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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. So, about that Hannibal finale...That surely was underwhelming...Maybe the gut-wrechner that was the season 2 finale spoilt me in that regard but I expected much more from this. Yes, I know they probably thought they were going to do another season when they wrote and filmed it but even if you view this episode as a simple season finale instead of a series finale it still is weak compared to the season 1 and especially the season 2 finale. I hope that someone picks this show or they get to make a movie so that we'll get a proper ending to this epic story.

  2.  Well it could be worse...


    God that game was horrible. I never understood why they went in that direction after releasing Mayhem. Mayhem may not have've been perfect but after the horrible Nitro and Thunder games it was a major step into the right direction and solid fundation to expand upon. So why then go and create the worst licensed wrestling game ever?

  3. I doubt Owen will be in if only because Martha would've said something about it by now. I know they are doing the DVD but she isn't happy about that and I'm not sure the legal standpoint on using his likeness in a video game without her permission.

    If they're legally doing the DVD without her premission what would stop them from using his likeness in a video game?

    I'm not supporting what they're doing mind you. I'm just saying if they're legally allowed to do the one why wouldn't they do the other?

  4. The penultimate Episode of Hannibal is in the bag! And what an awesome one it was!


    I really have to give kudos to Richard Armitage for his performance. He is killing it every week. The best Dolarhyde by far (and that comes from someone who considers Ralph Fiennes performance of the character a very good one). I mean that scene where he bites of Dr Chilton's lips:o! I mean Jesus fucking Christ that was scary! That really made me gringe which is something that doesn't happen often to me.

    It was a nice twist to have Chilton be the one kidnaped by Dolarhyde instead of Lounds. We already saw her "burn" in Season 2 and doing it for real here would've been repetitive. And that scene where Chilton is set on fire. Seeing him with that expression of pure panic on his face being engulfed by flames in slow motion was so painful to watch. I kinda wish it happened to Bedelia instead...

    And earlier when Graham put his hands on Chilton's shoulder it was the first time I really belevied that he did it either subconsciously or deliberately. Neither Edward Norton nor William Peterson ever managed to sell me that Will Graham could actually become a serial killer himself. No matter what they did I never felt that they're dangerous. I was never scared of them. I am scared of Hugh Dancy's Hannibal because I have no idea what he might be able or willing to do.


  5. Latest Hannibal Episode

    I think this is the first time they deviated from the Red Dragon story from the books and the movies based on it in a major way. And I like what they did. In the book and movies the attack on Graham's family by Dolarhyde doesn't happen until the very end of the book. Hannibal does give Dolarhyde their adress midway through the story (they threw in a nice reference to how that happened in this episode with Hannibal quipping about love letters on toilet papers) but Will and the police manage to get them out of danger before Dolarhyde can strike. I like this version more because it ups the stakes and gives will even more motivation to catch Dolarhyde. I can't wait to see how this plays out over the next episode.

    And it seems like Hannibal's prison cell is really that luxurious and he isn't just imagining it. I don't think I like that. I'm also not too big on Alana Bloom having Dr. Chilton's job as director of whatever asylum they looked Lecter up in. I wish they would bring back Dr. Chilton. On the pisitive side of things no Bedelia this week. I hope last episode was the last we saw of her. But is is unlikely as she is listed as a main character fot this season.

  6. It wasn't bad, and certainly didn't deserve as much shit as it got, but it wasn't as good as season one.  Waaaaaaay too much time spent on pretty meaningless character backstory, while the crime itself is revealed in brief conversations and hushed whispers.  Actually, fucking everything is hush whispers, whoever the hell was in charge of audio clarity needs to be fired.  They missed the mark they were going for, as none of their backstories were at all integral to the plot, whereas last season it was an essential part of the plot.  Plus the mystery was far better last year, whereas this year it seemed pretty diluted.

    Plus with the crime, there was way too much going on and the importance of the different parts shifted wildly as we went.  

    This. I personally enjoyed watching it and I will watch Season 3 if they ever do another one but this was nowhere near as good as Season 1.

  7. All the effort of including 2K15's DLC from the start.

    But what is the point in having these 2 clowns and Sgt. Slaighter if you don't have Hogan?

    And are they really just using the same models from last year? Some of the legend's models and some of the superstar models from last year looked really bad. I was hoping that they would improve them.

  8. Wait a minute, Colonel Mustafa, General Adnan and Lord Steven Regal? Are they just "importing" characters from last years game?

    Kama mustafa or different mustafa?

    Colonel Mustafa was Iron Sheiks name when he was allied with Sgt. Slaighter during the dreadful "Sgt. Slaughter Irak Sympathizer" phase of his career.

  9. May want to spoiler that.

    I've not watched the episode, but I'm just glad the quality has gone back up with the previous three episodes, because that first part of the season was a fucking chore.

    Yes, overall it's way better than the first half of the series. I'd say it is on the same level of quality of the first 2 seasons. I was really just nitpicking here because I can't stand that character and I don't see why she is still part of the story.

  10. The latest Hannibal Episode:


    What was the point of Bedelia Du Maurier being in this episode? Why did they have to bring her back? All of her scenes had no purpose whatsoever and I don't see how her character is important to the Toothfairy story. 

  11. As far as I know it's random but I honestly never knew where anything was. I found everything randomly or had Alfred tell me where to look :P 

    I don't think he randomly spawns in places. The first time you see him he flies around in Miagani Island.The 2nd time he is in Founder's Island and the 3rd time in Bleake Island. Or it might be the other way around. He flies in circles.

  12. On 12/19/2014 at 20:47, Jasonmufc said:
    On 12/19/2014 at 20:47, Jasonmufc said:


    To fully appreciate ER you have to watch the first few Seasons. The show got progressively weaker when the original cast started to leave the show. They should've ended it after Green died. Or maybe until Carter took over. But it went on and on and on and by the last season it wasn't any better than Grey's Anatomy. Just with less fucking and not as over the top.

    Green's death episode is one of the greatest episodes of TV ever. It's also so fucking sad and it's the last episode I watched. Everything after that just seemed futile in comparison. I've never seen any of the stuff with Carter in charge.



    That episode was just so extremely sad, I still get the shivers thinking about his death scene. And everytime I think about it it makes me dread when my parents pass away... Fuck, now i'm sad :(

    Another poignant episode was the remembrance of Robert Romano, as in, Only Corday showing up... His death scene was extremely far fetched, but the remembrance was heavy.


    Personally I feel they should've ended the series when Carter went to Africa. It was the perfect ending point with the last continuous original cast member leaving the show.


    And yeah, the late seasons were really terrible.


    Another poignant episode was the remembrance of Robert Romano, as in, Only Corday showing up... His death scene was extremely far fetched, but the remembrance was heavy.

    Personally I feel they should've ended the series when Carter went to Africa. It was the perfect ending point with the last continuous original cast member leaving the show.


    The death of Robert Romano was ludicrous. I liked what they did with the character building up to that point though. Robert Romano was an arrogant, boastful, bigoted, hateful person who people only put up with because he was so very good at being a surgeon. That is where most of his feeling of self-worth came from. It was both satisfactory and sad to see his character implode when they took that away from him by amputating his arm after he accidentally got caught up in the rotor blade of a helicopter. And I think his death was really the only way to write him of the show because running a Scrooge-like story in which he finds his good side and the love in his heart would've been beyond far fetched.

    But did they really *have* to drop the goddamn helicopter on his head? Especially in the form of a "karma is a bitch" joke? Was that really necessary? I mean, when Dr. Morris told his "I bet he insulted a helicopter in his former live" joke it got a chuckle out of me but was that really worth killing on of the best characters of the show in such a stupid fashion?


    As far as ending the show goes: It probably should have ended after Green died with Carter picking up for him. As much as the show was about Green running the ER it also was about Carter becoming a doctor. So ending the show after posthumously passing the torch to Carter probably would have been the way to go.


  13. I've just seen that the Gotham series has gone up on Netflix, did it turn out to be worth watching? I saw the pilot and kinda forgot it ever existed after that for a variety of reasons, so never watched any more.

    It started out very average but got much better after the fall break. It's just a matter of whether you want to wade through the average stuff to get to the good stuff.

  14. Another episode of Hannibal. Again they keep the story close to how it played out in the book/movies. I really like Richard Armitage as Dolarhyde. I hope we get more glimpses of his past next week. I'm still not sure whether Hannibal's prison cell is really that lofty or if Hannibal is just imagining it that way in his memory palace. And I don't think the Abigail Hobbs flashbacks were necessary. I can't see what they add to the story.

  15. I wish they'd have done a game like Arkham Knight, in terms of completely open world Gotham, but done properly. Like, one that's actually populated with people rather that just creating a plot device that means the city is evacuated essentially before you do anything that just leaves nothing but thugs.

  16. You'fre right. Now that I think about it the possibillity of Batman using Scarecrow tech isn't any more farfetched them him using the stuff you mentioned. I suppose we just have to wait until the post-ending DLC is released or whether WB Games will release another Arkham Game.

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