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Carling Cup Final


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He's still a twat in my mind. He wants everything his way. He cries nonstop which is his problem. Trying to class United/Barca managers as basic cheats, what a load of bollocks. I'll never deny Chelsea are a good team, but I still don't even rate them in the top two of England. I'll stick with United to do the greatest come back ever and win it. I could be wrong and like I said, if I am then I'll admit it. I fucking hope Arsenal stop fucking around though and get back to usual next season.

As for the treble shit, keep dreaming my friends. There's no hope in hell that they are beating Barcelona, end of for me. You watch Jose crying when they are knocked out too, he does it all the time. Then he'll probably make some bullshit excuse about the referee or something, how cool. I actually want them to get cheated out as much as possible, because I just love shitting on the team to be honest. I blame that on Jose too, because when Ranieri was in charge I could stand the team. They weren't rated as the greatest in the world and stuff, so yeah. By the end of the season you'll see that money doesn't always buy success, because if it did then Chelsea would be winning every cup they possibly could, and that aint happening.

BBC talk shit too if they are rating Lampard as MOTM. Dudek takes it piss easy for me, he made at least five or six amazing saves to deny Chelsea.

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Personally I Really Like Mourinhio . He is the ultimate heel manager of football . Jose Mourinhio is a breath of fresh air to this league , I wasnt bothered who won today because if Chelsea won Mourninhio would make me laugh and if Liverpool won im pleased for Gerrard who i think of really highly

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I'm more happy for Kezman. The guy has been so unlucky not to get more. He deserves that bit of luck.

I like Mourinho, but doing that was a really stupid move. If he was doing that to the press or not, he could have gone about it a better way, if that's possible.

Although it's only the "Mickey Mouse" cup, it's that we've actually won something last season. Unlike last season, which was a disaster on that front. Here's hoping we can take the confidence from this game and onto Barcelona.

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Thierry Henry "Shusssh"'s the crowd every time he scores...

And Gooner yeah I'm a Spurs fan.

I also have a massive dislike for Arsenal, Liverpool, Man United and Aston Villa.

So Chelsea shooting to the top due to a chairman coming in and blowing hundreds of millions of pounds on an "instant fix" policy while Arsenal and Man United have been slogging it out for ears....It's great! I have to laugh and am really loving it...

That and the fact I think Terry and Lampard are two magnificent players and I've followed both throughout their careers.

The only bandwagon I'm on is the "It's incredibly funny that Mourinho and Abramovich are infuriorating the Arsenal and Man Utd fans" bandwagon.;

It's footy afterall, I take Spurs very seriously, Gillingham seriously (as my most local club back home) and every other club I enjoy a good laugh about.

The two Permiership clubs with the strongest British/Irish backbone at the moment are Man United and Tottenham.

Chelsea have got Terry, Lampard, Bridge, Cole (sometimes) and Duff...That's at least three more than Arsenal.

I think Wenger is upset that he's not got the chance to manage the French national team so he's trying to turn Arsenal into France 2nd XI.

At the end of the das guys, I'm not "hating on" you Arsenal fans because of who you are (I find most of you amusing and good posters and good guys), I just enjoy having a go at Arsenal.

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Fuck it.

We should have had the game wrapped up before the OG. We didn't hold on to the ball for long enough when we had the lead. Nunez of all people was the only one who consistently found red shirts. Morientes was isolated. Heartbreaking thing was that there was no pressure from Chelsea for the OG. Any one of three players could and should have cleared it.

Ah well, we've won our fair share of finals. You have to lose sometimes.

Fair play to Chelsea. Once they got level, I'd say they deserved it.

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In the "Alcohol Content Chart" Carling is situated as such....




The American flavoured water that is Budweiser


'Normal beers / lagers / bitters'


Tennants Extra

A nice glass of red wine



Amazonian home-made moonshine


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I love Mourinho. He's brilliant.

Seriously why can't he tell the fans to "shhhh" if for the whole match they've probably been shouting at him, swearing, insulting and stuff? Seriously, I think it's all well and good.

Plus, he's TOTALLY different from every Premiership manager around, which is a breath of fresh air. Now, I love Wenger as much as any Arsenal fan could, but I would LOVE IT if he once said something this in his post match interview after an easy win:

Interviewer: How did you feel about the game?

Wenger: Well...they were rubbish, we weren't, simple.

That would be brilliant. Mourinho's the guy who would do that. One paper compared him to Brian Clough apparently, and I can see it. Hope he stays here forever (well, as long as Chelsea don't ever win anything else that is :D)

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Guest Ringmaster

You should check out Wenger's commentating during the Euro. I had to watch parts of the Euro in France, and he was one of the commentator, he spend the whole time ripping on various players, it was pretty funny, although border line childish at times. I remember , he kept on referring to RVN as a mushroom, and when questionned as to why, said it was because he was full of poison.

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If he was speaking in French...well my knowledge of the French language goes as far as bonjeur. And I can't even spell it...

Oh, and I'm going to start calling RVN a mushroom now...for the hell of it.

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The fans pay their money to watch the game and scream and shout anything they like. Mourinho is supposed to be a professional football manager, he shouldn't sink to their level.

If he went over to them and got in each and every one of their faces, then I'd say I agree, but going up to them a giving them the "shhh" in a sort of a mocking way isn't not being professional. A lot of players celebrate goals like that don't they?

It's like when an opponent scores against Arsenal, my natural instinct is to be fucking pissed off when they celebrate. I mean the celebration thing just, I dunno, annoys me all the time in a way that makes me think "what right do they have to celebrate? They just scored against my team, stop fucking celebrating you bastards" which makes little/no sense I know, but still it's as thing.

He would've been pissed off with the Liverpool fans when they scored because, like I say, they would've been saying something along the lines of "you're fucking shit!

You won't win a thing!". Now, if he had gone up to them and told them to 'shut up' or something, that'd be unprofessional.

Thing is, Mourinho obviously has a big ego, whichever way you look at it, he clearly does. So if he's just been abused by Liverpool fans for 75 odd minutes and his team just scored, and he hears the Liverpool fans go quiet, or start going "oh we've blown it, etc..." his natural reaction is to say "shhhh, thought you were gonna win?" sorta thing.

Now, I've probably just babbled there...but it is late, and it makes (sorta) sense to me, so...bah.

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