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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. Also, why did Tony NOT take out the Hulkbuster armor during the final fight? You have this armor, made to combat The Hulk (one of the strongest beings in the universe), and during a battle with a global AI with practically unlimited resources, it never occurs "Maybe I should take that out again..."

    The same reason he decided not to use his army of AI-controlled Iron Man suits until the very end of Iron Man 3 instead of when the Mandarin was trying to kill him and his girlfriend with a small fleet of helicopter gunships I guess...

  2. Who else is there now to protect Cersai? Tywin, who was the main reason people respected and feared the house Lannister and who managed to win a war without winning a battle, is dead. Cersei's uncle who is now in charge of Casterly Rock hates her. Jamie and Bronn are in Dorne. Her loyal enforcer was sent away to the iron islands. By arming the Sparrows and giving them free reign to imprison and do god knows what to whomever they see fit which lead to Margaery's brothers arrest she managed to piss of the last remaining ally. Her son, the king, is totally whipped by Margaery. Most of the common folk hate her. The Greyjoy's have taken over the north and are plotting with Little Finger to overthrow her. Stannis The Mannis has managed to raise an army with the single purpose to overthrow her and is backed by the iron bank who withdrew their support of the Lannister rule. Then there are Oberyn's lover and their daughters who want her dead. Also there is a much more immediate threat in the form of the aforementioned Sparrows who are going to turn on her as soon as they find out (if they don't know already) about her incestual relationship with her brother and King Tommen's and Joffrey's true origin. The only ones I can think of who are loyal to her are her Maester and whatever Gregor Clegane has become. I'd be disappointed if she doesn't kick the bucket this season.

    • Like 1
  3. Am I the only one who enjoyed Ultron having personality and not being a cold-hearted machine à la Skynet? That was my biggest fear after watching the trailer. I love what James Spader did to the character and greatly enjoyed all of Ultron's interactions with the other characters in the movie.

    I'll agree with you though when it comes to him not simply killing the arms dealer and taking the vibranium from him. I suppose they needed to set up that character somehow but that scene made no sense.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm just watching the newest episode of Grey's Anathomy and Dempsey really must've pissed Shonda off. What I expected was a 2 hour special of everyone looking back at Derek and how he influenced them and all that kind of stuff since he pretty much was the male lead of the show. But this episode (I'm about 2/3 through it) isn't much about him at all.

  5. RE: Greys.

    Eh, half of those characters were shit.

    Also, thank fuck Derek is dead, if only they'd kill of Meredith now and I could 100% enjoy the show.

    100% agreed

    I can't stand these two and their relationship anymore. It was entertaining for the first two seasons but it got booring fast and the fact that Shonda Rhimes was hellbent on finding contrived ways for them to break up only to have them reconcile was sooooo annoying. Like the way she split them up at the mid-season break for the current season when Derek left for Washington. There was no good explanation as to why they split up again other than Meredith being a neurotic, childish c*nt. Remember that speech you have Derrek in Season 2 or 3 where you told him to "pick me, love me" or whatever the hell that was? Guess what? He had the choice of working on that fancy brain mapping project with the Oresident in Washington or staying with you and HE CHOOSE YOU! He did exactely what you wanted him to do! And you are mad at him anyway. I get that her childhood was traumatic and her best friend left her. But she could have literally the prefect life but always finds some way to make herself miserable. Why is Derek still putting up with her shit anyway?

    So I was kinda happy to see that when the show returned from it's break Derek and Meredith's "problems" were somewhat put on the back burner to give the other characters a chance to shine. Now whether that was due to them realising how stupid that storyline was or, according to Shonda, Dempsey being a diva is anyone's guess.

    So yeah, I'm happy he's gone. His character was stale and I can't think of anything interesting for him to do that doesn't involve splitting up with Meredith which they never would have gone through with anyway so good riddance.

    I really wish she would get fired and have somebody come in and hit the reset button and pull a Dallas at the point where George died. That's the Grey's Anatomy I miss.

    This. I just HATE the way they treated George. Of all the interns in Season 1 he was the only one who wasn't a narcissistic asshole. He was the only one normal. So of course he had to be the butt of their jokes most of the time. They just couldn't have O'Malley be lucky for once. I was soooo happy when he finally got over Meredith and fell in love with Callie but they had to ruin that too with that horrible storyline involving him cheating on Callie with Izzy. Other than her looks what are Izzy Stevens redeemable traits? Katherine Heigl may be a diva but she was right to criticize that creative descision. And they had one last chance at redeeming themselves by having George get together with Little Grey but they screwed that up as well. Then he became a background character for whatever reason because they apparently had no idea what to do with him over than make him look like a fool and then they killed him. But they had to. Because who needs more George when instead we could have Meredith and Derek break up and make up for the 10th because Meredith is an idiot? Of course he had to be cut.

    I don't even know why I keep watching this.

  6. Really hate the ridiculous backlash this game is getting because it lacks the same features as BF2. Its a brand new game, built for a brand new generation of consoles, created by an entirely different company. Be realistic, they have to set up a foundation to build upon, every game can't have every feature ever. Some of the complaints are valid sure, but come on, the BF2 came out 10 years ago, this isn't exactly a Madden situation where you could be pissed about them not having features they had 10 years ago, because they put out a new version every year.

    If they want us to treat this like a new game and not compare it to BF 1 & 2 and get mad about the features that will not be included in this new iteration then they shoudln't have called it "Battlefront"! It is as easy as that. If you brand your game with the name of an existing franchise that fans of said franchise hold very dear and then tell us that certain features won't be in the game or that we have to pay extra to get them of course fans will get pissed and rightfully so!

  7. Why not? I haven't read past "A Clash of Kings" because I decided I wasn't going to read the books until the show finished but I read about Lady Stoneheart because some of you complained when the actress that played Catelyn Stark announced that she wasn't coming back for Season 4. From that point on I expected them to go in that direction and I see no reason why Sansa shouldn't grow as a character and with help of either Littlefinger or the rest of the north take on that role. In fact if it happens I'm looking forward to it because it would finally make her character interesting.

    Again, why do the Marterlls need another reason to plot against the Lannisters than the murder of Elia and her children? Why isn't that enough? Seemed to be enough for Oberyin.

    No one is asking for what their motivation is. The Martells have no plot now. That is the problem.

    Who says they have no plot? Have you ever considered that the writers of the show may create some completely new elements? It seems to me that I'm the only one here who trusts the writers of the show to write a good story.

  8. One thing I don't understand about the leaks, given I haven't watched the episodes and don't know if there has been an explanation, is how Sansa is even allowed to marry Ramsey, if that is the plan?

    By now the whole realm must know that Tyrion escaped, and since he therefore isn't dead, is still married to Sansa.

    Who is going to oppose the wedding now that Tywin is dead? The Lannisters have enough problems on their hands as it is. Things are kinda falling apart at King's Landing. I doubt that those in charge really give a damn what happens to Sansa. And with Varys and his birds gone do they even know where she is?

    Sansa replacing Jeyne makes no sense. It's essentially Littlefinger revealing his hand to everyone. There's no way in hell he'd hand Sansa over to Roose Bolton and especially not have her marry Ramsey who's a known psychopath. Sansa is the key to the North, and the Bolton's will have Stannis' full force of Wildlings coming down upon them. It's completely out of character for Littlefinger.

    Brienne look like a complete moron, she's not even supposed to be aware that Sansa and Arya are alive, yet she's met them both by chance and lost them pretty easily. Varys looks like an idiot too, his only plan was based off Daenarys coming to rule yet he sat back when she was married to Khal Drogo and had Robert Baratheon wanting her dead. Backing Young Griff makes sense because he was under the radar, raised and protected by Jon Connington.

    Also what's Doran Martell's motivation for secretly plotting against the Lannisters now that I assume Quentyn isn't a thing? His whole plan centred around marrying Arianne to Viserys and then Quentyn to Daenarys before uprising. What's his motivation for inaction now?


    1.I'm pretty sure they'll come up with some kind of scheme that explaines why Littlefinger have Sansa away to the Boltons. I'll trust them on that.

    2. Okay, you have a point there. Brienne looks rather silly.

    3. I think we've established that Varys' top proprity is the welll being of the realm. We've also established that he is never going to put the realm over his own well being. In his own words he isn't a hero. If he acted against King Robert's orders and supported Dany Robert would've killed him for treason. Also I think he wasn't entirely against Dany marrying Khal Drogo and there is no way he could've forseen his untimely death.

    4. I don't know what that means. Does he really need more motivation to plot against the Lannisters other than the murder Elia and her children? The Martells seem to be very vindictive so shouldn't that be motivation enough?

  9. Episode 1-4 spoilers:

    I fucking hate the deviation for the books for Brienne and Sansa. It made Brienne look like a total moron that she just went ahead and asked Sansa whether she could protect her, it almost feels like they haven't made her learn anything from everything she's encountered so far. And her not even mentioning to Sansa "Hey, by the way, your sister's alive" is a missed opportunity for some fun plotting from Littlefinger there, I think. And I honestly cannot see Sansa saying yes to marrying Ramsay, she'd never do that after what happened to Robb. Unless... I can't remember if she knows that Littlefinger betrayed Ned or not. If so then maybe I can sort of believe that due to prior behavior.

    Varys, after being one of the most bad ass characters in this series, looked like a bumbling fool in Volantis. He barely said anything of note on the road, and when he got to Volantis, what exactly was the reason he lost sight of Tyrion? What was he distracted by in a brothel, considering he's never given two fucks about stuff like that. The exit shot of him looking like "Er, where did you go, Tyrion? Er..." sucked so much, it took away so much of his coolness.

    I also don't really believe that Jaime would kill Tyrion for killing Tywin, it totally goes against everything that his relationship with both of those were. Just wasn't a fan of that.

    And they better not fucking kill Grey Worm, damn it. Grey Worm saving Barristan at the end was so awesome.

    Besides that, I think I'm okay with all the changes, and love the way it's progressing. The stuff with the Sparrows and the High Sparrows was total fun, as was the Sons of the Harpy stuff. The Tommen / Margaery / Cersei stuff is so much fun too, and I love the Wall stuff now. It used to be the most boring part of the show (except for Bran of course). By the way is Bran not appearing in season 5 at all? I miss me some Hodor.

    The only person who knew about Littlefinger's plotting in King's Landing was Lysa Arryn. And she went flying. So no, Sansa doesn't know that Littlefinger betrayed Ned. And she is sorta coming around to Littlefinger and slowly starts to trust him. I can see that she would follow his orders and marry Ramsey.

    And what was Varys supposed to do? Follow Tyrion outside and watch him take a piss? He couldn't have anticipated that Jorah was in the same location as he was. But then again he has his birds everywhere so maybe you have a point.

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  10. -Ehh, I don't think you have to worry about Danni kicking the bucket any time soon. I consider her one of the three 'untouchables' along with Tyrion and Arya. If/when Danni dies, it'll be in the final season/book, in Westeros.

    Honestly, as much as I like her, I'd be really disappointed if she doesn't kick the bucket very soon. She sent her most loyal adviser and friend away, the other one as well as the leader of her army just got murdered, two of her dragons rot in the dungeons (from which they'll sooner or later emerge and they'll not be happy) while the other one doesn't accept her as his mother anymore and went AWOL. The slaves she was so adamant about freeing will turn against her as they won't accept her Mandella-like policies of forgivness towards the Nobles and Masters and the Nobles and Masters never liked her much anyway. The entirety of Slaver's Bay want her dead. The only "friend" she has left would probably kill her to save his own skin. She still as the unsullied but if Slave's Bay will turn their forces against her, will that be enough?

  11. Eurgh, I hate doing it but I'm going to have to watch the leaked episodes, I've already had one thing spoiled for me :(

    That's exactly the reason why I watched all 4 episodes. I'd be totally pissed if something was spoiled for me....

    Although, here are my thoughts on the four:

    -Tyrion will make Danni not so shit, I think. And Tyrion is still amazing.

    -Why the fuck did Barristan and Grey Worm have to die? They were fucking amazing :( But they went out like badasses. Although, one thing...the Unsullied were supposed to be this unstoppable killing machine, and yet, here they are, being stopped by a bunch of fucking thugs in gold masks. She should have opened the arena!

    -Margery is playing with fire by taunting Cersi, and it's already bit her in the ass once

    -The Sparrows....holy shit, they are scary! JUst walking in and straight up murdering bitches. Tommen (Tommel? I can't remember his name exactly) is gonna have his hands full...don't think this kid is gonna make it as king.

    -Jon Snow, Lord Commander :D Although, I still secretly hope that he takes Stannis' offer and becomes Jon Stark!

    -Sansa x Ramsey....that poor girl. Betrothed to one psycho, and now to another. I'm worried for her well being.

    -Aria is becoming faceless! Although, I think her hiding her sword instead of tossing it away is going to create a problem.

    -The ladies of Dorne who are gonna avenge Obyren are fucking badass and I love them

    -Jamie and Braun are my second favorite tag team. They are the best

    -Pod and Breinne! My favorite team! They are gonna save the fuck outta Sansa :D

    -Where the fuck is Gendry?

    -I don't think Tyrion will be thre in time to help Danni. What I think will happen (and if it happens it is going to be one of the most heart breaking moments ever) is that Jorah is too late, Danni gets murdered and he finds her head on a spike or her body nailed to a waysign or something like that. I dread that day.

    -I had the same thought. But on the other hand the Unsullied were heavily outnumbered and even though they lost they took a lot of Sons of The Harpys with them. I put this in the same category as the Mountain/Oberyn fight in which I found it very strange that Oberyn couldn't just quickly role away when the Mountin sweeped him off his feet.

    -But again Cersei isn't thinking things through. If that episode has thought us anything it is that the sparrows aren't just harmless monks and preachers. If they find out about her and Jamie there is a real possibility that they'll turn against her. And with Jamie gone who will be there to pledge their lifes for her? It's a shame. She has potential to be as skilful a politician as Tyrion but she is nowhere near as smart and untouchable as she thinks she is and her spitefulness always gets the best of her.

    -I hope Jon Snow doesn't take Stannis offer. I don't want him anywhere near Melisandre. I think he'll become a good lord commander and if he is smart he'll get Thorn on his side.

    -I don't think Ramsey will harm Sansa. At least for the time being. Right now I'm more concerned about Ramsey's girlfriend. I think we have another Lysa-situation on our hands.

    -Usually I'd love Oberin's daughters as well. But unfortunately their plan included the murder of an innocent child. So In this case I hope Jamie Lannister gets to Myrcella before they do. All the other Lannisters are fair game.

    -Gendry is probably still rowing. Rowing once around the globe. By the time he gets back I reckon he'll have arms like the Ultimate Warrior in his prime.

  12. Saul's ark kinda mirrors Walther White's ark, doesn't it?

    Like Walter when he was offered financial support by Elliott and Gretchen Schwartz he could've done the right thing and quit his "evil ways" (although I think Walter would've been set for life if sought out their help whereas Saul still has several years of work ahead of him before becoming partner while not earning as much as he would've with Hamlin) but they didn't because he was good at and enjoyed being "Slippin Jimmy" (just like Walter liked and was good at being Heisenberg as he admited himself when talking to his wife one last time), he wanted to prove that he could suceed on his own without anyone's help (like Walter) and (even more so than Walter) he is creedy.

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  13. Since they are saved to harddrive, they should be infinite, and only limited by how much space you have available on your system.

    Sony and Microsoft both require that games fit under a specific size.

    I agree though. If I want to fill my hard drive with stuff just for WWE, I should have that option. But that isn't an issue with 2K or the game. That's an issue with the companies that make the consoles.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know that. So it is the same kind of problem like mp3 support.

  14. So this version of the game feels like a real improvement. What do you think the next game needs to be even better?

    I'm honestly disappointed. To me it seems like for every step forward they took in terms of gameplay and grafics they took two steps back in regard to everything else. And I get that this is mostly due to them having to build the next-gen version from scratch and that the pressure from WWE to release a new game every year doesn't really allow them to work on the game for as long as they want to or add as many features as they want to. But I'm still disappointed.

    -Despite the scanning technology they use some models look off. And I'm not talking about the legends and other people they couldn't scan. I'm talking about people like Rusev whose upper torso seems way too small amongst others. I don't really know how they could change that through.

    -The chain wrestling needs to be reworked. It is new and fun for the first 2 or 3 matches you play but after a while it just gets repetitive and I turned it off. It is a good idea but it needs to be more dynamic

    -A new lightning engine. That always bothered me. If I want to douse the arena in red light for the entrance of my created superstar I want it to actually be doused in red light including reflection effects and everything . It seems like no matter how you set the lightning for the entrances it doesn't really matter since outside of a few expections (like Undertaker, Warrior and Wyatt entrance) it never looks right.

    -reworked weapon's physics and gameplay

    -more details outside the ring to make everything seem more realistic (like cameramen or a time keeper) if the computing capacity of the consoles allow for it. This is a very minor complaint although it really would help with the atmosphere

    -completely reworked Create a Superstar mode. This was honestly what disappointed me the most about the game. It was was absoluite shit this year. The CaS was always the strong suit for the Smackdown/SmackDownVsRaw/WWE game series that other game series (apart from maybe WrestleMania 2000 and No Mercy) were not fit to hold a candle to and added tons of replay value to the game. They ruined it this time. Even the face scan system couldn't hide the fact that this year's CaS was very limited and all the caws look samey. Although I loved that we are finally able to edit the attire of the roster. Maybe add the abillity for me to change beards and hair cuts and add face-paint although I know that would be a lot of work.

    -More than 25 Cas Slots. What the fuck where they thinking here? Or if that isn't possible for whatever reasons make it so that an alternate attire doesn't take up one entire CaS slot.

    -More match types. I don't need any new ones. Just bring back the ones they cut for no reason and in some instances are in the game in other modes but not in exhibition mode. And I want them to not declare them as new features.

    -The abillity to add my own costume music to the game. I get that this isn't their fault as it is the current-gen consoles themselves that can't read mp3s but I hope they get that sorted out for WWE 2k16

    -Bring back all the other creative modes they cut/weren't able to implement into the game. And I want them to not declare them as new features

    -more generic entrance animations, legend animations and animations of former WWE superstars in the create an entrance mode. Or at least make it possible to create our own animations by using the taunts.

    -rework the career mode and add more storylines that don't only play out on Twitter, more interactions with other superstars the abillity to not only play as a CaS and no retirement after I won the WWE Championship. Make it more interesting. Another huge disappointment this year.

    -I know we already discussed this and I get that it is easier and cheaper to use superstars you already own the license for in showcase mode instead of contacting wrestler and negotiating deals with them but I want them not to have as many duplicates for the showcase mode and the DLCs next year. I would love for them to treat the showcase as away to add legends into the game. And if your promotional material tells me I'll get access to a certain wresler (even just as a manager) I want access to that damn wrestler!

    -re-worked match engines. It bothers me that after more than 15 years a ladder matche for example still playes more or less the same than it did in the PSX games

    -more counter animations and more than one option to counter the move. For example when my opponent wants to powerbomb me than I want to be able to counter that move into a back-body-drop when gets me into the starting position. And when he lifts me up being able to counter with a Hurricanerana or a Kidman's face crusher as a crusierweight or simply force him to fall backwards as a heavyweight.

    -when I'm done creating a wrestler, moveset, entrance etc. I don't want to be automatically thrown back to the main menu. I know this isn't really a big problem but it gets REALLY annoying after a while.

    I know the list is unrealistic, it is impossible to implement it all and some of these things have plagued the SmackDown/SmackDownVsRAW/WWE2K Series for years but no one said that a whish list needs to be realistic. If I would have to pick one thing to be the priority for WWE 2k16 I would have to choose between a better Career mode and a better CaS mode.

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