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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Every once in a while you can find jumpers off of buildings, which is an oddity.

Also, near the area between Los Santos and San Fierro somewhere, I do believe if you swim deep enough you can find a butcher like person at the bottom that swims around. I thought it was going to kill me. It could of been something mis shapen, but i swear it was like The Butcher from Manhunt.

Also, in Los Santos, near Carl's Moms house. I just beat the game, and it was 1:33, and it was a Tuesday. I looked to the sky and saw a UFO. It was metallic looking, blue, and had yellow lights on the side. I tried to look with the sniper but couldn't find it as it was already gone. It was quite quick, and looked very very weird.

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I need a buffalo for import export, but I've never seven seen one. I looked around for a while, but nothing, so I check the Brady Games Guide for a picture.

It's not listed.

So I sell out and look at a parked locations map, and I go to it and all that's there is a buccaneer.

Little help please.

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Every once in a while you can find jumpers off of buildings, which is an oddity.

Also, near the area between Los Santos and San Fierro somewhere, I do believe if you swim deep enough you can find a butcher like person at the bottom that swims around. I thought it was going to kill me. It could of been something mis shapen, but i swear it was like The Butcher from Manhunt.

Also, in Los Santos, near Carl's Moms house. I just beat the game, and it was 1:33, and it was a Tuesday. I looked to the sky and saw a UFO. It was metallic looking, blue, and had yellow lights on the side. I tried to look with the sniper but couldn't find it as it was already gone. It was quite quick, and looked very very weird.

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Some sports car... dammit if I can remember the name... Bobcat?

Bobcat is a truck. Banshee?

And, modded Taxi's would be loads cooler if the sign changed colors with the rest of the car. I can never bring myself to change it from yellow for that reason alone.

Red doesn't look too horrible.

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Yes, awesome addition definitely.

And even more fun...I just did it off the highest building in LS...without the parachute and lived. (I'm guessing all can do it..and it's not really a glitch) I rode the bike off the building, and just went falling...and then evidently I tried to jump to late because he would'nt get off the bike for shit. I thought I was wasted...and then, BAM. He landed...perfect..


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In a new game I started about a week ago, I alternate between two outfits.

The Pimp Suit (Thanks, Denise. Sorry I forgot to give ya flowers before painting the sidewalk with your organs.)

Combat Jacket/Dog tags/Default jeans/default shoes

Outside of the outfits, we've got the 'fro and beard look going on, which looks much better than i'd originally assumed. Throw on the max muscle, too.

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Every once in a while you can find jumpers off of buildings, which is an oddity.

Also, near the area between Los Santos and San Fierro somewhere, I do believe if you swim deep enough you can find a butcher like person at the bottom that swims around. I thought it was going to kill me. It could of been something mis shapen, but i swear it was like The Butcher from Manhunt.

Also, in Los Santos, near Carl's Moms house. I just beat the game, and it was 1:33, and it was a Tuesday. I looked to the sky and saw a UFO. It was metallic looking, blue, and had yellow lights on the side. I tried to look with the sniper but couldn't find it as it was already gone. It was quite quick, and looked very very weird.

Sigh. Head back to GameFAQs, fella.

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