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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. After the finale of this episode I wish that someone would leak the last 3 Episodes right know. Because I want to know how the Trial of Margaery and Cersei and I just know that they'll save the conclusion of it for the last episode.

    I'm also happy that Stannis has finally caught on to why Melisandre wanted to bring his daughter along. I do hope that he turns against her and I could do without his wife as well.

    And someone has to get Sam and Gilly out of Castle Black ASAP. They have Jon's direwolf for now but that won't help them when Alliser Thorne turns the Night's Watch against Jon (which I think will happen one way or another). And when that happens who do you think will be his first victims in Jon's absence?

    Furthermore I'm curious as to how Dany is going to deal with Jorah and Tyrion.

    Lastly Ramsay's death can not come soon enough.

  2. Germany gets last place for the first time since what, 60 years? That is amazing :D Other than that I have not much more to say than I already did. Boring contest with a lot of run-of-the-mill songs and nothing that really stood out (other than maybe the finnish Punk Rock guys). Meh.

  3. Did anyone else notice that Bronn got cut in the fight. That's him dead right?

    That is my guess as well. Even if he doesn't die it has to mean something. They wouldn't have gone out of their way to show is how he got cut if it didn't. He was cut by a spear and Oberyn "killed" the Mountain with a poisoned spear. The sandsnakes are his daughters and supposed to be deadly assasins (although the fight scene didn't reflect that) so I assume they use poisoned blades as well.

    In my mind? He's totes dead. Which is sucky :(

    I think his days are numbered as well.

  4. Did anyone else notice that Bronn got cut in the fight. That's him dead right?

    That is my guess as well. Even if he doesn't die it has to mean something. They wouldn't have gone out of their way to show is how he got cut if it didn't. He was cut by a spear and Oberyn "killed" the Mountain with a poisoned spear. The sandsnakes are his daughters and supposed to be deadly assasins (although the fight scene didn't reflect that) so I assume they use poisoned blades as well.

  5. Spiritual Beggars. They're the side project of Arch Enemy's Michael Amott and they have 8 albums under their belt. They play a mix of Stonter Rock/Metal with hard rock and doom elements. I'd recomend you check out their albums "Ad Astra" and "On Fire"

    Angel Of Betrayal videos:

    Grand Magus
    Doom Metal with Heavy Metal and Hard Rock influences (especially on their later material). Their leadsinger and guitarist also was a member of Spiritual Beggars for a while.


  6. Suckerpunch is one I enjoy as well.

    There is also a lot of early Michael Bay stuff (Bad Boys 1 + 2, Armageddon, The Rock) and both Mortal Kombat movies. And the first three Pirates Of The Carrebian movies. Also Leathel Weapon IV and Rambo II and III. And Rocky IV.

  7. Cersei is jealous of Margaery's influence over Tommen and the fact that Cersei is no longer the Queen, having been replaced by a younger, prettier, more popular Queen. Also her default mode to anyone who isn't a Lannister is comtemptible hatred anyway.

    This. I don't get the "Cersai is mean to the Tyrells for no reason" argument. I think for her character it makes perfect sense to act the way she does at lest the way they portrayed her on the show this far. Yes, her reasons to wage war against the Tyrells are petty and someone like Tywinn would've scolded her for acting like she does. But they did establish her as a spiteful, jealous and most importantly shortsighted character from the very beginning. Only back then Tywinn was still around to scold her and rectify the mistakes she made. Now he is dead and she still is none the wiser.

    What really bothered me about the episode was what happened in Dorne. What the hell was that? Did they really think that going into the gardens in broad daylight, when there probably are more guards around than usual because Doran knows that Elaria and the sandsnakes are up to something, and just run away with the Lannister girl would work? I get that Jamie is a man of action who is sometimes prone to act impulsively but even he isn't stupid enough to think this plan would possibly work. And even if he were that heady I think Bronn would set him straight. And the sandsnakes are supposed to be nearly as dangerous as Oberyin himself yet here they just come off as impetuous teenagers (which I suppose they are but when they introduced them they presented them as trained killing machines). And what was up with that fight? This is by far the worst fight scene they ever did. It looked sooo amateurish. Like something out of these old Hercules or Xena shows or Mystic Knights if anyone besides me remembers that. It was badly choreographed and made everyone involved look bad. Especially the sandsnakes.

    That was the only episode I didn't enjoy so far purely based on the scene in Dorne.

  8. I strongly dislike the term "guilty pleasure". Why would I feel guilty about something I enjoy watching? Because someone else might ridicule me for liking it? That isn't to say that I don't acknowledge that a movie I enjoy has flaws. I enjoyed watching a good amount of movies that were poorly received by critics and audiences alike and I can see why they are perceived that way and a lot of the time I agree with them. But I can still appreciate them on some level and I never felt guilty for doing so.

    I think the only time I ever felt guilty of enjoying something was when I was about 7, 8 or 9 years old and I was really big into Sailor Moon. In hindsight that is of course totally ridiculous. My way of thinking back than was that Sailor Moon was something "for girls" and since I was a boy I wasn't supposed to enjoy it. I was afraid that my friends would make fun of me and call me names for enjoying something that was "for girls". So everytime a friend came over I would hide the comics, actionfigures and everything else I had that was in any way related to Sailor Moon. I would even tell my parents (who didn't think that it was a big deal) not to mention it to anyone. I honestly can't remember if they ever found out. I want to say they did and when that happened they called me a stupid name like once and never brought it up again. But I'm not sure.

    As for movies I enjoy that others deem bad and even I see the flaws in:

    Batman Returns

    I get it. It's not a good Batman movie. It is a mess of a movie in general. Burton had free reign to do whatever he wanted in this movie and it shows that he wasn't really interested in making another Batman movie. But I still enjoy this. Nowadays I find myself going back to this movie a lot more than to the original Batman movie. I just enjoy how completely over the top everything is (Penguins with freakin' rocket launchers strapped to their bag) and the creepy mood Burton manages to convey. And I absolutely ADORE Danny Devito's portrayl of the Penguin. Another thing that amazes me is that Christopher Walken is in this movie and he is not the weirdest element of it. I always thought that this was the exact kind of movie where he could just cut himself loose and be as crazy as possible but I find his performance in this movie to be oddly restrained.

    Batman Forever & Batman And Robin

    Batman Forever is the first Batman movie I saw as a kid and I still have a soft spot for it. I used to be obsessed by this movie when I was a kid, going around quoting both The Riddler and The Joker. I realize the flaws in it but I still enjoy it today. Batman & Robin is a "it's so bad it's good" type of movie. I mean how could you not love Arnie spouting Ice Puns?

    Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. It's my ultimate guilty pleasure and I love it.

    Is that the one with Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman? If so I do love that movie as well. I certainly enjoyed it much more as the dull Ridley Scott movie with Russell Crowe.

    There are also a lot of Tony Scott movies that people seem to dislike but I enjoy a lot. Especially from his later years. Mostly everything he did with Denzel Washington. I'm not ashamed to abmit that Tony Scott is probably one of my favorite directors.

    The Godfather III

    Let me start this off by saying that I don't care that much about Godfather II. The story of Michael Corleone who on the one hand loved his family but at the same time tried to distance himself from them and their "business" as much as possible and even went so far as to join the army during World War 2 but who ended up becoming what he always feared he might become was over when the first film ended. I don't really care about what happens to him after that. I don't need to see him crash & brun. Especially not his relationship. It was already very fragile at the end of part one and that it would eventually fall apart was a foregone conclusion for me. I didn't need to see it happen. I also hated the setting of the "modern day" part of the movie. Remember that Italian guy who tried to get the american orchestra to play an Italian pece of music but they play a american song instead and he gets all mad? I'm much like that guy. I don't care about Cuba or Vegas and wherever else they are in that movie. I want to go back to New York! I basically wanted more of part 1. I realize this is childish and the movie probably would've been much worse if they simply rehashed the first one with Michael in the role of his dad. But I simply didn't enjoy what part 2 was giving me. I did enjoy the flashback parts of the movie. It should've been purely a prequel.

    As for Godfather III I enjoyed the idea that Michael regained his conscience at an old age, tried to make up for his horrible mistake only to realize that no matter how hard he tries to escape his past, it will always follow him. I know that the movie had many flaws but I still happened to enjoy it more than part III. The scene at the end where Michael breaks down after his daughter dies is especially painful to watch. I hated that they muted the sound during that scene.

    Alien III

    I can understand why people dislike it but I enjoy the depressing mood of the movie.

    Indiana Jonea And The Temple Of The Crystal Skull

    Maybe it is because I never watched the Indiana Jones movies until I was into my 20s and because of that the movies aren't as sacred to me as the Star Wars franchise which I loved since I was about 8 or 9 but I don't think it is as bad as people make it out to be. Not as good as the original 3 but nowhere near as bad the Star Wars prequels.

    Red Dragon

    Most people seem to be of the opinion that "Silence Of The Lambs" and maybe "Manhunter" are the only movies worth watching in the Hannibal Lecter franchise. I think Red Dragon is worth watching two. I'm to this day impressed that Brett Ratner of all people was able to make such a good movie. The fact that screenwriter Ted Tally, who wrote the script for "Silence..." returned did help matters. Cinematographer Dante Spinotti deserves credid as well.

    Jason Statham movies

    I have a man crush on Jason Statham. I think he can even the most ridiculous movies he stars in worth watching.

  9. If you like Blaze Bayle I recommend you check out his solo stuff. Very enjoyable music.

    Having said that, King of Metal was kind of... well, bad.

    Agreed on "King Of Metal". That was a strange album. Especially coming after a great album like "Promise & Terror". I mainly blame that Thomas Zwijsen guy for it.

  10. I enjoyed everything they did up until including "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son". "No Prayer..." was weak. "Fear Of The Dark" was a tad bit better and gave is the title-track which is as good as anything they did during their golden age with Bruce. The Bruce left and Blaze joined. "X-Factor" is awesome and a return to form for the band. "Virtual" IX not so much. A terrible album. "Brave New World" was a decent comeback and left me hungry for more. Then came "Dance Of Death" and I was very disappointed. Then came "AMOLAD" and I decided to stop caring about what they do.

    If you like Blaze Bayle I recommend you check out his solo stuff. Very enjoyable music.

  11. Brave New World was a good comeback but everything after that has been terribly uninspired and long-drawn-out drivel and I doubt that will change with the new album.

    I think A Matter of Life and Death is the best album they ever did.

    Wow. How different perceptions of music can be. For me AMOLAD has to be the worst post-reunion Maiden album. I mean what were they thinking? I mean even Final Frontier had "The Alchemist" which was a kinda enjoyable song while AMOLAD is a stinker from beginning to end. It's Maiden trying to be "progressive" at their absolute worst.

    My favourite is Powerslave. Followed by Number Of The Beast and the self-titeled debut album. I never understood the hype about "Somewhere Back In Time" and "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son" albums. They're not bad by any means. Really good actually but a lot of fans seems to consider them the best thing the band has done peroid which I can't agree with.

  12. I'm happy that Dickinson has beaten cancer but I stopped caring about Maiden a long time ago. Brave New World was a good comeback but everything after that has been terribly uninspired and long-drawn-out drivel and I doubt that will change with the new album.

  13. Anyone else watch House of Cards? Just watched the 1st episode of the second season and

    Holy Fuck. Holy fucking fuck. Frank takes literally no shit from anyone.

    It continues to get worse. I really need to watch Season 3. Kevin Spacy is amazing in that role.

    Very very very very VERY vague spoilers

    Just as a warning and without spoiling too much:

    They slow down the pace in Season 3 and make it less about the intrigues and scandals but more about the characters. So if that is why you liked the show you might end up being a tad bit disappointed. I know I was. Spacey is still amazing as Frank though.

  14. Honestly that little clip was enough for me when I thought it was real. Spidey should be introduced in something silly like that

    Also both Captain America and Thor have been introduced in after-credit scense that didn't really have anything to do with the movie that preceded them. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't do the same with Spidey.

    AoU credits scene needed more Howard The Duck. That's The Avenger I want!

    Didn't he make a brief cameo in the collection of The Collector in Guardians Of The Galaxy?

  15. Oh there's an actual trailer. The title says "sneak peak" though, so I'll put it in spoilers just in case.


    Also fuuuuuuck me I can't wait for June 4th!

    There are some elements in there from the Hannibal Rising book/movie. I hope they keep that to a bare minimum because I really dislike that one. They tried to turn Hannibal into some kind of cannibalistic anti-hero-samurai in that one. Total bullshit. But on the other hand they also took elements from the book/movie "Hannibal", which is just minimally better than "Hannibal Rising", and turned them into something great last season so I'll give the the benefit of the doubt. I can't wait for this to return.

    I'm especially looking forward to how they decide to portray Francis Dolarhyde. Casting Richard Armitage in that role is definitely an interesting choice. I think Ralph Fiennes did a good job of portraying him in "Red Dragon". Okay, he doesn't fit the bull physically but he managed to capture the character from the books much better than Tom Noonan did in "Manhunter" who came across much more like your typical slasher-movie killer. But to be fair to Noonan it didn't help that they streamlined his character, cut out nearly his entire backstory and changed whatever was left.

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