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Enter Blue Guy

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Everything posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles I'm feeling very still and I think my spaceship knows which way to go tell my wife I love her very much, she knoooooo-ooooh-oooows Bowie rules the World.
  2. Thrice: Under A Killing Moon To Awake Avenge The Dead All That's Left Deadbolt Trust ....those are my favorite songs by Thrice, personally I'd go for those songs first. Alexisonfire: Where No One Knows Accidents No Transitory Pulmonary Archery Control ...Same as above, these are my favorite songs by them, so personally I'd listen to them first.
  3. David Bowie > Everyone in the UK. Period. Except for The Who.
  4. How can you insult Bowie?!? He gave us Space Oddity!
  5. Avenged Sevenfold - hardcore punk/metal hybrid type music genre thing-ama-jig.... Try anything from the second album "Waking the Fallen" because that is by far their best work. A few songs.... Second Heartbeat Chapter Four And All Things End Radiant Eclipse Unholy Confessions We Come Out At night Clairvoyant Disease And I always suggest Killswitch Engage, 36 Crazyfists, and Death By Stereo. And Anti-Flag if you're looking for punk.
  6. I'm a huge fan of Kubrick's work, especially A Clockwork Orange, however the film that sticks out from him to me is Full Metal Jacket... So many scenes that send chills down my spine, two scenes inparticular. The first being when Pyle shoots Sgt. Hartman in the washroom then shoots himself. The 2nd and my personal favorite, the second last scene were they're all standing around the dying female Vietnanese sniper as she prays and begs for Joker to shoot her and he finally does... That's intense. And for Martin Scorsese, I loooove Goodfellas, but personally I think Raging Bull is his best piece of work.
  7. Enter Blue Guy


    The Water Temple, when you have to realize that the platform you're on reveals a hole in the floor when you raise it with water? I think every person that played that game was stuck at that spot. ←
  8. Holy shit, that was quick... Chaos AD was the one I was looking at today, mainly because two of the first tracks by them I've heard were Refuse/Resist and Propaganda, both of which I love. Thanks for the suggestion.
  9. I've been an admirer of a few of their tracks for a while now, but never really paid any serious attention to them. Now, I've grown tired of the CD's I've been listening to for the past few months and I'm up for giving them a closer look. I know the band has been around for a long time now, but I have no real idea which albums are good and which aren't so good. Since I have some spare cash laying around I thought I'd go to Best Buy tomorrow and pick one up.... Which one would you suggest I pick up? They have a shitload of their albums in stock at Best Buy, so I'm guessing whichever one is highly recommended should be there. Also, if you have any suggestions about similar bands that are good, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance, homeboys.
  10. Man, sounds awesome. I would have killed to see Audioslave live, but when they came to Toronto the tickets sold like motherfuckers. Motherfuckers.
  11. Yeah, go for Death By Stereo. I love 'em, you should too. Also, try Killradio. I started listening to them and I'm really digging them.
  12. The only albums I'm really looking forward to in the near future are Hypnotize in the fall and Sevendust's new one, whenever the fuck that comes out.
  13. Enter Blue Guy


    Ah, I remember that Rumble, I've only beat it with Austin. The worst is when you're on a roll, just eliminating everyone in short order... I mean, whip, run, clothesline, he goes out, coutdown, next guy enters, wash, rinse, repeat (a fun game is trying to eliminate the guy before he's music ends)... and then the most random of people will stop your streak and be all faggish. I'm Kane, I'm tossing people out, left, right, and center. Rock, Triple H, Mankind, etc, etc, then fucking Dean Malenko comes around and just ruins all the fun and starts reversing my whips, blocking my attacks, and when I do get him outside he does that stupid thing where he hangs on the ropes and pushes himself as far away from the ring as he can so you can't hit him. Fag.
  14. Bah, all that bullshit is behind me now.... I'm going to buy Leaf season tickets A.S.A.P... Ok, I don't have that kind of cash, but you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to as many games as humanly possible (on my budget) next season. I've been had Matt Stajan withdrawl syndrome for too long.
  15. Update. Now that Georges St. Pierre vs. Frank Trigg has been confrimed, as have two others as well. Joe 'Diesel' Riggs vs. Matt 'The Law' Lindland and Diego 'Nightmare' Sanchez vs. Dave Strasser. Other fighters rumored on the card are former UFC Heavyweight Champion Tim 'Maine-iac' Silva and David 'Soul Assassin' Terrell (KO'd Matt Lindland, got train wrecked against Evan Tanner in the Middleweight title fight at UFC 51). Also, a bout was confirmed for the Ultimate Fighter live special on Spike TV for August 6th entitled "Ultimate Fight Night". Ivan Salaverry (coming off impressive wins over Joe Riggs at UFC 52 and Miletich Fighting Systems team member Tony Fyrklund) vs. UFC newcomer and 7 times King of Pancrase, Nathan Marquardt. Other fighters rumored to be on the card include Mike Swick, Stephan Bonner, Sam Hoger, Josh Koscheck, Chris Leben, Kenny Florian, Alex Karalexis, as well as non-TUF fighter Patrick Cote.
  16. Sports, to me, are athletic competitions with actual athletic components. No disrespect to NASCAR or it's fans, but besides it being a test of endurance there are no real athletic components. To me, it's not a really a sport... It's more of a highly skillful competitive activity. If I started a professional Twister league which participants must play the game in full winter clothing, in the dead of summer, and each game would last 5 hours long... would that be considered a sport? It's long, it gets extremely hot, people are constantly moving around, one's balance and poise play a huge part in the game, it's test of endurance, it's a competition... but is it a sport? Ok, bad example, but you get my drift. What I'm saying is, I have respect for NASCAR drivers. It takes skill doing what they do at the speed, for that long, under the conditions they face while doing it, but it's no more of an athletic competition than my winter clothing summer Twister league is.
  17. I would personally like to see Vernon White get another chance. He really impressed me against Chuck Liddell, he even got the better of him at times. If it wasn't for a few bad slip ups he could possibly had Chuck in bad position. I think he'd be a decent guy to have in the division, in fact Forrest Griffin vs. White could be quite a nice little match up.
  18. Enter Blue Guy


    Revenge was fucking sick. Best wrestling game due to it's nostalgia value. I remember the classic best of seven tag series between Kim Chee and Ming Chee vs. Han Zo Mon and Dake Ken and the classic matches between Maya Inca Boy and AKI Man! Those fake wrestlers rocked in so many ways.
  19. I believe on the dvd that came with that Sum 41 cd it had outtakes for the beginning of Still Waiting and it is pretty funny some outtakes. ←
  20. Beastie Boys - Sabotage Sum 41 - Makes No Difference ... just for DMX riding through the house party on a 4 wheeler. So random, yet so classic. Sum 41 - The Hell Song Sum 41 - Still Waiting ...just the intro with Will Sasso playing the record company exec... "Blink 182, Green Day 75... the number thing is out. What's in now is 'the'. The Hives, The Strokes...(Sasso tries to look at Dave but he is blocked by a lamp on the desk)...I CAN'T SEE YOU!... (Sasso bats the lamp off the desk and continues talking like before)...The White Stripes. This isn't new... The Led Zeppelins ? Huh?..." Foo Fighters - Big Me Fat Boy Slim - Praise You ... the b-boy dancers infront of the movie theatre... so corny it's hilarious! Green Day - Walking Contradiction Gob - B Flat and I remember Chemical Brothers' Setting Sun to have a pretty bad ass video... All I remember for sure was there was some black cat at the end though... ..Amongst others I can't think of right now.
  21. Great card, I knew it had tons of potential despite the lack of name value. Highly entertaining and all the pieces fell perfectly for the future. Karo gets the next Welterweight title shot for sure now, unless Matt Hughes is seriously considering going up to Middlweight, then it should be definately be Karo vs. St. Pierre, then with Nick Diaz waiting on the doorstep we've got a nice little scenario to keep the Welterweight division interesting for the next while. As for Middleweight, Franklin will Matt Lindland, even if Matt Hughes does move up a clas,s because apparently Rich and Matt won't fight due to Rich's connections to Matt's team at Miletich Fighting Systems. Both train with and are sometimes cornered by Jeremy Horn as well, so I don't know how that would work. But still, Lindland is the number one contender regardless and should get a chance at Franklin... and Matt basically said in an interview that Rich didn't even deserve to get a shot at the title and said the Tanner would win the fight with ease. So it will be interesting to see if Lindland can back up his mouth. And one more note about the MW division, David Loiseau should be getting serious consideration for a possible title shot somewhere down the road. UFC 54, Jeremy Horn is a tough match for Liddell since Horn can pull out a submission from his ass and make you tap for mercy. Chuck wants none of Gumby on the ground, I don't care how good of a grappler Chuck is, Horn will make him tap. Jeremy isn't the most exciting fighter in the world, but he has the skill and experience to win that title. As I said before, it is refreshing to see the LHW division get a tad deeper with Horn and Babalu, and now with Griffin making a name for himself. It would have been nice to Babalu vs. Couture instead of Van Arsdale vs. Couture, but Babalu went out with a bicep injury and won't be able to fight in August. It's just nice to the cycle of Tito, Randy, Chuck, and Vitor broken. And for Heavyweight, I'm not quite sure where you go from here. I haven't heard any serious updates on Frank Mir's health, so I can only assume that he is out of the short term picture for now. But for now all signs point to Buentello vs. Arlovski next. As for the number one contender... Well, I guess Tim Sylvia vs. Mike Kyle could be a serious possibility to for the right to a future title shot. Hopefully Mir will return soon so the UFC can settle this debacle with one undisputed champion.
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