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World Wrestling Entertainment 2004


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“Where it all begins ... AGAIN!”


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

”Where it all begins ... AGAIN!”

That was the slogan given for WrestleMania XX, as Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself proclaimed at the historic event that World Wrestling Entertainment would do just that. Begin again.

The following night on RAW during the action, Vince McMahon came out once again and interrupted a match between Miss Jackie and Stacy Keibler, announcing that he had a huge announcement to make. Since Vince said he seemingly knew what the fans wanted, new feuds, new superstars and a whole new shakeup -- he was going to give it to them! He announced that on the following weeks RAW, there would be a Draft Lottery! Vince explained that everyone involved inside World Wrestling Entertainment would be involved and that no one would be exempt from moving from RAW to SmackDown! or vice versa! This was a shocking announcement and it had the fans buzzing for the first time in a while. Who would switch brands? Just what would happen?

On SmackDown! only three days later, Paul Heyman announced that he loved the idea of there being a new draft and sucked up to Vince McMahon. Heyman also announced that he was glad because he didn't like a lot of his talent on SmackDown! and would be glad to see some of them leave, for some fresh blood!

Then the night finally came... it was time for the first ever “WWE Draft Lottery” live on RAW! The show began with everyone on the RAW roster, wearing red “RAW” shirts and everyone on the SmackDown! roster, wearing blue “SmackDown!” shirts. Then going right out onto the stage there were two podiums set up, along with two tumblers to draw from and then we zoomed in on Paul Heyman, wearing a neckbrace. Facing off with Eric Bischoff, while Vince stood between them and wished them good picking, informing them they each had six choices! For the first hour of RAW, it seemed like a lackluster draft with each man just swapping undercard workers but then Bischoff chose The Undertaker! This sent Heyman into a joyous fit of laughter because he desperately wanted him off his show and Bischoff was pissed! Bischoff knew Kane was going to raise hell at this announcement. It also looked like one of the best tag teams of all time was going to be split-up in The Dudley Boyz, when Bubba was picked second but with his last pick, Heyman managed to snag D-Von’s name, landing him the dynamic duo! And just when Heyman thought RAW had the bad end of the deal, Bischoff drew Edge’s name with his last pick and that sent Heyman into a frenzy! Edge then came out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd and shook Bischoff’s hand before lunging at Heyman and spearing him, much to the delight of the crowd! When it was all said and done, these 12 men ended up having new homes:

WWE Draft Lottery Results


1) Matt Morgan

2) Jamie Noble

3) Sean O’Haire

4) The Undertaker

5) Orlando Jordan

6) Edge


1) Miss Jackie

2) Bubba Ray Dudley

3) Steven Richards

4) Sylvan Grenier

5) Test

6) D-Von Dudley

With RAW managing to snag onto both Edge and The Undertaker, who both seemed to be key men on that roster, it looked like RAW couldn’t go anywhere but up! And SmackDown! seemingly got the short end of the stick, only winding up with The Dudley Boyz as their main gains. The future of RAW looked bright but the future of SmackDown! looked to be filled with storm clouds.

Who will come out on top when it all begins ... again!?

Edited by Fitzy
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March 25th, 2004

On this week's RAW, the "Draft Lottery" was held with each brand choosing six random names from a tumbler and those six employees have switched employers. The newest SmackDown! talent are Miss Jackie, Steven Richards Sylvain Grenier, Test and The Dudley Boyz, Bubba & D-Von! However, SmackDown! also lost some of their talent with the big hits being The Undertaker and fresh off the injured list, Edge!

On this week's edition of SmackDown! General Manager Paul Heyman has vowed to deliver a new look brand for the fans. Promising that now that some of the troublemakers and "dead weight" are gone, that the brand will improve! Starting with this week. As of yet, there are no official matches announced but rest assured, it will be a night you won't want to miss!

Be sure to tune in Thursday night at 8/7 CT on UPN, to SMACK your TV!

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WWE SmackDown!

SMACK your TV!

Taped from Grand Rapids, MI!

Opening up the show is a recap from the "Draft Lottery" that was held three days ago on RAW. Showing each of the talent being drafted to their respective shows, showing the glee on Heyman's face when The Undertaker was drafted. Then showing the shock on his face when Edge was drafted and then came out, spearing the SmackDown! General Manager! After that, we're sent straight to the new opening video package and new theme song for the brand, Drowning Pool's "Step Up" began:

Broken.. yeah you've been livin' on the edge of a broken dream!

Nothing.. yeah thats the only thing you'll ever take away from me!

I'm never gonna stop!

Ain't never gonna drop!

Ain't no different then it was before!

So take some good advice!

You'd better stop and think twice!

Before you take that first step out the door!

If you wanna step up! (step up)

You're gonna get knocked down!! (knocked down)

If you wanna step up! (step up)

You're gonna get knocked down!!

You have your chance to walk away!

Live to see another day!

If you wanna step up! (step up)

You're gonna get knocked down!!

You're gonna get knocked down!!

GM Heyman Speaks

Directly after the new video package finished up, we're sent straight to the ring where most of the SmackDown! talent is standing around the ring. Inside the ring, we see the six people that were drafted from RAW wearing blue SmackDown! t-shirts. Then as we move back, General Manager Paul Heyman is standing in the middle of the ring with his neck brace still on and a microphone in his hand. The fans turned their cheers from the show starting to boo's and chants of "Asshole" directed toward Heyman.

"You chant that, like for some reason I care what you people think!" The crowd boo's even louder. "Hello fans and welcome to the new-and-improved, SmackDown! brand! As I'm sure you are all aware, only a few days ago the very first Draft Lottery occurred and each brand was allowed to choose six random names from their tumblers and those people they chose, would go to work for their new brand. As you can see, before me stand the six new members of the SmackDown! roster and allow me to introduce them to you." Heyman pauses, switching the microphone to his left hand and uses his right hand to point. "Introducing first, has to be my favorite selection.. she is not only a former Tough Enough champion but she is also one of the sexiest creatures on earth! Give it up for Miss Jackie!!"

Jackie would step forward with a sexy smile, raising her hands in the air and doing a little twirl, with some help from Heyman, who was loving this. The crowd cheered wildly, as Jackie strutted her stuff. Heyman copped a feel of Jackie's booty, which she just playfully shook her head at before she stepped back in line.

"Oh my!! .. Ahem! .. Moving on! Beside her we have one of my former employees from ECW, he may be a few sandwhiches short of a picnic basket but he's a welcome addition to our roster! Steven Richards!!" Steven just stood there with a demented look on his face before throwing his arm up in the air, hand extended outward. The fans gave him a mixed reaction, before Heyman interrupted them.

"And the man to his right is a promising young athlete. Formerly of La Resistance and yes, he IS french.. Sylvain Grenier!!" Sylvan had a smug look on his face, placing a hand on his chin to pose for the camera and the fans boo'ed wildly, with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" to which Grenier shook his head in disgust.

"Yes, we all know where we are.. THANK YOU! Some people just don't have manners, Mr. Grenier! Directly to his right, we have one of the biggest.. and.. meanest men in business to yet hold a World Title.. Test!!" Stepping forward some, Test looked around at the crowd with an intimidating stare as they started to boo him wildly. Shaking his head, Test had a confident look on his face and he knew it was his time to shine on SmackDown!

"And last but not least! We have one of the most decorated tag teams in the history of this business.. though lately they've been getting beat left and right! Bubba Ray & D-Von.. THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!" Different then the other four talent, Bubba Ray & D-Von just stood there staring at Heyman before they yanked off their SmackDown! shirts to expose their "3D" shirt and Bubba snatched the mic from Heyman.

"Alright, Heyman! We've had enough of your crap! We may be SmackDown! superstars now but that doesn't change the fact that we forgot how you treated us in ECW! We were the best thing to ever happen to that rinky dink, bingo hall promotion and you treated us like crap! That's why we came here to the WWE! For the respect.. for the money.. and for these fans! You may be our boss again but that doesn't mean we have to put up with your shit, like we did back then!" The fans cheered as The Dudleyz got in the face of GM Heyman but Heyman snatched the mic back from Bubba Ray and fired back!

"That's where you're WRONG, Bubba! You DO have to put up with my shit! Because if you don't, I'll have to --.."

"What!? Fire US!? GO AHEAD!"

Heyman grins, while shaking his head firmly. "No.. no.. no. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of being fired! I was going to say, I'd have to suspend you indefinately WITHOUT PAY! You think I'd just let my two newest superstars walk out and go back to RAW? Oh no!"

Taking a few steps back now, Heyman turned away from his newest superstars and began to point all around the ring.

"Now that YOU ALL have seen the newest members of the SmackDown! roster, I'm going to teach all of you a lesson.. that you don't cross THIS boss! You all turned your backs on me two weeks ago and now it's time for a little payback! Most of you will be getting the night off and tonight shall mainly belong to the new blood of SmackDown! .. to the people in this ring!" Turning back towards the six talent inside the ring, Heyman ran down a few of the matches that were going to happen tonight.

"Steven! I'm going to give you a chance to prove yourself in a match against Bradshaw! .. But not just any match, it's a match that you've had some experience in before.. a Hardcore match!! .. Test! You're going to be in action later on tonight but it won't just be any match! It's going to be against John Cena for the WWE United States Title!! .. And finally, Bubba Ray & D-Von! Since you two seem to be in the mood for a fight, I'll give you one. It's going to be The Dudley Boyz against Kyo Dai, in a handicap match! -- Have fun boys!"

Steven & Test seemed to be thrilled with their oppurtunities tonight but as the camera moved over to Bubba Ray & D-Von, they looked pissed off, while Heyman smirked and we head to a commercial break.



Hardcore Match: Bradshaw vs Steven Richards

As we return from the commercial break, we see the ring is filled with various weapons or "toys" as they like to call it. Then Bradshaw made his way out to the ring to the APA music, wearing a Cowboy hat. But after last week, it seems as if his drinking buddy won't be back in the company anymore. Soon after, Steven Richards came out to his own voice shouting "I'LL SHOW YOU!.. YOU'LL SEE!" followed by his Static-X ripoff theme music. The fans were clearly behind Bradshaw in this one.

Bradshaw wasted no time in beating the hell out of Steven, as he tried to climb inside the ring and was met with some clubbing forearms. Using his typical brawling style, Bradshaw kept control of Steven with some big soup bones before picking up a trash can and slammed it straight over Steven's head! That sent Richards down, leaving a big dent in the aluminum-like trash can but Bradshaw didn't stop there. Picking Steven back up, Bradshaw whipped him into the ropes and went for his Clothesline From Hell -- but Steven ducked underneath it! Sliding out of the ring, Steven pointed toward his head but Bradshaw followed him outside and Steven started running around the ring. Going all the way around once before sliding back inside, Steven crawled toward a singapore cane and just as Bradshaw was about to grab him by the hair.. CRACK! Steven nailed Bradshaw right in the forehead! That sent the big Texan staggering back, allowing Steven to get back to his feet and then swung for the fences, hitting Bradshaw right in the ribs! Tossing the cane down, Steven started to deliver some right hands into the weakened Bradshaw's head before picking up a chair and slammed it right over his back! Ouch! Covering Bradshaw now.. 1! - 2!! - Kick out! There's still fight left in the big man but Steven went over into one of the corners, retrieving another trash can. Hoisting it up, Steven turned around to wail on Bradshaw but instead was on the recieving end of a Big Boot into the trash can!! The fans popped huge for that one, while Bradshaw then backed up and waited for Steven to stagger up to his feet. As soon as he did, Bradshaw charged into the ropes and came back quickly, nearly decapitating Richards with his Clothesline From Hell!! The fans popped huge for that as Steven was turned inside out and Bradshaw made the cover for the academic three count.

Bradshaw's music blasts after the referee called for the bell and the big Texan threw the 'longhorns' up in the air with the fans cheering. Staring down at Steven for a few moments, Bradshaw climbed out of the ring and headed to the back.

Winner: Bradshaw

(69/64/75) **3/4

A New Alliance

Cutting to a scene in the backstage area, we see Sylvan Grenier standing there with that smug look on his face, looking around at the hallways and shaking his head. Then Miss Jackie comes into the picture, as Sylvan smirks a bit and then walks up to her with an arrogant strut.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Jackie. Vous êtes étourdir de regard ce soir, comme d'habitude." A sly smirk on his face, Sylvan took her right hand into his and raised it, giving it a small kiss. Followed by a smile that slutty women like her fell for all the time.

She had a puzzled look on her face since she didn't understand French but blushed a bit, as he kissed her hand and gave him a sexy smile. "Ohhh.. a gentleman! I'm not sure what you said.. but it sounded.. so beautiful!"

Speaking in a thick, french-canaidian like accent. "Désolé. I say, that you look ah-most stunn-eeng tonight, as usual! Per'aps you could help me, eh? Since I am no longer on RAW with my fellow countrymen.. and the other people around here are, how you say.. American pigs! I thought maybe you and I could help each other out.. wui wui?" Grenier showed those pearly whites, while placing a hand on Jackie's cheek.

Jackie nodded along to what he was saying and then practically melted from Grenier's sweet talk and smile. "Mmm.. you know, I think we could work something out."

"Très bon." Grenier smiled once again, as Jackie looked like she wanted to jump ontop of Grenier right there but she held herself back.


(Sylvan Grenier's new gimmick (Ravishing) recieved a positive response.)


As we returned from the commercial, Test's music hit the sound system to a chorus of boo's and he made his way down to the ring. Laughing at the fans that had their hands extended, before he hopped onto the ring apron and climbed over the top rope. Soon the crowd would roar into a frenzy as the opening beats to "Basic Thuganomics" began to blast and out walked John Cena, wearing a Barry Sanders throwback Lions jersey and a mic in his hand. Cena smiled as his music began to cut off and he began his ritual pre-match rap.

Yo.. yo.. yo!

Is Grand Rapids here to represent!? .. Aight! Let's get this crackin'!

It looks like tonight, I'm gonna have to pass the Test!

And that's fine with me 'cause John Cena's betta' than all the rest!

Comin' at ya' hard with that Ruthless Aggression!

So just sit tight fans, as I go through my exams session!

Ya' wanna take this title from me, but that just ain't happenin'!

Look at dude right now, it looks like he's nappin'!

You're just like Brock Lesnah, nothin' but soft!

But I'ma end this rap in a second.. 'cause it looks like he's head'll pop off!

I heard ya' used to beat ya' women, like a little ass punk!

So let me return the favor.. let's get this s*** crunk!!

WWE United States Title Match: John Cena © vs Test

Cena then dropped the mic on the stage, rushing down the aisle with the United States Title in his hand. Tossing it down on the outside, while the referee rang the bell and Cena slid into the ring quickly. Getting to a stand just at the right moment, as Test tried to kick him in the face but Cena spun around and layed into him with some hard right hands. Staggering him back into the ropes before whipping him into the ropes and nailed him with a quick clothesline. Hitting another one as Test got back up and then delivered a pretty nice dropkick to a nice pop from the crowd. Pausing to play to the crowd for a few moments, Cena then went back to work on Test with some right hands before hoisting him up and hit a nice back suplex. Dragging Test back up to a stand, Cena whipped Test into the farside corner and then pumped his fist before rushing in to the corner and leaped into the air -- but found nothing but turnbuckles! Test had slipped away and just when Cena turned around, he hoisted him up and then dropped his face right onto the top turnbuckle! Ouch! Cena landed on his feet, staggering around until Test hoisted him up and spun around into a powerslam! Covering Cena.. 1! - 2!!.. Kick out! Cena isn't gonna go down that easy and Test slaps the canvas, pulling Cena back to a stand. Laying in some left hands before taking him over to the nearby corner and nailed a series of back elbows to Cena's jaw. After which, Test took a step back before raising his right leg and proceded to choke out John with his boot! The ref reached his five count and forced Test to break the hold, after which he started to chase the ref around the ring and shouted. Making his way back to Cena, he whipped him across to the other side of the ring's corner and then ran forward, nailing a clothesline in the corner! This knocked Cena silly, as he fell down into the corner and Test used this time to taunt the crowd and shout "Who's the punk now!?" before stomping away at Cena.

Continuing to work Cena over before he dragged him up to a stand and hooked him up for his patented pump handle slam.. but Cena countered! Flipping out behind Test, Cena waited for him to turn around and hoisted him up for the F-U and the fans cheered wildly -- but Test countered! Spinning Cena around, Test went for a clothesline but that was ducked and Cena went for one himself but again, that was ducked and Test grabbed Cena's arms before hoisting him up and PLANTED him with a Full Nelson Slam!! That hadda' hurt!! Making the cover.. 1! - 2!! - .. Shoulder up! Just in time and the crowd breathed a sigh of relief but Test was furious! .. But then he smirked a little making his way over to one of the nearby corners, as the ref checked on Cena and Test began untying the top turnbuckle pad! The fans boo'ed wildly, as Test grinned and made his way back to Cena and delivered a few right hands. Hooking him up now, Test went to whip Cena into the exposed turnbuckle. chest-first.. but Cena reversed it! Hooking his opponent up quickly before slamming him down with the Throwback!! Covering him afterward.. 1! - 2!! - Shoulder up! Cena slammed his hands on the canvas, thinking he had Test there but then he saw Test's handywork! Cena then layed down, as Test was starting to get up and Test looked around confused.. before shrugging his shoulders. Dragging Cena up to his feet, Test eyed the exposed turnbuckle and smirked. Test then grabbed onto Cena's wrist, whipping him toward the corner -- but Cena reversed it, throwing Test into the corner and sending him straight into the exposed turnbuckle!! Test hit it hard, staggering out of the corner and fell straight across Cena's shoulders! Smirking he muscled up, throwing Test over and planted him with the F-U!!! The fans cheered wildy, as Cena made the cover.. 1! - 2!! - .. 3!!!

Cena retains his United States Title over Test here with some help from Test's own doing, by exposing the top turnbuckle! Cena then stands up with his belt in one hand and with the other hand, he waved it infront of his face with the 'You Can't See Me!' sign.

Winner: John Cena

(76/75/76) ***

Bischoff Sends A Gift

Heading to the backstage area, we see Heyman laughing at the monitor as Cena is being helped to the back, until there's a knock at the door. Turning his attention toward the door, in walks the sultry Dawn Marie in a low cut white blouse and a matching miniskirt. The fans hooted & hollared in the background, as Dawn began to speak.

"Mr. Heyman, I just got --.. "

"Now Dawn, I told you to call me Paul.. " Heyman interrupted with a perverted smile.

"I'm sorry. Paul, a.. small package and a note arrived or you, from Eric Bischoff." Dawn said with a slight hesitation..

"From Eric Bischoff!? WHAT THE HELL DOES HE WANT!?" Heyman seemed irrate but then winced, holding his neck brace in pain.

Dawn unfolded the note and began to read. "Hey Paul.. sorry about your luck on Monday! I guess lady luck is just on RAW's side. And I swear, I had no idea Edge was going to spear you! .. I know you really didn't have too much luck during the draft but I figured, since I'm such a NICE guy that I'd send you a little gift. Oh and please, no thanks are needed.. I know you'll just LOVE it!"

Heyman snarled abit at Eric's note. "That pompous son'uva.. Well? What the hell did he send?"

Dawn looked at Paul for a moment before turning over her shoulder and shouting. "You can come in, now!"

Heyman looked confused for a moment, as he looked toward the door and his eye widened up and Spike Dudley came into the picture.

"Aw, damnit! .. What the HELL are YOU doing here? I've already got your two pain in the ass brothers!" Heyman was enraged, it didn't want Spike on his show!

"Paul, I'm not here to start any trouble. I asked Eric if I could come here and he let me. All I want is a chance to prove myself! Just give me a chance!" Spike looked like a lost puppy as he looked at Paul, pleading for a shot.

"You want me to give you a chance? Why should I --.. Hold on. You know what Spike, I'm going to give you a chance! And I'm going to give you that chance tonight in a match against someone you should know since you worked with him in ECW.. RHYNO!!" Heyman grinned like the Grinch at Christmas time, while Spike looked like he just saw a ghost! "And you better get ready because that match.. IS NEXT!!"

Spike looked like he was about to cry, as Heyman laughed & waved goodbye to Spike with Dawn Marie following her boss in his laughter. Spike hung his head down, walking out of the room as we take a break.



[Lugz Boot of the Week]

Spike Dudley vs Rhyno

There was a pause between the transition before Rhyno's music hit the speakers and out he came with a psychotic look on his face. Rubbing his wrists with a grin before he slid into the ring and beat his chest like a gorilla & threw his arms into the air. Then getting into a crouch, just as Spike's music hit and out came the runt of the Dudley litter with a concerned look on his face. Making his way down to the ring, Spike was weary of getting in the ring but he eventually did.. keeping his eyes on the Man Beast.

Once the bell sounded, Rhyno started stalking around Spike in a circle before rushing straight at him for a Gore but Spike slid between Rhyno's legs! This caught the Man Beast offguard, as he snorted and started to stalk Spike once again. Rushing forward again but Spike slid under him again! This started to piss Rhyno off now, as he rushed toward Spike one more time but then stopped short and dropped down -- but Spike wasn't there! Rhyno snorted once again, grabbing at Spike's legs but he ran away and the fans were eating this up, getting behind Spike. Back to a stand, Rhyno seemed extremely irrate now and he chased Spike around before he slid out of the ring with Rhyno following after him. Running around the ring, Spike finally slid into the ring but Rhyno slid in on the side before him to cut him off and nailed him with a clothesline! The fans boo'ed wildly, as Rhyno began to stomp away at the much smaller man and then dragged him up to a stand. Tossing Spike like a ragdoll into the nearby corner, he repeatedly slammed his right shoulder into Spike's waist. Then hoisting Spike up onto his shoulder, Rhyno spun around and delivered a powerslam/spear-like combination! Ouch! Making the cover.. 1! - 2!! - But Rhyno lifted Spike up, shaking his head. Wanting to punish him some more! The fans boo'ed once again, as Rhyno continued his assault on Spike, including a massive Gorilla Press Slam! Covering Spike again.. 1! - 2!! - But Rhyno lifted Spike up again, shaking his head. Back to his feet, Rhyno left Spike on the ground and pointed upward before climbing out onto the apron. Climbing up to the top rope by each turnbuckle, Rhyno was perched on the top rope and leaped off for a huge splash -- but Spike rolled out of the way!

The crowd popped as Spike slowly got to his feet, along with Rhyno who was holding his gut. Spike lunged forward, jamming his head into Rhyno's midsection! .. And again! .. And again! .. And again! Spike then started to hit Rhyno with some weak looking forearms but then took him down with a dropkick to both of Rhyno's knees! Quickly climbing up to the top rope, Spike paused for a second before jumping off and delivered a double footstomp on Rhyno! Nodding his head now, Spike raised his hands as Rhyno got up near the corner and ran forward, grabbing onto Rhyno's neck before scaling the turnbuckles with a Dudley Dogg -- No! Rhyno shoved him halfway across the ring!! Landing on his ass, Spike shouted out in pain as Rhyno crouched down in the corner and the fans were booing. Spike slowly started to stagger up with the fans trying to warn him but as soon as he turned around.. GORE! GORE!! GORE!!! The fans exploded in boo's as little Spike appeared to be dead from the move and Rhyno hooked a leg.. 1! - 2!! - 3!!!

Rhyno picks up the win here but Spike nearly came back on him, after he was playing games. On his feet, Rhyno looked down at Spike and spat on him before leaning down to trash talk the nearly unconscious Dudley. But then Rhyno looked like he was about to do some more damage until Bubba Ray & D-Von ran down to the ring and Rhyno slid out of the ring. Pointing at Bubba & D-Von, trash talking as they made sure he was going to the back before they checked on their little brother.

Winner: Rhyno

(70/68/73) **1/4


(During the break: We see The Dudley Boyz helping Spike backstage and took him into the medics room. However, when they came out they were confronted by Akio & Sakoda, who just stood there with glasses on.. staring at The Dudleyz. They asked what Kyo Dai wanted and then Tajiri appeared, shouting at them in japanese and the pointed with an evil grin. Then they walked away leaving Bubba to ask D-Von, what the hell that was all about.)

Angle Wants Latino Heat!

The sounds of trumpets blaring began to play with "Medal" hitting the speakers and the fans up on their feet, ready to chant along. Out from the back came Kurt Angle in his wrestling attire and his "Freedom of Choice - TAP OUT or Angle Slam" t-shirt. As soon as the part kicked in, they rang in with the "You Suck!" tagline, which looked to always get under Angle's skin. Making his way straight down to the ring, he climbed up the steel steps and then slipped inside the ring with a quick spin. Making his way over toward the side of the ring by the announce table, Tony Chimel handed him the microphone and Angle looked as if he was gonna slap him. Turning back inside the ring, Angle made his way toward the middle of the ring and his music slowly died down. The fans were booing, as he began to speak.

"It's been nearly two weeks since WrestleMania XX, one of the biggest moments of any Superstar that participates in it's career! But on what was supposed to be my crowning achievement of taking back the WWE Heavyweight Title.. for the American people, I mind you! Turned into one of the most disappointing days of my career! I WAS ROBBED!" The fans cheered with a small "Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!" chant, to which Kurt sneered at. "Once again, Eddie Guerrero showed his true colors by CHEATING to win a match! I had him beat! I had him ready to tap out, in the middle of this ring! -- Oh, it's true! It's DAMN true! But then he CHEATED by removing his boot, when I had the Ankle Lock synched in! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" The crowd boo'ed Angle, as he started to throw a mini-temper tantrum in the ring by stomping his feet and getting upset. "So Eddie, if you want to be a REAL champion and show all of these people.. that you can actually win a match without cheating.. you'll give me a rematch! And if you don't.. well, you'll just prove to these people that you're nothing but a former drug addict that --.."


Angle was interrupted by the sounds of Eddie Guerrero's "Lie, Cheat & Steal" theme music with the added "Latino Heat" at the beginning of it. The fans cheered wildly as Eddie made his way out onto the stage with the WWE Heavyweight Title wrapped around his waist. Wearing his "Addicted to the Heat" Scarface shirt, Eddie had a mic with him and began to speak, as his music died down.

"Odale, Holmes! You stop right there, ese! Don't go gettin' your panties all in a bunch, just 'cause Latino Heat beat you, holmes! Just because I outsmarted you, doesn't mean you hafta come out here and whine like a little bebé!" Guerrero smiled, as the fans cheered him on. Meanwhile, in the ring Angle was obviously furious and started shouting for Eddie to get in the ring. "Cool your jets, holmes! I'll tell you what.. I'll tell you whatt I'm gonna do! How 'bout you say 'I Suck!" and I'll maybe I'll give you a title shot! .. C'mon Kurt.. say 'I Suck'!!" The fans continued to cheer Eddie on and then broke out in "You Suck!" chants, while Angle sort of smirked and raised his mic.

"NO! I'm not gonna say I suck.. --.. AW! DAMNIT!" The fans started laughing at Kurt, as he said it anyway and he started to stomp his feet some more.

"It looks like you just did, holmes! Hahaha.. " Eddie began to laugh, as Angle continued to get pissed off and stared a hole straight through Eddie.

"The hell with this! I tried to be the nice guy Eddie! But if you don't wanna give me my rematch.. you leave me no choice!" Angle tossed the microphone down, climbing out of the ring and made his way up the rampway slowly.

Eddie started walking across the stage, telling Kurt to bring it -- but then out of nowhere, The Big Show lumbers out from the back and hammers Eddie from behind! Boos filled the arena, as Show started to take it to Eddie and Angle made his way up to the two and grinned. Stomping the hell out of the fallen Eddie along with Show until Rey Mysterio ran out from the back with a fire extinquisher, tapping Show on the back. The fans cheered wildly, as Big Show turned around, Mysterio sprayed him in the eyes and then chased Kurt away! Angle pulled Show back, who looked like he wanted to kill Mysterio as Rey stood over Eddie with the extinquisher, making sure Kurt & Show stayed away.



Handicap Match: Kyo Dai vs The Dudley Boyz

As soon as we return from the break, Kyo Dai's music hits and out from the back come all three members. Akio on the left, Tajiri in the middle and Sakoda on the right and they make their way down to the ring with Tajiri looking very shifty-eyed. They all slid under the bottom rope and awaited their opponents. Soon after, the bombshell dropped with the fans popping for Powerman 5000's music blasting and out came The Dudley Boyz. Throwing their arms in the air to try to pump the crowd up before they made their way down to the ring, keeping their attention on Kyo Dai and they slid into the ring for the start of the match.

Kyo Dai wasted no time in rushing straight toward The Dudley Boyz at the start of the match but Bubba & D-Von managed to fight them off for about a minute but then the numbers game caught up to them. Tajiri delivered a wicked kick to the back of D-Von's knee as he was taking care of Sakoda and then nailed Bubba from behind with a dropkick. The referee forced Sakoda & Tajiri onto the outside, along with Bubba Ray because this was tag format rules. Leaving D-Von and Akio inside the ring, with Akio delivering some forearm shots before hitting a nice running knee strike to D-Von's temple! Posing like Tajiri for a moment, Akio then bounced off the ropes before coming back with a sharp knee drop to his forehead. Snagging a rear chinlock, Akio looked to wear down D-Von in the early going. Wrenching it in but D-Von managed to get up to one knee and then get up to both feet before dropping straight down with a jawbreaker! Ouch! This sent Akio down to the canvas, while D-Von shook the cobwebs away and then started to nail his opponent with some strong right hands. Whipping him off into the ropes, D-Von hoisted him up and nailed him with a spinebuster. Making the cover.. 1! - 2!! Kick out! D-Von drags Akio over toward his corner now, before tagging in Bubba Ray who comes in with some snap jabs before spinning around and nailing him with a clothesline! Bubba then makes his way up to the second rope, sizing Akio up before dropping a big fist into his forehead! Cover on Akio.. 1! - 2!! Sakoda breaks it up! Sakoda then starts to hit Bubba Ray with some right hands until Bubba blocks one and tosses him over the top rope! The fans pop as Tajiri comes rushing into the ring but gets scooped slammed for his troubles. Bubba then puts his thumbs up, as D-Von climbs up to the top rope with Bubba spreading Tajiri's legs and go "WASSUP~!!" -- but as the ref is telling D-Von to get down, Tajiri sprays the green mist into Bubba's eyes! Akio then comes up from behind with a roll-up on Bubba Ray.. 1! - 2!! - 3 -- NO! D-Von manages to break the pin at the last second! But Bubba can't see!

The ref forces D-Von back out onto the apron, while Sakoda & Tajiri are forced on the apron but Akio makes the tag out to Sakoda. Coming in quickly, Sakoda sees that Bubba is blinded but he's wiping his eyes and then swinging wildly to protect himself. Sakoda then crawls on the ground, taking out Bubba's legs and then pops back up. Yanking Bubba up to a stand, he slips behind him just as he swings a right hand and hooks him up.. Tiger Suplex! Sakoda bridges into the cover.. 1! - 2!! - But Bubba kicks out! The fans pop, as Sakoda can't believe this by the look in his eyes. Making the tag out to Tajiri now, who comes in stalking a kneeling Bubba, wiping his eyes. Sizing him up, Tajiri rears back for his deadly Buzzsaw Kick.. but D-Von grabs him from behind and delivers the his D-Von Driver (Lifted Reverse DDT)! The ref forces him back out onto the apron though and he begans shouting for Bubba to crawl to his voice. The fans are clapping for Bubba to make the tag, as he starts crawling in the wrong direction but then makes his way towards D-Von.. following his voice. Meanwhile, Tajiri is slowly crawling toward his partners and makes the tag in to Akio! Akio hops over the top rope, rushing towards Bubba and grabs onto his left leg, just as he's about to make the tag! But Bubba's instincts kick in, as he kicks Akio away and dives toward D-Von, who slaps Bubba's back for the HOT tag! Rushing into the ring is D-Von, as he takes out Akio with a clothesline and then nails an incoming Tajiri with his spinning elbow! On the apron, Bubba Ray seems to have cleared his eyes from the mist -- but wait! Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboli & Nunzio rush down the rampway and yank Bubba off the apron! D-Von sees this and shouts at the referee but he's being distracted by Tajiri! The Full Blooded Italians are beating the hell out of Bubba on the outside but D-Von gets spun around by Sakoda, who hoists him up for a Spinebuster but Akio comes jumping in with a Diamond Cutter variation!! Akio then makes the cover.. 1! - 2!! - 3!!!

Kyo Dai pick up the huge win here over The Dudley Boyz even though it was a Handicap Match and the Full Blooded Italians are attacking Bubba on the outside! After the match, Kyo Dai celebrate in the ring while the F.B.I. nod toward them and head up the rampway, laughing at the work they've done. Is there some kind of alliance between these two factions!?

Winner: Kyo Dai via Interference

(72/59/84) **1/2

WGTT Want Their Shot

Cutting to a scene in the backstage area, we see Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty standing in the hallway in street gear, with their Tag Titles and their laughing about something. Just then, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin come into the picture and they stare at the tag champs.

"What the hell are you two laughing at? Oh.. I know. Are you laughing at the fact that you two, as tag team champions, is a complete JOKE? Because then we'd understand." Shelton said, rather smugly.

"Oh really? Then how come we beat you at WrestleMania XX?" Rikishi answered with a smile.

"You got lucky! Charlie & I were about to win the Tag Team belts yet again but then that idiot Bradshaw had to screw everything up! You've never beaten the World's Greatest Tag Team and you never will! So why don't you just hand those belts over, right now." Haas & Benjamin stared straight at them, holding their hands out.

"How about you get out of our faces before The Kish.. has to back THIS ass up?" Rikishi dropped his smile, staring straight at Benjamin with a mean look in his eye.

"Alright. Have it your way. But this isn't over.. not by a long shot!" Benjamin stated firmly, as he & Haas walked away while Scotty tried to settle Rikishi down.



(Earlier Tonight: We're shown a replay of the occurences earlier in the night, where Angle asked for a rematch and then Show & Angle attacked Eddie until Rey arrived to make the save. Cole & Tazz remind us that Eddie & Rey just fought each other the week before and if Eddie can trust Mysterio!)

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kurt Angle & The Big Show

Big Show's music hit first, bringing the seven foot monster out from the back to loud jeers and he ignored them, as he made his way down to the ring. Then Angle's music hit for the second time tonight, as he made his way out to the "You Suck!" chants of earlier in the night. Sliding inside the ring, Angle grinned at Show before slapping him on the back and they awaited their opponents. Mysterio's music soon hit with Rey poppin' out from the side of the stage and the fans going crazy. Rey made his way down to the bottom of the rampway and stood there, waiting for his partner. Then the WWE Heavyweight Champion's music hit, getting the biggest pop of the night from the crowd and Eddie made his way out, looking very focused. Meeting Mysterio at the bottom of the ramp before they nodded to each other and hit the ring quickly.

The bell sounded with each team staring back at each other until Show moved out on the apron, letting Angle start the match off and Rey started the match off for his team, with Eddie getting on the apron. Kurt and Rey began to circle each other to start the match off until they locked up quickly and Angle took control with a side headlock, Wrenching it in but then he was shoved off into the ropes by Mysterio, who leapfrogged the incoming Angle and then nailed him with a monkey flip, as he came back! The fans cheered for that, as Rey popped right up to his feet along with Angle, who looked embarassed. Rushing straight for Rey, Angle was caught with a quick drop toe hold that took him down to the canvas before he pushed himself up. A slight smile was given from Angle before he locked up with Rey again, this time catching him in a headlock but then put him in a hammerlock. Angle bobbed his head around, asking Mysterio how he'd get out of this one and Rey caught him with a snap mare! This sent Angle over the edge, stomping his feet before making a bee line toward Rey and nailed him with a double leg takedown! Laying into him with some right hands before getting back to his feet and gave a loud "Whoo!" to the crowd. Dragging Rey up to a stand, Angle delivered some wicked chops into his chest before whipping him off into the ropes and caught him with back body drop on the return. Picking Rey back up, Angle delivered some right hands before hooking him up and dropped him with a stiff back suplex. Eddie began clapping on the outside, trying to get Rey back in it but Angle was still all over him. Hooking him up, Angle nailed a nice overhead belly-to-belly suplex and made the cover.. 1! - 2!! Kick out! Rey won't stay down that easy. Angle shook his head, while picking Rey back up and decided to tag in the seven footer. In came the Big Show, stepping over the top rope and just overpowered Rey. Tossing him around the ring like a ragdoll before grabbing onto his head and delivered a HUGE headbutt! Show then started to send some stomps into Rey's head before picking him up and whipping him into the ropes. Hoisting Rey up for a scoop slam -- but Rey countered, it slipping around behind Show and then crawled under his legs. When Show turned around.. no one was there! And Rey leaped up onto Show's back, nailing him with some right hands. Then applying a sleeper hold, Rey tried to wear down the bigger man but Show had an idea.. staggering back into a corner and he literally crushed Rey between him and the turnbuckles! Ouch!! Eddie started shouting at Rey, trying to get him to make the tag but he was getting covered.. 1! - 2!! - Eddie breaks it up! Guerrero then started to trash talk Show before slipping out onto the apron. Trying to distract Show but he wasn't having any of that, as he picked Rey up and called for the end. Hooking him up by the throat, he hoisted Mysterio up into the air for the Showstopper -- but Rey countered with a head scissors!

The fans cheered as Rey somehow managed to take the big man off his feet with that move but he was in no condition to capitalize. Crawling toward his corner slowly, Rey tried to make the tag but Show grabbed onto Rey's leg and dragged him towards Angle. Tagging Angle back in, Show held on to Rey's leg and then handed it right to Angle, who locked on the Ankle Lock!! The fans boo'ed as Rey was screaming out in pain but luckily he was near the ropes and grabbed onto them for dear life! The hold was forced to be broken by Ref Nick Patrick and Angle didn't look too happy. Pulling his straps down, Angle stalked the slowly rising Mysterio. Waiting for him to get up, which Rey did with a limp and Angle moved in for the kill! Hooking Rey up, he spun around for the Angle Slam -- but Rey slipped away! Landing on his feet, Rey dove toward his corner and made the tag!! The fans popped, as Eddie quickly entered the ring and knocked Kurt down with a clothesline. Show then stepped over the top rope -- but Eddie pulled the top rope up, hanging Show up on the top rope and he let out a loud roar of pain! But Angle snuck up on Eddie from behind, hooking him up and threw him over for a German Suplex -- but Eddie landed on his feet! As Kurt turned back around, Eddie grabbed onto him and popped his hips, hitting a suplex! And he holds on! Chaining the suplex together for another one by swiveling his hips! Can Eddie hit the trio? Hoisting Angle up, Eddie drops him to hit the trifecta! The fans knew what was coming next, as he signaled for the top rope and climbed up there. Perched for his Frog Splash.. but Show grabs him by the throat! Show has Eddie by the throat -- but here comes Rey, catapulting his body at Show and they both go tumbling to the floor, while Eddie falls down into the ring and lands on his right leg wrong! Screaming out in pain, Eddie holds his right leg as Angle climbs up to his feet and grins, seeing the oppurtunity! Making his way over towards Eddie but he doesn't see Mysterio, as he hops onto the top rope and goes for the West Coast Pop!! Landing on Kurt's shoulders, he tried to roll him up into the hurricanrana but Kurt caught him! Grabbing onto Rey's left ankle and applies the Ankle Lock!! It's synched on in the middle of the ring!! Eddie rolls out of the ring in pain, holding his right ankle and Rey is screaming out for help. After about thirty seconds, Rey has no choice and taps out!!!

The fans boo wildly, as Kurt & Big Show pick up the win here but what about our WWE Champion!? Eddie is screaming in pain on the outside, as medics rush down to ringside to check on him. Angle finally drops the Ankle Lock on Rey, celebrating inside the ring and then looks over the ropes at Eddie. A huge smile crosses Angle's face, as Eddie is obviously in alot of pain! SmackDown! goes off the air with Cole & Tazz yelling about if Eddie's is severely hurt, the company could be hurting even more!

Winner: Kurt Angle & The Big Show

(90/92/85) ***3/4

- - - - -

Overall Rating: 77%

SmackDown! Rating: 4.0

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Not a bad show Punk. I loved the match writeups. I did have a problem, however, with how you brought in Richards, Test, and all three Dudleys, only to have them lose in their first match on Smackdown. Obviously, Spike losing isn't a big deal, and the way he did lose put him over pretty well. But, for the other guys, at least Test and Steven, you had a chance to sort of wipe the slate clean, and start at least one of them off with a decent push. But, you're the booker, and I'm sure there's some logic behind it. Anyway, I'm digging this so far, and I hope Fitzy's end is just as good.

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WWE Velocity

The show opened up with the normal opening montage, then we're sent to Josh Matthews and his new broadcast partner, Rue DeBona. They introduce us to the show before talking about the "Draft Lottery" and what happened on SmackDown! and then sent us to a recap.

Recap of SmackDown! New Blood

GM Heyman Speaks

Directly after the new video package finished up, we're sent straight to the ring where most of the SmackDown! talent is standing around the ring. Inside the ring, we see the six people that were drafted from RAW wearing blue SmackDown! t-shirts. Then as we move back, General Manager Paul Heyman is standing in the middle of the ring with his neck brace still on and a microphone in his hand. The fans turned their cheers from the show starting to boo's and chants of "Asshole" directed toward Heyman.


"You chant that, like for some reason I care what you people think!" The crowd boo's even louder. "Hello fans and welcome to the new-and-improved, SmackDown! brand! As I'm sure you are all aware, only a few days ago the very first Draft Lottery occurred and each brand was allowed to choose six random names from their tumblers and those people they chose, would go to work for their new brand. As you can see, before me stand the six new members of the SmackDown! roster and allow me to introduce them to you." Heyman pauses, switching the microphone to his left hand and uses his right hand to point. "Introducing first, has to be my favorite selection.. she is not only a former Tough Enough champion but she is also one of the sexiest creatures on earth! Give it up for Miss Jackie!!"


Jackie would step forward with a sexy smile, raising her hands in the air and doing a little twirl, with some help from Heyman, who was loving this. The crowd cheered wildly, as Jackie strutted her stuff. Heyman copped a feel of Jackie's booty, which she just playfully shook her head at before she stepped back in line.


"Oh my!! .. Ahem! .. Moving on! Beside her we have one of my former employees from ECW, he may be a few sandwhiches short of a picnic basket but he's a welcome addition to our roster! Steven Richards!!" Steven just stood there with a demented look on his face before throwing his arm up in the air, hand extended outward. The fans gave him a mixed reaction, before Heyman interrupted them.


"And the man to his right is a promising young athlete. Formerly of La Resistance and yes, he IS french.. Sylvain Grenier!!" Sylvan had a smug look on his face, placing a hand on his chin to pose for the camera and the fans boo'ed wildly, with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" to which Grenier shook his head in disgust.


"Yes, we all know where we are.. THANK YOU! Some people just don't have manners, Mr. Grenier! Directly to his right, we have one of the biggest.. and.. meanest men in business to yet hold a World Title.. Test!!" Stepping forward some, Test looked around at the crowd with an intimidating stare as they started to boo him wildly. Shaking his head, Test had a confident look on his face and he knew it was his time to shine on SmackDown!


"And last but not least! We have one of the most decorated tag teams in the history of this business.. though lately they've been getting beat left and right! Bubba Ray & D-Von.. THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!" Different then the other four talent, Bubba Ray & D-Von just stood there staring at Heyman before they yanked off their SmackDown! shirts to expose their "3D" shirt and Bubba snatched the mic from Heyman.


"Alright, Heyman! We've had enough of your crap! We may be SmackDown! superstars now but that doesn't change the fact that we forgot how you treated us in ECW! We were the best thing to ever happen to that rinky dink, bingo hall promotion and you treated us like crap! That's why we came here to the WWE! For the respect.. for the money.. and for these fans! You may be our boss again but that doesn't mean we have to put up with your shit, like we did back then!" The fans cheered as The Dudleyz got in the face of GM Heyman but Heyman snatched the mic back from Bubba Ray and fired back!


"That's where you're WRONG, Bubba! You DO have to put up with my shit! Because if you don't, I'll have to --.."


"What!? Fire US!? GO AHEAD!"


Heyman grins, while shaking his head firmly. "No.. no.. no. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of being fired! I was going to say, I'd have to suspend you indefinately WITHOUT PAY! You think I'd just let my two newest superstars walk out and go back to RAW? Oh no!"


Taking a few steps back now, Heyman turned away from his newest superstars and began to point all around the ring.


"Now that YOU ALL have seen the newest members of the SmackDown! roster, I'm going to teach all of you a lesson.. that you don't cross THIS boss! You all turned your backs on me two weeks ago and now it's time for a little payback! Most of you will be getting the night off and tonight shall mainly belong to the new blood of SmackDown! .. to the people in this ring!" Turning back towards the six talent inside the ring, Heyman ran down a few of the matches that were going to happen tonight.


"Steven! I'm going to give you a chance to prove yourself in a match against Bradshaw! .. But not just any match, it's a match that you've had some experience in before.. a Hardcore match!! .. Test! You're going to be in action later on tonight but it won't just be any match! It's going to be against John Cena for the WWE United States Title!! .. And finally, Bubba Ray & D-Von! Since you two seem to be in the mood for a fight, I'll give you one. It's going to be The Dudley Boyz against Kyo Dai, in a handicap match! -- Have fun boys!"


Steven & Test seemed to be thrilled with their oppurtunities tonight but as the camera moved over to Bubba Ray & D-Von, they looked pissed off, while Heyman smirked and we head to a commercial break.


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Sunday Night Heat

Taped Monday, March 22, 2004

Detroit, Michigan

Joe Louis Arena

The Sunday Night Heat video package begins to play and then the fireworks display in the ring goes off. The camera pans the crowd for various signs. And this signaled the start of Sunday Night Heat under the New Beginnings for Raw.

Jonathan Coachman: Welcome everyone to Sunday Night Heat. I am the Coach and as always I am joined by Al Snow.

Al Snow: I’d say it is always nice to be here with you, Coach, but you know it is not the case as without me you’d be without a job.

Coachman: Very funny, Al. Anyway, last week, Al, we saw the WWE get a whole new look. Six superstars got drafted from Smackdown to Raw and from Raw to Smackdown. Let’s go back and have a look at the events that transpired.

Last Week on Raw – The Draft Lottery

The video feed cuts to last week where both Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman were standing at the entrance way behind their podiums. They each had their own tumblers.

Paul Heyman: Thank you for your irrelevant opinions. [Making mention of the “asshole” chants directed at him.] Without further ado, I’d like to get this going. And with that, I will make my first draft pick. [Heyman reaches into the tumbler.] And the first draft pick is … the lovely and sexy WWE Diva, Miss Jackie!

The video is cut and goes right to Bischoff reading his first pick.

Eric Bischoff: And the newest Raw Superstar is … a young, up and coming Superstar that is sure going to make an impact sooner rather and later … non-other than Matt Morgan!

Heyman: And Smackdown’s second draft pick is … one half of perhaps the most successful tag team in professional wrestling today, Bubba Ray Dudley!

Bischoff: Jamie “By God” Noble!

Heyman: Steven Richards.

Bischoff: Sean O’Haire.

Heyman: Sylvan Grenier. [A “USA” chant broke out during this announcement.] It is always nice to know that you people still know where you are.

Bischoff: [smirks.] Raw welcomes The Undertaker! [Paul Heyman is shown holding his neck brace, breathing a sigh of relief.]

Heyman: And another young up-and-coming Superstar heads to Smackdown. Test!

Bischoff: [Laughs. Looks at the paper, and looks at Heyman. Bischoff can’t stop by being happy with his pick.] Paul Heyman, fans, everyone else, please welcome the newest Raw Superstar, fresh off of the injured list … EDGE!

“Never Gonna Stop” by Rob Zombie begins to play and sure enough, Edge is back! Edge comes out onto the stage and runs for the injured Paul Heyman and hits the Spear on him! Edge raises his arms in the air and heads to the back

Heyman: [After several minutes of a break in between this, due to matches and commercial breaks, Heyman is back up, but still holding his back and his neck.] And now, for the final Smackdown Superstar … the other half of the Dudley Boyz, D-Von Dudley!

Bischoff: And for the final Raw Superstar to be drafted … [bischoff looks disappointed.] …Orlando Jordan. [Heyman is shown, laughing at Bischoff for his final pick.]


Match One – Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak vs. Travis Bane and Kevin Fertig

Coachman: Look, Al, it is two more brothers of the newest and most popular wrestling family, Travis Babaganoosh and Kevin Babaganoosh.

Snow: This is a family that will make it big one day. Just look at the family members. And I thought the Harts and Dudleyz had a lot of family members. Just look at the Babaganoosh family tree.

Garrison Cade and Travis Bane start the match off. Cade and Bane lock up and Cade grabs Bane in a side headlock. He then takes him down, remaining in the side headlock. He wrenches his arm into the head, getting a better and tighter grip on Bane. Cade gets up, picking up Bane in the process, and then sending him into the ropes. Bane slides through the legs of Cade and fires back with a beautiful Dropkick, rocking Cade, but not sending the big Nebraska native. Cade grabs Bane and whips him into his corner and makes the tag out to Mark Jindrak.

Jindrak comes into the ring. Cade twists the arm of Bane, and then Jindrak kicks the ribs of Bane, sending him down in pain. Jindrak makes the corner while the newly, rehired WWE referee Billy Silverman makes the count. One … Two … kickout by Bane. Mark Jindrak picks up Travis Bane and whips him into the ropes. Jindrak leaps up and hits a Dropkick, showing more proof why he can lay claim to one of the best Dropkicks in the business. Jindrak grabs the bald head of Bane and whips him into the corner. Jindrak charges in and hits a knee to the midsection. He then slaps the tattooed chest of Bane, and Bane went down to the mat. Jindrak dragged Bane to his corner. Kevin Fertig tried to get into the ring. But Mark Jindrak made Billy Silverman force him out of the ring. Jindrak taunted Fertig and this allowed Cade to get into the ring. He tossed Bane to the corner, and Cade went back to the apron, grabbed the tag rope, and began choking Travis Bane. Jindrak kept Silverman and Fertig at bay while this was still going on. Fertig finally left the ring and Cade broke the illegal choke. Mark Jindrak tagged in Garrison Cade.

Cade came into the ring and began stomping the hell out of Travis Bane in the corner. Garrison Cade picked up Bane and whipped him into the corner. Bane ran in back first and the force caused him to stumble out. Cade ran off the ropes, grabbed him by the neck and hit a nice bulldog on him. Cade made the cover. One … Two … kickout by Bane. Cade picked up Bane and whipped Bane into the ropes. Bane ducked a lariat attempt from Cade. He bounced off the ropes and came back leaping into the air for a Crossbody block. Cade caught Bane and went for a fall away slam, but Kevin Fertig finally got into the ring. He Dropkicked his own partner, causing him to land on top of Cade for the pin attempt. Fertig was forced out of the ring. The fans began to count the pin themselves, and they were up to five before Fertig finally got out of the ring. Billy Silverman turned around, dove to the mat, and made the count. One … kickout. Cade kicked out at one!

Garrison Cade looked pissed. He picked up Travis Bane and whipped him into the corner. He tagged Mark Jindrak back into the ring. Cade and Jindrak whipped Bane into the ropes and hit a pair of double boots to the face on him. Jindrak made the cover. One … Two … kickout by Bane again. Jindrak looked frustrated. He ran over to Fertig, but Fertig jumped off the ring apron. Jindrak went back to Bane and went to pick him up but Bane rolled him up. One … Two … kickout by Jindrak. Mark Jindrak started kicking the hell out of Bane while he was still down. He tagged Cade back into the ring. Cade lifted up Bane and Jindrak ran off the ropes. He leaped up, showing impressive height on the jump and hitting a tremendous Dropkick, sending Bane to the mat. Cade covered Bane. One … Two … Jindrak forgot to block Fertig, and Fertig ran into the ring and broke it up. He grabbed Cade, whipped him to the ropes, and ran off the ropes him self, but the two met in the middle of the ring as the bumped into each other. Neither man budged. Cade and Fertig ran off the ropes again, neither budged again. Cade told Fertig to do it once more. Cade went to run himself, but faked Fertig, and when Fertig returned he was met with a decapitating Lariat from Garrison Cade. Mark Jindrak tossed Kevin Fertig out of the ring. Garrison Cade grabbed Travis Bane and whipped him into the ropes. Cade ran off the ropes and hit a devastating Lariat on Bane and covered him. One … Two … Three!

Winners: Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak in 10:35


Coachman: What an impressive win by those young men, Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade, huh, Al?

Snow: It sure was. Travis Babaganoosh looked to not have given up in that match. He put up a tough fight like all those Babaganoosh’s do. But in the end the experience of Cade and Jindrak over the Babaganoosh Brothers was enough to give them the edge in the match.

Coachman: Al, up next is your boy Tommy Dreamer taking on Rico.

Snow: My boy Tommy takes on the now Miss Jackie-less Rico. Will Rico be able to concentrate now that his woman is with the former La Resistance member Sylvan Grenier over on Smackdown?

Match Two – Tommy Dreamer vs. Rico

Tommy Dreamer came out to a solid reaction from the fans, including a loud “E-C-Dub” chant from the Detroit fans. Rico came out to boos from the crowd. He still looked as flamboyant as ever, even without the sluttly, party girl hot Miss Jackie at his side.

Tommy Dreamer and Rico locked up in the center of the ring. Rico kissed Dreamer on the cheek, and Dreamer backed off. He looked pissed and charged for Rico, but Rico pranced around the ring. Rico bounced into the arms of Tommy Dreamer and gave him another kiss on the cheek. He ran around the ring, and slapped Tommy on the ass. Dreamer turned around and slapped Rico hard right across the face. Rico looked pissed. He got a serious look on his face and charged for Dreamer, but Dreamer tripped Rico, and Rico fell face first to the mat. Dreamer picked up Rico and whipped him to the ropes. He kicked him in the mid section and then Dreamer ran off the ropes and back again, connecting with a swinging neckbreaker on Rico. Tommy Dreamer covered Rico. One … Two …and a kiss from Rico sends Dreamer off of him in a hurry. Referee Mike Sparks, who was recently released by WWE, is now back in WWE was told by Dreamer to warn Rico. He said he couldn’t do anything about it as he didn’t do anything illegal.

Rico grabbed Dreamer by the arm and twisted it into a hammerlock. Rico pushed Dreamer into the corner and then Rico began rubbing the back of Dreamer. Dreamer turned around pushed Rico back away from him and then got on the middle rope, leaping off, and hitting a chop to the neck of Rico. Dreamer picked up Rico and planted him with a body slam and then placed him self back onto the second rope and made his way to the center of the ropes. He raised his hands, and then swung out his legs and hit a nice elbow drop onto Rico. Tommy Dreamer covered Rico. One … Two … kickout by Rico. Dreamer picked up Rico and whipped him into the corner. Dreamer ran in with a knee lift to Rico and then began chopping the hell out of Rico. Dreamer bulldogged Rico out of the corner and then made the cover again. One … Two … kickout by Rico.

Dreamer sent Rico into the ropes and then Dreamer locked him in a sleeper hold. Mike Sparks checked the arms of Rico to see if he was still into the match. It fell once. It fell twice. But on the third it didn’t fall, and Rico kissed Dreamer on the check once more, breaking Dreamer of the hold. Rico hit a nice marital arms kick to the chest of Dreamer. He then hit three rapid kicks to the chest in succession and then stepped up on the knee and hit a nice one to the side of the head of Dreamer. This sent Dreamer down to the mat. Rico made the cover. One … Two … kickout by Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer got up and began to chop Rico once more. Tommy Dreamer grabbed the neck of Rico and went for the DDT, but Rico pushed Dreamer back away. Dreamer charged into Rico, but Rico moved out of the way. Dreamer ran into the corner, but stopped himself. He turned around, and Rico went for another martial arts kick to the side of the head, but Dreamer stopped him. He hit a palm strike to Rico and grabbed his head and hit him with the DDT. One … Two … Three!

Winner: Tommy Dreamer in 6:20


Coachman: Let’s go back to last Monday night and see where Batista and Ric Flair gained their second World Tag Team Championship as a team when they defeated Booker T and Rob Van Dam.

Last Week on Raw – World Tag Team Championship Match – Booker T and Rob Van Dam © vs. Evolution: Batista and Ric Flair

The video shows last week’s match between Batista and Ric Flair against Booker T and Rob Van Dam. It is clipped, showing various parts of the match. It cuts to the closing moments of the match and then shows Batista and Ric Flair defeating Booker T and Rob Van Dam to become two time World Tag Team Champions.

The video feed then cuts to never before seen footage of Batista and Ric Flair celebrating in the Evolution dressing room with champagne flying all over the place and Randy Orton and a few women also involved in the celebrating.

Ric Flair: It doesn’t get any better than this! Gorgeous women, champagne, World Tag Team titles. How you feeling Batista?! WOOOOOOO! Let’s go have a night on the town. Bring the women. Bring the champagne. Someone get Triple H! WOOOOOOOO! This is going to be a party that you will never forget Batista!

Just then Triple H barges into the room.

Triple H: That piece of shit Eric Bischoff! Who the hell does he think he is?! He screwed me over! Did you just not hear what he had set up for Backlash?! He has Shawn Michaels against Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship. MY WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! That title belongs to me! This match is supposed to be my time! Not Shawn’s! I was screwed out of this title at WrestleMania XX and I want my belt back! Backlash was supposed to be my shot!

Ric Flair: Forget the title, H. We got a night on the town! Have your pick of any of the fine ladies here. Let’s get on a plane and head to Las Vegas! I am up for some gambling tonight! You’re looking at the new World Tag Team Champions! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ric Flair drenches himself in champagne and spays more all over the room and the ladies. Randy Orton is in the corner pouring some down the women’s tops and drinking out of them. Batista is just drinking while holding his newly won World Tag Team Championship around his shoulder. He has some woman on each of his arms, too.

Triple H: ‘Natch, right now I am not feeling like partying. Right now all I want is to find that piece of shit Eric Bischoff and I want my title shot back! I am going to get that shot one way or another. Bischoff just damn well better go with the easy way or I will guarantee that I make his life a living hell!

Triple H storms out of Evolution’s dressing room and walks down the hall.


Match Three – La Resistance: Rene Dupree and Rob Conway with Fifi vs. The Hurricane and “The Superhero In Training” Rosey

La Resistance’s music plays and they come out to loud boos from the crowd. Rene Dupree carrying and waving he French flag in one hand and bringing along Fifi on a leash in the other. Rob Conway is also waving the French flag. Rene hands Fifi over to Rob when they get into the ring and Rene grabs the microphone from ring announce Howard Finkle.

Rene Dupree: Will you America pigs shut up? I got something important to say. [The fans just boo and chant “USA” loudly.] Hurricane and Rosey, tonight you got a match against the French Phenom [Rene Dupree stands in the ring, posing and with his arms he points to his whole body, smiling, while moving around on the tips of his toss – which is the French Tickler as he likes to call it – garnering a lot of heel heat from the crowd.] and Rob Conway. You come out here in your stupid costumes thinking you are superheroes. We are sick and tired of listening to you two. We are sick and tired of not getting any respect around here. Starting tonight, we will become respected! We are going to give you a lesson in why you don’t mess with the French!

“Stand back, there’s a hurricane coming through!”

Rosey comes running out like an airplane and then standing at the entrance and points to the curtain and out comes the Hurricane. The Hurricane does his pose with Rosey standing behind him, hands on his hips, staring into the sky. They both take off their capes and run down to the ring and begin to fight with La Resistance. Referee Brian Hebner calls for the bell.

Rosey and Rob Conway start off the match first. Rob Conway and Rosey lock up. Rob Conway whips Rosey into the ropes. Rosey comes back and bounces off of Rob. Rob tried to shoulder block Rosey into falling to the mat, but Rosey wouldn’t fall down. Rosey grabbed Rob and whipped him into the ropes and Rosey lifted him up over his head on his return and hit a press slam on Rob Conway. Conway quickly scattered to the corner and tagged in Rene Dupree. Rene comes into the ring and he once again shows off his body by pointing to it with his hands, rubbing them up and down his body in a show off manner. Rene Dupree grabbed Rosey and got him in a side headlock. He whipped him into the ropes and then Dropkicked Rosey to the mat. Rene got on top of Rosey and began to punch him in the face several times. Rene Dupree picked up the big Rosey and whipped him into his corner. He ran in with a running knee lift and then tagged in Rob Conway. Rene distracted referee Brian Hebner by arguing with the Hurricane. Rob Conway got down off the ring apron, and grabbed the ankles of Rosey and brought him down to the mat. Rob turned Rosey around and grabbed the right leg of Rosey and wrapped it around the ring post. Rob rolled back into the ring and Rene left.

Rob Conway covered Rosey. One … Two … broken up by the Hurricane. The Hurricane stomped several times on the head of Rob Conway. Conway got up, but Hebner forced Hurricane out. Hurricane argued with Hebner, and this allowed Rene to come into the ring. Rene and Rob began stomping on Rosey. Rene left just as Hebner was turning around. Rob then made the tag out to Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree grabbed Rosey by the hair and ran with him, tossing him through the middle rope and to the outside.


When it was back from the commercial break, Rene Dupree had Rosey being whipped him into the ropes and then grabbed him and locked him in an abdominal stretch. He was close enough to his corner that he could get the help from Rob Conway to pull on his arm. It helped add more pressure to Rosey. Hebner checked to see what was going on, and they broke up the illegal actions. Hebner went back to checking on Rosey and Rene and Rob grabbed hands, pulling back hard. This time, however, Hebner saw them reach for each other’s hands and kicked the arms apart, and Rosey was able to use this to hip toss Rene Dupree. But Rosey, injured ankle and all fell to the mat.

Brian Hebner was up to seven when both began to move. At nine Rene Dupree tagged in Rob Conway and just before Conway could get a hold of the ankle of Rosey, Rosey tagged in The Hurricane to a huge pop from the crowd. Hurricane came running in hitting a diving lariat to Rob Conway. Rene Dupree came back in and Hurricane gave him a diving lariat. He picked both Conway and Dupree up by the throats he then lifted them both up at the same time for the Hurri-Chokeslam! The crowd popped big time for that. Hurricane, hand on his hip and his other extended with the thumb up, posed for the fans. He then grabbed Rob Conway and whipped him to the ropes. He hit another diving lariat to him. Hurricane clicked to the top rope and jumped off for the Over Cast. He made the cover. One … Two … broken up by Rene Dupree. Dupree, standing over the head of Hurricane began bouncing side to side with his arms out to the side for a dance he likes to call the French Tickler. Hurricane, however, managed to reach up and grab him by the balls. Hurricane stood up and slapped him down. Hurricane ran off the ropes and ran for Rene Dupree, connecting with the Shining Wizard. He made the cover to Rene Dupree, but Brian Hebner informed him that he was not the legal man.

Rob Conway picked up The Hurricane and whipped him off the ropes. Conway dove at him with a flying forearm and then picked him up and debuted his knew finisher, Au Revoir, which is a front Russian Leg Sweep. He covered Hurricane while Rene Dupree pushed Rosey off of the ring apron. One … Two … Three!

Winners: La Resistance: Rene Dupree and Rob Conway at 15:43

Coachman: Thank you for joining this week. I am the Coach, and for Al Snow, so long and don’t forgot to tune into Raw tomorrow night as we are live from Cincinnati, Ohio!

Snow: Already scheduled for tomorrow night are Ric Flair and Batista in a non-title match against Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels. How are HBK and the Rabid Wolverine going to co-exist as a unit now that their title match is only four weeks away from tonight?

Coachman: From that unseen footage during the Evolution celebrating, Triple H wants his title shot. Will he get it? Tune into Raw tomorrow night at nine/eight central on Spike TV and get ready for the New Beginnings of Raw! So long from Sunday Night Heat!

Rene Dupree and Rob Conway continue to wave the French flag in the ring and pose for the crowd as the show comes to a close.

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New Beginnings For Raw

March 29, 2004

Last week on Raw, WWE had a Draft Lottery that resulted in the change of the Raw and Smackdown brands. Six Superstars got drafted from a tumbler to each side. And Eric Bischoff has acquired the services of Matt Morgan, Jamie “By God” Noble, Sean O’Haire, The Undertaker, Orlando Jordan, and the returning Edge.

Edge will return to Raw this coming Monday, but he will not be able to compete for two more weeks. What will Edge have in store for Raw?

How will Kane react to the addition of his brother, The Undertaker, on Raw? He was against it on Raw before The Undertaker's name was even announced, and we have yet to hear from him on his thoughts about this addition. Tune in to Raw this Monday night to find out all about this.

Already confirmed for Raw is a non-title match that will see the newly crowned World Tag Team Champions of Batista and Ric Flair taking on the team of the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit and the number one contender Shawn Michaels. For a few weeks these two have been teaming now to face Evolution. Can they still co-exist? They have managed to in the past. Will things take a turn for the worst now?

How will Triple H take to the announcement at the end of Raw last week that it will be Shawn Michaels getting the World Heavyweight Championship title shot against Chris Benoit at Backlash? Will there be any other announcements concerning Backlash? Watch Raw and find out!

All of this and more on Raw at 9/8 CT on Spike TV!

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LIVE! Monday, March 29, 2004

Cincinnati, Ohio

US Bank Arena Box Office

The opening video begins to play followed by “Across The Nation” by The Union Underground. The pyrotechnics display goes off and the camera pans the signs in the audience. The camera cuts right to Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler.

Jim Ross: We are just seven days past the big shake up of WWE. New Beginnings are upon us and we are LIVE! From Cincinnati, Ohio where we will see the fall out of the Draft Lottery.

Jerry Lawler: The lose of Miss Jackie and her puppies was a huge disappointment, but tonight we got four lovely ladies showing their puppies tonight as Victoria and Lita team up to take on the bald Molly Holly and Trish Stratus.

Ross: Also tonight we have Chris Benoit, the World Heavyweight Champion, teaming up with his opponent at Backlash Shawn Michaels to take on the World Tag Team Champions of Batista and Ric Flair in a non-title match.

Triple H Wants His Title.

“It’s Time To Play the Game. TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!” Lemmy from Motorhead’s distinct voice is heard as “The Game” by Motorhead begins to play.

Ross: It looks like we are kicking things off with “The Game” Triple H coming to the ring tonight, folks!

Triple H gets to the ring. He takes one last sip of his bottled water and tosses the bottle into the crowd. He then jumps up onto the ring apron stands on the apron facing the hard camera. As the music hits the guitar solo Triple H spits out the water into the air and then gets into the ring. Lillian Garcia hands him the microphone.

Triple H: Eric Bischoff, who in the hell do you think you are? Do you really think you can just walk around my arena and give away my title shot? I worked too damn hard for that title. I busted my ass day in and day out to earn that title shot. And you go about and give the title shot to Shawn Michaels?

“Asshole” chants begin towards Triple H. Soon “HBK” chants cue up as well.

Triple H: Shut the hell up. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you fans think. Go ahead, chant “asshole.” Chant “HBK” it all doesn’t mean a damn thing. Bischoff, you know damn well that that title match against Chris Benoit for Backlash belongs to me. I deserve my rematch. Not for one second should you even think otherwise. Shawn Michaels got his title shot. In fact, he shouldn’t have even been involved at WrestleMania XX but he was. That’s over with. But his title shot has come and gone, and it is my shot. My title. MY GOD DAMN TITLE! Chris Benoit is just keeping that title warm for me when I hit the Pedigree on his scrawny little ass and pin him for the three count.

“You tapped out” chants ring through the crowd.

Triple H: Very good. I did tap out. Who the hell cares? I tapped out. Big deal! When I get my title back, you won’t be seeing me tap out any more.

“Never Gonna Stop” by Rob Zombie suddenly hits and out on the stage, emerging through the smoke is Edge! A huge crowd reaction follows as Edge runs from side to side on the stage.

Ross: It’s Edge! Edge is here on Raw! Just last week we saw Edge return and Spear that slim ball Paul Heyman.

Triple H: What the hell are you doing here?

Edge: Triple H, I am out here to shut you the hell up. These fans are so sick and tired of your drawn out, twenty minute borefests. Who the hell cares about you or you getting the title back? Forget “you tapped out,” and forget this being what fans chant at Kurt Angle, but man, you sure do suck.

“You suck” chants now start for Triple H.

Edge: I mean, come on man. For an entire year I sat on the sidelines with a broken neck and I watched Monday Night Raw and I fell asleep before 9:30 because you took up those minutes and put me to sleep. God man, you really need to step down. No-one gives a damn about you. Just listen at all the “asshole” chants or the “you tapped out” chants or the now “you suck” chants. This is not good, H. This means you truly do suck.

Triple H: Edge, for a year plus you have been out. You have been out with an injury that has plagued this business. But you know what? I didn’t give a damn. Edge was out with an injury … “what?” was all I asked and moved along. You being out never bothered me. You being here just meant someone to beat the hell out of. You think by getting drafted over to Raw makes you this special someone? All it means is that come the time when I get my title, you will just always be another notch below me. See, Edge, things never change. You will always be this goofy looking punk kid who thought he was something. TLC made you, but what else have you done that was so spectacular? Have you had this classic match? Have you headlined pay-per-views? Have you held the World Heavyweight Championship? Have you ever beaten me?! The answer is no on all accounts, Edge. You are nothing. You will always be nothing. From the day I met you Edge I knew you would amount to nothing. This business is no place for goofy looking punk ass kids. That is all you are.

Edge: [makes snoring sounds.] Boring. Triple H, TLC made me. Yeah. But since then I have become this man that has been unstoppable. Winning singles titles and more tag team titles. I have worked my way up. I have bettered myself. And I have made it to the point in my career where the only thing left for me to do is win that World Heavyweight Championship and main event WrestleMania.

Triple H: Don’t kid yourself, kid. Main Eventing WrestleMania is for the best of the best. Certainly something you’ll never amount to. Quit living in your fantasy world. Edge, I have main event countless WrestleMania’s and I have walked out as Champion. I might have lost to Chris Benoit a few weeks ago, but damnit, I will get that belt back.

Just as Edge was about to walk down the aisle he was blind sided by Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton. All three of them brought Edge down and into the ring where Batista held up Edge.

Ross: Oh my Gawd! They are beating the hell out of Edge! Someone needs to do something!

Triple H slapped Edge right across the face. Edge became enraged, but he couldn’t escape Evolution holding him down. Triple H grabbed Edge and kicked him in the midsection. But before he could even hook him for the Pedigree “ONE OF A KIND!” is heard and “One of a King” by Breaking Point hits and out comes Rob Van Dam and Booker T to a huge ovation from the crowd. They chase off Batista, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Triple H before they could do any harm to him, especially when he is not medically cleared to wrestle for another two weeks. RVD and Booker T help up Edge to a standing ovation from the crowd. Triple H and the rest of Evolution are at the top of the stage with Triple H looking pissed off, shouting unheard words towards the ring, pointing at them.


The camera cuts to the back where Victoria and Lita are walking down the hall, talking over some sort of strategy for their match.

Lawler: Puppies, JR, puppies are coming out next!


Match One – Lita and WWE Women’s Champion Victoria vs. Molly Holly and Trish Stratus with Christian

This match started off with Victoria and Trish Stratus. Molly Holly was against getting in the ring with Trish. Molly was back to wearing a curly brunette wig. Victoria and Trish locked up in the center of the ring and Victoria whipped Trish into the ropes. Victoria took her down with a clothesline and then made the quick cover. One … Two … kickout. Victoria picked up Trish and whipped her into the corner. Trish hit hard in the corner and Victoria ran for her, but Trish was able to lift up here feet and kicked Victoria. Trish ran for Victoria and took her down with a Dropkick. Trish grabbed Victoria by her hair and dragged her to the corner where she began stomping on Victoria rapidly.

Trish picked up Victoria and sat on the top rope, grabbing Victoria by the neck, and lifting her up in a choke. Referee Brian Hebner counted to five, making her break the hold. Trish dragged Victoria over to their corner and tagged in Molly. She twisted the arm of Victoria and Molly dropped off the rope with an ax handle to the shoulder of right shoulder of Victoria. Molly grabbed the right arm of Victoria and applied and arm wringer and then back heel tripped her to the ground. Molly twisted the arm again and with one quick motion she was able to flip her arm, and crashing it upon the mat. She did this for a second time. Upon this second time, Molly’s wig began to loosen, but she put the chin strap back under her chin. Molly grabbed the leg of Victoria and locked her in an excellently applied STF. Victoria was fighting to break the hold, and she managed to finally reach the ropes in order to break it. The crowd let out a big cheer for that. Molly got up and dropped back down with a clutched fist to the back of Victoria. Molly then dropped an elbow, and then went back to the clutched fist. Molly tagged in Trish.

Trish sat on the back of Victoria, knee digging into the spin, and pulling up on the chin of Victoria. Victoria over powered Trish and grabbed her by the waste, lifting her up and then dropping her for a sidewalk slam. Both women were down. Trish tagged in Molly at six and Victoria dove at seven to take in Lita to a big pop from the crowd. Lita came in and took down Molly. Trish got back up and Lita took her down with a badly executed Hurracanrana. Victoria tossed Trish out of the ring. Lita picked up Molly and applied some weak looking forearms and then whipped her into the ropes and took her down with a right to the face. Lita dragged Molly over to the middle towards the corner and then pulled off her shirt, revealing just her bra, and tossed it into the crowd. The fourteen year boys were cheering for Lita. Lita climbed the ropes and pointed to herself in a Hardy Boyz fashion and then leaped off, backwards, for her Moonsault, but Molly was able to move out of the way.

On the outside, Victoria and Trish Stratus were brawling when Christian just grabbed Victoria by the hair and tossed her up against the barricade. Christian picked the WWE Women’s Champion back up and hit the Unprettier on her. He helped up Trish Stratus. Trish got back into the ring and whipped Lita into the ropes. She lifted up Lita onto the top rope and then ran for the corner, placing her arms on the bottom rope and then with her legs she grabbed hold of the neck of Lita and hit the Stratusphere. Molly got up and covered Lita. Brian Hebner made the count. One … Two … Three!

Winners: Molly Holly and Trish Stratus at 6:54

Christian was celebrating with Trish when Chris Jericho ran down to the ring. He slid into the ring, but Christian and Trish bailed out of the ring and began running through the crowd. Chris Jericho took chase after him.

(69, 82, 66) * ½


When Raw comes back on the air Christian and Trish Stratus are shown in a “during the back segment” getting into a rented car and speeding off.

Back to the live action, Molly Holly is walking down the hall way. She is looking for Eric Bischoff’s office when she bumps into “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Steve Austin: Why are you in such a hurry? [The crowd starts to chant “What?”]

Molly Holly: I ... um … I am looking for Eric Bischoff’s office.

Austin: Looking for Eric Bischoff? [“What?”] Am I not good enough for you? [“What?”] Am I not the one you go to when you need something? [“What?”] Answer me. [“What?”] I said why don’t you tell me what you want.

Molly: Well, I need—

Austin: You need what? Come on. Answer the damn question already. [Molly goes to speak, but Austin cuts her off, as the fans chant “What?”] Forget it. [“What?”] I said forget it. [“What?”] What is with this stupid little wig you have on your head? [“What?”]

Molly: It’s not a wig. It’s my natural hair.

Austin: What? Who are you kidding? Do you have something against bald people? [“What?”] People without hair. [“What?”] People who look like me. [“What?”] Cromedomes. [“What?”] Skinheads. [“What?”] BALD PEOPLE!

Molly: Well, I … no … I mean …

Molly runs off looking for Eric Bischoff’s office. Steve Austin is laughing and just walks away. Molly finally finds his office.

Eric Bischoff: Can you believe that look on Paul Heyman’s face when he saw Spike Dudley walk through those doors of his office last Thursday? I hope you have fun with him, Paul. Spike is a true “superstar.”

Johnny Spade: Dude, I know.

Bischoff: Don’t call me dude. I am your boss.

Spade: Sorry EB.

Bischoff: EB?

Spade: Yeah, you know … Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff sighs as the door opens and in walks Molly Holly.

Molly: Mr. Bischoff, I need a favor from you.

Bischoff: What can I do for you Molly?

Molly: Well, Mr. Bischoff, I have this problem with Victoria. Victoria has something that belongs to me. She has my Women’s title.

Spade: Dude, she has more than just that of yours.

Johnny Spade laughs. Molly looks embarrassed. She couldn’t come back with anything to say. She was about to storm out of the room ready to cry.

Bischoff: Hold on, Molly. You know what? I’ll give you that WWE Women’s title shot. And it will take place on April eighteenth at our next Raw brand only Pay-Per-View, Backlash!

Molly: Thank you Mr. Bischoff. You won’t regret this.

Molly looks at Johnny Spade, who was still laughing and she walks out. She was she walked out, she turned her head to the right where Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton all where just about to walk into Bischoff’s office.

Triple H: Bischoff, I can’t believe this crap that you are pulling around here! I want that piece of crap Edge, and I want him tonight!

Bischoff: Edge is not cleared to wrestle for two more weeks, Triple H.

Triple H: I don’t care. Give me him tonight.

Bischoff: I’ll do you one better. At Backlash in two weeks, live on pay-per-view in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, I will give you the chance to take on Edge. But not in a singles match. Due to Rob Van Dam and Booker T getting involved as did the rest of Evolution, it’ll be a six-man tag team match with you, Batista, and Ric Flair against Edge, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam!

Triple H: That is bullshit, Bischoff! I want Edge tonight. Not next week or the week after, or the week after that. TONIGHT! One on one! Me versus Edge! Make the damn match, Bischoff!

Bischoff: I can’t do that. I already told you that. But what I can do is book you and Randy Orton in a tag team match against the former tag team champions Booker T and Rob Van Dam. Call it little tune up match for yourself. And as for you two [points to Batista and Ric Flair, the World Tag Team Champions] you will have a match tonight against the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels.

Triple H and the rest of Evolution looked pissed about these two matches, but they leave the room.



Match Two – The Hurricane with “The Superhero In Training” Rosey vs. Rene Dupree with Rob Conway and Fifi

As La Resistance was making there entrance, the video feed showed footage of last night’s Sunday Night Heat.

Joined In Progess: Dupree, standing over the head of Hurricane began bouncing side to side with his arms out to the side for a dance he likes to call the French Tickler. Hurricane, however, managed to reach up and grab him by the balls. Hurricane stood up and slapped him down. Hurricane ran off the ropes and ran for Rene Dupree, connecting with the Shining Wizard. He made the cover to Rene Dupree, but Brian Hebner informed him that he was not the legal man.

Rob Conway picked up The Hurricane and whipped him off the ropes. Conway dove at him with a flying forearm and then picked him up and debuted his new finisher, Au Revoir, which is a front Russian Leg Sweep. He covered Hurricane while Rene Dupree pushed Rosey off of the ring apron. One … Two … Three!

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Great shows already for both of you, I really love the new direction and as much as a lot is the same, IIRC, you are both slowly moving away from what actually hapened and making it your own, which is good.

To comment on RAW...

The Foley promo was very good, I wont say you nailed it spot on but it worked to get over what was needed and it set up the match for Backlash, unfortunately I dont see Foley going over as you will probably build up Orton, and besides, Foley is really only there to put others over, not to have a title run.

I look to a push for Chris Jericho and Christian as they feud over Trish Stratus, but the more she is kept off camera the better it is, perhaps writing her off would be a good way to do it :P. But Aside from Trish's involvement in that feud, I do look forward to it.

Knoble going over was very good in my opnion and I see a push for him, not a giant push, but any sort of push is good. Then again, a lot of people go over Venis in this day and age so it might just be a win, i'll have to read and find out.

Johnny Spade is good, slightly different to the Spade i remember when he was on WWE programming but he works, the cool cocky heel character is what he's playing and as a lackey to Bisch, it should work out.

Hurricane winning was also good, womens match being first and having it out of the way was good and I do look forward to you building the tag division with the only team in TNA at the time that could probably work WWE Style, the AMW.

Main event was good, and now the Backlash match for the World Title will mean more than just the title, respect is involved, but then again maybe the team will break up in the future?

Overall I liked the show and look forward to seeing where you take this, I shall be reading.

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April 1st, 2004

Last week, WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero teamed up with Rey Mysterio to take on Kurt Angle & The Big Show in the Main Event! At the end of the match, Eddie Guerrero fell from the top rope and landed awkwardly on his right leg & was unable to continue in the match. Because of this, Kurt Angle picked up the win for his team by locking Rey in his Ankle Lock and forced him to tap out! As the show went off the air, medics were tending to Guerrero. Word has it that Eddie suffered a fractured tibia and will be out of action for an undertermined amount of time. Because of this, SmackDown! GM Paul Heyman is expected to make an announcement on Eddie's injury and the future of the WWE Title!

The Dudley Boyz debut on SmackDown! didn't quite go as planned, as Kyo Dai defeated them in a handicap match, with some help from the Full Blooded Italians! Do these two factions have an alliance? And what will The Dudley Boyz do, if they can get their hands on either faction?

The Cruiserweight division is packed with hungry competitors and we only got a taste of their ability at WrestleMania XX, during the Cruiserweight Open! This week, we'll see a fourway match between four of the top cruiserweights in Billy Kidman, Paul London, Tajiri & Ultimo Dragon! Who will walk away as the #1 Contender?

The World's Greatest Tag Team confronted the WWE Tag Team Champions, Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty last week, demanding a rematch. This week, they'll get their wish! GM Heyman has ordered that the match take place this week! Can Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin get the belts back or will Rikishi & Scotty dance over them for a victory?

In the Main Event this week, we'll see a rematch from last week.. sort of. Rey Mysterio is looking to avenge his loss in the tag team match and go one-on-one with the man that made him tap out, Kurt Angle! It's sure to be one hell of a match!

Be sure to tune in Thursday night at 8/7 CT on UPN, to SMACK your TV!

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WWE SmackDown!

SMACK your TV!

Taped from Columbus, OH!

Opening up the show are highlights from last week's main event between Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle & The Big Show. Showing the highlights throughout the match and then showing Eddie falling from the top rope and Show's grasp, hitting hard on his right leg. Eddie was in so much pain, he had to roll out of the ring and this allowed Kurt Angle to reverse the West Coast Pop into an Ankle Lock for the submission win for his team. The highlights ended with Angle laughing, while Eddie was in severe pain on the outside.

Then the opening video starts up, set to Drowning Pool's "Step Up" and the new clips role for the brand-new SmackDown! that began last week.

GM Heyman Awaits Eddie

Unlike last week's show, we start off with a scene in the backstage area. GM Paul Heyman is standing in the parking lot (with neckbrace still) with a huge smile on his face and looks to be waiting for someone to arrive. His lovely assistant Dawn Marie is standing beside him with a matching smile, since she likes to mimic Heyman as much as possible, except for the bald & fat thing.

"Just when I thought things were starting go wrong on MY brand-new SmackDown! low-and-behold, I get a blessing from above! The WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero gets injured in a tag team match and word has it that he suffered a broken fibula! -- My luck IS changing!" Heyman had a grin from ear-to-ear, as he looked at Dawn.

However, Heyman's grin soon turned into a scowl as he looked off camera and Bradshaw came into the picture. Staring a hole through Heyman, as Dawn Marie looked on with a concerned look on her face.

"That's right, wipe that shit-eating grin off ya' face boy! You and I. We got some business to discuss." Bradshaw pointed at Heyman and stopped him before he even began to speak. "Listen up! Three weeks ago, you fired my partner, my best friend and more importantly, my drinking partner." The crowd was cheering on Bradshaw and chuckled at that last comment. "Now.. first, you're gonna rehire Faarooq and second, you're gonna give us a shot at the Tag Team Titles! -- Are we clear?"

"You don't seem to grasp the situation, Bradshaw! So let me break it down for you. YOU don't order ME around. I am YOUR boss. You are MY employee." Bradshaw stood there, looking pissed off. "I'm sorry, that may have been too complicated.. let me try again. Me -- Boss. You -- Employee. And Faarooq is NEVER going to be apart of the SmackDown! brand again because Paul Heyman, said so!" The crowd boo'ed Heyman's attempt at being Austin, as Bradshaw looked like extremely pissed off. Looking like he was about to attack Heyman until Test walked into the picture, whining.

"Paul! I want another shot at that little punk, John Cena! The only reason he beat me last week was because he CHEATED. He used the exposed turnbuckle.. that's not fair!" He sounded like a little baby.

"Get outta here, you little pansy! This is for grownfolk's business." Bradshaw stared straight at Test, transferring his rage to someone else.

"Why don't you leave, you god damn drunk redneck?" Test wasn't backing down from Bradshaw. Things were getting heated but then Heyman jumped in, defusing the situation.

"Since you both seem like you're up for a fight, how about we make things a little interesting! Since you want John Cena so bad, Test and you're interested in a fight Bradshaw.. I'm gonna book a tag match for later on tonight! It's gonna be you, Bradshaw, teaming up with John Cena! And you, Test, teaming up with The Big Show!! Now get the hell out of here, I have business to conduct!"

Heyman grinned a bit, while turning his back on both men and walked down the parking lot with Dawn, awaiting Eddie's arrival. Bradshaw & Test were still in each other's face, staring back at one another as the camera faded into a commercial break.



#1 Contender's Match: Billy Kidman vs Paul London vs Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon

London made his way out first to some techno music with the fans giving him a small pop, they really only know him from his Velocity appearances. Out next was his tag team partner, Billy Kidman to his hip hop theme to a pretty good pop from the crowd. The dragon roaring is heard next, followed by the flames from the side of the stage and Ultimo Dragon makes his way out with his cape on to a nice pop and doesn't trip, which is surprising to everyone. Finally, Tajiri made his way out to the ring with Akio & Sakoda by his side but the referee informs them, they must go to the back and Tajiri is forced to fight this match fair.

All four men began staring around at each other just as the bell sounded before Tajiri went straight after London. Delivering some rapid fire kicks into his body, as London tried to cover up but he was getting wailed on. Dragon & Kidman were forced out onto the apron by referee Brian Hebner, while Tajiri continued to fire those kicks into London's abdomen and thighs, trying to tighten up those hamstrings. Sending London into the ropes now, Tajiri caught him with a spinning savate kick to the abdomen that took him down to his knees and then hit the ropes himself, jumping straight into London's back with a double knee strike! Ouch!! Tajiri wasted no time dragging London back to his feet, sending a few stiff chops into his chest and then whipped him into the nearby corner. London bumped hard in the corner, falling straight on his face and Tajiri grinned evily. Staring down at London, Tajiri grabbed him by the hair only to drag him out of the corner and make the cover.. One! - Two!! London kicks out! Staying on the offensive, Tajiri laid into London with some forearm shots before dragging him over towards Dragon and Tajiri shouted something in japanese before tagging out to Dragon. Dragon came in quickly, delivering some forearms to London before backing up into the ropes and came back with a beautiful head scissors takedown. Back to his feet, Dragon wasted no time in climbing up onto the top rope and as London staggered to his feet, Dragon came off with a beautiful flying cross body! Staying ontop of London.. One! - Two!! Shoulder up! London won't give up! Dragon got back to his feet quickly, delivering some kicks to London's ribs before placing him in a surfboard stretch! London is wincing in pain but he's shaking his head no on the submission! The ref asks if he wants to give up but London keeps shaking his head no! Dragon then releases the hold, realizing London wouldn't give up and delivered a sharp knee strike into his abdomen. Hooking London up for a DDT, Dragon pauses to shout at the fans -- but London reverses with a northern lights suplex! The fans pop as London bridges.. One! - Two!! Kick out! Dragon scrambles back to a stand to take London down but he gets caught with an armdrag! Trying it again, Dragon ends up with same result! Aggitated now, Dragon is back up and charging but London leaps up and delivers his patented Dropsault!! A huge pop from the crowd for that! London then makes his way over to Kidman, tagging him in to get a breather.

Coming into the ring quickly, Kidman fires off some forearm blasts to Dragon before whipping him into the ropes. On the comeback, Kidman hoists Dragon up for an atomic drop -> clothesline combination. Bouncing off the ropes, Kidman comes back with a quick legdrop and then covers.. One! - Two!! Shoulder up! Pulling Dragon back to his feet, Kidman grabs onto Dragon's neck and runs to the corner, scaling the turnbuckles before dropping him with an Upscale Bulldog!! The fans pop huge, as Kidman goes right into another cover.. One! - Two!! - Tajiri breaks it up! It might've been over there! Tajiri slips back out onto the apron, as Kidman sees Dragon is down and rolls his arms around, calling for the end. Climbing out onto the apron, then up to the top rope Kidman is about to leap off.. but Tajiri shakes the ropes, crotching Kidman!! Dragon is back to his feet now, as he climbs out onto the apron and scales the turnbuckles. Dragon is behind Kidman now, as he wraps his right arm around his neck from behind.. is he going for the Dragon Sleeper? No.. Dragon then somersaults over Kidman's body and delivers a huge snap mare off the top rope! What a move!! That had to be painful!! Making the cover.. One! - Two!! - But London breaks it up, now! The fans are really getting into the match now, as Dragon is going into his Dragon Strikes on Kidman before hooking Kidman up by the neck, flipping over him and nails his Asai DDT. The fans pop huge, as Dragon floats right into the cover.. One! - Two!! - Th-- No! Tajiri breaks it up with a stiff kick! Tajiri won't leave the ring now, as he starts going to work on Kidman & Dragon.. and here comes London into the ring! It's chaos with all four men in the ring! They're all fighting each other until Kidman gets dropped to his knees and then Tajiri delivers his Buzzsaw Kick!! Kidman drops on his face like a ton of bricks, out cold but before Tajiri can go for the cover, London comes off the top with a twisting corkscrew!! The fans love it!! Meanwhile, Dragon delivers a dropkick to London from behind and sends him to the outside. Making his way over to Kidman, Dragon climbs over his back before hooking his head with his right arm and yanks way back.. using a Dragon Clutch submission! Kidman is hurting from that Buzzsaw Kick earlier and is forced to tap out within seconds to the devastating hold!

Ultimo Dragon picks up the win here and is now the #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Title!! The fans are cheering for Dragon, as he raises his arms in victory and then makes the belt motion around his waist.

Winner: Ultimo Dragon

(71/57/86) **3/4

Bradshaw Confronts Cena

Cutting to the backstage area, we see John Cena in the locker room, finishing up a set of situps before getting to his feet and grabbed a can of Stacker 2's YJStinger, chugging it down. Subtle product placement! We hear a door fly open, hitting the wall as Cena turns his head to the side and Bradshaw comes into the picture, staring at Cena.

"Yo dawg, whass--.." But Bradshaw cut him off before he could continue.

"Don't start any of that rap crap with me Cena! Can't you talk like a normal person? .. It doesn't matter because you don't need to talk. Just listen. I don't need a new partner.. I don't like rap and I sure as hell know, you don't like country music! I love a good ole' fashioned bar room brawl and you like to write your little rhymes! We don't have much in common.. but I know what you can do. I know you wanna kick those two boys asses in the ring ta'night and I'm gonna help you do it! Now.. do you wanna work together or not?" Bradshaw stared at Cena, who had a sly smirk on his face.

"I know what'cha saying, Bradshaw.. and it's all good, man. We gonna jack them fools up, son!"

Bradshaw looked a bit skeptical at first but then nodded his head, as Cena smiled and shook his hand. Bradshaw then made his way off camera, as Cena went back to drinking his YJStinger. SUBTLE~!



WGTT Want Their Shot

Cutting to a scene in the backstage area, we see Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty standing in the hallway in street gear, with their Tag Titles and their laughing about something. Just then, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin come into the picture and they stare at the tag champs.

"What the hell are you two laughing at? Oh.. I know. Are you laughing at the fact that you two, as tag team champions, is a complete JOKE? Because then we'd understand." Shelton said, rather smugly.

"Oh really? Then how come we beat you at WrestleMania XX?" Rikishi answered with a smile.

"You got lucky! Charlie & I were about to win the Tag Team belts yet again but then that idiot Bradshaw had to screw everything up! You've never beaten the World's Greatest Tag Team and you never will! So why don't you just hand those belts over, right now." Haas & Benjamin stared straight at them, holding their hands out.

"How about you get out of our faces before The Kish.. has to back THIS ass up?" Rikishi dropped his smile, staring straight at Benjamin with a mean look in his eye.

"Alright. Have it your way. But this isn't over.. not by a long shot!" Benjamin stated firmly, as he & Haas walked away while Scotty tried to settle Rikishi down.


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WWE Velocity Report

The show opened up with the normal opening montage, then we're sent to Josh Matthews and his new broadcast partner, Rue DeBona. They introduce us to the show before talking about what happened on SmackDown! and then sent us to a recap.

End of Ultimo Dragon Becoming Cruiserweight #1 Contender

Coming into the ring quickly, Kidman fires off some forearm blasts to Dragon before whipping him into the ropes. On the comeback, Kidman hoists Dragon up for an atomic drop -> clothesline combination. Bouncing off the ropes, Kidman comes back with a quick legdrop and then covers.. One! - Two!! Shoulder up! Pulling Dragon back to his feet, Kidman grabs onto Dragon's neck and runs to the corner, scaling the turnbuckles before dropping him with an Upscale Bulldog!! The fans pop huge, as Kidman goes right into another cover.. One! - Two!! - Tajiri breaks it up! It might've been over there! Tajiri slips back out onto the apron, as Kidman sees Dragon is down and rolls his arms around, calling for the end. Climbing out onto the apron, then up to the top rope Kidman is about to leap off.. but Tajiri shakes the ropes, crotching Kidman!! Dragon is back to his feet now, as he climbs out onto the apron and scales the turnbuckles. Dragon is behind Kidman now, as he wraps his right arm around his neck from behind.. is he going for the Dragon Sleeper? No.. Dragon then somersaults over Kidman's body and delivers a huge snap mare off the top rope! What a move!! That had to be painful!! Making the cover.. One! - Two!! - But London breaks it up, now! The fans are really getting into the match now, as Dragon is going into his Dragon Strikes on Kidman before hooking Kidman up by the neck, flipping over him and nails his Snap Dragon!! The fans pop huge, as Dragon floats right into the cover.. One! - Two!! - Th-- No! Tajiri breaks it up with a stiff kick! Tajiri won't leave the ring now, as he starts going to work on Kidman & Dragon.. and here comes London into the ring! It's chaos with all four men in the ring! They're all fighting each other until Kidman gets dropped to his knees and then Tajiri delivers his Buzzsaw Kick!! Kidman drops on his face like a ton of bricks, out cold but before Tajiri can go for the cover, London comes off the top with a twisting corkscrew!! The fans love it!! Meanwhile, Dragon delivers a dropkick to London from behind and sends him to the outside. Making his way over to Kidman, Dragon climbs over his back before hooking his head with his right arm and yanks way back.. using a Dragon Clutch submission!! Kidman is hurting from that Buzzsaw Kick earlier and is forced to tap out within seconds to the devstating hold!!


Ultimo Dragon picks up the win here and is now the #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Title!! The fans are cheering for Dragon, as he raises his arms in victory and then makes the belt motion around his waist.

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I havent read Smackdown yet, but will after this post.

I like that Ultimo went over in the cruiserweight match and will be facing... Rey? i think its Rey, well it looks like it could be a good main event for a PPV, but the next PPV would be Judgement day so i Guess it'll be on Smackdown unless you build the feud up. Anyways, it shall be good.

Gunn and A-Train was poor, but Gunn is a velocity regular and I should expect as much, Gunn going over A-Train is good, but hopefully wont lead to anything.

Dinsmore and Richards, he spent so long being the 'GM of Heat' that he deserves to go over finally, I dont want Dinsmore to run the Retarded gimmick so get him something that works and maybe this can spell a small push for mah boy Stevie Heat...umm, Stevie Velocity :(.

London vs. Doug would have been better, with London going over, but thats just the London mark inside of me. Otherwise I dont mind Doug going over Kidman as long as it doesnt hinder London at all.

Overall, Smackdown looks like I'll enjoy reading it and Velocity was good too, at first I didnt enjoy your side of things, but with this update I do now so I look forward to what will happen in the future from both of you. Only one thing I really disliked, the April Fools thing, really weak :P

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Sunday Night Heat

Taped on Monday, March 29, 2004

Aired on Sunday, April 4, 2004

Cincinnati, Ohio

US Bank Arena Box Office

The Sunday Night Heat video package begins to play and then the fireworks display in the ring goes off. The camera pans the crowd for various signs. And this signaled the start of Sunday Night Heat.

Jonathan Coachman: Welcome everyone to another exciting edition of Sunday Night Heat. I am, of course, the Coach and I know that it is your pleasure to join with me tonight, Al Snow.

Al Snow: Right you are Coach. It is always great to be here making fun of you. It is my pleasure to do just that.

Coachman: Always the kidder, Al. We got an exciting line up tonight as we see the rematch we all been waiting for.

Snow: The world just was waiting for this one, Coach. It is monumental. It is on the scale of the rematch between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.

Coachman: It is the rematch from last week’s Sunday Night Heat. It’s Rico wanting a rematch with Tommy Dreamer!

Snow: My God, Coach. That is HUGE!

Coachman: Let’s take you back a few moments ago where Rico was standing by with some words for Tommy Dreamer.

“Earlier Tonight” appears in the lower left hand corner with the Sunday Night Heat logo below it. Rico is standing by. He is removed of the makeup and is wearing new clothing. He has purple tights on, with the word “Role” written down the right pant leg and the word “Model” written down the left pant leg.

Rico Constantino: You are all looking at the new and improved Rico. I am the person that all of you should be looking up to. Someone you should base your life on. Not some hardcore idiot like Tommy Dreamer. What you say last week was a disgrace. What you saw last week wasn’t the real Rico. I am not this alternative lifestyle freak. I am someone that you all should look up to and idolize. I am your role model. Tonight, when I go out there and defeat Tommy Dreamer, then, and only then will you finally realize just who the real Rico really is.

The screen cuts back to the “live” action where the Coach and the Snowman are sitting.

Coachman: I guess we have a new Rico here in the WWE.

Snow: He is your role model, isn’t he Coach?

Coachman: Let’s get things going as we head to the ring for our opening match.

Match One – Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak vs. Matt Stryker and Chad Collyer

Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak make their entrance, coming out from behind the curtain and walking down to the ring, looking determined. They want to prove themselves tonight, like they have been for the past few weeks here on Sunday Night Heat.

Coachman: Look, Al, the famous Flying Babaganosh Brothers are back on Raw!

Al Snow: We got Matt and Chad Babaganosh.

Coachman: These are two fine technically sound wrestlers. They will be something in this business, Al.

Snow: In fact, Chad Babaganosh was trained by our very own Dean Malenko.

Coachman: Wow. Really? That’s an accomplishment in and of itself. Maybe tonight the Babaganosh Brothers could get the upset?

Snow: Cindrak and Jade are not going to let last week’s near upset get to them as they look determined to defeat these two in record time. But could we indeed see an upset? I’ve seen Matt and Chad on numerous occasions and these Babaganosh Brothers are tremendous in the ring. They will give Jade and Cindrak a run for their money tonight.

Coachman: How many times do I have to tell you, Al? It’s Jindrak and Cade. Get it right. They are the future of Raw, you need to get on the bandwagon now, Al.

Garrison Cade and Chad Collyer start off the match. They lock up and Cade hits a lifting knee to Collyer to break the collar and elbow tie-up. Cade grabs Collyer and whips him into the corner. Cade runs in with an elbow to the side of the head. Cade places Collyer on the top rope and then he steps up to the middle rope. He grabs Collyer in a fall away slam position and then tosses him off. Cade goes for the cover. Referee Mike Sparks makes the count. One … Two … kickout by Collyer. Cade takes out to Mark Jindrak.

Mark Jindrak comes into the ring as Cade holds up Collyer. Jindrak kicks the ribs of Collyer and then down Collyer went. Jindrak drops a leg and then covers him. One … Two … kickout by Collyer. Jindrak picks up Collyer and whips him off the ropes. He returns and Jindrak hits a back body drop on him. Jindrak makes the cover again. One … Two … kickout. Jindrak gets up and picks up Collyer and whips him into the corner. He rams in to the corner shoulder first. Jindrak tags in Garrison Cade.

Cade comes back into the ring and grabs Collyer and lifts him up and down for a nicely executed vertical Suplex. Cade picks him up again and hits another nicely executed vertical Suplex. Cade then grabs him and picks him up and then when he stands up and hooks the arm and legs together and drops him down for a beautiful Fisherman’s Buster. Cade covers. One … Two … Th … kickout. Garrison Cade gets up, a little frustrating, but decides to have a little fun with Collyer. He picks him up and grabs his hand and then motions for Matt Stryker to take it. He gets closer, and closer, and closer, but immediately pulls back as to not allow Stryker to tag in. Cade whips Collyer into the corner. He rams in back first, and stumbles out of it. Cade runs off the ropes and takes him down with a Barry Windham style bulldog. He makes the cover. One … Two … Thre … NO! Foot on the ropes by Chad Collyer. Just in time. Cade looks pissed. He grabs Collyer and begins tossing him around on the mat. He then gets on the back of Collyer and begins slapping his head, Scott Hall style. Cade picks up Collyer and tosses him in the corner. He tags in Mark Jindrak.

Mark Jindrak heads to the top rope and Garrison Cade places Collyer on his knee with Jindrak jumping off for a leg drop, much like Demolition use to do. Jindrak makes the cover. One … Two … Thr … kickout by Collyer, again! He’s keeping himself alive in that ring. Jindrak picks up Collyer and slaps him, hard, straight across the face, leaving a huge red mark of his hand on Collyer’s face. Jindrak whips Collyer into the ropes. Jindrak jumps up, going for the Dropkick, but Collyer had help onto the ropes and Jindrak fell to the mat. Collyer quickly leaped over and tagged in Matt Stryker.

Matt Stryker came into the ring and Mark Jindrak got up. Stryker took him down with a Dropkick and Cade came into the ring. He took him down with a Dropkick also. Stryker ran for Jindrak, but Jindrak went for a lariat, but Stryker ducked it and hit a Dropkick from behind, sending him over the top rope and onto the floor. Garrison Cade got up, running for Stryker with a big boot, but Stryker ducked it, and kicked Cade in the crotch. He grabbed Cade and tossed him outside as well. Stryker ran off the ropes and dove through the middle rope onto Cade and Jindrak for a nice suicide dive. Stryker picked up Jindrak, rolled him into the ring and covered him. Mike Sparks counted. One … Two … Cade made it just in time to pull out Stryker. Stryker got up and went to run for Cade, but Cade nailed him with a decapitating lariat. He rolled him into the ring. He got into the ring a well. Chad Collyer tried to come in to the ring to save Stryker from a beat down but Cade decked him with a devastating lariat, sending him rolling to the outside. Cade lifted up Stryker and Jindrak ran off the ropes leaping up and hitting a picture perfect Dropkick. He made the cover. One … Two … Three.

Winners: Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak in 8:56

(63, 66, 60) * ½


Coachman: Al, last Monday night we saw Triple H irate about him not being named the number one contender. He threatened Eric Bischoff, but before long Edge made his way out.

Snow: Edge came out and after going back and forth with “the Game,” the rest of Evolution came out and they all took apart Edge until RVD and Booker T could make the save.

Coachman: Let’s take you back to last Monday night and show you what went down.

Recap of Triple H’s Quest to Get Named the Number One Contender

The video feed cuts right to Triple H in the ring getting read to talk.

Triple H: Eric Bischoff, who in the hell do you think you are? Do you really think you can just walk around my arena and give away my title shot? I worked too damn hard for that title. I busted my ass day in and day out to earn that title shot. And you go about and give the title shot to Shawn Michaels?

“Asshole” chants begin towards Triple H. Soon “HBK” chants cue up as well.

Triple H: Shut the hell up. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you fans think. Go ahead, chant “asshole.” Chant “HBK” it all doesn’t mean a damn thing. Bischoff, you know damn well that that title match against Chris Benoit for Backlash belongs to me. I deserve my rematch. Not for one second should you even think otherwise. Shawn Michaels got his title shot. In fact, he shouldn’t have even been involved at WrestleMania XX but he was. That’s over with. But his title shot has come and gone, and it is my shot. My title. MY GOD DAMN TITLE! Chris Benoit is just keeping that title warm for me when I hit the Pedigree on his scrawny little ass and pin him for the three count.

“You tapped out” chants ring through the crowd.

Triple H: Very good. I did tap out. Who the hell cares? I tapped out. Big deal! When I get my title back, you won’t be seeing me tap out any more.

“Never Gonna Stop” by Rob Zombie suddenly hits and out on the stage, emerging through the smoke is Edge! A huge crowd reaction follows as Edge runs from side to side on the stage.

Ross: It’s Edge! Edge is here on Raw! Just last week we saw Edge return and Spear that slim ball Paul Heyman.

Triple H: What the hell are you doing here?

Edge: Triple H, I am out here to shut you the hell up. These fans are so sick and tired of your drawn out, twenty minute borefests. Who the hell cares about you or you getting the title back? Forget “you tapped out,” and forget this being what fans chant at Kurt Angle, but man, you sure do suck.

“You suck” chants now start for Triple H.

Edge: I mean, come on man. For an entire year I sat on the sidelines with a broken neck and I watched Monday Night Raw and I fell asleep before 9:30 because you took up those minutes and put me to sleep. God man, you really need to step down. No-one gives a damn about you. Just listen at all the “asshole” chants or the “you tapped out” chants or the now “you suck” chants. This is not good, H. This means you truly do suck.

Triple H: Edge, for a year plus you have been out. You have been out with an injury that has plagued this business. But you know what? I didn’t give a damn. Edge was out with an injury … “what?” was all I asked and moved along. You being out never bothered me. You being here just meant someone to beat the hell out of. You think by getting drafted over to Raw makes you this special someone? All it means is that come the time when I get my title, you will just always be another notch below me. See, Edge, things never change. You will always be this goofy looking punk kid who thought he was something. TLC made you, but what else have you done that was so spectacular? Have you had this classic match? Have you headlined pay-per-views? Have you held the World Heavyweight Championship? Have you ever beaten me?! The answer is no on all accounts, Edge. You are nothing. You will always be nothing. From the day I met you Edge I knew you would amount to nothing. This business is no place for goofy looking punk ass kids. That is all you are.

Edge: [makes snoring sounds.] Boring. Triple H, TLC made me. Yeah. But since then I have become this man that has been unstoppable. Winning singles titles and more tag team titles. I have worked my way up. I have bettered myself. And I have made it to the point in my career where the only thing left for me to do is win that World Heavyweight Championship and main event WrestleMania.

Triple H: don’t kid yourself, kid. Main Eventing WrestleMania is for the best of the best. Certainly something you’ll never amount to. Quit living in your fantasy world. Edge, I have main event countless WrestleMania’s and I have walked out as Champion. I might have lost to Chris Benoit a few weeks ago, but damnit, I will get that belt back.

Just as Edge was about to walk down the aisle he was blind sided by Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton. All three of them brought Edge down and into the ring where Batista held up Edge.

Ross: Oh my Gawd! They are beating the hell out of Edge! Someone needs to do something!

Triple H slapped Edge right across the face. Edge became enraged, but he couldn’t escape Evolution holding him down. Triple H grabbed Edge and kicked him in the midsection. But before he could even hook him for the Pedigree “ONE OF A KIND!” is heard and “One of a King” by Breaking Point hits and out comes Rob Van Dam and Booker T to a huge ovation from the crowd. They chase off Batista, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Triple H before they could do any harm to him, especially when he is not medically cleared to wrestle for another two weeks. RVD and Booker T help up Edge to a standing ovation from the crowd. Triple H and the rest of Evolution are at the top of the stage with Triple H looking pissed off, shouting unheard words towards the ring, pointing at them.


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Can HBK and Benoit Continue To Co-Exist?

April 5, 2004

Last week we saw Backlash take shape. On Raw we will continue to see the developments. With Backlash only two weeks away, and Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels scheduled to be a tag team, once again, this Monday night, though we aren’t sure of their opponents as of right now, how will they get along? Backlash is rapidly approaching and Benoit knows he has a tough road ahead of him when he steps in the ring with Shawn Michaels. Can he and Michaels continue on the path of co-existing? Last week they won a non-title match over the World Tag Team Champions Batista and Ric Flair and showed no signs of tension. Time will tell if they can remain a cohesive unit until Backlash.

Christian and Chris Jericho have been at odds for a few months now and once again they will collide in the ring at Backlash when they meet one-on-one. Chris Jericho couldn’t catch up to Christian and Trish Stratus in time last week as they drove off in their car together. Will Jericho get his hands on Christian tonight? Who knows? But Christian is scheduled to be in attendance, as is Trish as they are both set for singles action on Raw. Christian will take on Val Venis in what should be a competitive match up. Trish will also be entering the ring one-one-one with Lita. Lita is really angry at Trish for her actions as of late and last week Lita last a tag team match to Trish and Molly Holly. Lita is looking forward to this match. The same probably cannot be said for Trish Stratus.

Vince McMahon is coming to Raw. What does he have to say? Why is he coming to Raw? We will find out Monday night!

Triple H will also be in attendance. Will he have more words for Edge come Monday night? Edge makes his return to the ring live on pay-per-view for Backlash as he teams with Rob Van Dam and Booker T to take on Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton. How will Edge be when he steps into the ring? Will he be ready for “the Game” and Evolution? Will he be in attendance this Monday night in Houston, Texas? Tune into Raw Monday night for all these answers!

All of this and more on Raw at 9/8 CT on Spike TV!

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LIVE! April 5, 2004

Houston, Texas

Toyota Center

A video package opens up Raw from last week. It features around Triple H, Edge, Chris Benoit, and Shawn Michaels. It shows Triple H opening up the show and getting interrupted by Chris Benoit. It then shows Triple H talking to Eric Bischoff and then making the matches for tonight. Clips of Triple H and Randy Orton versus Rob Van Dam and Booker T are shown and then clips of the non-title main event between Batista and Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels are shown.

The video comes to an end and we go straight to the back for live action of a long, white limousine pulling up into the arena. The driver gets out and walks around to the front of the limousine and then opens the door. The camera is showing the bottom of the door and then a foot steps out. Then the other one steps out and the camera pans up and the man standing up right is the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Vince McMahon. He looks around, fixing his suit as he walks away from the door. Off camera you hear running, and then that person gets closer and it is Johnny Spade, the associate of Eric Bischoff.

Vince McMahon: Who the hell are you?

Johnny Spade: Johnny. Johnny Spade.

He goes to shake Mr. McMahon’s hand. McMahon stands there looking at it.

McMahon: Is that supposed to impress me? Where did you come from? Who are … oh. Wait. You are that Tough Enough kid. You won Tough Enough III, right?

Spade: Why yes I did. You are looking at the star, Vince.

McMahon: Vince? Vince?! [McMahon gets a little angry.] Tell me, do you like your job?

Spade: Of course, Vinnie-Mac. Why wouldn’t I?

McMahon: Because if you do not refer to me as Mr. McMahon you will be out on your ass so fast, you got that kid?

Spade: Will do, Vi – Mr. McMahon.

McMahon: Now what the hell do you want?

Spade: EB sent me to ask what you are doing here.

McMahon: EB? Eric Bischoff? Eric wants to know what I am doing … what I am doing on my own show? You tell “EB” that it really doesn’t matter at all why I came to this piece of crap state. It really doesn’t matter. I am here for what I need to say. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go do just that.

Mr. McMahon walks past Johnny Spade. Spade stands there, looking into the camera and runs his hands through his hair. He looked like all he wanted to do was be on camera and didn’t really care about his boss even being there.

“Across The Nation” by Union Underground begins and the Raw opening video package cues up. The fireworks display goes off. We are then shown Jim Ross, who is sitting alone.

Jim Ross: In some unfortunate news, Jerry Lawler is no longer with WWE. I won’t spread the dirt over the air as I am not that kind of man. But, King will no longer be with WWE. It looks like I am going solo for the night, folks.

Some unfamiliar music begins to play, but the boos are heard as the Titantron indicates that it is the Coaches music. Jonathan Coachman makes his way out and grabs the headset and takes a seat in the former seat of Jerry Lawler.

Jonathan Coachman: It looks like Raw just got the A-Team treatment tonight, JR. How are your boys doing, JR? Boomer Sooner, eh, JR?

Ross: Gawd. Are you going to be an ignorant ass again tonight? I don’t know why they allowed you to come out here and commentate. You make me sick, Coach.

Coachman: It’s because I am better than you, ain’t it JR? Or is it because I am …

Ross: Don’t go there, kid. Don’t turn this into a racist thing.

Coachman: What? Who said anything about this being about race? If you had let me finish my sentence before I was so rudely interrupted, I would have asked, “Or is it because I am better looking than you, JR?”

Ross: You’re such an arrogant ass. Can we please just get on with the show?

A Heartbreak Homecoming of Sorts for Shawn Michaels

“Oh, Oh, Shawn!” Those familiar words are heard and the music kicks in as “Sexy Boy” begins to play and the Houston fans erupt when “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels makes his way out to the ring. He drops to his knees on the ramp and raises his arms in a “praising the Lord” type situation and then the pyro goes off. Michaels pops up and heads down to the ring and gets in. He takes the microphone from Lillian Garcia and his music fades away.

Shawn Michaels: Houston, how the hell are ya? It’s great to be back in my home state of Texas! It’s great to be back in Houston, Texas!

The cheap pop is insanely loud.

Michaels: A few weeks back, Eric Bitchoff … excuse me, I got to watch my mouth, I mean Bischoff, announced to me that I was the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. In just under two weeks, I will be stepping back in Canada, in the hometown of the World Heavyweight Champion himself, Chris Benoit, and I will be taking him on at Backlash for that very title.

The crowd pops.

Michaels: As you all know, I and Chris have gotten along great in these past few months. We have been a dominant tag team and just last week, we defeated the World Tag Team Champions, the legendary Ric Flair and his partner Batista. And in just two weeks, friendship will be out the door. Chris Benoit, I respect the hell out of you, my friend. I find you to be a tremendous wrestler and an even better friend. You have worn that title with respect and pride. You have carried yourself very well since winning that title. For nearly two decades that title has eluded you, but it is finally in your grasps. But don’t hesitate for a minute that come Backlash that you just very well might lose that grasp and I will regain that title. Chris, friendship will be out the window come Backlash. I respect you, Chris, but I want my belt back and at any chance I can take, I will get that belt back, no matter what.

“Whatever” by Our Lady Peace quickly hits and the World Heavyweight Champion comes out to a nice reaction from the sold out Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. Chris Benoit gets into the ring and he takes off the World Heavyweight Championship and then goes to each of the four corners and raises it in the air for all the fans to see who the champion is. His music comes to an end.

Michaels: Now I don’t want any trouble, Chris, but at Backlash, like I just told these fans, that title will be mine.

Chris Benoit: Shawn Michaels, I have all the respect in the world for you. You have had some great matches in the past and no doubt have earned this title and this title shot that you are about to receive. You have proven time and time a-gain that you are a main eventer. That you are the showstopper and that you are an icon. Shawn, I have all the respect in the world for you, but when we step in this ring together, this [holds up the World Heavyweight Championship] is all that matters. Friendship, trust, loyalty. All that means nothing to me, Shawn. It is all over with. We can remain friends after the encounter. But business is business and when you step in the ring against me at Backlash, I can guarantee you that I am all business in the ring.

The crowd begins to chant “HBK.” Soon the crowd becomes split when one half is chanting “HBK” and the other is chanting “Benoit.”

Benoit: Shawn, this is almost like a dream match. The showstopper. The main eventer. The icon. The Heartbreak Kid. Shawn Michaels versus the best damn technical wrestler in the world today. The Crippler. The Rabid Wolverine. The World Heavyweight Champion. Chris Benoit. We fought at WrestleMania XX in a three way, and now it is time to see who the better man is. Shawn, come Backlash, you will step into the ring with me, but only I will leave as the World Heavyweight Champion!

Shawn Michaels gets all up in Chris Benoit’s face. Could they start to dissolve there friendship now? “It’s time to play the game. TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!” “The Game” by Motorhead begins and Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels quickly turn there attention to the entrance way as “The Game” Triple H makes is way out onto the stage. Triple H takes one last sip of his bottled water and then tosses it aside. Triple H, dressed in his fancy suit, stands there pointing at Benoit, saying he wants that title. His music fades out.

Triple H: Would you two cut the verbal lovefest that you two had going on in that ring? It’s embarrassing to watch. Here are these two tough guys just getting all “buddy-buddy.” It makes me sick. It also makes me sick that Eric Bischoff gave Shawn Michaels, a man who was not even involved with the finish of the match at WrestleMania the next World title shot. It makes me sick to see someone who doesn’t deserve the title get another shot. It makes me sick that Eric Bischoff would just look over the Franchise of this business and go to some washed up has been, Shawn Michaels. “The Has-been Kid” doesn’t deserve this shot.

The “you tapped out” chants begin and in the ring you see Benoit joining in, making a tapping out motion with him slapping his own hand while saying it along with the fans.

Triple H: Very funny. Who the hell cares? Yeah. I tapped out. Get over that already, will ya? God, you people hang onto the littlest things, don’tcha? It annoys the hell out of me. After Backlash, after I go on to defeat Edge, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam, I will get my title shot, you can bet your ass on that. It doesn’t matter to me who is the champion. Benoit, Michaels, the guy in the front row, or even a member of Evolution. I will get my belt back and I will be champion once again. And there ain’t a damn thing anyone can do about it.

All of a sudden “You think you know me” is heard and sure enough, it is Edge’s theme. Triple H looks behind him, but Edge doesn’t appear. Then the spot light shines through the crowd and it lands right on Edge who is walking down an aisle from the within the arena.

Edge: Triple H, you make these demands like you own the damn place. Excuse me for being out of the loop, but when in the hell did you get to make these demands? You come out here and you demand to get your title shot. But here is an idea, Triple H, how about you actually work your way back up the ladder to earn that title shot? And I got a suggestion for you, H; stop looking past Backlash and into the future. You got me, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam to worry about. If you think that is going to be easy picking, then you got your facts completely wrong my friend. I didn’t sit back for fourteen months and sit on my ass waiting to come back. Hell no. I worked my ass off and got into the best physical shape of my life. I have been waiting for the day to come back to work and work my way back up the ladder to earn that World title shot.

Edge continues to walk. He reaches the barricade separating the fans from the ring and hops into the ring. He stands side-by-side with Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. He looks at Triple H.

Edge: Triple H, you see these two men? These two have defeated you in the past. That is why they are fighting over the title and you are not. They have earned the right to call themselves champion and challenger. And no doubt will tear the roof off with their match at Backlash. But Triple H, my number one concern right now, like yours should be, is with the match between us at Backlash. I am not worried about that title right now. My time will come, but I am not going to obsess over it. You see, I have my eye set on taking you out first. For far too long I have sat back and watched you dominate Raw. For far too long I have waited for the opportunity to beat the living hell out of you and come Backlash, when I am fully healed to wrestle, I will do just that. You can beat your ass that I will be ready and that I will kick your ass come Backlash.

The crowd cheers.

Triple H: You listen, Edge, and you listen good …

Triple H is cut off when Edge continues to talk.

Edge: I wasn’t finished yet. Booker T, Rob Van Dam, and myself against you, Ric Flair, and Batista. This is going to be one hell of a match, but you can only expect one outcome, and that is myself, Booker, and RVD getting our hands raised in victory. It’s only thirteen days away, Triple H. Will you be ready for us?

The Titantron click on and Eric Bischoff is in his office. He is alone as Johnny Spade must not have gotten back to the office just yet.

Eric Bischoff: There seems to be a lot of tension in that ring tonight. So let’s say I make the most of this situation and book a match for tonight? How about we book a match where you Chris Benoit and you Shawn Michaels team up. But not just by yourselves. No. It will be you two teaming up with Booker T and Rob Van Dam to take on the team of Triple H, the WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton, and the World Tag Team Champions Batista and Ric Flair – Evolution!

The crowd cheers for that blockbuster main event.

Bischoff: Edge, you’ll be barred from ringside. I don’t want to risk a liability with you getting injured so you are barred from ringside for this match. You will join Jim Ross and the Coach on commentary.

The Titantron clicks off and Triple H looks determined to kick the collective asses of Benoit, Michaels, Van Dam, and Booker T tonight He points to all of them in the ring as the show cuts to a commercial break.



Ross: What a blockbuster main event just made moments ago!

Coachman: The boss just dropped a bombshell of a main event tonight. Evolution vs. those other guys.

Ross: Those other guys?!

Coachman: Yeah. Those other guys. They have no chance against the greatest that is Evolution.

Ross: Give me a break. Evolution will take on Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Booker T in tonight’s main event. It should be great!

“Stand back, there’s a hurricane coming through!” “Eye of the Hurricane” begins to play and out comes The Hurricane to a nice pop from the crowd. He makes his way down into the ring and awaits his opponent. The music of “The Redneck Messiah” Jamie “By God” Noble hits and he comes out. He is dressed in blue tights instead of his usually torn up jean shorts. Very reminiscent of Chris Benoit.

Match One – The Hurricane vs. “The Redneck Messiah” Jamie “By God” Noble

Jamie Noble circles the Hurricane. He has his hands up ready to go. The Hurricane goes for a leg sweep, but Noble backs away. Noble goes for a kick to the back of the knee to Hurricane, and connects. Hurricane backs off, slightly, but Noble goes in for another one. Noble backs Hurricane into the corner and leaps up and takes him down with a monkey flip. Noble gets up and rolls him up for a pin attempt. Brian Hebner makes the count. One … Two … kickout by Hurricane. Noble gets up and quickly starts kicking the ribs of Hurricane. He lifts up the right leg of Hurricane and begins to kick the leg. Noble stops kicking and steps over the leg and twits it for a Spinning Toe Hold. Hurricane tries to sit up and get out of the move, but Noble just twists it tighter. Noble eventually drops down, sitting on the leg. Hurricane looks in tremendous pain. He tries to sit up and punch Noble, but Noble pushes him back down. He grabs the left leg and locks it underneath the right leg, and then pushes on it with his own free leg.

Hurricane continues to fight it, but Noble pushes him back down. Hurricane tries to reach for the rope. He is near it, but Noble won’t allow it. Hurricane fights it, trying to use all of his weight and slide to the ropes, and he inches closer by each push, but Noble is still holding him back. Hurricane sits up and tries to punch Noble, but Noble still pushes him back. “C’mon, boy! Hit me! Is that all you got, boy?” yells Noble. Hurricane screams in pain, but with one thrust, he reaches the ropes and the crowd pops for the break of the hold and Brian Hebner is forced to break apart the submission. Noble breaks it, but quickly gets up and goes to work on it again. He grabs the right leg, spinning around it, and then dropping down on it between his knees. Noble gets up and leaps across his body, grabbing hold of the neck of Hurricane. He then begins to punch the face of Hurricane, trying his hardest to rip off the mask, too. Hurricane turns his body around, pushing off of Noble, and kicks himself out of the ring.

As Hurricane hits the ground, Noble rolls out. He goes to pick up Hurricane but Hurricane pulls down on the tights of Noble and Noble rams his head right into the steel steps. Brian Hebner is telling them to get back into the ring while he is counting them out. He is up to five. Hurricane grabs hold of the ring apron, pulling himself up, and rolls himself into the ring. Noble quickly gets up and gets in just at nine. Noble stands up, stomping on the injured Hurricane. Hurricane crawls to the ropes, to break the attack of Noble. Hebner backs him away. Hurricane pulls himself up. He is holding onto the top rope when Noble kicks the leg right out from under him and back down the Hurricane goes. Noble covers Hurricane. One … Two … Thr … foot on the ropes by Hurricane. Noble looks frustrated. He grabs Hurricane and picks him up, tossing him up against the corner. Noble runs for the corner, but Hurricane is able to lift up his legs and then rolls up Noble for a sunset flip rollup. One … Two … kickout by Noble. He looks embarrassed by that.

Noble grabs Hurricane, goes to whip him into the ropes, but Hurricane falls down in the process. Noble grabs the legs, sitting down on his back, and pulls the legs up for a Boston crab. Hurricane inches his way to the ropes and reaches them, to break the Boston crab up. Noble won’t break it, however, and Hebner reaches five and forces Noble to break it. Noble argues with Hebner and then goes back to attacking Hurricane, but Hurricane, again, pulls down on the tights of Noble, tossing him outside onto the mat. This gives the Hurricane some much needed breathing time.

Brian Hebner gets up to nine again just as Jamie Noble gets into the ring. Noble picks up Noble, grabbing his right leg. Hurricane is hopping around on his left leg and leaps up, hitting a nicely executed Enzugiri and both he and Noble are out. Hebner once again counts them both down. Noble gets up at seven and Hurricane gets to his knees at nine. Noble goes over to Hurricane, but Hurricane punches Noble in the midsection. It takes Noble off guard, slightly, but he comes back. Hurricane does it again, getting to his feet, but hopping around on his left foot and dropkicks Noble down. Noble gets up, to his feet, Hurricane hops on his one good foot, and looks for the Shining Wizard, but Noble gets up and hits a lariat on Hurricane, taking him down. Noble quickly picks up the Hurricane, kicks him in the midsection, hooks the arms in a double underhook, and flips him up and down onto the mat for the Tiger Driver. One … Two … Three!

Winner: Jamie Noble in 8:56

(82, 76, 88) *** ½

Johnny Nitro?

We got to the back where Eric Bischoff is standing by with Johnny Spade.

Johnny Spade: Can you believe how I was treated out there earlier today? Mr. McMahon didn’t even know who I was. I am Johnny Nitro~!

Eric Bischoff: [Confused.] Johnny Nitro? What? Since when? You are Johnny Spade.

Johnny Nitro: Correction. I was Johnny Spade, but now I am Johnny Nitro!

Bischoff: Whatever your name is, you shouldn’t have gone out there and made Mr. McMahon mad. I don’t want Mr. McMahon to be mad for whatever reason he is out here for. And why did you even go to him in the first place? I never sent you out there.

Nitro: But he didn’t even know who Johnny Nitro was! Come on, EB, me. Johnny Nitro! How can you not recognize this face?

He stares into the camera for all the fans to get a look at him.

Bischoff: Enough of that. I got an assignment for you for tonight.

Nitro: What type of an assignment?

Bischoff: Don't worry about it. It won’t be you getting humiliated by Mr. McMahon or anyone else again tonight.

Bischoff turns around and pulls out a referee’s t-shirt from his bag. He tosses it over to Johnny Nitro.

Bischoff: I want you to be a special quest referee for tonight.

Nitro: Sweet! What match? Wait. It doesn’t matter. For whatever match it is, Johnny Nitro will make it something special~!

Bischoff: It is going to be you refereeing the Christian versus Val Venis match for tonight. A good friend of mine informed me of something. I need someone trust worthy to be out there tonight to do a good job. Can you handle that?

Nitro: Johnny Nitro can do it all, EB. There is nothing that Johnny Nitro can’t do. I'll be the best referee you've ever seen.

Johnny Nitro puts on the referees shirt and makes quick counts on his hand, one slapping the other, like he was counting the three.

Nitro: See? How great was I there, EB?

Bischoff: Great. Wonderful. Now go out there and do your job … oh … and quit calling me EB!

Nitro: Sorry EB.

Johnny Nitro walks out of the room with Eric Bischoff shaking his head at him. The door swings open and in barge Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak. They looked pissed.

Bischoff: What do you two want?

Garrison Cade: We are sick of being held down. We are not going to stand for that kind of treatment. We are the future of this business and we want to start getting the treatment we deserve.

Bischoff: You don’t get “the treatment you deserve” mainly because you don’t deserve it.

Cade and Jindrak looked pissed.

Bischoff: Whoa. I was going to say you don’t deserve it … just yet. You two have the potential to be big Superstars someday, but you’re not ready yet. You have shown me that you two can make it in this business, but without the experience, you two will not be able to make it just yet. In due time, you two will be huge. I can guarantee you that, especially you Garrison Cade.

Mark Jindrak: What? Why “especially him?” Do I have nothing? Am I not here? Is it only him that you like and think will make it?

Bischoff: No. Not at all. He just has shown the intensity that you lack. You need to step up and take control. You got the potential, like I said, but Cade has already proven a lot to me. You need to step it up in the ring and when you do; this team will be ready for the big time.

Cade: Hey, man, it was nothing personal. Just look at me. I am a future star. Don’t take it too personal.

Jindrak looks a little pissed, and left out, especially now with Cade gloating about being “the better of the two.”

Bischoff: Don’t go and get a big head now over this situation. You two are going to be big someday as a tag team. Work on it and maybe you will see the World Tag Team Championship in your future. But I’ll tell you what. This week on Sunday Night Heat, I want you two to prove to me that you are worthy of being on the Raw brand. On Heat, you two will take on another up and coming tag team La Resistance of Rene Dupree and Rob Conway. Good luck. And go make that impact!

Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade walk off. The camera switches and it shows Lita stretching her leg on a cart. She then starts swinging her arms back and forth, warming up.

Ross: Lita is warming up for her match against Trish Stratus … and it is next!

Coachman: Lita is going to get that pretty little ass of hers kicked.


Match Two – Lita vs. Trish Stratus with Christian

We come back from the commercial break and Boy Hits Car’s “Lovefueypassionenery” hits and out comes Lita to a screaming pop from the crowd. Lita comes out like she is having a seizure on the stage and then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. She is on her knees, still being her usually freakish self and then pops up and gets on the ropes, pointing to her head like a gun. She then jumps down as “Time to Rock and Roll” by Lil’ Kim begins to play and out comes Trish Stratus, looking a little slutty. She has Christian at her side and the two of them share a strange hugging session and then a long kiss as the fans boo the couple. They walk down the ring, Christian pointing to the crowd, smiling. Trish gets into the ring and the bell is signaled to begin the match.

Lita charges for Trish and takes her down with a horrible looking spear, but they go down anyway. Lita grabs the hair of Trish and begins to bang it “furiously” off of the mat. Lita stands up and picks up Trish and tosses her into the ropes. Lita runs in and hits a variation of the Stinger Splash, looking quite bad and unconvincing doing it at that, too. Lita stands on the second rope and begins to punch the head of Trish while the crowd counts along. One … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Eight … Nine … Ten. Lita jumps down as Trish falls to the mat. Lita drops down and makes the cover on Trish as referee Mike Sparks makes the count. One … Two … kickout by Trish.

Lita picks up Trish and whips her into the ropes. Trish ducks a lariat attempt by Lita and runs off the opposite rope, coming back, and hitting the Lou Thesz Press on Lita, punching her several times. Trish picks up Lita and whips her into the ropes and runs for the corner, putting her arms on the bottom rope and lifting her legs up for what should be the Stratusphere, but Lita pushes her over and turns around on the ropes, leading off, hitting a moonsault, nearly hitting her head on the mat in the process. Mike Sparks makes the count. One … Two … Christian rushes over and places Trish’s leg on the bottom rope, getting Sparks’ attention and he breaks up the pin. Lita jumps up and begins to argue with Christian. Trish gets up. Christian tells her to turn around, and when she does, she is met with the Chick Kick from Trish and she goes down. Trish makes the cover. One … Two … Three.

Christian climbs into the ring and Christian grabs Trish by the hair and then brings her close to him and gives her a long kiss.

Winner: Trish Stratus in 3:45

(57, 52, 63) ½*

Ross: Come on that was blatant cheating.

Coachman: What are you talking about, JR? Trish defeated Lita. How was that cheating?

Ross: Give me a break.

The Y2J Countdown quickly appears and “Break Down the Walls” begins to play. Christian and Trish look shocked as they look up the ramp and wait for Chris Jericho to appear. But he doesn’t. He is standing behind them as he came from the crowd. He pushes Trish down just as she was about to slap him. Christian goes to attack Jericho, but Jericho ducks the punch and grabs Christian. He begins to punch him and then grabs him by the legs, dropping him to the mat, and he was going to lock him in the Walls of Jericho, but Trish got up and goes behind Jericho. Jericho drops the legs of Christian, turning around and grabs Trish’s hand just as she was about to try and slap him again and he drops her to the mat and goes to lock in the Walls of Jericho on her, but Christian crawls behind him, hitting a low blow, and then gets up, turning Jericho around, and planting him with the Unprettier. He and Trish quickly get out of the ring as they walk up the ramp, looking at Jericho down and out on the mat.

The camera cuts to the back where we see Vince McMahon walking down the hallway. He isn’t in his infamous strutting ways, just yet, but he is looking like he is set to do so in a few moments.

Ross: Mr. McMahon is coming out! What is he here for? What does he have to say?

Coachman: Who cares? Whenever Mr. McMahon is here it is always a great day.

Ross: You got a little brown on your nose there.

Coachman: What the hell does that mean, JR?

Ross: Stop kissing ass. Folks, don’t go away! Mr. McMahon is out … next!


Mr. McMahon Sets the Stage for Backlash

“No Chance in Hell” begins to play and out comes Vince McMahon strutting his way down the ramp. He looks a little pissed as he struts down the ramp. He walks up the steps and gets into the ring. He grabs the microphone out of Lillian Garcia’s hand, sending her out of the ring, quickly. The music stops as Mr. McMahon is ready to talk. But before he can even talk, “Asshole” chants are already filling the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.

McMahon: Thank you. Now I know why I hate coming to this city. You god damn cowboys have no respect. You just prove your ignorance every time with that stupid chant. But, by all means, chant it all you want. It just proves that you are all red-neck pieces of trash.

The “asshole” chants continue.

McMahon: Now, before I was so rudely interrupted, I have come out here for some important business dealing with a certain individual. And I want this certain individual to come out here. Right here, in this very ring. Kane! Get down to this ring, now!

“Slow Chemical” by Finger Eleven begins to play and the lights turn to red as Kane makes his way out to the ring. He walks down to the ring and rolls underneath the bottom rope. Kane gets into the ring and raises his arms, but before he can finish his entrance, McMahon begins to speak.

McMahon: Cut the music. [The music cuts.] I am not here to do that right now, Kane. What I am here for is to deal with your actions as of late. Ever since The Undertaker has been drafted over here on Raw you have not been yourself. You have become afraid. Afraid of your brother. But you are afraid of the wrong man.

Kane: My brother doesn’t belong here! This is my show! HE doesn’t belong on MY show!

McMahon: This is MY show! I make the decisions! And The Undertaker is staying on Raw, whether you like it or not. I don’t give a damn! He was drafted and he is staying here. But I am very annoyed that you are afraid of your brother. But what I am more annoyed at was you didn’t get the job done at WrestleMania XX. I told you that you needed to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania but you failed to get the job down. You let me down, Kane. But I have gotten over it. You know why? Because I am sick and tired of seeing you afraid of The Undertaker. I am disappointed in you, Kane.

Kane stares right at McMahon, like he wants to rip off his head.

McMahon: See! See that is the kind of fire I want from you Kane. The kind of fire you once had before The Undertaker returned.

Kane: I will never be the same unless my brother is completely gone from the WWE. My brother doesn’t belong here! This is not where he belongs!

McMahon: You’re right. This is not where he belongs. But that wasn’t my fault. It was your fault. You let him defeat you. You lost to him. And if you would have defeated him, maybe, just maybe The Undertaker would have been gone. But you got afraid of your brother, and now he is still here. And now he is on Raw. But you are backing down from him. Last week, when he came out, you backed down. I was sick to my stomach when I saw that, Kane. It was sickening. It’s not like you, Kane. But that is why I am here. I have come here to say that I want to see that fire in you again. That energy. All of that. I want Kane back to his old self. And at Backlash, you will do it. And it will be in a WrestleMania rematch as you take on your brother, The Undertaker.

Kane’s eyes bulge out of his eyes. He can’t believe what he just heard.

Kane: What?! What do you think you are doing?! I don’t want to step in the ring with my brother ever again. I don’t want to even be in the same building as my brother. I can’t stand being on the same show as him. McMahon! You are not going to make this match.

McMahon: Or what, Kane? What will you do? Here is what I will do. If you back out of this match, you are gone. And if you fight this match, and if you lose, Kane … Kane, you would leave me no choice but one. That one choice would be to say those two infamous words … Kane, I’d say, YOU’RE FIRED!

Kane goes to grab Mr. McMahon by the throat, but he backs away and just then the gong is heard. The lights go out and the voice of The Undertaker is heard. His old Ministry theme, where he is talking in tongues, is heard, and soon the guitars pick up and The Undertaker’s music continues. But he doesn’t show up. The lights turn back on and Kane is in the ring, looking pissed.

McMahon: Now that is what I want to see! You show that intensity in the ring at Backlash, and you will still have a job! Good luck, Kane, you’ll need it!

“No Chance in Hell” begins to play as Mr. McMahon walks off to the back with Kane still in the ring, breathing heavy and starring up at the Titantron where The Undertaker’s video wall was playing.


The scene cuts to the back where Jazz and Theodore R. Long are walking down the hallway.

Theodore R. Long: You got this one girl. You got the Women’s Championship tonight. You can take that psycho white lady, Victoria, down tonight and take back what is rightfully yours.Ya feel me?

Jazz: I feel ya. The Bitch is ready to take down that psycho bitch tonight.

Long: Dat’s my girl. You got this one in the bag. Nottin’ is gonna hold you down tonight! Not even whitey! Belie’ dat!

They continue to walk down the hall. They walk past Orlando Jordan. He is talking on his cell phone. Long does a double take and stops Jazz and turns back around, walking right up to OJ.

Long: Yo, playa’, who you talkin’ to? Best not be whitey.

Orlando Jordan: [Talking into his cell phone] Hey pop, hold on, I got someone here with me. [Talking to Theodore Long.] It’s my father. What does it matter to you?

Long: Yo playa don’t be haterizing me. I am not the one you should be hating. I am not holding you down, playa’. Stop drinking that Vanilla Haterade, ya dig?

Jordan: Nah. I don’t “dig.” Now if you don’t mind, I got my father on the phone here.

Long: I feel ya. Don’t worry playa. I understand. But I got a proposition to make to you.

Jordan: What is it?

Long: Hold on, playa. I am getting’ to it. [Long reaches into his pockets and pulls something out.] BAM~! Playa Card! Here you go. [Long hands OJ his own Playa’s Card.] I want you to join Thuggin’ and Buggin’. Whitey can’t hold you down no mo’. Ya feel me, playa’? Don’t let whitey dictate for you. Don’t drink the haterade anymo’.

Orlando Jordan takes the Playa’s Card and looks at it. He gives it a good long look and then looks back at Theodore Long.

Long: Yo man, keep it. It’s yours. But I need to know. Are you in or are you going to continue to listen to whitey and haterize on us?

Jordan: I can’t give you an answer.

Long: What do you mean you can’t give an answer? Dawg, don’t let whitey get in your mind. I don’t play like that. Whitey held me down too long. And Whitey held down Jazz fo’ too long. Tonight my girl gets her turn fo’ the Women’s Championship. I can make you a star. I can bring you those dolla, dolla bills, ya dig? You like all that green? You see those dolla, dolla bills in your eyes, don’tcha, OJ?

Jordan: You got an interesting offer, Teddy.

Long: Don’t call me Teddy. Whitey gave me dat name. I don’t want to be reminded of dat life anymo’, ya feel me? Playa, I will give you a few days. But you best not drink anymo’ from Whitey’s haterade, ya dig? I can make you into a star, OJ. Belie’ dat! Let’s go, girl. You got that Women’s Championship to bring back home! Holla!

Long and Jazz walk off as Orlando Jordan looks at the Playa’s Card and continues to talk with his father.


Match Three – WWE Women’s Championship – WWE Women’s Champion Victoria vs. Jazz with Theodore R. Long

The jazz-like music plays and out comes Theodore R. Long leading Jazz to the ring. She poses, flexing her arms at the stage entrance while Long points to her. They get to the ring and when they enter the ring, Long begins to dance to the beat while Jazz continues posing.

“You Think You Know Me?” is heard and the music kicks in as Edge comes out from behind the smoke. Jazz and Long look pissed and Long wants to know what Edge is doing. But Edge wants nothing to do with the ring and goes over to the left of the screen and walks down the steps, standing on the stage where the Coach and JR are sitting.

Coachman: What the hell do you want?

Ross: I think he wants your seat, Coach.

Coachman: Well, he ain’t getting my seat. This is my spot, JR. I make this team the new A-Team, and you know it!

Edge grabs the headset from the Coaches head and tosses them down on the table. He grabs Coach by the collar, pulling him up out of the seat and tosses him up the steps and onto the stage. Edge grabs the headset, putting them on, adjusting them, and then sitting down with Jim Ross.

Ross: Welcome, Edge, to the announcing booth. It’s nice to have someone who is not annoying to call the matches with.

Edge: It’s great to be here, JR. Listening to the Coach was brutal!

The Coach yells at Edge while he storms off to people laughing at him “I’ve Lost My Mind” is heard and soon “All the Things She Said” by TATU begins to play and out comes Victoria to a rather uninspiring reaction from the crowd. For whatever reason, this crowd couldn’t have cared less about this match. She walks down to the ring and takes off the title, showing it off above her head to the crowd. The bell sounds and Billy Silverman is the referee for this match.

Victoria and Jazz lock up. Jazz grabs Victoria in a side headlock, but Victoria pushes Jazz off into the ropes. Jazz runs off the ropes, and Victoria drops to the mat. Jazz leaps over Victoria, bouncing off the other ropes. Victoria gets up and leap frogs over Jazz, and Jazz returns off the other ropes, and is met with a boot to the face by Victoria. Victoria then drops a leg across the throat of Jazz and goes for the quick cover. Billy Silverman counts. One … Two … kickout by Jazz.

Victoria picks up Jazz and whips him into the corner. Victoria begins to lay in some chops and then grabs her and hip tosses her out of the corner. Victoria drops an elbow on the chest of Jazz and then picks up Jazz. She whips her into the ropes and Victoria hits a back body drop on her. Victoria goes for another leg drop. She connects and makes the cover. This time, with her elbow, she begins to rub it in the face of Jazz, much like William Regal would, and she calls it the Regal Pin. Silverman counts. One … Two … kickout. Victoria gets up and quickly stomps on Jazz. Jazz forces the boot away, but Victoria comes back with some more boots to the chest of Jazz. Jazz grabs the boot, twisting it around, dropping the Women’s Champion down to the mat. This gave Jazz the perfect opportunity to log in the STF. She grabs the leg, locking it between her own, and sitting across the back of Victoria, pulling back on the neck of her in the process. Silverman checks for an illegal choke, and when he notices it is not one, he begins to heck if Victoria wants to give up. She doesn’t. She crawls her way to the ropes, and eventually reaches them, forcing Jazz to break the hold.

Jazz gets up and pulls Victoria away from the ropes and into the center of the ring. She begins to stomp away at the down and out Victoria, and then quickly drops and elbow to the chest of the Champion. Jazz gets back up, stomps some more, and drops another elbow. She continues to do this for a good minute or so, and then makes a cover. Silverman counts. One … Two … kickout by the Champ. Jazz picks up Victoria, whipping him into the corner. Jazz runs in, hitting a lariat to the corner, and then brings her out with a bulldog. Or at least tried. Victoria managed to hold her up instead of letting herself fall to the mat. Victoria dropped Jazz to the mat, and both she and Jazz were down. Billy Silverman began to count them down. One … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Victoria begins to move, Seven … Eight … Victoria is up, and Jazz is on her knees, Nine … both get up just before he was about to say ten. Victoria and Jazz slug it out in the ring, and Victoria whips Jazz to the ropes. She takes her down with a sloppy looking sidewalk slam, and then makes the cover. One … Two … Thr … kickout by Jazz. Theodore R. Long is cheering on his client, Jazz, as she continues to keep herself alive in the match. Victoria picks up Jazz and places her on her shoulders and then drops her out of it for her swinging sidewalk slam type move. She made the cover again. One … Two … Thre … oh so close, but Jazz kicked out again. Victoria began to put her hands to her hair like she wanted to pull out her hair, getting a demented look on her face.

Victoria picked up Jazz and kicked her in the midsection. She placed Jazz between her legs, lifting her up, but Jazz slipped out and then kicked Victoria in the back, grabbing her in a double underhook from behind, and went to lift her up for he Jazz Stinger, but Victoria managed to fight out of it and slapped Jazz across the face, hard. She then kicked her in the midsection again, setting her up between her legs. She lifted her up over her head, hooking the chin, and dropping down on her ass, and Jazz onto her knees, for the Widow’s Peak. She made the cover on Jazz. Billy Silverman made the count. One … Two … Three!

Winner and Still WWE Women’s Champion: Victoria in 6:42

Theodore R. Long pulled Jazz out of the ring and helped her to the back. Silverman went to hand Victoria her Women’s Championship, but Molly Holly, still wearing a wig, this time a short black haired straight looking wig, and she slide into the ring, grabbing the Women’s title from Silverman. She then smashed it right across the face of Victoria. Molly sat across the chest of Victoria, shoving the title in the face of Victoria. “This is my title, Victoria! I will get it back at Backlash!” said Molly as she was slapping Victoria across the face. Molly got up, raising the Women’s Championship above her face, mouthing “this is my title!” to the crowd. Molly tossed the title across the waist of Victoria and then gave her one last slap before she left.

(79, 87, 63) ¾*

We cut to the back where the Coach is storming down a hallway. He barges into the room of Eric Bischoff.

Coachman: Boss! Boss! Did you just see what Edge did to me out there?! He humiliated me in front of my fans! My fans, boss, I was humiliated in front of my fans! Do you know how embarrassing that is?!

Bischoff: Calm down, Coach. Easy. I told Edge to be on commentary.

Coachman: You what?! Why?! Why would you want that grubby looking man on commentary when you can have me there calling the action like it is, making it the A-Team?

Bischoff: I told him to join you and JR, not throw you out. But while you are here, I got something for you.

Nitro: Yeah! EB has something for you! Don’t screw it up.

Bischoff: Please, Johnny, let me handle this.

Nitro: Sorry, EB. Carry on.

Bischoff: As I was saying, Coach, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to talk Mr. McMahon for coming onto Raw. Tell him I thank him for fixing this Kane situation.

Coachman: That’s it?

Bischoff: Yup. That’s it.

Coachman: I can get that done, right away, boss!

The Coach leaves as Johnny Nitro and Eric Bischoff continues to talk.


What Just Happened?

When the show comes back on the air the cameras are in the backstage area and following Mr. McMahon, as he makes his way toward his limousine. The driver was standing beside the passenger door in the back and then opened up the door for Vince. However, before he could climb inside Jonathan Coachman pops out of nowhere with a smile on his face and Vince looks upset, staring at Coach.

McMahon: What the hell do you want? Can’t you see I’m trying to get out of here? I’m a busy man.

Coachman: I know, Mr. McMahon, and I’m sorry but I was sent here with a message from Eric Bischoff. Mr. Bischoff would just like to thank you again for coming on the show tonight and helping him with this whole Kane, Undertaker situation. And he wants you to know that whenever you need to come back on Raw, there’s always a slot open!

Coach smiled with a nod before extending his hand out for a handshake. But Vince sneered at his handshake offer, staring a hole through Coach.

McMahon: … I KNOW there’s always a slot open, you idiot! I am the Chairman of the Board and I’ll do what I damn well please on ANY World Wrestling Entertainment show! You understand me? – SHUT UP!! I don’t want to hear another word … just nod your head if you understand.

Coach looked scared now, as he nodded his head in fear. Vince sneered once again and continued to stare at Coach before pointing off into the other direction. Coach then lowered his head, walking away. This brought a half smile to Vince’s face, as he adjusted his suit. Turning around to climb back into his limousine but instead came face-to-face with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Mr. McMahon’s face soon turned into that of a frightened look, since the last time they ran into one another “Stone Cold” tried to run him down in his ATV. Meanwhile, Austin was just standing there with that stone cold look on his face.

McMahon: Can I … [McMahon gulps.] Can I help you?

Steve Austin: … What? [The crowd chants “What?”] What did you say? [“What?”] Are you talkin’ to “Stone Cold?” [“What?”] I said are you flapping your gums? [“What?”] Were you just talking? [“What?”] Are you speaking to me? [“What?”] Did you just ask me if you could help “Stone Cold?” [“What?”]

Austin continued to stare at Mr. McMahon, while Vince gulped in his throat before taking a step back and readjusted his suit.

McMahon: What do you want, Austin? I have other business to take care of …

Austin: Oh really? [“What?”] I said, oh really!? [“What?”] Well, “Stone Cold” says you’re gonna have to wait! [“What?”] You’re gonna have to wait, because “Stone Cold” has some business with you. [“What?”]

Vince tried to speak but Austin raised his hand, cutting him off.

Austin: You think you can just come on “Stone Cold’s” show and disobey the law? [“What?”] As you can clearly see by this badge on my shirt, I’m The Sheriff. [“What?”] And if you disobey the law, you disrespect The Sheriff! [“What?”] Now, whattya’ think “Stone Cold” should do? [“What?”] What do you people think I should do about that? [“What?”] If you think “Stone Cold” should open up a can of whoop ass on Vince McMahon for breaking the law, GIMME A HELL YEAH! [“Wh-- HELL YEAH!!”]

Austin was looking straight at the camera during that question before turning his attention back to McMahon and shrugged his shoulders a bit. Vince seemed to have enough go Austin’s crap, as he sneered and started to raise his voice and really get into character.

McMahon: Now, you listen to me Austin!! I’ve had just about enough of your crap! I’'M VINCE MCMAHON, DAMNIT!! I’m the Chairman of the Board!! You can’t talk to me like that!

Vince then slowly began to calm down, as he stared at Austin, who looked like he was about three seconds from beating the hell out of him.

McMahon: Ya’ know somethin’, Austin. I just thought of something … you seem to be throwing your weight around here and, quite frankly, I don’t think Raw needs that kind of thing anymore! Bischoff has proven to me over the past few weeks that he is capable of running Raw by himself! So I don’t think you’re of any use around here anymore! And seeing as how I am the Chairman of the Board, I have the power to remove you from Raw and World Wrestling Entertainment altogether!

The fans began to boo Vince very loudly and then an “asshole” chant started up. Austin never changed his emotionless stare at Vince, except to smirk and laugh off his comment about firing him. Seemingly hearing it in the backstage area, Vince sneered.

McMahon: But I think I have a better idea. I think I have an idea that can work out for the fans … for you … and for Raw!! .. Let’s talk this over.

That evil grin crossed over McMahon’s face, as he raised his hands up and then pointed Austin toward his open limousine. Stone Cold turned toward the limousine, keeping one eye on Vince before looking back at him with a half smile/half smirk. We leave to go to a commercial with Austin and Vince staring at one another.



Edge: What just happened, JR?

Ross: I … I don’t know. What could Mr. McMahon have in store for Steve Austin? What are these two talking over? I have no clue what is going on here.

Edge: Mr. McMahon comes onto Raw and makes Kane versus The Undertaker for Backlash where Kane could very well be fired if he loses and then has something in store for Austin that could shake the very ground of Raw?! What a night, JR!

Ross: Things are getting interesting … that’s for sure.

America’s Most Wanted

We get the same video package that was shown last week. Thunder and Lightening is heard and on the screen the flashing images of lightening and thunder lighting up the dark sky. The sky goes black due to no lightening striking, but when it hits a shadowy image of a man with long hair is shown, facing at the camera. The screen goes black again. Lightening strikes the sky once more and another man’s face, with shorter hair, but still long, shows up on the right side.

The lightening stops and the screen goes to a white backwards. The sounds of footsteps are heard. They are at a distance. Lightening strikes again and the white screen appears once more. The footsteps are closer. More lightening and they get closer. Two guys dressed in black jeans and black t-shirts appear. Both noticeable big. The one on the right standing at 6’1” and the one on the left standing at 6’3.” The screen quickly cuts out the man on the right and the video editing fades him away. The one on the left also gets faded away. The lightening strikes.

A “Wanted” poster is shown. Underneath the “Wanted” logo is “America’s Most Wanted.” The two men appear on the screen. “Wildcat” appears under the man on the left and “Cowboy” appears under the man on the right. The screen fades to black. Gun shots are heard with bullets piercing through the image, each bullet spelling out the word “Coming Soon.”


Edge: Who are those guys, JR?

Ross: I am not sure, Edge, but we could find out very soon.

Edge: It looks very interesting from that, doesn’t it?

Ross: Yes, it does. And speaking of interesting, Backlash comes to you live in just thirteen days live on Pay-Per-View from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

“Eyes Wired Shut” by Edgewater begins to play as a graphic for Backlash shows up on the screen.

Edge: Chris Benoit will return home as he defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the number one contender, Shawn Michaels. This is going to be a classic in the making, JR!

Ross: It sure will be! As we just heard from our boss, Mr. McMahon, early tonight, it will be Kane taking on The Undertaker in a WrestleMania XX rematch. And if Kane loses again to The Undertaker, Mr. McMahon said Kane will be fired!

Edge: Also on the card will be a Women’s Championship match. Moments ago Molly Holly attacked Victoria, leaving her unconscious in the ring. At Backlash in two weeks, Victoria will get to extract revenge as she defends against Molly Holly!

Ross: Mick Foley will step into the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton in a hardcore match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship! What that means is that it will be a no disqualification, no count outs, falls count anywhere in the building match for Orton’s IC title! Evolution is also banned from ringside! This is going to be a slobberknocker!

Edge: My boy, Chris Jericho, will be able to get some revenge on Christian in just two weeks as he steps into the ring with Christian in another rematch from WrestleMania XX. Earlier tonight Christian was able to take down Y2J with the Unprettier. Will he do it again at Backlash, or will Jericho defeat Christian this time around?

Ross: And of course my broadcast partner will make his in-ring return as he teams with Rob Van Dam and Booker T as they take on Triple H and the World Tag Team Champions Batista and “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair!

Edge: When I step into that ring, JR, Triple H is going to wish that I was not fully heeled as when I am in that ring, all bets are off, and Triple H’s ass belongs to me! He keeps looking past me and having his mind on the World Heavyweight Championship. Well, he is making a big mistake, as myself, along with RVD and Booker won’t take this lying down, and it won’t be an easy road for Evolution to get past! That I can promise, JR.

Randy Orton – The New Hardcore Legend Come Backlash?

“Eyes Wired Shut” by Edgewater fades out as we cut to the back where the camera is focused on the television set. Mick Foley is on it, which is footage of his promo he cut on Randy Orton last week. He is listening to the rant that Foley went on about how Orton is a disrespectful punk kid who is only where he is because of his body. We pan back and it shows Randy Orton watching it. He is in a suit, holding the WWE Intercontinental Championship over his left shoulder. He looks very uneasy watching that promo. He is sweating. Not a whole lot of sweat, but you can see he is nervous. We then pan back a little further as we see Ric Flair and Batista, the World Tag Team Champions, standing behind him. Ric Flair pats Orton on his right shoulder.

Ric Flair: It’s going to be alright man. Look at you. You got the looks. You got the body. You got the Intercontinental Championship. WOOOOOO! And you have a win over Mick Foley. You got this in the bag, kid. Nothing can stop you. Not even that crazy Foley can stop you.

Batista slaps Orton on the chest.

Batista: Hey man, look. Foley is a broken down old man. He has nothing on you. You have it all. The talent, the intensity, the youth. It’s all on your side, man. You can do this. You have nothing to worry about. Get out there and tell that guy what you think of him.

Randy Orton: You’re right, guys. I accepted this hardcore challenge, and I am going to take it and destroy the legend of the Hardcore Legend. In fact, I am going to go out there right now and call out Mick Foley.

Randy Orton leaves the locker room.

Batista: Is it just me, or is he a dead man this Sunday? I mean, Mick Foley is a psychopath. Who knows what he can do to Orton. You saw that barbed wire bat he has that he plans to us on Randy.

Ric Flair looks shocked that Batista just said that.

Flair: What? Come on, big man. Foley is nothing. He can’t keep up with someone like Randy Orton. Orton will kick his ass this Sunday.

“Evolution” by Motorhead begins to play and out comes Randy Orton to loud boos from the crowd. The Intercontinental Champion gets into the ring and is handed the microphone from Lillian Garcia.

Orton: Last week, Mick Foley came out here and accepted my challenge for a match at Backlash. He upped the ante a little bit, though, adding the hardcore element. I accepted, and even put my Intercontinental Championship up for grabs, too. I ain’t afraid of Mick Foley. Sure, he is some kind of legend. But at WrestleMania XX I pinned your so called Hardcore Legend one … two … three. I pinned him and I will do the same at Backlash.

“Orton is gay” chants ring out throughout the crowd.

Orton: You see, Mick, I don’t give a rats ass what you want to call yourself. But come Backlash, all you will be able to do is move your arms to wheel yourself around in a wheelchair. You put yourself in harms way, Mick, at Backlash, in that hardcore match. I will take you apart, limb from limb, and leave you a broken mess, Mick. You see, I don’t care that you have kids to play with. You will be watching them grow up from that wheelchair of yours, Mick. So in the next thirteen days, you better take a real long hard look at those kids of yours and do whatever it is that you like to do with them, as it is going to be your final chance, Mick. Your final chance to see and play with your daughter. To play a game of catch with your son. They no longer grow up with a father to play with. You, Mick, will be without a job, crippled for life.

“Foley” chants now begin.

Orton: Chant his name all you want. But the fact is, he isn’t here tonight. That fat piece of shit won’t show his face for some reason tonight. But I don’t blame him. He wants to spend these remaining days with his children, ‘cause come Backlash, his life is ruined. His career will be gone. And his legend will be flushed down the toilet for ever!

“Evolution” by Motorhead begins to play again as the WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton walks to the back.



Edited by Fitzy
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Match Four – Val Venis vs. Christian with Trish Stratus – With Special Guest Referee Johnny Nitro

The old WCW Monday Night Nitro theme begins to play and out comes Johnny Nitro. Lillian Garcia, however, incorrectly said his name, saying his name was Johnny Spade. She was corrected by Nitro when he got into the ring and she re did his introduction. “Hello, Ladies” is heard and Val Venis’ porn-like theme music cues up and out comes Val Venis, wearing his white towel to the ring. Christian’s theme starts up as Val gets into the ring (no mic work from Val this night). Christian comes out with Trish and they head to the ring together. Christian has Trish stand in the corner while he enters underneath the bottom rope, rolling into the ring and then standing up. Johnny Nitro has the bell rung and the match was underway.

Christian and Val Venis lock up and they jockey for position. Christian pushes Val away from him, backing off slightly. Val comes back at Christian, grabbing in him in another collar and elbow tie up, and then grabs him and puts him in a side headlock. Christian pushes off of Val, sending Val into the ropes. He runs back and collides with Christian. Christian slaps his chest, telling Val to do it again. Val does it, and when he runs back for Christian, Christian grabs him by the head and tosses him right over the top rope. Johnny Nitro then stood in front of Christian, and told him to stay away, even though Christian wasn’t even about to do something, so obviously, was helping Christian out. This led to Trish Stratus grabbing Val’s head and slapping him across the face. She then began to boot Val in the ribs a few times and then backed off. Nitro turned around and began to count, rather fast. Christian, however, broke the count as he went outside and tossed Val back into the ring.

Christian picked up Val, whipping him into the ropes. Christian then grabbed him in a Sleeper on the return, but then dropped down for the Flash Back. Christian made the cover on Val Venis. Johnny Nitro made the count, and a quick one at that. One, Two, Thre … kickout by Val Venis. Christian picked up Val Venis and executed a Vertical Suplex and then lifted him up again and hit another Vertical Suplex. Christian then lifted him up once more, placing Val on his shoulders this time. Christian then swung him around, off of his shoulders, and Val landed face first onto Christian’s left knee. Christian got up, pounding his chest with his left first and then placed his right foot on the chest of Val Venis and then yelled “C’mon, Baby!” similarly to what Chris Jericho use to do years ago. But even with a quick count from Johnny Nitro, Val Venis was still able to break the arrogant pin by Christian by just swatting the foot off of his chest.

Christian grabbed Val Venis, and sent him into the corner. Christian ran in, but Val Venis lifted his legs up and rolled Christian up. Johnny Nitro got down, made the count. One …………. Two ……………….. Christian kicked out. Val Venis got up and grabbed the shift of Johnny Nitro. Johnny told him that he was the referee and to get his hands off of him. As he did, Christian got up, and went to punch Val, but Val moved, and Christian accidentally hit Johnny Nitro. Nitro went down, rubbing his check. Val began punching Christian and sent him into the ropes. Val ran for him, hitting a diving lariat, and then sat on his chest, pounding away at the face of Christian. Val Venis got up, picking up Christian and sent him into the ropes. Val took him back down with a drop toe hold and then tied him up for the Venis Fly Trap. Christian was tapping like crazy, but Johnny Nitro was still “out.” He was obviously fine now, as you could see, but with Christian tapping, he didn’t want to give the win to Val Venis. However, Christian reached the ropes and then Nitro sprung up like nothing happened, and forced Val to break the hold. Val grabbed Christian and took him down with a body slam. He went to the top and shook his hips. Val then jumped off, right on top of Christian, for a picture perfect Money Shot. Johnny Nitro made the count. One …………………….. Two ……………………… kickout by Christian. Much slower than the previous count, was giving Christian a lot more time to kick out.

Trish Stratus got up on the apron, looking to bare her breasts for Johnny Nitro to see. Val Venis was just getting him and picking up Christian when people in the crowd looked to the right side of the screen. Something was going on. And sure enough, that person emerged from the crowd, hopping the guardrail, and rolling into the ring. It was shown to be Lance Storm, and he was waiting. Val Venis dropped Christian, turning around, to see what all the noise was about, and was met with a swift Superkick from Lance Storm right into the chin, sending him down to the mat. Lance Storm dragged Christian right on top of Val Venis, rolling out of the ring. Trish got down and Johnny Nitro turned around. He got down on the mat, making the count. One .. Two .. Three.

Winner: Christian in 10:12.

(82, 76, 89) *** ½

Christian rolled out of the ring and he and Trish Stratus hugged, kissing for a brief time. Lance Storm was still there and Christian and Storm shook hands as the two of them raised each others hand, with Christian still holding Trish very close to his chest, strangely. The place went nuts when Chris Jericho emerged from the back, running down the ramp. Christian, Trish, and Lance all took off through the crowd with Chris Jericho going after them. However, they got away as Johnny Nitro rolled out of the ring and stood in front of Jericho. He told him not to go after them. Jericho laughed at Nitro, and then delivered a quick right hand to the jaw of Nitro, sending him down. Jericho rolled him into the ring, grabbing him by the legs, and then locking him in the Walls of Jericho. He broke the hold and then helped up Val Venis. The two shook hands and then Jericho jumped out of the ring, running to the back, hoping to be able to find Christian.

Mick Foley Arrives to Raw.

The scene cuts to the back where a white old-looking car pulls up and inside it is Mick Foley. Foley opens the door and slams it shut after exiting the car. The arena cheers as Mick Foley has arrived to the arena. He has a pissed off look on his face and the red and black flannel wearing Hardcore Legend walks off camera. Where is he heading?

Ross: Mick Foley is here on Raw! And he probably wants Randy Orton! We will be right back!



Match Five – Main Event – Eight Man Tag Team Match – World Heavyweight Champion “The Crippler” Chris Benoit, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam vs. “The Game” Triple H”, WWE Intercontinental Champion “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton, and World Tag Team Champions “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Batista

“Evolution” by Motorhead once again begins to play and this time everyone comes out as a group. “The Game” Triple H leads out “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Batista. They all stand on the entrance way with Orton and Triple H in the center and Ric Flair standing next to Triple H and Batista next to Randy Orton. They all raise each others hands. Triple H points at Edge and then make there way down to the ring. Flair, Batista, and Orton all enter the ring while Triple H goes around to the side of the ring, facing the hard camera, takes one last sip of his bottled water, and then tosses it aside. He climbs up to the ring apron, standing in the center of it, and then spits out the water as he raises his arms in the arm. He gets into the ring.

Ross: Hold on now, Edge. Don’t lose your cool. You don’t want to get suspended now, do you?

Edge: JR, I want ruin my chances of finally getting my hands around that piece of shit Triple H at Backlash. Come Backlash, I will be 100% and I will enter that ring looking to tear “The Game” apart. Tonight, I will sit here and call this match. I am not going to risk my career by attacking him tonight.

“One of a kind!” is heard and “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point hits and out comes Rob Van Dam to a loud ovation from the crowd. He is introduced and he does his thumb pointing along with the words spoken by Lillian Garcia “Rob … Van … Dam!” The crowd also joined in on that. “Can you dig it, sucka?!” is heard and Booker T’s theme music cues up. The place goes insane as the Houston native, Booker T, makes his entrance. He comes out, standing on the stage next to Rob Van Dam. He jumps into the air, “raising the roof” as his fire-like pyrotechnics display goes off on the top of the stage. “Oh, Oh, Shawn!” is heard and “Sexy Boy” begins to play as “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels makes his grand entrance from the stage to a standing ovation from the crowd. He gets down on his knees, “praising the Lord”, as his pyrotechnics display goes off on the stage. And finally, “Whatever” by Our Lady Peace begins to play and “The Crippler” Chris Benoit, the World Heavyweight Champion, makes his entrance to a standing ovation from the crowd. The four faces walk down to the ring together and enter the ring as all four go on each of the four ring posts, as Evolution escape the ring. Referee Earl Hebner forces all members of Evolution out of the ring except for Ric Flair, who starts off the match for his team. He forces everyone but the Champion, Chris Benoit, out for his team. He calls for the bell, and the match is on.

Chris Benoit and Ric Flair start it off. They circle each other and then lock up. While locked up, they force themselves into a circle, trying to gain the upper hand, but it is Chris Benoit who forces Ric Flair into the neutral corner. He breaks the collar and elbow tie up and then begins to chop “The Nature Boy” while he is in the corner. He delivers those knife edge chops right to the chest of Ric Flair and Ric Flair winces in pain. But Ric Flair grabs Benoit by the next and reverses him into the corner. Ric Flair stood back a little, and then laid in several knife edge chops of his own to “The Rabid Wolverine.” Ric Flair grabs Benoit by the wrist, whipping him into the opposite corner. Benoit runs in, sternum first, like Bret Hart, and then falls backwards, down onto the mat. Ric Flair begins to strut towards Benoit and then drops a knee right across the forehead of the World Heavyweight Champion. Flair grabs Benoit by the wrist again, dragging him towards the corner of Evolution. All members of Evolution wanted in, reaching for the tag, but Flair tagged in Triple H.

Triple H comes in as Hebner singled for a legal tag. Ric Flair gave one last kick to Benoit before leaving. Triple H picked up Benoit, propping him up against the corner. He grabbed Earl Hebner and began to argue with his opponents. They all wanted to come in and get a piece of Triple H, but Hebner held them all back. This gave some illegal punches and choking being done in the corner. Randy Orton had the tag rope wrapped around the throat of Benoit while Flair and Batista tossed in some clobbering forearms. Triple He turned around and Orton broke the illegal choke. He held the tag rope up so Earl could see he was holding it. Hebner warmed them all. Triple H grabbed Benoit out of the corner, hip tossing him down to the mat. Triple H then held Benoit down for an arm submission, holding his arm behind him, in a hammerlock type position. Triple H would dig his knee right into the spine of Benoit, too. Triple H broke the hold, slapping Benoit down onto the mat. He got up, bounced off the ropes, and dropped a knee across the forehead of Benoit, much like Flair did earlier. Triple H went for the first pin attempt of the match. Hebner got down and counted. Triple H had an arrogant-like cover on Benoit. One … Two … kickout by Benoit.

Triple H picked up Chris Benoit and whipped him into the ropes. Triple H hit a back body drop on the Champion and then grabbed the right leg of Benoit, dropping down to the mat, and locking a leg submission on Benoit. He had his own legs grapevining the leg. Benoit tried to sit up, and chop Triple H, but all Benoit could do was get pushed right back down. Triple H, however, quickly broke that submission and then stood up. He held onto the right leg, still, and then twisted around it, lying down, and bring across the left leg, too. Know he had the Figure Four Leg Lock on Benoit. Benoit tried to fight it, reaching for the ropes, but Triple H, using his upper body strength, pulled backwards, getting closer to his corner. This allowed him to reach back, grabbing hands with Ric Flair. Flair pulled back hard, applying added pressure to the legs of Benoit. Hebner checked this out, and Flair and Triple H quickly unlocked hands. They went back to doing this when Hebner was checking on Benoit. They broke it once again, but went right back to pulling on the hands. This time Earl Hebner saw them reach for each others hands, and kicked the hands apart. But this didn’t give Benoit any time to get away. Triple H held Benoit down and tagged in the monster, Batista.

Batista came in and stomped away at the helpless “Crippler” as he lay on the mat, in some obvious pain. Batista grabbed Benoit by the throat, lifting him up. Batista then tossed him, back first, into the corner. Batista charged for the corner, hitting and football-like shoulder block into the corner, hurting the ribs of Benoit. Batista grabbed Benoit from away from the corner and lifted him up in a bear hug position. He was thrashing him around like a rag doll in the process. Benoit tried to reach for the ropes, but he was more than two-thirds away from his corner. Batista dropped down onto one knee, still holding Benoit in the bear hug. But now Batista dropped Benoit into a backbreaker. He grabbed Benoit by the throat, pushing down on it, and on the legs of Benoit, basically bending him in half, in a way the body shouldn’t be bent. Evolution all wanted to get into the ring and Batista tagged in Randy Orton.

Randy Orton came in, slapping Benoit around in the face, while he was still in the backbreaker position. Earl Hebner forced Batista to break the hold and he was forced out of the ring. Orton grabbed Benoit, and went to whip him into the ropes, but Benoit fell halfway across the ring when he was sent. Orton laughed his ass off as Benoit dropped like a sack of potatoes in the ring. Orton sat on the back of Benoit, pulling on his chin, for a modified Camel Clutch. But Benoit was not going to tap to this. He fought, and fought, and fought it, but he just couldn’t reach the ropes. Shawn Michaels tried to rush the ring to break the move, but Earl Hebner cut him off. Orton broke the hold, dragging Benoit into their corner. He then went over to taunt Shawn Michaels and the rest of the team while Ric Flair entered the ring, and applied the Figure Four Leg Lock on the World Heavyweight Champion. He used Triple H to pull back on, all while Orton continued to keep Hebner distracted with HBK. Flair broke the hold, rolling out of the ring, and Orton went back over to Benoit. Hebner finally forced Michaels out of the ring. Orton tagged in Ric Flair.

Ric Flair returned to the ring, picking up Benoit, and whipping him into the corner. Benoit ran into the corner, sternum first, and fell to the mat. Flair, however, picked him back up and propped him up against the corner. He then laid in some brutal chops to the chest of the tired, and beaten, Benoit. Ric Flair hip tossed him out of the corner and then made the cover on Benoit. Hebner made the count. One … Two … Thr … kickout by Benoit! The place went nuts when Benoit still showed life in his body with that kickout. Ric Flair began stomping on Benoit, and then picked him up. He began to chop him. He laid in those brutal knife edge chops of his, and Benoit took them! Benoit’s eyes bulged out of his head and started to chop Flair himself! He got his second wind now and laid in this brutal knife edge chops of his own. Benoit whipped Flair off the ropes, and then took him down with that lariat of his and then he too fell down. Both Flair and Benoit were out. Hebner looked around and began to count. One … Two … Three … Evolution and Benoit’s team wanted in, Four … Five … Six …. Ric Flair made the first move, moving slowly to his corner, all of Evolution were reaching for the tag, Seven … Benoit began to move, inching his way closer to the corner, Eight … Ric Flair tagged in Batista, Nine … Benoit dove and tagged in Booker T for a huge pop from the crowd.

Booker T rushed in and Batista began to punch him, but Booker T fired back with chops and punches and kicks of his own. He laid them all in on the monster Batista, and Batista took them. He stumbled backwards, but he wouldn’t go down. Booker pushed him off the ropes and then sends him sailing to the opposite ropes and hit a nice leaping side kick to Batista, taking him down. Book made the cover. Hebner made the count. One … Two … kickout by Batista. Booker got up and made the quick tag out to his tag team partner, Rob Van Dam.

RVD climbed the ropes. He was perched, waiting for Batista to get up. Booker exited the ring and soon Batista got up. RVD leaped off, hitting a stiff kick to the face from the top rope and then made the quick cover. One … Two … kickout by Batista. RVD picked up Batista and whipped him into the ropes, but Batista reversed it, sending RVD into the ropes. Batista ducked, looking to send RVD over for a back body drop, but RVD back flipped over him and landed on his feet behind one-half of the World Tag Team Champions. Batista turned around, and Van Dam punched him in the face. Batista stumbled backwards, but didn’t go down. Van Dam went to kick Batista, but Batista grabbed hold of the leg. Van Dam stepped over his own leg, and hit a spinning back heel kick to the face of Batista, this time sending him down. Van Dam went for the cover. Hebner counted. One … Two … kickout by Batista. Batista tossed Van Dam off of him and got right up. He went to his corner and tagged in Randy Orton.

Randy Orton came in and he and Rob Van Dam locked up. Van Dam punched Orton, breaking the collar and elbow tie up, and then grabbed him by the wrist, whipping him into the ropes. Orton returned, ducking a kick by Van Dam by sliding through his legs and kipped up fast. He hit a Dropkick to the back of the head of Van Dam, sending him over the top rope, and onto the floor. Randy Orton climbed to the top rope and leaped off, right onto Rob Van Dam.


We are back from that final commercial break and in the ring are Van Dam and Triple H. Orton seems to have tagged in Triple H during the commercial break and “The Game” has taken control of the match. He has Van Dam up and in an abdominal stretch. He reaches to the ropes and uses the hand of Randy Orton to get extra pressure. Orton pulls back tight, applying that pressure to the abdomen of RVD. Hebner checks what is going on, warning Triple H as he breaks it. He goes right back to doing it again. And all of a sudden a car crash is heard and the place goes nuts. Mick Foley has entered the arena and is running down the ramp. Randy Orton looks shocked, breaking the hold for Triple H, which leaves Triple H in shock, and Van Dam is able to hip toss Triple H to break the hold. He and RVD are both down. Orton, however, has jumped off of the ring apron, hoping the barricade, and has run through the crowd with Mick Foley chasing after him. The crowd is chanting RVD, clapping along, wanting him to get up. He inches his way to the corner and dives, tagging in Shawn Michaels to a huge pop from the crowd.

Shawn Michaels enters the match for the first time, grabbing Triple H. The two slug it out in the middle of the ring and Michaels gains the upper hand. He whips Triple H into the corner, and “The Game” does the Ric Flair head flip over the ropes. But he falls back into the ring, stumbling across the ropes and into the wrong corner where RVD, Chris Benoit, and Booker T all give him some cheap shots, before sending him back towards Shawn Michaels, who grabs him and twists him around for a backbreaker. Shawn Michaels covers Triple H as Earl Hebner makes the count. One … Two … Thr … kickout by Triple H.

Ric Flair and Batista rush into the ring, taking down Shawn Michaels in the process but they are quickly out numbered when Benoit goes after Flair, laying in some stiff chops to him and Booker T and Rob Van Dam go after Batista. We see a box show up in the corner with Mick Foley chasing after Randy Orton. Orton seems to be stumbling along, falling down quite often, but Foley still can’t catch him. The box disappears and back to the action at hand. Booker T kicks Batista, and then bounces off the ropes. Ax Kick by Booker T! He is down! Spin-a-roonie to a huge pop from the crowd! RVD looks at the crowd and points to the ropes. He leaps up to the ropes, Five Star Frog Splash onto Batista! Benoit has Ric Flair down and in the Cripple Crossface! The legendary “Nature Boy” Ric Flair is tapping like crazy to the World Heavyweight Champion!

Shawn Michaels gets up, and sees all of the carnage in the ring. He sees Ric Flair tapping to the Crippler Crossface, and sees Booker T and RVD standing to the side behind a fallen Batista. He backs off into the corner, tuning up the band. Triple H begins to move. Shawn Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but Triple H ducks! Kick to the midsection on Shawn Michaels! Booker T runs for “The Game” and delivers a swift Ax Kick to him, sending Triple H stumbling backwards. Chris Benoit breaks the hold on Ric Flair, and quickly grabs Triple H, dragging him down to the mat, locking him in the Crippler Crossface! He is tapping, but Earl Hebner tells Benoit he is not the legal man! RVD, again, looks around and leaps to the top rope. He is perched on the top rope, looking around at the crowd. He does his thumb point along with the crowd chanting “Rob … Van … Dam” and he leaps off, hitting the Five Star Frog Splash to the back of Triple H while he was in the Crippler Crossface!

Chris Benoit breaks the hold. Earl Hebner finally restores order in the ring, forcing Batista and Ric Flair to the outside, as they just fall to the mat. Chris Benoit, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam all leave. Shawn Michaels once again tunes up the band and Triple H slowly stumbles to his feet. He turns around, looking like he wants a tag, but he is in the corner of Benoit, RVD, and Booker T, and when he turns around he is met with a swift Sweet Chin Music to the chin, knocking him down and out. Shawn Michaels falls on top of Triple H and Earl Hebner makes the count. One … Two … Three!

Winners: Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Booker T in 22:34

(84, 87, 80) ***

The Houston crowd goes insane as “Sexy Boy” begins to play. Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam all celebrate in the ring while Batista and Ric Flair slowly get to their feet, helping Triple H out of the ring and to the back.

Ross: What a tremendous match we just witnessed! My gawd Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam are victories! What a night!

Edge: When it looked like Benoit was in trouble in the beginning, JR, they came back and defeated Evolution!

Ross: Maybe a big thanks could go out to Mick Foley when it shocked Evolution when he came out, chasing away Randy Orton. Speaking of which, we got some footage of them still in the back! Lets take a look!

As the four faces continue to celebrate with the fans, the camera cuts to the back where Foley is chasing after Orton. They look like they have made it to the concession stands now and Orton runs into a room. It turns out to be the men’s restroom. Foley enters and he sees Orton. Orton tosses a fan into Foley, making a quick escape out of the room. Foley runs out of the room, chasing after Orton. He is screaming at Orton as he chasing him towards the backstage area now. Orton, however, is seen running as fast as he can towards that black limo out there. The door seems to be open and it is Ric Flair and Batista, screaming at Randy Orton to hurry up. They already have Triple H in there and they want to get the hell out of there. Orton dives into the limo, as Ric Flair shuts the door tight and the limo pulls off. Foley couldn’t make it in time. He runs towards his own white car, packed right there, and hops in. He chases after the Evolution limousine as the shows fades away to the WWE logo.


Overall Rating: 79

TV Rating: 4.2

Edited by Fitzy
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I like this diary. I was just getting into it when EWB3 blew up, and now I'll get the chance to see what you guys can do with a very interesting roster split. Here's hoping it's as gold as it's begun.

And because I care about you guys, I'm reprinting the highest honor I can give a diary -- a free rant. Okay, so it wasn't like I gave it without prompting, but this is my way of marking the thread so I can keep up with it.

Bottom line, you've won a fan in me, and now I can re-post some constructive criticism for Fitzy in my Virch Voice.


- The SmarK RAW Rant for Apr. 05 / 04.

- Live from Houston, TX.

- Your hosts are Jim Ross and Jonathan Coachman, replacing the departed (for reasons unsaid) Jerry Lawler.

- Earlier tonight, Johnny Spade welcomes Vinnie Mac to the show, but makes the mistake of not calling him Mr. McMahon. Vince says he'll explain what he's doing here... when he feels like it, basically. Spade is unfazed.

- Opening interview: Shawn Michaels is back in his "home town of Texas". You'd expect Shawn to be more careful than that, but the crowd forgives him. More talk of HBK/Benoit at Backlash, as Shawn does the whole "I like you but I'm gonna beat you" bit. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit (that'll NEVER get old) interrupts and says that basically they're friends now, and after the event, but during the event, it's ALL BUSINESS. Crowd is torn on who to cheer for, which is always a good sign. Benoit calls it a "dream match". Only if Shawn taps to the Sharpshooter. HBK and Benoit threaten to steal the show, so HHH interrupts. He's tired of everyone else talking about how good they are. Pot, kettle, black. HHH wants to know why Michaels is in the main event at Backlash when he wasn't in the finish at Mania. There's your answer. Crowd reminds HHH he tapped out. HHH says he'll win the six-man and be the #1 Contender, which draws Edge out. "Excuse me for being out of the loop, but when in the hell did you get to make these demands?" I'd say soon after he started banging Stephanie. Edge EARNED his way back up the ladder, dammit, which is why his first PPV match back is a #1 Contender match. Edge has been WAITING for the chance to take out HHH. And now Bischoff joins us from the office as this segment drags ON and ON. Bischoff makes Benoit/HBK/RVD/Booker v. Evolution for tonight. Did this really need 20 minutes to do? Couldn't Eric have just made the match without HBK and HHH getting mic time?

- Opening match (finally): Hurricane v. Jamie Noble. Noble and Hurricane go for legsweeps, and Noble gets the leg first, backing Hurricane up. Monkey flip gets two. More kicks by Noble, then the SPINNING TOE HOLD OF SEVERE DISCOMFORT. This hold lasts for a full minutes before Hurricane breaks. An STF-like hold follows, and Noble goes for the mask, but Hurricane breaks and bails. Noble follows, but Hurricane sends him to the STEEL steps. Back in, more legwork from Noble. Noble kicks the leg out of his leg for two. Hurricane reverses a blind charge into a Brisco rollup for two. Hurricane can't even stand long enough to be whipped into the ropes, so Noble goes to a Boston Crab (which works the back more than the legs). Hurricane makes the ropes. Noble returns and gets tossed outside in the same leverage move that sent him to the steps. You'd think he'd learn. Noble tries a dragon screw legwh... oops, enzuigiri. Dropkick (with one leg) by Hurricane, who starts doing a Zach Gowen impression. Noble lariats Hurricane down, and the Tiger Driver finishes at 8:56. The psychology was wasted because the finish was a powerbomb, but Hurricane sold like a hero... erm... a champion here. **3/4

- Eric Bischoff makes Johnny Spade... whoops, sorry, Johnny Nitro... a special guest referee for a match later tonight. Can't you just call him Johnny Hennigan and get it overwith? Bischoff asks that he drop the EB, which is ignored. Cade and Jindrak storm the office, mad about being overlooked. Bischoff kisses their ass, but not before declaring Cade the better of the two, then gives them a match against La Résistance on Heat. Heat? A meaningful show?

- Lita v. Trish Stratus. Stratus has Christian with her, Lita is alone. Lita "tackles" Trish and begins catfighting. Stinger splash (sort of) and a ten punch countalong follow for two. THESZ PRESS BAH GAWD THESZ PRESS by Trish stops the offensive (pick your pronunciation) flurry, but the Stratusphere is blocked. Lita with a moonsault (nearly killing herself) for two before Christian makes the save. Lita argues with Christian and gets hit with the Chick Kick for the pin at 3:45. At least it was short. DUD Jericho attacks and floors Trish, then nearly gets the Walls on Christian. Trish breaks, so SHE nearly gets the Walls before Christian stops it and leaves him laying.

- And now, the highlight of any WWE event... Vince McMahon talks! He tells Kane to get out and basically berates him for being afraid of the Undertaker. Kane let him down by losing at WrestleMania. Vince decides to make a rematch, and tells Kane his job is on the line. Kane freaks out, saying he doesn't want to meet his brother, but Vince's decision is final and he needs to stop being a chicken about it. Kane goes to attack Vince, but Taker's old "Ministry" music/video start to cut him off. Gee, Vince, way to make your monster heel on RAW look like a total pussy.

- Orlando Jordan is talking to his father (Michael?) as Teddy Long tries to recruit him. Call me crazy, but that could work. Heaven knows Jordan doesn't suck or anything in the ring, and he needs the charisma by proxy that Long would give him.

- Women's title: Victoria v. Jazz. BUT FIRST, Edge makes a guest appearance and beats up Coach to join the commentary team. Some basic chain wrestling leads to a legdrop by Victoria for two. Cross-corner whip and chops lead to a hiptoss. Elbowdrop, back body drop, and legdrop, then Victoria gets a Regal-style pin for two. Jazz with an STF out of nowhere, but Victoria makes the ropes. Jazz attacks with more vanilla offense, leading to an elbowdrop for two. Victoria tosses Jazz off during a bulldog attempt for a very unconvincing Double KO. Sidewalk slam by Victoria gets two after a "slugfest". Swinging sidewalk slam also gets two, and Victoria goes nuts. Widow's Peak is blocked, Jazz Stinger is blocked, Widow's Peak hits for the pin at 6:42. Whatever. 3/4* Molly attacks post-match (with short black hair -- wow it grows fast) and promises to win the title back.

- Coach whines to Bischoff, who sends him to thank Vince for the Kane situation.

- Which Coach does, and Vince is unappreciative. Vince sends Coach away, but Austin appears. Austin says Vince overstepped his bounds on RAW -- don't ask me how. Vince says the same thing. Hey, Vince owns the company, he says, and Austin is one step away from being fired. But instead, Vince says he has a solution. Austin leaves with Vince. Hmmm...

- America's Most Wanted video.


* World title: Chris Benoit v. Shawn Michaels

* Kane v. Undertaker

* Women's title: Victoria v. Molly Holly

* Intercontinental Title, street fight: Randy Orton v. Mick Foley

* Chris Jericho v. Christian

* Edge, Booker T, and Rob Van Dam v. Evolution

- Randy Orton looks nervous seeing Foley's promo, but Flair tells him not to sweat it. Orton heads out to talk himself up, claiming he will end Foley's career. Orton promises not just to retire Mick, but to cripple him. Orton curses out Foley and promises to send his career down the toilet. Was there really a need for him to do this in the ring?

- Christian v. Val Venis. As a reminder, Johnny Sp-- er, Nitro is YOUR special referee. Lockup, and Christian no-sells a Val shoulderblock. Val is sent outside, and Trish slaps him around as Nitro pretends to be distracted. Val returns after a fast count. Flash Back by Christian gets a speedy two. Two suplexes into a sort-of TKO move by Christian, and he mocks Jericho some more. ARROGANT COVER~! gets ANOTHER fast two. Blind charge misses, and Venis with a rollup as... Nitro... counts... two. Miscommunication leads to a ref bump, and Venis opens up on Christian. Venis Flytrap, but Nitro is still "out". Christian finally makes the ropes as Nitro miraculously recovers. Bodyslam and Money Shot gets two, though it's closer to 20 than 2. Trish distracts the ref (why bother?), Storm enters with a superkick, and Christian gets the pin at 10:12. Totally overbooked match that devalued Christian and made him look like a jobber. 1/2* Heel beatdown ensues, Jericho makes the save (and floors Nitro for good measure).

- Foley - is - WALKING!

- Main event: World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and Booker T v. Evolution. Edge stays at commentary, dropping another four-letter word. The censors are busy tonight. Benoit starts with Flair and unloads the CANADIAN VIOLENCE. Flair answers the call and returns fire, then sends Benoit to the corner. HHH enters, and a ref distraction leads to some triple-teaming as Benoit is YOUR World Heavyweight Champion-in-peril. Hiptoss by HHH, into a hammerlock. HHH releases the hold and USES THE KNEE~!, getting two. Back body drop and leglock by HHH, into a figure-four. HHH pulls Benoit into the heel corner, so Flair helps out. Hebner sees this and breaks. Batista with a football tackle and a BEARHUG OF DOOM on Benoit. He turns it into a backbreaker and brings in Orton. Benoit can't stand up for a whip (second time tonight), and Orton goes to the Steiner Barca-Lounger. HBK tries to break, but Hebner calls him off, so Flair slaps on the figure-four as Orton makes faces at HBK. Flair in, and Benoit takes ANOTHER Bret Hart bump to the corner. Flair chops him like a mofo and hiptosses him for two. Flair with more chops, but Benoit fires back as my chest starts to get sympathy welts. Lariat leads to a double KO, hot tag Booker T. Leg lariat gets two on Batista. RVD in with a flying kick for two. RVD flips over Batista and gets the stepover enzuigiri for two. Orton in, and he sends RVD out and follows him to the outside as we go to break. We return with HHH putting RVD in the abdominal stretch, as he gets Orton's help this time. This ends when Mick Foley makes a cameo and chases off Orton, allowing RVD to hiptoss out and get the second hot tag to HBK. Everybody beats on HHH, and HBK gets a backbreaker for two. It's BONZO GONZO as everybody charges the ring (and we see Foley still chasing Orton). Axe kick, Spinaroonie, and Five-Star take out Batista, while Benoit puts the Crossface on Flair. HBK misses the superkick on HHH, and it's KICK WHAM, but Booker knocks down HHH into a Crossface by Benoit. HHH taps, but it doesn't count, so RVD adds a five-star for good measure. Everybody leaves the ring, and the Sweet Chin Music connects for the pin at 22:34. Awesome match, with lots of tag stuff and a wild finish. ***1/2

- Foley keeps chasing Orton, running through a "fan" on the way. Orton makes it to the Evolution limo, which drives off.

The Bottom Line:

Edge on commentary is certainly a step up from Lawler -- and Coach, for that matter -- but they can't keep him there forever, and the show needs someone permanent for announcing. In the ring, it's all HBK in the buildup, as Benoit just got the shit beat out of him so that Michaels could save the day and be a hero. And Jericho/Christian just became a foregone conclusion -- if VAL VENIS has you beat, what hope have you against Y2J?

Well, at least Benoit and Jericho will win at Backlash; that's always nice.

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