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Enter Blue Guy

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Everything posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. Wladimir Klitschko is 29. I know, a year younger, but I just thought I'd throw that out there seeing as he is under 30 and ranked in the top 10. Besides that, there are only about 7 or 8 guys ranked in the top 50 that are under 30 years old.
  2. The Canada/Slovakia game was awesome! Nice to see Heatley get a goal finally. He's had a sub par outing in so far. But man, the game today was amazing and for a while my heart was in my throat. Slovakia had a very talented squad with Marian Hossa, Michael Handzus, Marian Gaborik, Pavol Demitra, Ziggy Palffy, and Zdeno Chara to name a few, but the Canadians are just constant workhorses. Don't get me wrong, Slovakia played a terrific game and pushed the Canucks to the limit, but even with the rust and being down in third, I think the Canadians seemed like they were just a step above them for the majority of the game. Interesting game winning goal, Thornton's shot seemed harmless, but sure enough it fooled Lasak and went top shelf. Also, I thought it was funny when Chara took the face offs against Draper. The size difference... it was like David vs. Goliath. All in all, just an excellant game, just amazing. And Canada's dangerous first line of offense continues with their dominant ways... Gagne scores twice, Thornton nets the winner, Nash gets three helpers. That line is phenomenal. It was nice to see Gagne be the star of the line for once. They have all been terrific together, but for the most part it seemed like Nash and Thornton were the standouts and Gagne was the supporting player. I'm glad that Gagne finally showed that he is just as able to contribute as Joe and Rick. But clearly Rick Nash has tourney MVP written all over him.
  3. Scatman by Scatman John.... you know you fucking want to! But you pretty much win by KO thanks to Run DMC vs. Jason Nevins. As for Prodigy, you can never go wrong with Smack My Bitch Up... Seriously. I played it at church once and everybody went NUT!
  4. There is no artist or band that I truly enjoy that I'm really embarrassed about liking, not including one or two guily pleasure tracks from the Spice Girls or Britney Spears or whatever. At first I was kind of embarrassed about owning The Spirit Room by Michelle Branch, but soon after I was not ashamed at all to admit it is just a phenomenal album.
  5. The Ramones are awesome too, but I like The Clash just a tad more. Never did care too much for Misfits though. Nothing bad about them, just not my cup of tea. Agreed with syco that Aerosmith beat The Stones, but they still had some pretty kick ass tunes... Aerosmith just had more AND were twice as bad ass. Plus Steven Tyler > Mick Jagger and Joe Perry > Keith Richards. If that is meant for me. I did'nt mean to come across as saying The Clash were overrated, looking back at the post it does, I like The Clash, I meant they have'nt received the level of praise The Beatles have.
  6. I know The Clash weren't the most musically gifted band in the world, far from it. I'm pretty sure most fans of them would agree with that... but that doesn't mean the didn't make some kick ass tunes.
  7. To you maybe, I think their music is fucking awesome. I'm not a fan of the Beatles so.. Yeah. The Clash are awesome.
  8. Hey, hey, heeeeey! The Clash are fucking awesome! Take that "No" and shove it, fuckerooski!
  9. This is a throwdown, a showdown hell no, I can't slow down! Let your backbone slide! *dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-nun-a-nun-nun*
  10. Hopefully Wayne sees that Mike Comrie has potential coming out the wazoo. And in my opinion Ladislav Nagy was on the verge of possibily being considered a future franchise player before his injury last season.... 52 points in 55 games ain't too shabby, would have been nice to see what he could have done in the last month and a half of that season. Phoenix desperately needs some good direction, aswell as their defense injected with some serious beef. If Wayne can coach half as good as he could play, this could be the sleeper team to watch out for in the West next season. They have some great, solid, talented players on their team. In addition to Comrie and Nagy, they have an amazing all star forward and a Canadian National team member in Shane Doan, Petr Nedved, who is experienced as well as very talented (he's good for AT LEAST a 40 point season)... Oh yeah, and Brett Hull... whatever, I guess he could be ok for one last season. Blah, as talented as he is/was, I can't stand Hull... but that's another story. However, I will openly admit even at his age there are few as dangerous as Brett is at the opposing teams hash marks. The defense is a double edged sword for Phoenix... they have some good offensive defensemen who have no problem with producing assists, but they aren't as productive in their own zone, save for Sean O'Donnell who can't hold down the fort all by his lonesome. Oh, and something has to be done about the goaltending situation. TWO American goalies?!?!?... Good luck with that.... I kid, I kid. Seiously, though Boucher is a pretty good goalie, IMO, he lacks that certain "it" to be a solid stand out starter. With some defensive help you probably wouldn't notice his weaknesses as much, but as I stated, Coyotes aren't doing too well in that department. Coaching and some good defensive defensemen are the keys to end Phoenix's woes. Maybe with The Great One at the helm they have one of those covered... or not. Time will tell. Assuming all this on a hope and prayer that the NHL gets underway next season without any problems, sans replacement players, etc (knock on wood ten thousand times over or I'll cry... which I'm getting ready to do)
  11. Try stuff by Audioslave and Queens of the Stone Age. Also, try some Stone Temple Pilots if you haven't already heard their shit.
  12. Ugh, Jimmy Fallon. Usually the MTV Video Awards are hilarious, at least the opening skits are. The Matrix and Austin Powers opening skits were funny as hell when they first aired.
  13. By definition canuck = Canadian .... Fresh like uhhhhhhhh!
  14. That was pretty bad. I remember during a Toronto/Ottawa playoff game a few years back there was almost an incident that would have been just as bad as any other. Play was going on near the Leafs bench, a Leaf defenseman (IIRC it was Kaberle) was doing his best to piss Alfredsson the fuck off. There's a whistle and the play stops, Kaberle turns his attention away from Alfredsson and whatever, but Alfredsson turns around, takes his stick winds back and looks like he's ready to two-hand him in the face at point blank range, however Sundin (I think) was right behind Alfredsson and grabbed the stick just as it look like it was about to be swung.
  15. I'm a big KsE fan, I saw them play at the Taste of Chaos and they fucking blew everything away to hell. My favorite songs (regardless if they've been mentioned) Take This Oath Temple From Within Self Revolution Prelude (one of my favorites, even though it doesn't have any real lyrics) Rose of Sharyn Numb Sickened Eyes When Darkness Falls Breathe Life My Last Serenade
  16. Uh yes, EBD here... Will there be judges for different genres or what? Like what would happen if like a classic rock song went up against an amazaing rap song.... what the hell would happen then? IMO, it would be unfair for the classic rock song to win without anybody who can really judge the rap song fairly on the judge panel.
  17. The only Ludacris song I can remember right now that has a clarinet is Number One Spot... at least I think that's a clarinet. (maybe it's a flute, I dunno... bah!) A few lyrics would help a tad. Wait... what the hell does a clarinet sound like? EDIT: Seriously, what does it sound like?
  18. I have a little bit of everything (and a lot of other stuff) on my PC so who knows what the hell I'll serve up! Hopefully no Spice Girls tracks will show up....
  19. Darryn Jones? I know who he is because I see him on the commercials for Buzz on Comedy and he's going to be on Comedy Now this week I think. But I when I listened to Kiss it was Mad Dog and Billy on the morning show. Mad Dog and Billy moved CHFI FM after Kiss switched to 80's music.
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