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The Future

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Everything posted by The Future

  1. Berbatov and Hernandez with Owen to come off the bench works for me, a player like Rooney is needed for the semi though hopefully he appeals and the bans reduced.
  2. late to the party but that just confirmed to me that you HAVE to be a joke account.
  3. Really thought Tendulkar would do a lot more damage, full credit to Sri Lanka. All of Bangladesh is backing up Sri Lanka cause you do not know pain until you see how much the Indian team is shoved down our throats even though we are a different country! them winning the World Cup would be unbearable. I think a wicket now is crucial, losing Dhoni or Ghambir would absolutely shatter their morale.
  4. Viperlike...really? 10 minutes before we won 4-2 you were saying we don't even have a chance to draw how many times have United come back when everything seemed done and dusted? The match reminded me so much of the 4-2 at Everton where Chris Eagles came on and finished them off after super John O'Shea kicked off a comeback that match drove us to winning the league that season and I really hope this match does the same, hope Arsenal choke against Blackburn.
  5. Goosebumps, this is going to be amazing I wish Shoaib Akthar was playing
  6. It's normal cause Yossi is awesome, loved him when he was at West Ham.
  7. Just got back from the stadium @ Mirpur, lots of fun some of the catches New Zealand pulled off were insane...I think it was Oram? dashing all along the boundary and plucking the ball out of the air when it seemed destined to be a 6. Pakistan-India is going to all sorts of awesome, hoping for a England world cup win so we can talk about how we beat the champions, hope India fails.
  8. If the United youth team become as good as their FM counter-parts we are set for years I got Ryan Tuncliffe in on a free with Villa and he's so good, he breaks up play like crazy and sets up goals with sliding tackles...completely made my buy of Diame useless and he's made sure Petrov gets sold too.
  9. Just heard that Douglas Costa, the Brazilian midfielder who we wanted to buy a while back but wouldn't because the club refused to let him go on trial was in the Directors Box? interesting.
  10. It's awesome when you stick by a player everyone hates cause when he does the business you get to gloat, he's slammed for not producing "winning" goals but that was a season defining goal from Berbatov today. Hopefully Rafael and Vidic can recover during the international break cause West Ham have looked good since Hitzlperger got fit.
  11. Died a little inside after West Indies choked, Bangladesh hasn't performed when playing at Mirpur and it's a pitch that suits Dale Steyn...if we can bowl first and restrict them to a poor total then we have a chance, hoping and praying for an upset but I don't see it happening.
  12. And United go through!, top class backtracking from Valencia towards the end and Carrick had a good game for once. Inter through as well, I hear the match was incredible Wouldn't mind them in the Quarters would make for a good match.
  13. Nerve wracking stuff, see this out lads please
  14. O'Shea and Rafael both off adding to no Vidic and Rio...out of subs, this is going to be heart attack inducing stuff I hope we hang on EDIT: This kid is insane, the scouting team deserves a raise!
  15. I'd rather face Reading, they'd probably give it a good go instead of unleashing Gareth Barry football genius on us.
  16. I'll admit I expected Valencia to lose some pace and take until next season to get back into the swing of things but he was on fire as soon as he came on and it seems we now have back-up on the wings in The Da Silva twins to plug the gap left by Parks injury without having to use Obertan!.
  17. If Arsenal lose to a team where John O'Shea is the most experienced central midfielder I'd pay to see Wengers post-match interview. Crazy line up from United but a necessity considering injuries/fixtures, Valencia is on the bench and I expect him to get some game time.
  18. Fuck what I said earlier, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY Shafiul what a legend :|
  19. These guys make it really hard for me to be patriotic
  20. Imrul and Shakib need to stay on the crease and just prod along, I think we can pull this off COME ON!!
  21. I am not surprised Ibrahimovic and Robinho bottled it, typical of them. Sandro took me by surprise, he was very composed on the ball and I am glad Spurs outlasted Arsenal and I hope they go even further.
  22. How the hell did they miss that? shape up Gomes!
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