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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. Is that really such a big issue? Is someone going to start complaining that the game's "unfinished" and not worth the money because it doesn't have a god-awful John Cena rap track on it?

    It's not an issue. It just beffudles me. You get Cena to record two songs with Wiz to promote the game and they don't even make it onto the game? Then why record them? Do they really thing people are gonna turn up en masse to buy the OST CD because of these songs?

  2. So the game is actually good? For real? After the giant disappointments that were the ME3 ending and DA2 as a whole I kinda swore to myself that I wasn't gonna buy any EA/BioWare games. But you make it seem like it is a genuinely good game. Now I am considering getting it. So do you think someone like me who loved DA: Origins and hated DA2 would like the game?

  3. After hearing all the songs about 3721847421 times already I realized I haven't heard Cena yet. Did his songs not make it in or something?

    I am curious about that as well. There are like what, 10 songs? And the Cena/Wiz song is nowhere to be found. Not that it bothers me. The soundtrack of this game sucks ass (apart from that Avenged Sevenfold Metallica rip-off which I enjoy) and I've turned it off by now. Why the fuck can't they just play the wrestler's theme songs in the menu anymore? What was wrong with that?

  4. The CAW limitations are tough to work around. I've accepted that I won't be able to get people just right so settling for close approximations for my own use rather than sharing around. Even fairly straight forward ones are hard. The aforementioned Dave Mastiff was hard to body morph into a human cannonball and the lack of a long beard and body hair meant even his simple form I just couldn't get it to look like him.

    I'm sure with time people will find a way of working around them but I just can't get around the reduced options at the moment. It probably explains why most of the creations online aren't that good and why there seems to be more random CAWs then actual wrestlers so far.

    To be fair they aren't all bad. I'm playing on PS4 and there is a pretty sweet looking Scott Hall/Razor Ramon Caw. As long as you don't zoom in on his face. In the pic they used for his face texture he is smirking so the mouth texture doesn't line up with the actual mouth of the caw and his trademark lock is part of the texture as well since they removed the Hall haircut. But he is nevertheless the best Scott Hall Caw I've ever seen.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks that Rusevs character model is horrible? His armes are too big and his chest and stomach is way to tiny. Was this supposed to look this way?

    And the CaS mode is a joke. That texture thing can't make up for the restrictions when it comes to face and body morphing as well as all the clothing, designs and accessoires that aren't there anymore.

    And this chain wrestling feature has to be the most anoying game play mechanic in a wrestling game ever. So glad that you can turn it off.

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