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The Future

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Everything posted by The Future

  1. I mark for Chris Daughtry so don't slaughter him:(, this is good keep it up
  2. Crazytowns Butterfly takes from Pretty Little Ditty Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
  3. Call me mean but I marked when the Polish people ignored them on the street
  4. Juan Pablo Angel is headed to New York it seems.
  5. Smackdown 4 had that didn't they? I remember if you created a CAW he'd have to start at Heat and face the likes of Maven and Spike Dudley and then if you impress the General Manager calls you up to the full roster.
  6. PES6 is good but the goalkeepers are a joke!, they were much better on 5 when they weren't fumbling everything that came their way they need to ditch that.
  7. To add to that list Park Ji Sung scored a header just a few weeks ago against Charlton
  8. They have questioned all the players and fingerprinted them I think it was an organized crime hit personally.
  9. I just caught Robinson's goal for Leeds on YouTube...amazing finish
  10. BANGLADESH~!~ we cannot afford to throw away the match in Bermuda just because they are Bermuda last year we fucked up against Canada.
  11. I missed it, did he come up for a corner or take a penalty or what?
  12. Bangladesh are holding their own against India, I really hope we can somehow win this then all we have to do is get rid of Bermuda to get into the next round.
  13. Have to say...that was a sweet cross by Chimbonda leading up to that goal.
  14. Can anyone give me a good site for play by play? the one I was using(Soccernet)has stopped working for me
  15. I almost shit my pants when I took the alternate path to fight Dong Zhuo and then Lu Bu showed up to aid him, wasn't expecting it all and I ran like a little girl
  16. Fair point, I see him moving to Manchester United considering their lack of firepower and the fact that he's stated he wants to join them
  17. It was a great moment for him, Do you think he will stick around if West Ham drop?
  18. Of all the people to score it had to be the crappiest one on the field
  19. Fan Castle is a fucking bitch to play as in DW5 it took me like 10 tries to finally beat Guan Yu considering by the time I get to him, all my officers are wiped out and Zhang Fei shows up super charged as well.
  20. Just had an awesome match with my mate on Pro Evo 6, he was Wigan and I was Fulham he scored through Heskey and in stoppage time I brought Radzinski on just for the hell of it, I attempted a long range shot but was holding onto L1 for some reason. The result? a lobbed goal from outside the box
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