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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. This is truly awful news to wake up to. From the Dragon Ball franchise to Dr. Slump, Chrono Trigger, Blue Dragon and even the odd Dragon Quest game here and there his work has been a big part of my childhood and teenage years. I'm pretty sure that the first manga I bought was a Dragon Ball one. May he rest in peace. 

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  2. On 27/02/2024 at 23:27, Your Mom said:

    Has anyone played Alan Wake 2? Just wondering about something. It doesn't have any story spoilers but I'll put it in spoilers just to be safe

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    I enjoyed the start of the game where I was playing as Saga and trying to solve the murders and I thought it was really intriguing but I rescued Alan and now I'm playing as him trying to escape the Dark Place and I'm finding the stuff with getting the different story beats and having to switch between them kind of tedious. Is this like the rest of the game? Because I kinda hate it :( 



    The Alan Wake Dark Place stuff is about 50% of the game and you have to do it. You don't have to go back and forth between Alan and Saga though. You can decide freely in which order to play the chapters of the story. You can play all the Saga chapters first and save the Wake Dark Place chapters for later. But you eventually have to do them if you want to finish the game.


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  3. Here is this year's soundtrack, hand-picked by Post Malone as per the 2K website:

    • Post Malone - Chemical;
    • Post Malone - Laugh It Off;
    • 100 gecs - Hand Crushed By A Mallet;
    • Busta Rhymes - Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See;
    • Colter Wall - Motorcycle;
    • Grimes - Genesis;
    • Militarie Gun - Do It Faster;
    • Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - Big Rig;
    • Speed - Not That Nice;
    • Turnstile - Mystery;
    • Tyler Childers - House Fire;
    • Yeat - Bëttr 0ff.


    A very meh soundtrack as per usual. But usually, I just turn these songs off and have wrestler's themes play in the background. What sucks about that is that most themes fade out after about a minute.


  4. One of guys in Sleep Token got doxxed. Someone apparently shared his damn birth certificate online. As a response, the member in question has deleted his social media pages and the band has wiped their Instagram page and their bio now reads "Nothing lasts forever".


    This is especially strange given that these guys' identities have already been revealed about a year ago by someone who looked at the songwriting credits and some social media posts.

  5. Helloween have Perfect Gentleman from 1994 about this narcissistic dude who thinks that he is the modern day Casanova. Then in 2010 they released the song Who Is Mr. Madman which is about the same guy and how he ended up in a mental hospital.

    And I guess Keeper Of The Seven Keys and King For A 1000 Years are related. Keeper Of The Seven Keys is about a hero going on a quest to throw the 7 keys into the 7 seas to banish the devil. In King For A 1000 Years, we learn that the location of the 7th sea which shelters the 7th key has been revealed to the devil and he is now trying to persuade someone to be his "terrestrial hand" and presumably find the key to free him from his banishment. In return, that person will become "King For A 1000 Years" and rule alongside the devil.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Maxx said:

    I think they just move on from the character entirely.

    The fact that they could probably pull that off without much trouble just goes to show how much the producers of the MCU have lost the plot and what a directionless mess the MCU has become. In the early phases it always felt like they were building toward something. Like they had an end goal in mind. But past Endgame it feels like they are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Hell, soon it will be 5 years since Endgame arrived in cinemas and they just started teasing at rebuilding the Avengers.

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  7. I always got a kick out of the talk radio stations featuring Lazlow. But since the actual Lazlow left Rockstar back in 2020, those are a thing of the past. Would have been fun to have him return as the host of V-Rock complaining about having to play stuff like Imagine Dragons.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Hobo said:

    Todd in the Shadows is probably the only "big" name from those times I still watch on YouTube who remains mostly unchanged but he was never an "angry reviewer".

    He may not have been swearing like a sailor like the AVGN or doing annoying high-pitched screaming like Doug Walker, but there was still a log of "angry reviewer" energy in his early videos and you can tell that he was trying to appeal to the Channel Awesome crowd. He raised his voice a lot and was way more vicious about the music he didn't like and the artists who recorded it back then. He has come a long way since then.

  9. Talk about everything Remedy Entertainment in here. The Control and Alan Wake games take place in the same world. Quantum Break doesn't because the IP is owned by Microsoft and neither do the Max Payne games as that IP is currently owned by Rockstar.

    I'm kinda disappointed with the ending of Alan Wake II. I have to agree with Yahtzee' take on it (Spoilers for Alan Wake 1 & 2 as well as Control incoming:


    In the end, absolutely nothing is resolved. I know that they like to keep things vague with their endings with a lot of loose ends to be tied up in future DLC or games. But with the original game, we at least knew that Alan's plan succeeded and Alice was freed from the Dark Place. And with Control, we saw Jesse shut down the slide projector and cleanses her brother from the Hiss. Whereas Alan Wake II ends on a cliffhanger. They could have at least told me whether Alan and Saga managed to re-write reality to save Saga's kid. know that there are two story DLCs coming in the future in which they will probably tie up some of these loose ends. It is still frustrating that they just left us hanging after waiting 13 years for this game. It is an awesome game otherwise.


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