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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. It's strong language to say "I won't buy it because ___" isn't in the game. But anyone like that.. I really don't think they would've bought the game on release anyways. I mean, they shouldn't either way. You play as that worker once and then what?

    Actually I would've pre-ordered it and bought it on release day with Season pass and all.. Like I did with the last one. But people not buying the game beause the 4 Horsewomen are a small minority anyway so it probably won't effect their bottom line.

  2. I'm now caught up with the show (I totally forgot that it returned a couple weeks ago) and so far I have mixed feelings. A lot of stuff I liked mixed with a lot of stuff that left me scratching my head.

    One thing that disappointed me in the most recent episode was that they killed off Jerome Valeska. I really thought they were trying to create their own version of the Joker. And the actor who played him wasn't half-bad. They missed an opportunity here. And what the hell was that last scene supposed to imply? Are they really telling me that these people all had simultaneous psychotic breaks just from watching him? That was bullshit.

    Also do they really want us to beleive that Gotham City doesn't have a Swat Team that could've defused the situation at it was really up to 2 man and a child to clear a room with armed hostage takers?

    And I still can't stand the actress playing Barbara Gordon.

    • Like 1
  3. Well, maybe I'm the only one who finds it ethically dubious to go to the CEO of a company to offer him a chance to spin a response to a report that there are problems in his company. Again, no one goes to the head of BP and asks them to put out a piece about how great oil is when there's an oil spill. But hey, maybe I'm wrong, maybe Chris Roberts is a great guy, totally straight shooter, those whistleblowers who said bad things about his company are a bunch of terrible gamergoober misogynists or whatever. Who is to say?

    In your opinion, what should Kotaku have done differently to be more ethical in that article?

  4. Yeah, the statement reads like they wanted them in and tried to fight for it but couldn't get them in for reasons beyond their control. Which leads me to beleive that WWE for whatever reason doesn't want them to be included. I mean what else could it be if 2k isn't responsible?

  5. I'm wondering if it's because the Divas don't wrestle properly so WWE don't want them featured. 2K might not be willing to just recycle the men's animations (or WWE might not want them to) since women look different when wrestling to the men (take more strides to clear the ring, timing is slower, moves generally look different). It's about the only reason I can see for one party not to want them in the game.

    And they only realized that now? Not in any of the 16 games that came before that? If that was the problem why wouldn't they just take the Divas out all together? Why be so specific as to only exclude the NXT Divas?


    It's probably some licensing bullshit if they can't talk about it. That's the only thing that starts to make sense for me.

    But what kind of problem would that be? I strongly assume that every WWE contract these days includes a clause that allows the WWE to use the likeness for merch such as video games. And if that's not the case the publisher deals with the wrestler's directly. At least I think that's what happened when they wanted to include the Ultimate Warrior in the game because I don't think he had a contract with the WWE yet when that game came out. I could be talking out of my ass though. So at least theoretically there shouldn't be a problem in that regard. So what else could it be? I'm honestly asking because I have no idea what else playes into the decision to include someone or not other than having the license and WWE's approval.


  6. I just wonder why they aren't in. The statement make it sound like it is a matter beyond their control. My first guess would be that for some reason WWE doesn't want them to be included, But that doesn't make any sense at all.

  7. Is Monk worth giving a shot? I've read mixed things about it.

    Depends on whether you're into Monks OCD- and phobia-feuled antics. Because that is the main draw of the show. The police procedural part isn't really worth talking about and mostly played for laughs. The kind of stuff you'd see on shows like "Murder She Wrote", "Colubmo" or "The Rockford Files". Don't expect anything like "Law & Order" or something like that. It really just serves as a vehicle to get Monk into awkward situations that he, his assistant and occasionally his friends in he police have maneuver their way out of. I personally think that Tony Schalub did a great job with the character and he never once annoyed me. But I've heard from a few relatives that they can't stand him.

    Overall it's a fun show to watch every now and then when I catch it but nothing I would binge-watch.


    is it weird that i don't mind monk's antics at all but absolutely hate sheldon cooper

    There is a difference between Sheldon Cooper and Monk. While Monk has his OCDs and Phobias he generally is a nice person who at least tries to cater to his friend's needs. Even if he fails there is an effort there. He is never simply an asshole to anybody and even if he becomes hard to deal with you know he doesn't do it on purpose.

    Sheldon on the has just become a complete antosocial cunt over the course of the show (if you compare him now to how he was in the first season you'll find that he has become much worse) whose unabillity to empathize with the people around him borders on sociopathy. There were so many times on the show where I would've punched him square in the face.

  8. It's nothing wrong with her. What bothers most of us is that she was included in the main game, despite being relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things in NXT, whille people like Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte or Sasha Banks who have accomplished much more are DLC.

    Edit: Pizza was faster than me.


    We get that. We all get that. It is a cashgrab! Something that for all intents and purposes should've been part of the main game that has been made DLC because they know people will buy it because of the current popularity of the Divas Revolution. That is why we don't like it! We know that this is how game developers and publishers operate these days but it sucks! It shouldn't be that way.

    Edit: Baddar was faster than me this time.

    No you apparently don't get what I was saying, because you JUST made it clear that the other girls have "done more" and therefore deserve to be there more. The "oh, stuff shouldn't be DLC" is an entirely different train of thought that I disagree with but can at least understand.

    Nowhere did I imply that they were cut because of how the WWE or 2K or anyone thinks lowly of them. And neither did anyone else here (at least it didn't register with me as such). I know this is a purely monetary motivated descision probably on the part of the publisher. I only used the comparison to explain to you why many people are so frustrated by said descision. Maybe I should've made myself cleared in that regard.

  9. We get that. We all get that. It is a cashgrab! Something that for all intents and purposes should've been part of the main game that has been made DLC because they know people will buy it because of the current popularity of the Divas Revolution. That is why we don't like it! We know that this is how game developers and publishers operate these days but it sucks! It shouldn't be that way.

    Edit: Baddar was faster than me this time.

    • Like 1
  10. It's nothing wrong with her. What bothers most of us is that she was included in the main game, despite being relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things in NXT, whille people like Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte or Sasha Banks who have accomplished much more are DLC.

    Edit: Pizza was faster than me.

    • Like 1
  11. As far as the NXT Divas go, it wasn't the cut off or them being a low priority or anything, Alexa Bliss made the game. The more important NXT Divas were without a doubt held back for DLC. I hate holding stuff like that back for DLC as a business practice, but that line was crossed a long time ago. I hope the DLC sells well, I want WWE to see them as marketable. 

    I get that this is unfortunately the way the video game industrie works now. And when I look at games like the new Deus Ex I realize it could be much, much worse. Still doesn't mean I have to like it or support it by buying the game.

  12. Bayley and the rest will for sure be first DLC pack.

    They probably will. Still doesn't suck any less that a rather important part of NXT is cut out of the main game to be sold as DLC for no good reason. The NXT women's division has been an integral part of the NXT product well before the cut-off date (which still appears to be around WrestleMania) and although they hadn't yet debuted on the main TV shows by that point in time I don't see why they couldn't be included yet as part of the NXT roster the the same as the male wrestlers.

    Let's just hope that at least all the DLC will be part of the Season Pass this year.

    • Like 1
  13. Just looked at the screenshots. Steve Austin will have different attires and not just the one in the character picture. His ECW attire with the long, blonde hair does look weird though.

    Judging by those screenshots we will also get the ECW Arena and some vintage early 90s WCW arena.

  14. So I suppose the inclusion of Superstar Steve Austin, 90s-WCW-era-steamboad and Mikey Whipreck means that his encounters with those will play out in a combination of video and cutscenes instead of just video. nice.

    But I'm disappointed that neither Bailey nor the Divas Revolution made it it. They'll probably be DLC though. Still disappointing. Didn't they brag about moving the cut-off date a month or two back last year?


    Edit: here is a list of the superstars that were revealed:

    • American Bad Ass Undertaker
    • Baron Corbin
    • Big E
    • Bray Wyatt
    • Brian Pillman
    • Colin Cassady
    • Enzo Amore
    • Jey Uso
    • Jimmy Uso
    • Kofi Kingston
    • Konnor
    • Mark Henry (Retro)
    • Mikey Whipwreck
    • Ministry Undertaker
    • Ricky Steamboat
    • Rusev
    • Savio Vega
    • Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
    • Sting '99
    • Sting (Surfer)
    • Stunning Steve Austin
    • Viktor
    • Xavier Woods
  15. Is Monk worth giving a shot? I've read mixed things about it.

    Depends on whether you're into Monks OCD- and phobia-feuled antics. Because that is the main draw of the show. The police procedural part isn't really worth talking about and mostly played for laughs. The kind of stuff you'd see on shows like "Murder She Wrote", "Colubmo" or "The Rockford Files". Don't expect anything like "Law & Order" or something like that. It really just serves as a vehicle to get Monk into awkward situations that he, his assistant and occasionally his friends in he police have maneuver their way out of. I personally think that Tony Schalub did a great job with the character and he never once annoyed me. But I've heard from a few relatives that they can't stand him.

    Overall it's a fun show to watch every now and then when I catch it but nothing I would binge-watch.


  16. I'm still worried about the CaS mode. They haven't showed us all that much. Having the abillity to color hair, put jpgs on faces and having the choice of different fabrics options for your clothes is nice but these features don't make up for the limited body and facemorphing options. I just hate to have another game where all the caws kinda look the same.

  17. If you subtract the superstars that were revealed today from the unrevealed spots on the official WWE 2K Roster page you have 24 slots left. I really hope that the NXT Divas make it in the game.

  18. Hannibal finale...


    Hidden Content

    I'm with you on the finale. It really didn't feel as satisfying as I hoped it would be. It also felt rushed at times. I think this finale would've benefited from a longer run-time to set everything up better. And about the final few scenes:


    I don't view it as a cliff hanger. They're dead. Even with Hannibal being the ultimate bad ass in this series how are they going to survive that fall? And even if they do the heavy swell would've smashed them against the rocks. The only downside to this theory is that the scene with Bedelia in the end makes no sense because I don't think Bedelia could've amputated and prepared her leg on her own.

    I also thing the finale doesn't do Armitage's Red Dragon justice. They disposed of him to quickly. But as mentioned above, everything in this episodes feels like it happens too fast.

    And they never followed up on the murders from the very first episode that was supposed to be Dolarhyde according to Bryan Fuller. I've waited for them to bring that up but they never did.

    • Like 1
  19. According to several interview with Bryan Fuller he said that producer Martha de Laurentiis is still lokking into a number of possibilities to continue the show including a Kickstarter campaign to finance a future film. I like the idea of a future film based on this incarnation of Hannibal and for fans like me it would probably be great. But if this happens I'll already feel sad for the people who haven't seen the show and will watch this movie because they liked the other movies. They'll have no idea what's going on. There will be tons of exposition. But he calls the odds of a movie or a fourth season happening "less than 50/50, and not in our favor,".

    Despite this he still wants to adapt "Silence Of The Lambs" in his own Hannibal universe if his efforts to negotiate with MGM concerning the adaptation rights are fruitful and if he finds someone who would finance the project. He things that his adaptation of the novel could take the form of a mini-series on the Starz network where his new show "American Gods" will soon debut. He is even dream-casting the thing. He wants Pishing Daisies Lee Pace to place Jame Gumb aka Buffalo Bill and he either wants Ellen Page or an actress of color as Clarice Starling.



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