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Just Joe

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Everything posted by Just Joe

  1. Sorting everything out for tomorrow got in the way, no special XP friday for me
  2. I'll be on for a bit tonight, get some GTA before we head down to London, early bed though...
  3. Firing up the PS4 now, let's hope I don't get snail internet.
  4. I'll be on again tonight, who else is staying in to play?
  5. I've not been on for a while, took my PS4 downstairs to watch Daredevil with my dad and not took it back to my room yet, think that will change tomorrow.
  6. Bushido Blade 2 was PS1 so that'd work. Bushido Blade 1 will as well. I bought a PS2 the other day and ended up buying the first one, great game but seems to only work every few tries.
  7. Fack the pantos, facken bolshet.
  8. It was on Twitch as well We need to set it up so everyone's audio comes through when streaming.
  9. I only posted it because it interested me, I'm not trying to be negative by the way just trying not to get carried away.
  10. So here's some comparisons of features in BF2 and BF2015, does make it look a little underwhelming
  11. No offline? I'd prefer some single player campaign or something just to get used to the game first.
  12. Well this needs a massive pinch of salt but I'm really hoping they produce the goods and we see a return to form for Battlefront.
  13. I'll be uploading the beating later, we need more people for GTA football.
  14. I should be on at some point tonight.
  15. Hopefully my internet isn't crap after I've had tea. Was terrible last night, will come on soon.
  16. I'll be on in a minute, just making a cup of tea.
  17. Anyone up for doing some stuff tonight? Doesn't have to be heists just anything.
  18. I'll be on fairly soon and if people from Sunday are on this evening I'm more than happy to get that heist done, then move on to the next one because Lester keeps bothering me about it.
  19. That was fucking terrible, basically finish the mission then the server or something fucks up. Anyway, me and Walker started dicking about in Free Mode, this probably won't sound that funny but I managed to punch him in the arse as he was mid-flight of jumping off a cliff
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