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WWE - Attitude 2005


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I sat on a seat and played with my thumbs as the woman at the desk stood and called out "Jack Brinded, Please go and see Vince and Jim for the spare writers position job, Thomas DaBoe you will be up next" I stood up with my knees shaking and took the first faithful steps to the place wrestling fans dreamed of stepping into, Vincent Kennedy McMahons office. I walked past the woman who whisperd "Good Luck" as i walked past, That made me feel better but i still shook ,I still felt like throwing up, I still felt like ecsaping from the building but i had to do this! I took the last steps and knocked on the door. "Come in!" a voice sounded, it was obviosly the voice of Good ol' J.R ,the WWE's most respected perons after the McMahon family, I felt honered. I slowly opened the door to see three chairs set round a circle table, One chair was empty and the two other where occupied by Jim Ross and the WWE's King Vince McMahon. They usherd me to my seat and the interview started.....

Vince: Hello! What is your name?

Me: Jack Brinded

Vince: Where are you from?

Me: Lincoln, England

J.R: So Jack, Why do you think you should be writer?

Me: I studied writing at collage and University in england and passed my tests with flying colors

Vince: What do you think of wrestling at this moment?

Me: Well, Mr McMahon, I think it is going downhill, HHH and JBL are not fit to be champions and are no where near as good as the days of the Attitude era when Rock and Supreme got the crowds going against The Undertaker ,Kane and Triple H before he got the injury witch made his career go down hill, No wrestling isnt as good bt the young stars in OVW and the ones stuck in Midcarder positions or less should be given more of a chance an...an....and......

Vince: That will be enough thankyou please go home and wait for the reply....

I saw Vince and J.R where in shock, I shouldnt have spoke really and if i did get the job it would be down to the other contenders being rubbish.....

Part Two....

I sat in my living room watching the last Smackdown of 2004 when the phone rang , I picked it up only to hear the voice of J.R on the other end

J.R: Bad News and Good News! Bad news is that Thomas DaBoe got the job but Good news is that Vince wants you to take the job as Trainee Booker! This saturday before Velocity you will be expected to come, and earlier is better! some smackdown superstars will go through plans with you and youll get to watch Velocity with your head trainer - Pat Patterson!...

I placed my phone on the hook and watched Smackdown! as JBL retained his belt thanks to the JBL Administration, I didnt sleep for the next few nights in exitment when Saturday came...!

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Smackdown! Presents...

Velocity Preview!

Big Show will be in the house for a huge match against Billy Kidman in a mix of the sorts Main Event. We have Tag Team action as The Dudley Boyz go head to head with Rhyno and Tajiri who have recently been brought to Smackdown! also Cruiserweight sensation Akio goes one-on-one with Paul London in cruiserweight action to start it all off! And Carlito Carribean Cool and Jesus will be backstage with Josh Matthews and the Bashams are expected to be coming in for a visit! This Velocity is far too good to miss!

Comfirmed matches:

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rhyno and Tajiri

Akio vs. Paul London

Big Show vs. Billy Kidman

Edited by JKDaRock
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Rhyno, Tajiri, Orton, (I think French Resistance is La Res, right?), Viscera, Richards are on RAW, and couldn't appear on Velocity.

When did they start doing 'writing' (in terms of wrestling, anyway) at University?

You're nervous, but yet you rattle off a whole list of things that you consider to be wrong with the company without batting an eyelid?

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Rhyno, Tajiri, Orton, (I think French Resistance is La Res, right?), Viscera, Richards are on RAW, and couldn't appear on Velocity.

When did they start doing 'writing' (in terms of wrestling, anyway) at University?

You're nervous, but yet you rattle off a whole list of things that you consider to be wrong with the company without batting an eyelid?

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Well, since everyone is already voicing their opinions on this diary, I kinda like to know why you switch guys from one show to another, gives me a look at your plans for the future for them, or none, if your switching them to fill up a spot, which is fine by me, just would like to know that, if that's the case. Anyways, hope this works out for you, and, looking forward, to seeing your revised Velocity card.


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I parked up my rented car in a spare space and walked into the arena where i met J.R and Shane McMahon who where waiting to meat me "Hello Jack" J.R said joyfully "How are you?" I smiled and looked at J.R trying to foget the bosses son was right next to me (Something about McMahons makes me shake!) "Im alright J.R ,im still in shock though" I felt a hand clasp my shoulder it was Shane "Hello and welcome to the WWE tonight is Velocity so we want to take you to meet some Smackdown superstars!" I was in shock i got to meet Shane O'Mac and was about to meet some superstars "O-O-Ok!" I stutterd as he and J.R started walking away so i followed, We arrived behind a monster of a man ,I knew it at once to be the Big Show "Paul!" Shane called as show turned round ,He took a long look at me and extended his hand "You must be Jack ,Im Paul Wight nice to meet you!" I stood there untill J.R usherd me to shake his hand "I hope you like it at the WWE and if you ever become head booker, give me a shot at the title would ya!" Shane ,Jim and Paul laughed so i copied as we all said our bye's i was taken to two people hanging out, The 'Man Beast' Rhyno and Tajiri "Hey Tajiri, Hey Terry" They turned and smiled "Hey Jim hey Shane who is this?" Rhyno said tapping my shoulder "Thats Jack Brinded, new Trainee booler who will be working with Pat" They both shook my hand and said "Hello!" When rhyno talked again "Pat eh? Thats great! He'll turn you into a great booker and do us one favour if you do become head booker - Give us ECW boys a chance!" I nodded as we all walked off leaving the two who where getting ready for there Smackdown! debut. We then walked over to a person who i knew was definatly my new boss Pat Patterson he shook my hand and sat me down as Shane and J.R left. He looked at me and smiled (Too many smiles!) "Hello Jack! Tonight is Velocity and i have already booked it but tonight ill want help booking Heat, You up to it" I waited a second to calm my self down and then i noticed the oppotunity "Y-y-y-yes please!" He laughed at my enthusiastic mind but then noticed my shaking "And lad ,Dont be scared ,Have fun! Thats what has got me through the years! Just listen too Vinc.... Would you look at the time! Weve got to get our first row seats for the show!" We hurried off and watched as Velocity started...

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Smackdown! Broadcasting Presents...


Josh Matthews: Hello and welcome to WWE's first show of 2005. Im here with my partner Mark Lloyd and we are ready to bring you a GREAT show!

Mark Lloyd: Sure is gonna be great Josh We have 'The Monster' Big Show in the building and he is going to fight that Cruiserweight Billy Kidman who fights for the crowds heat

Josh Matthews: Yes, We also have Tag Team action with Smackdowns new Tag-Team Rhyno and Tajiri fighting Tag-Team 'Legends' The Dudley Boyz and coming up next is cruiserweight action...

Mark Lloyd: ...As Akio who has being fighting well on Velocity lately takes on Paul london who has been impressing the Smackdown! Roster and Backstage staff as he shows us his Superb in-ring skills.... Here comes Akio...

Akio vs. Paul London

No Title

Singles - Singles

The Finish - London had not taken the oppertunity as the ball was in his court so Akio took the upper hand with some impressive Monkey Flips, Akio picked Paul up and set him up fro a neckbreaker but London reversed and planted a belly to belly suplex. Both men who ever took the adavntage would definatly win this match, Paul got up first and hit a DDT on Akio before climnbing the rope and hitting the London Calling, He pinned "1-2-3"

OR: 70% :mellow:

CR: 49% :crying:

MQ: 91% :D

A Video Is played hyping up the continuing Title feud between The Undertaker and JBL

OR: 81%

Commercial Break

The Bashams are hanging around backstage with a look of shock on there faces

Dan Basham: I can't Belive John ,Just when it looks like Undertaker has the upper hand he brings HIM in

Doug Basham: Your Right Dan! Hes a genius!

Josh Matthews: Who is HE?

Mark Lloyd: I dont know Josh, But if the Bashams are telling the truth the Undertaker has met his match

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rhyno and Tajiri

No Title

Tag-Team - Tag

The Finish - A table was outside of the ring as Rhyno Capatalized on Bubba Ray, D-Von had won a brawl with Tajiri and was now waiting for a reason to set the table up, Rhyno carried on and went for a GORE but rammed into the post and Bubba shouted "D-VON GET THE TABLE!" D-Von obeyd as the helpless Ref looked on as Dvon and Bubba set them selfs in the right position ,As soon as Rhyno got up, the 3-D was hit through the table as the ref called for the bell. Tajiri ran to the ring as the Dudleyz fled into the crowd. Tajiri checked on his hurt partner.

OR: 78% :pinch:

CR: 74% :(

MQ: 82% ;)

Carlito Carribean Cool and his bodygaurd Jesus sat on two steel chairs next to each other with Josh Matthews positioned on a steel chair opposite, They where ready for an interview...

Josh: Hello Carlito ,Hello Jesus and thankyou for coming to an interview for Velocity...

Carlito: I had too make Velocity cool somehow!

Jesus: Yeah!

Josh: So.... Carlito how was putting John Cena out twice cool?

Carlito: JOSH! STOPPING BEING UNCOOL! I put him in his place! I didn't Put him out! any way he was uncool

Jesus. Yeah!

Suddenly a figure was seen behing Carlito holding somthing metal .... ITS CENA! Cena just smacked Carlito and Jesus on the heads and left them with Josh in shcok.... It then went to the main event...

Big Show vs. Billy Kidman

No Title

Singles - Singles

The Finish: Well the finish ended up as the start with a huge Big show clothesline and a show stopper Big show got the pin "1-2-3" While Show celebrated Kidman got a chair from Justin Roberts and planet a chair shot in Shows groin and then walked off to the croweds boos

OR: 69%

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Monster vs. Kane! Cabinet Break-Up! and Raw's Rumble Main Event!

-The WWE are reported to have a hired a 'Monster' to fight Kane we can proudly annoubce that it is Paul Birchall - The man from british federation FWA who has been bought into OVW

-JBL's Cabinet are expected to break up and start a feud the two teams are expected to be - Danny Basham and JBL vs. Doug Basham and Orlando ,We also expect Orlando or Doug will be next Champion

-Triple H is going to fight against Batista at Raw's Ryal Rumble Main Event in a hugetitle match, Triple H WILL walk out winner after an arguement with writers and Bookers

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