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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Hopefully he knows how to make a team defend as they will be the key skills he needs. Thought we might do a Fulham and be managerless for a long time.
  2. Did he fall over? Why's he got that plaster on? Attempt to gain sympathy for being old?
  3. It's a known fact that City never lose without a ref's intereference.
  4. Could Arsene call it a day this season if he wins the league? Arsenal would be the perfect club for Pep to take over.
  5. Looks like we've got away with a poor result again, surely this can't keep happening?!
  6. I'm sure we're busy trying to tap up Pep at this point in time. If not I'd happily take Ancelotti or basically anyone that can win more than 3 games in 12 for us.
  7. I don't know how much more of van Gaal I can take. In both matches this week he took our main threats for Nick fucking Powell. In both matches we turned to total shit after said sub. In fact I can't think of many successful subs he's ever made for us.
  8. I'm still moaning about the 0-0 , the 3-2 match was great, would happily watch us play like that and win some, lose some than try and endure yet more pedestrian 3/4 chances a game football. With the amount of money spent by Van Gaal you'd think we'd be able to easily top that group.
  9. I've enjoyed watching our full backs tonight, they should start on the weekend. Can't believe I'm now paying £20 a month to watch the Europa League, fuck you LVG.
  10. We're out now anyway PSV have scored. This is Van Gaal's fault for the pathetic performance this team put in at home to PSV. I'd rather have a shaky United who concede goals but look threatening as they have tonight then the pathetic 0-0s he keeps making us serve up.
  11. We are so boring to watch. I actually read a book for most the 2nd half :/
  12. Same old lack of invention from United. Great header though to get us back in this game.
  13. Barcelona currently ripping Madrid to shreds and with 30 mins to go Messi has just been added to their attack.
  14. Sam

    Fallout 4

    I never knew there were so many tubes!
  15. Sam

    Fallout 4

    Doesn't he usually end up in the kennel at the back of one of the houses? It's where I always find him.
  16. Sam

    Fallout 4

    I love the way you just wander around Fallout games and almost create your own story. Haven't even made it back to Diamond City since I first went there.
  17. Sam

    Fallout 4

    I never seem to have any ammo for my guns which means I spend more time running away from things than fighting them :(
  18. Sam

    Fallout 4

    Yes, it's the weekend so I can make some progress in this game, or spend ages looking for things that I can scrap into cooper so that I can put a few more lights in my settlement...
  19. Sam

    Fallout 4

    I've spent half an hour looking for carrots or potatoes or any vegetables. Where do I find them?
  20. I don't think too many see Leicester as title contenders, more likely to lose 4 on the bounce.
  21. Excellent weekend, we win and all the rest drop points.
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