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Just Joe

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Everything posted by Just Joe

  1. Ah, you're so funny. Coming from Lancashire and whatnot...
  2. PC vs Console is surely putting console players at a disadvantage? Unless this runs at 60FPS on Consoles too?
  3. I take this game way too seriously
  4. I'm not playing if that's the initials. I suggest No You FC
  5. Actually No U FC aint gonna work for me, NUFC....
  6. Yes I suggest team names of Borussia Teeth, Dyslexia Untied and No U FC
  7. Terry trying to be the Referee as per usual, bellend. Nice to see an official not take any of his shit.
  8. Well, looks like another long hard season ahead for Sunderland then, at least we scored some goals and Improved in the second half.
  9. Having Pillman in the game again would be great, Pillman vs Ambrose can finally happen.
  10. Ah, FM Regen names, a lad once posted a screenshot on another forum of his game. He had a youth player called Packie Hayter
  11. Just Joe

    Fallout 4

    New Vegas was a broken piece of crap for me. was 20 odd hours into the game when a main quest mission could no longer be completed because the game would crash when I had to go into a specific building. Never played it again.
  12. The Lyrics make it even worse.
  13. I don't remember what I need to still do, all I know is that Lester is a big fucking nonce.
  14. I can be on for then, not sure I have your PSN though.
  15. I'll be on tonight EDIT: Maybe not, taking forever for the Kitchen to free up and I need to make food for going away tomorrow.
  16. only THE SUPERSTAR as your CAW Name )
  17. Sorry for ignoring your invite Eddy, me and Lenny were on a massive win streak and didn't want to break it.
  18. Anyone up for some matches now?
  19. Hey fatty, I got a film for ya, a fridge too far.

  20. I sleep in a racing car, DO YOU?

    1. ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster


      I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

    2. Just Joe
  21. Anyone up for some matches right now?
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