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The Future

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Everything posted by The Future

  1. A 2 on 2 Pro Evo match, me and my cousin against two other cousins we were Arsenal and they were Brazil, score was tied 3-3 and in stoppage time I scored straight from the corner!, the ball just flew over the keeper.
  2. The Battle of Fan Castle? thats where Guan Yu and Guan Ping were captured
  3. So does anyone have a bogey team in the game? teams you just can't seem to get results again? in my Bolton game it seems to be Fulham haven't beaten them in three seasons.
  4. I think the Windies might surprise and pick up the win, Brian Lara is my idol and I would love to see him lift the cup.
  5. Bwaahaha I love climbing up the bridge in Hu Lao Gate and jumping on huge piles of soldiers with Dian Wei's jumping crush thingy.
  6. I have ROTK X and I have fun playing it but I hate ruling cities I'd rather be a high ranking officer kicking ass
  7. Chelsea-STEFY Barbie Girl-Aqua I am also a sucker for Nobodys Home by Avril Lavigne and alot of Kelly Clarkson
  8. I wub Butterfly>_> Still I had no idea Crazy Town were still alive.
  9. Zhang He is incredibly fun to play with, Sliding Claw Slashing huge groups of soldiers>*
  10. ^Three Kingdoms thread is a good idea, Xiahou Dun is the ultimate bad ass...seriously the guy gets shot in the eye with an arrow, then he pulls the arrow out and fucking eats his eyeball the guy is hardcore!
  11. Looks like Neill is set for West Ham
  12. PSP version Hamster? Try to get Milos Stojic from Partizan Belgrade, decent young striker he's all sorts of awesome for me in my Crystal Palace game.
  13. Rossi has been loaned to Parma in the Serie A. Dong Fangzhuo the 3.5 Mil Chinese for Man Utd has also got his work permit and can make his debut. Spurs are also on the tail of Heinze who is likely to leave if Utd can sign Gareth Bale.
  14. Just Bring It was just dissapointing!, first Smackdown! game in the PS2 and we get a one month season mode...
  15. If you play Lu Bu's musou mode there is a stage where you have to battle Gongsun Zan and he sends the White Cavalary after you.
  16. I see him going to Germany for some reason, just a gut feeling
  17. Yeah it also sucks that every important officer decides to go after him and die.
  18. Lu Bu is massively overrated, during DW5 I was fighting Dong Zhuos troops when I check and see that he's killed Dian Wei,Zhang Fei,Guan Yu,Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan while they all attacked him at the same time>_>
  19. Any word on Tevez's condition? EDIT: A shit tackle is what it was
  20. I got Gareth Bale on a free, he was kicking ass in my reserves and after injuries to the first team I called him up he did a decent job.
  21. I signed him as backup for my Barca game but he was missing alot of close chances and went on a goal drought and eventually I sold him.
  22. Empire lacks a proper storyline, its just you on a map advancing from place to place slashing away at people. Xtreme Legends has two modes, the Destiny mode which allows you to create your own warrior and work your way up from a peon to a bad ass, there is also the Xtreme Mode which has you as a nomad warrior trying to unify all of China
  23. Al-Itihaad the Arabian club dealing with Figo is also planning a bid for Ronaldo(Real Madrid).
  24. Hey I am Asian! *Turns to closet full of Man U merchandise* Oh
  25. Something cool in Dynasty Warriors 5 though is that each officer has their own storylines and own cutscenes and such.
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