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Question about the Scorpion


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Regarding Marvel; the only two books I buy are Astonishing X-Men and Cable & Deadpool (because Deadpool is AWESOME). I read a ton of Marvel comics, but I don't buy any of them. I might as well babble on some of the topics mentioned here.

Bendis; I actually like Bendis' writing by and large. He's had the best Daredevil run in ages, Powers is a really good comic, and though he's faltered in the last two arcs Ultimate Spider-Man is the comic book that got me back into comic books. If he had never written Disassembled he wouldn't get as much hate as he does. However, he DID write Disassembled, and that WAS the worst storyline of the past year. New Avengers strikes me as a decent book that has the problem of needing to be excellent due to the hype. Plus the copout ending to the prison breakout was disappointing.

Booster Gold; fuck all that. Booster Gold's crowning achievement in DC was the Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League series and him and Blue Beetle embezzling all of the team funds to make a casino.

Jubilee; Jubilee rocks, even if her powers are terrible.

Marvel vs. DC; DC has my attention far more than Marvel does, but that isn't to say that Marvel isn't doing things that appeal to me either. If Peter David ever does a continuation of MadroX I will buy it without a second thought, plus there's Dan Slott's Great Lakes Avengers miniseries coming up. With DC, I didn't like Identity Crisis (I thought it was written pretty well but I didn't like what was actually going on), but I AM interested in Countdown and the Villains United miniseries spawning out of that since Gail Simone's writing it.

What's funny is the contrast between Marvel and DC's go to guys, Brian Michael Bendis and Geoff Johns. Bendis really likes killing characters off. Elsewhere, Johns retcons any death he sees fit to retcon.

The X-Books; Astonishing X-Men is their saving grace. The Peter Milligan writing X-Men doesn't seem to be the clever, witty Peter Milligan who wrote the fucking BRILLIANT X-Statix, but rather the cliched, mainstream Peter Milligan who writes every damn Venom/Carnage/Toxin comic ever. Chris Claremont hasn't been good since Xtreme X-Men, and even that wasn't too great. New X-Men: Academy X is actually okay, but not good enough to be worth paying for. Wolverine's latest arc was good, but the result of it I thoroughly dislike. And, really, even if I've heard that Gambit's a decent book, who really gives a crap about comics about Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, or even Bishop in the District X setting?

Spider-Books; I wholeheartedly agree. I actually like JMS. Outside of Sins Past he's had a great run, but MAN Sins Past was stupid. And the shit in Spectacular Spider-Man is making it worse.

Nightwing; Devin Grayson is a sad, sad fangirl. I hope her next run on the book doesn't suck like her last run did.

There we go, that's all for now. Crazy that this discussion exploded like it did.

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Regarding Marvel; the only two books I buy are Astonishing X-Men and Cable & Deadpool (because Deadpool is AWESOME). I read a ton of Marvel comics, but I don't buy any of them. I might as well babble on some of the topics mentioned here.

Me too. Deadpool WAS a great book, hell Agent X as written by Gail Simone is a fucking treat. However I gave the Leifeld.Nicenzia relaunch of Cable/Deadpool one issue, and the art turned me off faster than I can possibly explain to you.

Bendis; I actually like Bendis' writing by and large. He's had the best Daredevil run in ages, Powers is a really good comic, and though he's faltered in the last two arcs Ultimate Spider-Man is the comic book that got me back into comic books. If he had never written Disassembled he wouldn't get as much hate as he does. However, he DID write Disassembled, and that WAS the worst storyline of the past year. New Avengers strikes me as a decent book that has the problem of needing to be excellent due to the hype. Plus the copout ending to the prison breakout was disappointing.

I must admit that I WANT to read Daredevil under Bendis, but have not done so. Fact is I'm scared. I hated Powers, but that's a personal opinion and I think I am the only living person alive that feels that way. Ultimate Spider-Man was a decent book, but the retreads of famous stories grew old, plus the fact that he writes for the trades, meaning six issue arc followed by six issue arc and TONS of filler in between grew tedious quickly. Disassembled destroyed my beloved Avengers. I don't think i can ev er forgive Bendis for that. Plus he killed Ant-Man and Hawkeye just cuz he could. His death in Alias didn't take for Ant-Man, so hell do it AGAIN and MAKE it stick. Bendis is the death knell for any character who doesn't hold a place in HIS heart, meaning Luke Cage and Spider-Woman are probably the only two safe heroes at Marvel.

Booster Gold; fuck all that. Booster Gold's crowning achievement in DC was the Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League series and him and Blue Beetle embezzling all of the team funds to make a casino.

Yes, THAT was fucking brilliant. BWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love me some 90's JLI/A/E. But Booster WAS a serious hero prior to Giffen/Demateis. He's just SO much better as a joke. Check out the latest JLA Classified for Booster and Beetle goodness.

Jubilee; Jubilee rocks, even if her powers are terrible.

The ONLY way Jubilee would rock is if the lame character died. Preferably pelted by rocks.

Marvel vs. DC; DC has my attention far more than Marvel does, but that isn't to say that Marvel isn't doing things that appeal to me either. If Peter David ever does a continuation of MadroX I will buy it without a second thought, plus there's Dan Slott's Great Lakes Avengers miniseries coming up. With DC, I didn't like Identity Crisis (I thought it was written pretty well but I didn't like what was actually going on), but I AM interested in Countdown and the Villains United miniseries spawning out of that since Gail Simone's writing it.

I agree on EVERYTHING above except for your dislike of Identity Crisis. It is the building block for the future, and I for one found it to be very well done and very profound for DC to even Attempt such a thing, let alone succeed. GLA I am drooling over the prospects.

What's funny is the contrast between Marvel and DC's go to guys, Brian Michael Bendis and Geoff Johns. Bendis really likes killing characters off. Elsewhere, Johns retcons any death he sees fit to retcon.

Yes, so we can hope that Johns returns to Marvel someday and fixes the worthless deaths of so many great characters unde the vile pen of Bendis.

The X-Books; Astonishing X-Men is their saving grace. The Peter Milligan writing X-Men doesn't seem to be the clever, witty Peter Milligan who wrote the fucking BRILLIANT X-Statix, but rather the cliched, mainstream Peter Milligan who writes every damn Venom/Carnage/Toxin comic ever. Chris Claremont hasn't been good since Xtreme X-Men, and even that wasn't too great. New X-Men: Academy X is actually okay, but not good enough to be worth paying for. Wolverine's latest arc was good, but the result of it I thoroughly dislike. And, really, even if I've heard that Gambit's a decent book, who really gives a crap about comics about Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, or even Bishop in the District X setting?

My only major point of disagreement is that Claremont has sucked since about 1995. Read Sovereign Seven, I DARE YOU!

Spider-Books; I wholeheartedly agree. I actually like JMS. Outside of Sins Past he's had a great run, but MAN Sins Past was stupid. And the shit in Spectacular Spider-Man is making it worse.

Spider-Man is a dead character to me as far as comics go, sadly.

Nightwing; Devin Grayson is a sad, sad fangirl. I hope her next run on the book doesn't suck like her last run did.

She did her version of Frank Miller's Born Again, only with Nightwing instead of Daredevil. She's not Chuck Dixon, but she's not a hack either. Also by her own admission she won't be around much longer, just long enough to fix the mess she created. I'd love to see Gail Simone get hold of the book though.

There we go, that's all for now. Crazy that this discussion exploded like it did.

Indeed it is crazy. But I do love me some comic book talk. Thanks for the good stimulating talk gentlemen.


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The only new comics I buy at the moment is Astonishing X-Men, and I'll probably the new Toxin mini-series when that comes out (is it out yet).

They're also reprinting (or something) the Age of Apocolypse because it's the 10-year anniversary, and because I didn't catch the first time around I'll get that.

Thing is, the only DC character I like is Batman, and I hate everything else I've seen. Marvel has my favourites like the X-Men and Spider-Man. Ok, some of the other characters aren't all that, but I'll always be a Marvel fan though, no matter what.

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Me too. Deadpool WAS a great book, hell Agent X as written by Gail Simone is a fucking treat. However I gave the Leifeld.Nicenzia relaunch of Cable/Deadpool one issue, and the art turned me off faster than I can possibly explain to you.

Hnn. I tend to like the art, but I haven't read much of anything prior to issue #11 so I don't know how it was previously. Liefeld is no longer involved with it, though, which is good.

On I Can't Believe it's Not the Justice League; I AM reading that. It's funny, which is amazing since Giffen and DeMatteis are more or less still using the same jokes. Guy Gardner in a leisure suit was fucking hysterical, though.

On Devin Grayson; She CAN be a good writer. I read a really good Batman comic she wrote once in the wake of Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, though I can't remember for the life of me which one it was.

On Bendis' Daredevil run; If you don't like much of anything else he's written, you probably shouldn't bother with it. Though I'd still say the issues with Typhoid Mary in them are worth looking through (they're in one of the TPBs, can't remember which ones). But, eh, give it a try. I think Bendis' ideas for Daredevil and how he changed the status quo with the character and his setting were really good.

Oh, and I will say this in Bendis' defense. He killed Carnage. Nobody who kills a character as bad as Carnage can be all bad.

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I think if you really want more insight on some characters, you should go to a site like www.spiderfan.org and check the bios there. It's much better than anything I can do, at least.

I think he was just posting for info on the character for Thug's superhero thing in the Cube :P

I haven't really kept up with most of the conversation in here since I haven't read a comic book for years, but this discussion has been bringing back some memories, so I'll just reply to what I can remember >_>

After Doc Ock was killed

Wow. Dr Octopus was one of the best Spiderman villains I'd read, I can't believe they killed him off. Even if they did revive him, it's still bullshit. I fondly remember the Sinister Six books, he always pulled off the complete bastard act brilliantly, especially with Sandman and their little side-feud.

Marvel vs. DC

Admittedly this has little to do with what you were actually talking about, but your saying that reminded me about the books where they actually faced each universes heroes against each other. Did anyone else read those, if so how was it? I only remember reading the early ones, where it was Quicksilver V Flash, Superman V Hulk etc. I heard the ending was pretty shitty, but I never got to reading it myself.

Spider-Man is a dead character to me as far as comics go, sadly.

Unfortunately I agree. I started to waiver a bit with comic reading, and the one time when I did go back was during the clone storyline. I just thought it was pretty messed up that Spidey was cloned, and ends up having to start a new life without MJ etc. I tried reading more into the story hoping for some sort of swerve, but that just lost it for me. It just didn't feel the same. Same goes for Wolverine, when they removed the adamantium from his skeleton. He turned all feral and shit, I just couldn't get into it :(

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Admittedly this has little to do with what you were actually talking about, but your saying that reminded me about the books where they actually faced each universes heroes against each other. Did anyone else read those, if so how was it? I only remember reading the early ones, where it was Quicksilver V Flash, Superman V Hulk etc. I heard the ending was pretty shitty, but I never got to reading it myself.

The fact that the winners were determined by fan voting led to some serious stupidity, such as Wolverine beating Lobo and Storm beating Wonder Woman WITH Thor's hammer. There WERE some bits I did like, though, like Namor vs. Aquaman.

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The fact that the winners were determined by fan voting led to some serious stupidity, such as Wolverine beating Lobo and Storm beating Wonder Woman WITH Thor's hammer.

I didn't know that. Though as much of a badass as Lobo is, I'm not sure if I would have wanted him to win that fight. I wub Logan, but Lobo shouldn't have been made out to be a bitch. Bleh.

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