it. Like you could feasibly have an ER style hospital soap opera set at star fleet medical, you could have a legal drama at the JAG office, you could have a espionage thriller at Section 31. Star Trek is just the place these stories happen.
  21. K

    Random Music Thoughts

    My friends and I made themed playlists for each other during the pandemic, and I made one of antipodean bands, new Zealand and Australia, which included these guys
  22. i would love to play fallout 4 again for the first time. I have like 600 hours in that game.
  23. K

    EWB Musicians

    Yes we did! It works perfectly for what she needs, which is connecting her devices to her laptop. We genuinely don't know enough about the scene to be able to say if it could be better at anything, but we're happy with the purchase.
  24. If you wanna be a completionist, you have to watch Better Luck Tomorrow, The Turbo Charged Prelude, and Los Bandoleros as well.
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