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Posts posted by CobraKaiEnTai

  1. Spoilers that aren't actual spoilers but more speculation:

    I didn't see this one yet as I'd prefer just watching them all in one go rather than wait for each bit to upload. That and the fact I didn't see the previous one yet. I assume there's no need to see them in order but still...

    But, some initial reaction last night on the Twitters from the offical TGWTG account said something like they'd discuss the future soon. My immidiate reaction was 'lol, what if the Critic died or something? Heh, but I guess they just mean he's taking a break from videos for a few more weeks caus of all the editing and stuff.'

    Now there's even more of that kind of stuff so now I'm wondering if I should just see it already or check spoilers...

    Okay, Part 1 is 40 minutes and it's 8 parts long...they can't all be 40 minutes...right?!

    No they're not all that long. Just the first and last part are. The others are around 20-25 minutes

  2. Saddened by this, I heard he had a heart attack in July and I guess never fully recovered from it, that happens sometimes unfortunately. Its too bad as he was a good actor and seemed like a genuinely nice person by all accounts. Been a sad year with so many great people passing :(

  3. Watching Nostalgia Critics review of Total Recall, he's doing with some guy named "The Sci-Fi Guy" whose gimmick seems to be nitpicking Sci-Fi films.

    Why the fuck would anyone watch that. Nitpicking is the fucking worst anyway, let alone in a genre that usually features impossible scenarios, ridiculous technology and even fictional races.

    I really didn't like the remake of Total Recall. Not because it had impossible sci-fi scenarios but because it wasn't very good. :shifty:

    Oh no, they're reviewing the original.


    You can't hate on the original. :/ How stupid.

    Actually, Nostalgia Critic kind of liked the original, he pointed out some of its silliness, but not all his stuff is negative reviews

  4. You know when a bad guy is so good at what they do, you want them to win in the end (Craig Bellamy when he's playing for Team GB, Daniel Bryan right now, William Regal, even Jericho to a certain Extent). Jamie Lannister just has a Charisma that makes me want to listen to what he has to say and I'm kind of rooting for him because beyond Arya, the Starks are a bit dull.

    Well if we're bringing wrestling into the discussion, then Brock Lesnar. I don't care how much they try to portray Triple H as the hero in this, from what I've seen, he's not. I want to see Lesnar tear him apart at Summerslam. The same goes for John Cena and C.M. Punk, I'm gonna cheer Punk regardless of what WWE wants me to do.

    On a non-wrestling front, Darth Vader definitely comes to mind. How it all turned out was fine, but part of me wanted to see Luke Skywalker lured to the Dark Side at the end of 'Return of the Jedi'. The Joker from 'Dark Knight' also was so evil I kind of wanted to see him win even if it went against conventional wisdom.

    And of course Tom in 'Tom and Jerry'. Why is a cat the bad guy and a mouse a hero? And what's worse, how come there were instances where a dog would save Jerry from Tom? Like a dog wouldn't eat a mouse just as easily as a cat would. But that goes for so many instances in Hollywood where cats are evil and dogs are the heroes. I like dogs as much as anybody, but why are cats always the evil ones?

  5. If we're getting into Ghostbusters trivia, the whole movie was originally intended for John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd and Gozer was originally going to be played by Paul Reubens

  6. Finally got to see the Avengers yesterday and it was well worth it. Excellent on so many levels, plenty of action, good story, with the right amount of humor mixed in.

    • Like 1
  7. Homer: Why am I such a loser?

    Bart: Well your father was a loser, your father's father was a loser, its genetic man.......D'oh!

    Homer: All we have to do is follow the path of destruction....D'oh! Stupid tornado! Haha look, its got Patty and Selma.

    Homer: Oh, God, why have you forsaken me?

    Marge: Homer, that's not God, that's a waffle stuck to the

    ceiling. [knocks it down with a broom]

    Homer: Mmm... sacrilicious.

    Marge: Homer, there's a family of possums in here.

    Homer: I call the big one "Bitey".

    Marge: Do you notice something different about Bart?

    Homer: New glasses?

    Marge: No, it seems like something is bothering him

    Homer: Probably misses his old glasses

    Marge: I want to get close to him, but i don't want to smother him

    Homer: Yeah, then we'd get the chair

    Marge: that's not what i meant Homer

    Homer: It is Marge, Admit it

    Homer: What is it, boy?

    Bart: Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!

    Homer: Is anything the matter, my son? Talk to me, young man.

    [bart takes a pad and writes, "Say my name".]

    Homer: Say your name? Why should I do that, my lad?

    Bart: Because I'm jinxed, dammit!

    [Homer punches Bart in the arm.]

    Bart: Ow! What was that for?!

    Homer: You spoke while you were jinxed, so I get to punch you in the arm! Sorry, it's the law! Heh heh.

    Homer: And lord, we're especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is, except for solar, which is a pipe dream. Anyway, we'd like to thank you for the occasional moments of peace and love our family's experienced.....well not today. You saw what happened. Oh Lord, be honest! Are we the most pathetic family in the universe or what??

    Homer: How come we always have one good kid and one lousy kid?

    Marge: We have three kids, Homer

    Homer: Marge, the dog doesn't count as a kid!

  8. "Hey Homer, I can see your doodle."

    "Shut up Flanders."

    "You just shot the Zombie Flanders."

    "He was a zombie?"

    "Look at that pig stuffing his face with donuts on my time. That's riiiiight, keep eating, little do you know you're drawing ever closer to the poison donut. Hehehohoho. There is a poisoned one isn't there Smithers?"

    "Uh, no sir, I discussed this with our lawyers, they consider it murder."

    "Damn their oily hides!"

    I like so many characters on there, but besides Homer and Bart, Mr. Burns and Flanders have to be my favorites

  9. I'm a Simpsons fanatic. I have collected so much merchandise over the years, DVDs, CDs, TV Guides, toys, hats, shirts, pajamas, keychains, clocks, playing cards, stamps, lamps, books, license plates, stockings, board games, slippers, calendars, posters, blankets, costumes, masks, mugs, oven mits, bobbleheads, you name it (and I pretty much just did) anything with the Simpsons on it I feel I need to own, (yes that includes the Marge Simpson Playboy). I was the first one in the theatre when the movie came out and the last one to leave. There's so many great episodes to choose from, from Marge vs the Monorail to Who Shot Mr. Burns? to Flaming Moe's, Mr. Plow, Homer at the Bat, Kamp Krusty, The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show, Whacking Day, Krusty Gets Kancelled, Deep Space Homer, Bart's Comet, Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie, Lisa's Substitute, Bart Gets an F, the list goes on and on and I can quote so much from it, including a lot of the songs from over the years. While its certainly declined in quality over 23 seasons, I still can't resist watching each and every episode because its the freakin' Simpsons

  10. NBC just gets stupider and stupider. Putting comedies (and a lot of dramas for that matter) on Friday or Saturday night is typically the kiss of death in television (excluding ABC's somewhat successful TGIF lineup in the past). Yea they won't have to compete with Big Bang Theory, but then Community did better in the 8pm Thursday slot than 30 Rock did, though both are great shows. They don't want Community to succeed but its got enough of a following they can't get rid of it yet, so they'll do whatever they can to make it as difficult as possible :angry:

  11. To make a wrestling analogy, its like WWE keeping Raw on Monday nights, even though they struggle to get higher ratings when they're up against Monday Night Football, they had success in the past on Mondays in that time slot, so they stick with tradition hoping they'll have success again, just as NBC had success for around 20 years with their Thursday night Must See TV lineup, so they stick with it (and a lot of people complained when they messed with the formula and had the Apprentice on at 9pm Thursdays)

    But hope all works out for Community, with or without Chevy Chase (I demand six seasons and a movie dammit). The other shows are great too, but I didn't get into them until later in their runs, whereas I have not missed a single episode of Community


    1) Community vs. 4) The Office (U.S)

    3) The Walking Dead vs. 2) Seinfeld


    9) Game of Thrones vs. 4) Breaking Bad

    3) South Park vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy


    1) The Simpsons vs. 4) The Sopranos

    14) Louie vs. 2) Scrubs


    1) Arrested Development vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 2) The Wire


    1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

    6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

    7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


    1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

    5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

    6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

    7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire


    1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

    5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

    6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

    10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


    1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

    12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

    11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

    10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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