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Everything posted by abundant

  1. It's the last mission you get from Packie.
  2. Spoiler: Click here to viewIvan, Cherise, and Clarence are the three that will give you a mission if you spare their life.
  3. Spoiler: Click here to viewLive, there's another mission to be done. Spoiler: Click here to viewI don't recall this. Spoiler: Click here to viewEvery character you choose to save instead of kill (there's 3) will become a random character that gives you a mission later on. These 3 do not count towards 100%, so don't worry.
  4. For anyone who cares, Haze has been torn to shreds by reviewers. IGN, Gamespot, Gamespy, Jeff Gerstmann (former Gamespot journalist), and XPlay gave it below average reviews, stating that the story, graphics, AI, and voice acting were terrible.
  5. You use the garage to deliver the cars Bruice's friend asks you to steal.
  6. There's no way to avoid the wanted level because the two cops will always hear Anthony die and go after you, since you were the last one in his room.
  7. GOW 2 multiplayer news: The player count has been upped to 5 vs. 5, chainsaw attacks don't take you into God Mode anymore, the game will ship with more maps and modes then the previous edition, weapon specific executions, the online functionality is improved.
  8. I think Too Human will be an alright dungeon crawler, not great, but not bad. It has everything a dungeon crawler needs, average combat, a good loot system, and a good skill tree. It may not score high with reviews, but I can see it being an average to slightly above average dungeon crawler. Alone in the Dark is going to be terrible though, because, while the tech is impressive, the driving and combat mechanics look horrible.
  9. Dwayne at 60% gives you two thugs as backup Brucie at 75% gives you helicopter rides Roman at 75% gives you free taxi rides Packie at 75% gives you car bombs LJ at 75% gives you discounted guns.
  10. It's an action RPG just like the Diablo or Xmen Legends series. If you like that type of sub-genre, you'll like Too Human.
  11. Alone in the Dark, Soul Caliber 4, Saints Row 2, Ninja Gaiden 2. Banjo Kazooie trailer.
  12. Finally, after 10 years of planning and development, Too Human has a release date: August 19. This is by far the best summer ever; June: MGS4, NG2, AitD, Battlefield: BC, and Lego Indiana Jones July: SC4 August: Too Human, Mercenaries 2, and SR2
  13. New info about Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie, and Viva Pinata 2.... There's a MS event happening tomorrow, so expect new footage, new release dates, and possibly some new games to be announced.
  14. I don't know of a quick and easy way to get six stars, but for an easy and quick way to get five stars, type www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com. You'll get a five star wanted level immediately.
  15. It's BS. The only info that's been given is that the game was announced.
  16. Here's the GOW 2 footage. Here's the whole show, which features a lot of Ghostbuster footage.
  17. 1) Fallout 3 - An open world RPG with a great setting and since I never played the other Fallouts, the chances of me being disappointed are small. 3) Resistance 2/GOW 2 - I couldn't choose between the two, so I chose both. I love the single player portions of these two shooters and the multiplayer is going to kick ass. 3) Prototype - A new sandbox game from the makers of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction? Sign me up.
  18. Sony announced today that Little Big Planet comes out this October and that Killzone 2 comes out February 2009.
  19. I think what Docpepper is talking about are the mixed reviews coming from gaming forums. Unless you're super anal about frame rates or other things, never take opinions from gaming forums seriously.
  20. Yes, there are two endings, depending on the choice you make prior to the last mission.
  21. If you enjoyed III, VC, and SA, you'll definitely enjoy IV. Some things have changed, like the driving, but the basic gameplay is still the same.
  22. If you kill Derrick, the only things that change are the dialog, where the funeral is held, and the opportunity to call Frankie to get rid of the wanted level you receive at the end of the mission.
  23. Just looked at the guide... you DON'T have to do those random characters missions to get 100%. Spoilers on what you need to do to get 100%. Spoiler: Click here to viewComplete every Main Story and Procedural Mission in game(90 total) - 68% Deliver all 30 vehicles to garage - 2% Open all unique abilities to complete all activities (except Roman n Dwayne) - 10% Beat computer or Friend at all activities once - 5% Find all Random Characters and complete their missions(except Jeff, Cherise, Clarence, and Ivan) - 5% Kill all 30 on Most Wanted list - 2.5% Complete all 20 crimes in police computer (vigilante) - 2.5% Find all 200 pigeons - 2.5% Complete all 50 jumps - 2.5% Total = 100% I'm still sure that you need them for the achievement though, spoiler for reason why. Spoiler: Click here to viewYou don't need Dwayne to be your friend or his special perk to gain 100%, but you need him to be your friend to get an achievement.
  24. You have to do at least one mission for them to "meet" them. Just like I stated earlier, I'm positive that their missions count towards 100%. It wouldn't be the first time in GTA that you can screw yourself out of gaining 100% without knowing.
  25. Yeah, I can read the achievement description thanks. All I said was I read on another forum that apparently the ones you kill are dead so they no longer count towards the achievement, so maybe they do, maybe they don't Next time be more specific. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that those randoms count for the achievement. There's only 3 of them. As far as attaining 100%, I think it will affect it. Just like how if you killed Kenji Kasen before completing his missions in GTA III, you can't get 100%
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