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"The Wanderer" Jeff Lowes vs. Marty Jannety

Jannety and Slick were already in the ring,by the time I made it the out,there were a few people chanting my name and most of the others were already booing or chanting for Marty.Marty looked pumped and ready for action and already I'm fearing for the worst,Jannety and Slick tell the ref to check me for a foreign object. The ref casually strolls over and begins to check me as I bad mouth him and the fans eat it up and hail me with boos.The match begins and Marty takes the start with a suplex to arm-bar series. Slick tells Jannety to go to the top ropes and Marty does as told by quickly leaping up to the top turnbuckle and jumping off nailing me in the face with his knee. Back on the mat,he nails me with a few elbow drops.I get back up and start with some hammerlocks and armbars followed by elbow drop to the knee . Since he's got the high flying bug today I decide to focus on the legs . I pick him up and hit a solid knee breaker. He Irish whips me into the ropes and Slick grabs my feet giving Marty the chance to take to the top and hit another flying knee. I'm tired and ready to end the match so I slip on my pair of brass knuckles and level marty with a shot to the jaw.Slick is hollering and complaining as I go for the pin . 1 ... 2. . . . Kickout! Marty gets up and takes me down several notches with a fast paced offense. We are both on the edge of defeat as the energy is literally drained from us.I'm standing in the middle of the ring dazed and confused , Jannety pounces to the top rope and jumps off trying to hit me with the knee again , Luckily I'm one step ahead and I catch him mid air in a firemans carry . The crowd goes silent only to raise to a slight roar after I hit the Home Sweet Home from the firemans carry position. I get the pin fall finally.

match length: 12 minutes

Match Rating: C

The tips Terry Funk gave me really helped

Marty left as soon as the match was over so I still couldn't talk to him , but I know what hospital his girlfriend is at so I'm going to pay a visit.

Terry  Funk defeats Super Destroyer II

Roger Kirby defeats  Jerry Oates - retains the Cstate television title

Bob Sweetan defeats Porkchop Cash

"The Wanderer" Jeff Lowes defeats  Marty Jannety

Buzz Tyler defeats Tommy Rogers

Stan Hansen defeats  Luke Graham

Harley Race and Ted Oates defeats The Moondogs

Edited by Dochappy
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Friday -

Without having any bookings today I decide to take Sophie out. Pharrel declines to go stating he has some work left to do , mostly posting a few columns to the bulletin boards. I decide to take Sophie to a three star restaurant. Afterwards we went for a stroll in the park.

We return back to the apartment , only to be greeted by Pharrel who is extremely happy.

"Man Daniel , you won't believe it!. You've received two letters from two fans of yours." More excited than I he jumps up and hands me the two letters.

" Dang , I didn't know I had any fans." , I begin to read the letters and to my surprise both fans want me to include a new move to my arsenal . One fan that goes by the nick of Maddog wants to start using the fireball. This might be a good idea I could replace my heart kick , because at the moment I rarely hit it , I have to ask my trainer of course . the other fan by the nick of EPW wants me to incorporate a Spinning Power bomb (360 power bomb) I don't think I'll be strong enough to lift my opponents but I'll keep it in mind and when I get stronger I'll definitely use it..

4 hours later I arrive at Longgrove Community hospital . after slipping a male nurse some cash , I am told Marty and his girlfriend are in room 12. With flowers in hand I walk up to the door and knock . On the third knock Marty opens the door.

"What are you doing here Jeff ?" , by the expression on his face , I could tell he was surprised to see me and compelled as too why I was here.

"I heard about your girlfriend and wanted to visit and to offer my condolences and giver her these." I hand him the the flowers and his confused expression fades . He smiles and welcomes me in . resting unconscious in the bed is a medium toned blonde headed woman in her mid twenties , Tubes and machines clutter the bedside and her head is covered in bandages.

"Thanks for the flowers and actually coming to visit , you're the only other person to visit besides her parents . She's looking better now , since the cuts have healed , but the doctors say there is no telling when she'll awake from her coma. I hope things pick up soon for me if not I'll have quit the business , sell my house and get a regular job. The insurance company refuses to help with the hospital bill and her parents are doing their best , but it's still not enough . If I don't come up with $5,000 soon , they're going to take her off life support." He bends over her bed and kisses her forehead slightly.

"Sorry to hear that man , but I may have a solution. " I pulled out a wad of money and laid it on the edge of the hospital bed . He looked on dumb founded .

"What is all that cash for ?" , Now he is staring at the cash and seldom he looks up and stares at me.

"That cash if for her , it should be roughly around $3,000 . That's all the cash I have on hand."

"Why would you give us all this money ? We barely know you ?" He slowly eases his hand toward the cash.

"Let's just say its a business agreement. and that is your payment . I want you to train me every other weekend , o whenever you are free." He begins to chuckle and walks close to me.

"So you want me to train you and for this training you'll give me this all of this cash ?"

"That's the deal , well I have to go get some rest hopefully I'll get booked tomorrow. Contact me whenever your ready to start the training. " with that I begin walking to the door


maybe now with marty helping out with training I'll progress a little faster.

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I get a call from Cstate and I'm booked to go against Tommy Rogers on tonights tv taping , I call and inform the other promotions that I wouldn't be showing up.

Gentleman Ken , Nature Boy ,  Mr. Piledriver , and Marty Janetty vs.  Avalanche , Bulldog Bob , Jerry and Oates

"The Wanderer" Jeff Lowes vs. Tommy Rogers - 60 minute time limit match

Super Destroyer II vs. Luke Graham

Ox Baker and The Grappler #1 vs. Harley Race and  Bruiser Brody

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early Sunday morning I get a call from CWF , they want me to attend tonights show because they've put me up against none other than Lex Luger. . I tell Pharrel and Sophie my plans and start packing for the trips.

. . . . . . .

I get to the arena and I see the card posted on the locker room door

Wrestling From Florida:

Jack hart vs. Mando Guerrero

Jeff Lowes vs. lex Luger

Mike Davis vs. Scott Mcgee

Superstar Billy Graham vs.  Mike Rotundo

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Week 3

Monday and Tuesday


Today I had another day off , but Marty wanted to meet me at noon. We practiced several holds and maneuvers and he congratulated me for beating Lex Luger. he promised to teach me a new move in out next training session. the rest of the day I spent with Sophie and Phareel went off on his own somewhere.



I'm called up by PIWn and I've got a match against Billy Two Eagles. Hopefully I can pull a victory tonight

backstage i talk to several people and they are nice enough to give me tips for my upcoming match.

"The Wanderer" Jeff Lowes vs. Billy Two Eagles:


Billy Two Eagles came into this match beating me as if I owed him money. Everytime I turned around He would hit me with viscious knife edge chops to head , gut, chest ; heck he even had the nerve to try to knife edge chop me below the belt. At the 15 minute mark I was busted open from a hard chop to the head , and defeat was a mere seconds. he whipped me into the ropes , I hit the ref on the way and he goes down. I didn't mean to honestly the blood was in my eyes and I couldn't see. Billy tryed to follow up with a flying Forearm but Luckily I was able to sidestep , grab his arm and slam him down in a variation of the arm wringer slam. With the ref out I threw Two Eagles out of the ring and beat the crap out of him. The highlight was when I hit the Home Sweet Home through the table to bust Billy open . I rolled him back into the ring only to met with another chop . he followed up with a successful flying forearm and then I fell victim to not one but three War Dances. The blood was really flowing from my head now and I was scared the ref would end the match after seeing how bloody I was. Billy picked me up and hit 2 piledrivers only for me to kick out of the pin. I get a small second wind and hit the Home Sweet Home once again but he kicks out at 2. I try to nail him with the brass knuckles but he reverses and hits me with the War Dance Flurry again , but luckily I have enough energy to kick out. The fans start cheering , but I can barely hear them it appears that my ear has been cut also. I surge up enough power and Hit the Home Sweet Home for the third and final time. After pinning Billy Two Eagles , I help him up and we both shake hands , medics rush out to tend to our injuries.

Match Length: 34 minutes

Match Rating: B-

backstage I thanked Dutch Savage , Hugo Savinovich , Dean Ho , and The Tonga Kid for thier tips and leave the arena favoring my head , luckily I only needed 2 stitches , Billy on the other hand had to have 25 . it appears when I hit the Home Sweet Home through the table , a piece of the wood jabbed in the side of his head.


USA: 8



Japan: 0






Spirit: 16

Stamina: 40

Looks: 42

Power: 15

Toughness: 42

Respect: 2

Technique: 46

Charisma: 11

Speed: 5

Microphone: 14

Psychology: 27

Safety: 25

Edited by Dochappy
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I enjoy this diary for the most part and am glad to see a decent Wrestling Spirit dynasty on the boards, but your really need to take some time spell checking your stuff. It drives me crazy when I read that Marty Janetty's girlfriend 'might come out of a coman.'

Little things like that are inexcusable. Sure it's just a typo, but you should pick those things up. And if you don't want to spell check your stuff, go back in and reread it and edit it as it needs to be.

A 360 Powerbomb way back then? That's a dangerous move that should be used rarely at most.

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thanks for the feedback. I just noticed the spelling errors and when I get time I'll fix them. I really need to get Microsoft Works working so I can use the spell check

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Guest Grapehead

Pretty cool diary, I haven't read one for Wrestling Spirit before and I like what I see.

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