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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. Just picked it up today only 70 pages in and it is amazing. Anyone else here read it? What you think of it?
  2. My personal hate is people who because a game is made by a company they don't like the game is automatically shit. Also fanboys who only believe their console is any good, I'm only going to get a PS3 after looking at the 3 I think I'll like that best. I can see all 3 are good so am sick of people saying how their friend who works in a game shop said that the emotion 1.142287 processor is slightly not as good as the other, to be honest do they really think most people that will buy the console will give a flying fuck about that?
  3. I hated Rebecca in the original RE and Sherry in RE2 they just pissed me off for some reason. Never liked Cait Sith in FF7 either.
  4. Hey just bought a PSP and a 2GB Memory stick, how is it that I put songs and videos on it wanting to use it as my music player aswell since I lost my £10 mp3 player when a was out on Sunday.
  5. Captain Kirk


    Better safe than sorry. Cheers.
  6. Captain Kirk


    how is it illegal? the site's not either it just holds links to the programs not the shows themselves. Bit like Tony Blair.
  7. Captain Kirk


    This message used to hold a smorsel of information.
  8. Had a game were I started unemployed,(had myself as an ex international though) took up the Livingston job in January as I couldn't see any other jobs in the 6 months that I like, they were 8th but only 10pts off 1st. Managed to win promotion to the SPL on the last day of the season away to who I took 1st place off of and made it to the Scottish Cup final getting hammered 5-1 by Rangers. But also qualifying for the UEFA Cup. However in Italy Juve finished 8th and sacked Deschamps I thought what the hell and applied and now am packing my bags to go to Turin, £25.5 Million to return Juventus to Serie A even tho the board and supporters only want a respectable position. :s
  9. Tomorrow every english tabloid shall read "Lucky Scots!" No offence to any english but we know the tabloids ain't gonna slate the queen's team when they can call us scots lucky like commentators. I don't know if I was watching the same game but disallowed goals aren't real goals seeing as if he wasn't offside they wouldnae have scored in the first place IMO Scotland did enough to walk away with the win and upholding all of Britain and Ireland's honour as we beat world cup finalists and everyone else gut fucked by diddys. Oh and by the way Hell has Froze over, pigs are flying, a monkey wrote hamlet and I have a big willy(OK going too far with the last one:p)
  10. Don't know if this has been posted before but I just found a scenario for the 1989/00 season it's only for the english leagues and top european teams but seems good for a change to me anyway, just finished downloading and about to try it out soon. Here's the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9SU550WZ
  11. Yeah I think that may have been one of Rab's only decent games all season, the swedish guys I bought have done awesome with Rawez Lawan doing best, got promoted through the playoffs and now in the premier league. Used pretty much all the transfer money to bring in a total of 9 players permanently and 2 loans so a very different team for the premiership. Got Andreas Shicker on a free he's a decent Austrian left back mostly for cover but still young too, bought the infamous Freddy Guarin for 1.5M and although he was shite on the right side he's done amazing in the centre with my other signing Nicky Butt. Butt was more to have someone over 25 on the pitch and has pretty much been my best player up till October. I was able to sign Craig Gordon and Zander Diamond from Hearts for 2.5m and Gordon is awesome sometimes but he can be terrible in some games. Signed Sebastion Larsson from Arsenal and on the wings got James McFadden and Shaun Maloney, I've got Lee Martin and Alexandre Song for cover on loan and have Kerlon signing in January. October now and I'm 11th some good draws against Man Utd. but I got beat 5-1 off Birmingham and squandered a 3-0 lead against West Ham to lose 4-3 to a Tevez hat trick. But in the carling cup I hammered Liverpool at home 5-0 never had a more gratifying win with Leicester than that.
  12. Just started a new game with Leicester using the Weegie update, started off getting beat 1-0 by Ipswich and should have have been about a 5-0 defeat if not for Rab Douglas, made a few signings to round out the team in Duncan Ferguson, Paul Merson, Marcus Berg, Cameron Belford and Nicholas Baker. Two keepers since I realised when my backup got injured that I only had 2 keepers in total, 11 games in and 8th with 20 points including a 6-1 mauling of Leeds and a 4-1 win over Notts Forest in the cup. Started a raid on the Sweden Under 21 team with a total of 6 players coming in mostly to provide backup but should develop in to good players. So any tips on a few cheap youngsters to sign?
  13. Just means all the contract stuff has been sorted out at midnight, lots of players have had pictures with a team's shirt only for the deal to fall through later on.
  14. SPOILERS!!!!! does everyone else agree that has seen this movie that the use of free bird for the end of this movie is the best instance of Lynard Skynard's 'Free Bird' in at least awhile. ps. have mercy just had fucking everything in my world torn apart literally, apart from ma pc somehow, bitch must think she can sell it.
  15. Just wondering if anyone else has ever seen The Mcpherson Tape. The Alien Abduction tape like Blair Witch before Blair withh I've been scared or slightly creeped out with movies but this movie truly haunted me to the point were I could not watch it, first time I saw this a while ago I was pretty young and so freaked out a didn't even realise it was a movie and couldn't sleep properly for a week and even now six years later I still cannot watch it without being scared. To me it seems like a movie that is perfect in its purpose. Anyone else seen it?
  16. Just started a new game unemployed and got picked up by Irish First Division team Athlone Town, promoted in the first season second in the third and losing in both Cup Finals, my attendance was one of the lowest in the Premier and First, and getting bored with a team going nowhere IMO, I got offered the job of Fulham in January who were languishing in 16th, with most of there best players gone I brought in a few older reliable players in the mould of Jose Karl Pierre Fanfan for 10k, Duncan Ferguson 22K, Trevor Sinclair 45K, Emile Heskey 475K and Nicky Butt for 190K with the strengthened team I hope to at least make the playoff's.
  17. This is probably a weird question but does anyone miss busted tonight wasted I was listening to their songs and to be honest they weren't actually that bad what I want to know was anyone else a fan of them?
  18. Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughan, Adam Sandler, Samuel L Jackson and Robin Williams like a lot of other types of films more but I dont think I could sit through 24 hours of them.
  19. Yeah I remember watching a bit of german MTV and they have a whole lot more annoying ringtones than we do, its a break full of about 7 different ones! God that was annoying even when I was wasted.
  20. Not a bad first match for City should take 3 off of WBA, well I hope so anyway. Is there any other Man City fans on this board?
  21. IMO The fight for the european spot is much more interesting seeing as Man City and Middlesborough some of the most attractive football in the premiership and seeing as Man City were nowhere near the spot 7 games a go they really have came out of nowhere, besides IMO the bottom four really have played lacklustre football all season and I hope that Norwich stay up but doubt it they haven't won a game away all season.
  22. it's the head soldier from 28 Days later that plays Doctor Who yeah? I will prolly tape since am gonna get very smashed tonight and started about an hour ago lol.
  23. that's it! Thanks I heard it at a cabaret last night in my local, dunno why but I've been listening to a lot of elton john recently them and UB40 they kick ass.
  24. Does anyone know what that elton john song with the high pitched LALALALALALA in it is?
  25. Hey sorry forgot to mention the true king of pop Tom Jones
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