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Posts posted by Hellfire

  1. Yeah, Covert Affairs wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing by any means, either. I didn't really find anything wrong with it, it just doesn't live up to the bar set by the USA shows. The blind guy is definitely the best part of the show, though. But yes, Piper Perabo is hot.

    Totally agreed on all points. It was enjoyable enough but its a step below the others right now. Its only one episode in though, so I'm going to give it a chance. Speaking of USA shows, is Monk worth watching?

  2. I'd be happy with a Levi/J. Nolan combination. I'm not really a fan of Superman but they haven't really done much with him movie wise recently and a reboot would make sense. If Johnathan Nolan picked up some tricks from his brother I think it'd be in good hands too. Really, it couldn't be any worse than the last superman movie.

  3. Kind of a filler episode but you need them to further the story. I'm trying to figure out where this Bill thing is going, I'm assuming some sort of battle for supremacy between the King of MS and Queen of LA? I'm really hoping that Tara gets killed but I really can't see it happening. Lafayette is still awesome though he now doesn't have anything to do anymore.

  4. After 116, I'm pretty sure the only way to KO Brock is to hit him in the face with a crowbar and then it's only 50/50.

    A crowbar might take down Brock but I'm fairly certain it'll just piss Leben off. The only way to take him down would be hitting him with a car (or Anderson Silva)

  5. I see nothing wrong with Lebron going to Miami. He's playing with his friends and has the chance to win multiple championships. That wasn't going to happen in Cleveland. Maybe Chicago would have been better but I think this will be much more interesting plus Cleveland fans get to suffer some more. They like that out there right? :shifty:

    But seriously, this upcoming season will be interesting to watch. I'm going to wait till the dust totally clears but with everyone moving around there will be new contenders while other teams will sink to the bottom like an anchor (I'm looking at you Cleveland!)

  6. Just watched a couple fights from the show. So glad Brock won, I'm not a big Carwin fan. It was surprising to see him finish Carwin off with the arm triangle though. Akiyama/Leben was awesome. Both guys took some serious shots and just shook them off. I like Leben more and more every time I see him fight and I want to see more of Akiyama now.

  7. Right now 3D is way overhyped. The only movie that has been worth watching in 3D so far was Avatar, because it was filmed specifically for it. When that raked in money hand over fist everyone decided to hop on the bandwagon and do everything in editing, which is lame. I'll withhold final judgement until some stuff comes out that is actually created for 3D though.

    HD though is a completely different story. Sports and Movies look absolutely incredible in HD and the picture can make even shitty or boring shows watchable. It all comes down to your TV though, if you have a crappy one then you won't care about HD because you're not getting the best picture.

    As for Toy Story 3, haven't seen it yet and most likely won't in theaters. I'll catch it when it gets released on blu ray or something.

  8. I'm not sure what to think about bill giving up so quickly. From what I watched I'm guessing he's trying to convince everyone that he's going to leave sookie so they don't come after her but then he hooked up with the maker chick so I'm not sure. That scene was crazy though.

  9. I couldn't find this thread earlier but I was really entertained by the season finale and it planted the seeds for the eventual exit of a few of the main characters. Plus you can't ever really go wrong with songs about the Holocaust can you?

  10. Damn that took a long ass time to figure out. I'm sure it'll be different next week too. Right now, these are favorite all time (although I restricted it to one song per artist)

    Jay Z - Lucifer

    Nas - N.Y. State of Mind

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Things Done Changed

    Tupac - California Love

    Royce Da 5'9" - It's The New

  11. I missed Leverage when it aired but I caught the first episode last night and i'm about to watch the second. Really good way to start off the season and its going to give every episode meaning, as its all going to build up to the final takedown. One of the small things I didn't like about past seasons is that sometimes it seemed like the episodes were separate from one another. I think this will help quite a bit.

  12. So I listened to this today - not out of choice. Bloody dreadful. Giving it 2.8/10 is being kind.

    "shake that ass like a donkey with Parkinson's" is probably the worst line written since William McGonagall put down his pen.

    The only good thing about the album is Lil' Wayne's bit. Although that might just be down to my relief that it's not Eminem who is rapping.

    How were you defending the Pitchfork review yesterday when you just listened to the CD today? The answer would be poorly. You're a good poster but seriously, give the trolling a rest man.

    • Like 2
  13. A prime example of why Pitchfork should stick to obscure indy shit, leave Rap reviews for people that actually know what the fuck they are actually talking about.

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  14. Green Zone (7.5/10) - It really reminded me of the Bourne series, which isn't really suprising as the director and star are the same. Really enjoyable movie, really sucks that it failed miserably at the box office though.

    Kick Ass (8/10) - I didn't enjoy it as much as some people did, but its a real fun movie with a ton of violence. Hit Girl was awesome, Nicholas Cage creeped me out and the lead actor annoyed me way less than I thought he would.

    O Brother, Where Art Thou? (8/10) - I don't like the Cohen Brothers movies usually, but this was very good, mainly due to Clooney being awesome and the supporting cast making me laugh. I like movies in time periods that usually get overlooked and this would be a great example of that.

  15. How on earth is there not a thread for this?

    I'm only six episodes into the first season but everything about this is great. Sure, there are a few cliches but they're executed brilliantly. I was wondering how this reflects in terms of real life high school in Texas?

    I am in love with this program.

    The reason why there isn't a thread on FNL is because this season already aired earlier this year. I'm not going to spoil anything but its a really good season, I might have to give it another watch one of these days.

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