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Riceman 4K

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Everything posted by Riceman 4K

  1. SBO 07 vids VF5 Semi Final 1 Part 1 VF5 Semi Final 1 Part 2 VF5 Semi Final 2 Part 1 VF5 Semi Final 2 Part 2 VF5 Finals Part 1 VF5 Finals Part 2
  2. Nope. EA still has the radio announcer.
  3. I get the feeling that creating customized rings based on real promotions is going to be exceedingly difficult without a codebreaker or a max drive. The videos containing the TNA/ROH rings were probably taken from modded games running on a PC. Are you trying to say that the game is being ran on the PC via an emulator? Cause if you are, that is totally incorrect.
  4. I get the feeling that creating customized rings based on real promotions is going to be exceedingly difficult without a codebreaker or a max drive. The videos containing the TNA/ROH rings were probably taken from modded games running on a PC.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQoXMbNgUC0 Awesome. Can't wait to watch this.
  6. All Pro Football. Love everything about that game.
  7. Online with little to no lag? http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...18&Itemid=2
  8. I know as wrestling fans, we can appreciate the gameplay but I wonder how the "general public" will respond to the game. Especially peeps who like the SDvR gameplay.
  9. I've had the game since the release date and love every minute of it. Extremely challenging but also real fun. The slowdown does become and issue but I've learned to live with it. It's a classic old school type 2-D game. (Y)
  10. US Fire Pro? Fuck yes. I already have the game but I am still going to pick this up. It would be awesome to play this entirely in English. Support the scene as well. Too bad my old edits won't work. Chris Hero was a beast in my game.
  11. Official release date - October 30. Virtua Fighter 5 Version C commercial VF5 - Version C intro Also, if you haven't seen it yet, a list of moves that had their properties changed in Version C. While a lot of them aren't described in detail, at least you get an idea of what is different. http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads...ge/0#Post167778 They went to work on Shun. All of his setups to get into the Taste the Rainbow sabaki has been modified. Makes me a sad panda... I know that there isn't much love for this game on this site but I will still support it to the end. It's gonna be a long three months
  12. 8-bit Remix http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=caIBKOztlAo http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u_aY7HZvFpQ Tayroll? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=b4PLowZC-1s
  13. So far, I have heard nothing but great things about this game. The guys as operationsports love it and I can't wait to get my hands on 2K8. First I will need a 360 though and I have to wait till October... But back to the franchise, I would implement it so that the legends would be optional. I myself would have no problem playing a franchise with generic players if they make it so that the game is entirely customizable (like Winning Eleven).
  14. I would go to the Denver show but EVO (fighting game tourney) is the same week. Vegas ftw.
  15. I love anything dealing with the Naughty America series. Everything about that is quality. Especially MyFriendsHotMom. Time to hit up the ol porn torrent tracker. 20+ gb of porn and growing. It's a small number but one that I cherish
  16. Left 4 Dead - PC, 360 http://www.g4tv.com/e32007/blog/date/07102...dex.html#677240 Looks amazingly fun.
  17. Taken from VFDC - VF5 Stick pic http://www.gamesradar.com/us/xbox360/game/...122111543685040 Buy two of these and then buy a custom stick. Nicccccccccccccccccccce.
  18. SH5 was the "big" surprise. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeak.
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