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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. I'd much rather have something like the Warrior DLC where I play the biggest matches of the career of a superstar than those contemporary storylines. For me it is much more fun to play with the legends than re-playing two storylines i didn't particularly care for even when they were happening. I really hope that they use the Showcase mode as a way to give us legends instead of them taking away roster spots for the current guys. And even if they do contemporary stuff could they at least choose two storylines that don't have that much duplicates?

  2. "Showcase" was never designed to be an excuse to give you more wrestlers, though, it was a means to play through old stories. It makes far more sense to focus on people who are actually relevant. The Warrior one is a fun concept, but how many people - apart from me - were really crying out for General Adnan to be in a game in 2015?

    1. The Ultimate Warrior is the most interesting Showcase of the bunch

    2. If that is the case couldn't they pick something more interesting than One More Match or Hall Of Pain?

  3. It has been confirmed that the "Hall Of Pain" showcase will be released on February 17th. It will include another Mark Henry, another Big Show, another Sheamus, another Daniel Bryan, another Randy Orton as well as the Usos, The Great Kahli, Ryback and Kane. We'll also get another SmackDown 2011 Arena as well as the Vengeance 2011 arena and WrestleMania 29. So the only good thing about this is that the new Kane will be bald so we'll finally be able to create Corporate kane. I was half expecting them to throw another Alberto Del Rio in just for shits and giggles. What the fuck 2K? The showcase could've been a great way to get more legends into the game but instead you give us duplicates on top of duplicates.

  4. Axxis - Touch the Rainbow

    Early Axxis is a good one. Rainbow usually works for me too. Especially their AOR phase with Graham Bonnet and Joe Lynn Turner.


    Wait, now there's another person on the planet that knows Axxis?! Let alone likes their music? What the hell - now I'm not kvlt anymore!

    Yeah. I discovered them when they were on Tour with Helloween in 07/08. I have to say I enjoy their later material from their power metal phase more than their earlier stuff. My favourite album is probably "Doom Of Destiny". Especially everytime when the male and female singers have a screaming battle to determine who can hit the highest notes.

  5. Axxis - Touch the Rainbow


    Early Axxis is a good one. Rainbow usually works for me too. Especially their AOR phase with Graham Bonnet and Joe Lynn Turner.

    I Surrender


    Since You've Been Gone (Russ Ballard Cover)


  6. Apart from the Ultimate Warrior one I'm disappointed with their choices for the showcase dlcs anyway. I was wishing for more retro stuff and instead we get storylines that aren't even 5 years old. There is so much fun to be had with the showcase mode but they waste it on something so mundane as Christian and Henry.

  7. I just downloaded the "One More Match" showcase. Did they really have to add a second 2011 Version of Alberto Del Rio? Why couldn't they simply use the one they made for the Punk Showcase? The fact that we have 3 almost identical looking Del Rios is ridiculous.

    • Like 2
  8. I didn't really like the way they handeled Gordon in the last episode though.

    In the second last episode Gordon finally came around to the fact that he can't beat Gotham's Underworld and the corrupt cops with his boyscout-lonewolf attitude and has to "play their game" to some extend to beat them and the character was a lot more fun because of it. Especially when the fought that electrician guy. I was looking forward to how this "new" Gordon and Bullock would interact and I was hoping to get some fun back and forth between them. This episode he is back to being a sourpuss again which kinda sucks. He still plays their game by asking the Penguion for help (how creepy and uncomfortable was that scene in the bar with his mom and the chat he had with Gordon? Penguin is by far my favorite character on the show!) but he is much more reserved about it than he was last show when he asked Boss Maroni for help. And that scene at the end when the corrupt cop begs him to leave his family out of the situation just puts the final nail in the coffin of jaded Gordon. I know that this scene was bound to happen in one way or another at some point but why couldn't they just give us a few more weeks of fun Gordon?

    And how come Zsasz, who is supposed to be the best hitman Falcone has in this universe, can't hit Fish Mooney and her bodyguard even though they're just like 2 meters in front of them hidden behind a bench? No wonder people don't take Falcone seriously with a lousy hitman like that.

    And can we please get rid of Bruce and Selina? They're both so annoying and especially Selina's "I'm from the streets" shtick is so fake. The only time I ever really enjoyed these two is when they where allowed to be kids when Selina stays at Wayne Manor. Why can't they just write them out by sending them to a boarding school? And then have Alfred fight crime together with Bullock and Gordon. That would be a fun pairing.

  9. They've said there may be more games set in the Mass Effect universe, but won't be about Shepard. Doesn't mean they can't do games about the other characters, does it?

    I suppose they could if they wanted to. But I doubt it. BioWare Action RPGs these days usually are about bilding your own character and seing how the descision you make affect the world around you depending on how you play said character. I don't think playin gpreexisting characters fits that concept. I'd wager the closest we will get to seeing Shepard's crew is either if they make cameos or if they'll do a spin-off series.

  10. Apart from what Quom already suggested I'd try to give other people that are close to her (other friends or family) a heads-up about the situation if you haven't already done so and if they don't already know about it.

    As far as music goes some Euro Power Metal always picks me up when I'm in a bad mood. Stuff like "Spirit Never Die" and "Keeps Me Burning", by Masterplan, "Carry On" by Angra, Heaven Can Wait" by Gamma Ray, "Power" or "Just A Little Sign" by Helloween, "Riding The Eagle" or "Under The Radar" by Primal Fear, "Riding The Storm" by Running Wild, "Eagleheart", "Hunting High And Low" or "Black Diamond" by Stratovarius, "HammerFall", "The Dragon Lies Bleeding", "Heading The Call" or "Hector's Hymn" by HammerFall, "My Queen Of Winter" or Dawn Of Solace" by Cain's Offering, "Down To The Devil", "We Don't Need A Hero", "Return To The Tribe", or "All The Clowns" by Edguy, "Lost In Space", "Wastelands", "Reach Out For The Light", or "Where Clock Hands Freeze" by Avantasia, "Blank File" or "San Sebastian" by Sonata Arctica. That kind of stuff. Although I realize it is incredibly cheesy and not everyone's cup of coffee. It helps me though.

    • Like 2
  11. There's far too many shows based around "oh, this guy notices stuff people don't but he's not Sherlock Holmes honestly he's not."

    That is indeed very annoying. The exception to this trope would be House because the producers of the show were up front with the concept and admitted early on that they were basicly doing "what if Sherlock Holmes was a doctor" and because Hugh Laurie as House is awesome.

    In action films when it looks like the hero has won and then somehow he hasn't quite and everything is extended by another 20 minutes of pointlessness.

    Django Unchained kinda did this for me.

    It wasn't pointless (he had to rescue Broomhilda and avenge Schultz) but the movie really dragged by that point and I think it would've been better if the resolved everything during the shoot-out in which Schultz got killed.

  12. I did, I recruited him, then made him a Warden, then had him make the big sacrifice. Why sacrifice myself or Alistair when he can do something to redeem himself?

    You don't have to sacrifice anyone if you make the deal with Morrigan and let her have the demigod baby. That is what I always do.

    • Like 1
  13. That's the thing about Dragon Age that's always bugged me, there's no downside to having people in your party or as an agent. Most of your party members are optional, but why wouldn't I get them? Incentivizing not recruiting people would go a long way in making the choices feel like they carry weight.

    As for easiest dragon, I personally had the least amount of trouble with the one in Crestwood.

    Spoiler for Dragon Age Origins:

    There actually is a decision in the first one that does exactly this. You can't recruit Loghain without losing Alistair, you have to decide between the two.

    But does anyone even want to recruit Loghain? I played through the game several times and I always end up killing the piece of shit (or I let Alistair do the job).

  14. Yeah, it looked to me like he died, but afterwards I still seem to have the option of giving her the Snowy Wyvern heart. Maybe that's why I couldn't find the Snowy Wyvern and the quest is just glitched or something.

    The game can be glitchy as hell sometines. Do you ever get the glitch which doesn't allow you to switch between party members? Or when you can't level up because the game didn't really pause in the background when you pushed the start (I know it is called "options" button on PS4 but it will always be the start button for me goddamnit!) button and instead of selecting the ability you want to learn you can only cast spells?

  15. I decided to do Vivienne's quest (significant spoilers for this)...

    ... I initially lied and gave her a fake, hoping that whatever her problem was would be worsened by me being an asshole back to her, since she's always one to me... then I saw that it's her husband dying

    :( So I've decided to do it properly, only problem is that I cannot find the stupid snowy whatever to kill it. I ran around the area for a good ten minutes yesterday. Anyone know exactly where it appears?

    When I did the quest the snowy whatever was located in the same area where the dragon on that map is.

    ...And if I was you I might still give her the wrong heart as she gets over the death of her husband pretty quickly.

    That's weird, I went there and only saw the dragon. Do you have to kill the dragon first?

    I gave her the wrong heart but it still gives the option to give her the real thing afterwards, can you give her a fake one twice or something?

    Nope. I killed the Snowy Whatshisface before the dragon. I assume the thing spawns randomly in the marked area than.

    And I thought her husband died once you give her the wrong heart? I saved before I gave it to her and I was under the impression he died.

  16. I decided to do Vivienne's quest (significant spoilers for this)...

    ... I initially lied and gave her a fake, hoping that whatever her problem was would be worsened by me being an asshole back to her, since she's always one to me... then I saw that it's her husband dying

    :( So I've decided to do it properly, only problem is that I cannot find the stupid snowy whatever to kill it. I ran around the area for a good ten minutes yesterday. Anyone know exactly where it appears?

    When I did the quest the snowy whatever was located in the same area where the dragon on that map is.

    ...And if I was you I might still give her the wrong heart as she gets over the death of her husband pretty quickly.

    • Like 1
  17. Yeah, the finale was relatively lackluster. Especially the way that Korra "defeated" Kuvira. She already is a pretty weak bad guy compared to the other three. I like that they made Korra reason with her instead of going super sayin like in the other finales but the way she surrendered in less than a minute was totally out of charackter for her. Especially after they established that she was even willing to take her lover's life to accomplish her goals. An her motivation? Mommy and Daddy issues? Seriously That is the best you have to offer?

    But the last few minutes completely makes up for everything that came before. It takes balls to do what they did (any everyone who claims that they are "just friends" is being purposefully dense) and I'm happy they did it.

  18. Every year people complain that they need to overhaul the game. Now they've finally done it and those same people still aren't happy. I think gameplay is the best it's ever been personally.

    I wouldn't really call what they've done an 'overhaul'. To me it plays preeeeeeeety much the same as it has done for the last few years. Yeah, there's a couple nice new animations and the stamina system is quite good (emphasis on the 'quite', it's a long way off from being perfect but it's a start) but it plays very much like it did last year as far as I'm concerned.

    Exactly. They slowed the pacing down making it feel less arcade-y and more like a simulation, it finally feels like there is impact behind punches and kicks, they introduced the stamina system (which is great) as well as the chain wrestling (which I feel is unnecessary and breaks the flow of the game which is why I turned it off). But to call that an "overhaul" would be highly exaggerated. The WWE games have always pretty much played the same (with a few new tweaks in every iteration of the game to keep it fresh).

  19. Is it the same morphing system that's in NBA 2k15? 'Cause that ish got old fast.

    Dunno what NBA is like, but it's a simple x/y system. Can't morph depth, head shape, or even make necks wide enough to make a guy like Goldberg :s

    The CAW mode is definitely my biggest disappointment of this game. It's just terrible. I guess the new importing face textures feature was supposed to make up for the limitations of the morphing but most of the caws simply look like shit. Couple that with all the clothing, hairstyles ect. they didn't include as well as the lack of costum music (Although we can't blame them for the limitations of the next gen consoles) and generic entrances and you have a truly disappointing creation suite.

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