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Resident Evil 4


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There have been some amazing titles for the Gamecube, and I was really excited about this game, but after reading the review on IGN, my excitment has reached at its max level(and I thought only Mario, Link and Samus could do that I need this game!! Here's the review, the score: 9.8/10

You don't own Resident Evil 4. It owns you.

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Resi 4 does look pretty good, it's looking a lot more action then puzzler, which is a good thing in most cases. I'm still torn whether to get it for GameCube for better graphics or PS2 for better (read : more familiar) controls.


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I'm entralled by the story of Resident Evil, even though I don't fully understand it because no one has it laid out in order for another to read. Anyways, the game play seemed too slow for me at times, and besides, i'm a fucking pussy who got scared every time you walked past that God forsaken board in RE2 that had the arms coming out of it,

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Guest Mr McFarlane

Resi 4 does look pretty good, it's looking a lot more action then puzzler, which is a good thing in most cases.  I'm still torn whether to get it for GameCube for better graphics or PS2 for better (read : more familiar) controls.


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Resi 4 does look pretty good, it's looking a lot more action then puzzler, which is a good thing in most cases.  I'm still torn whether to get it for GameCube for better graphics or PS2 for better (read : more familiar) controls.


I thought it was Cube only :P

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Resi 4 does look pretty good, it's looking a lot more action then puzzler, which is a good thing in most cases.  I'm still torn whether to get it for GameCube for better graphics or PS2 for better (read : more familiar) controls.


I thought it was Cube only :P

Yeah, at first it was Cube exclusive, but after the lacklustre Outbreak, the backpeddaling at Capcom was almost audible.

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Resi 4 does look pretty good, it's looking a lot more action then puzzler, which is a good thing in most cases.  I'm still torn whether to get it for GameCube for better graphics or PS2 for better (read : more familiar) controls.


I thought it was Cube only :P

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Yeah, at first it was Cube exclusive, but after the lacklustre Outbreak, the backpeddaling at Capcom was almost audible.

Outbreak was PS2...

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Wait, wasn't Outbreak PS2 only?

Thats the point. Outbreak was supposed to 'make it up' to PS2 owners, but it was shite so they're giving us back the official storyline games. Supposedly. <_<

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They're fucking idiots. Outbreak didn't sell because it sucked fucking balls. If they made a good game for both systems, the sales would be about equal.

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Still, you get the crappy sequel to Outbreak in March.

Nah, I'll wait for my Resi 4, thanks all the same :P

They're fucking idiots. Outbreak didn't sell because it sucked fucking balls. If they made a good game for both systems, the sales would be about equal.

Exactly. I just wish they weren't bringing out the aforementioned sequal for Outbreak, and instead concentrated on making sure Resi 4 doesn't go the same way.

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Well I have have all 3 systems, and to my knowledge PS2 owners will have to wait a long time(around 6 months) for RE4 goodness. I played the demo and it seriously is the best Survival Horror game ever made.

My pro-Cube rant over.
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