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Everything posted by Kyle_

  1. I think the Packers are far from horrible. They lack a running game, but the rest of the offense is good IMO.
  2. Face looks Jack Sparrowish. But still a great drawing.
  3. I play Fast Infection with my friends a lot. It's awesome.
  4. I was very happy with Leftwich's performance. I would've liked a win, but this is the Falcons And props to Reggie Bush for the effort on the TD.
  5. sqeak5 I have Halo, and will be getting GH3 and SvsR2008
  6. Kyle_

    Red Vs. Blue

    "That is not an X, that is a plus sign."
  7. Kyle_

    Red Vs. Blue

    There was a three part mini series of Tex chasing Wyoming after season 4. A few more public service announcements plus a few for Halo 3.
  8. Kyle_

    South Park

  9. As said above, no real order 1. Major Payne 2. Dodgeball 3. Mystery Men 4. X-Men 3 5. Clerks II 6. Jay And Silent Bob 7. The Longest Yard(the newer one) 8. Anchorman 9. Without A Paddle
  10. There should be some way for you to at least get your money back. Still sucks though.
  11. Full Voting List 1. Eric Cartman(South Park) 2. Perry Cox(Scrubs) 3. Janitor(Scrubs) 4. Leopold "Butters" Stotch(South Park) 5. Randy Marsh(South Park) 6. Doug Heffernan(King Of Queens) 7. Boomhauer(King Of The Hill) 8. Tim Taylor(Home Improvement) 9. Chandler Bing(Friends) 10. Todd Quinlan(Scrubs)
  12. And that is what Jerious Norwood is good for.
  13. Yeah, they are always close. I'm just wondering if and when Leftwich will be put in. Since he has supposedly mastered the offense already
  14. I enjoyed both posters, they were very well. Done. I didn't enjoy the Hogan pic in SOM's, but I think he's was better overall. Stateofmind
  15. As someone said in another thread earlier today(I think it was YI), Avenged Sevenfold.
  16. Kyle_

    South Park

    I HATE the Pip episode. There's like, one good moment in the whole thing.
  17. It's going to be on NBC, that's all they've said so far.
  18. Kyle_

    South Park

    Which Towelie one?
  19. How about this? The American Gladiators is making it's return to television soon. Make an advertisement for the show. Make sure to include the time, date, network, and the announcer, Hulk Hogan.
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