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Wrestler Picture Requests


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anybody got any decent recent Dragon Kid pics on KyKy? I've got the ones from TheWho's photobucket and no offense to him but I can't find the right look/attire hmm.gif Thanks in advance smug.gif

provied a pic of the attire you want and i'll cut (or someone else here will cut it if they get to it before me)

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Hey Fckface666 whenever ya get the time could you give these a try.

John Morrison /w WWE Heavyweight Title

John Morrison /w WWE United States Title

Low Ki /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Bryan Danielson /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Chris Hero /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Lacey /w Divas Title

Thanks for any or all of these, i truly appreciate it.As you do excellent work.

Here's the first three, I will do the other three later tonight. Sorry for the repeat Morrison pics, but there's a surprising lack of recent pictures of him, and I figured you didn't want anything from his Johnny Nitro days.

John Morrison w/ WWE Title


John Morrison w/ United States Title


Low Ki w/ Cruiserweight Title


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Hey Fckface666 whenever ya get the time could you give these a try.

John Morrison /w WWE Heavyweight Title

John Morrison /w WWE United States Title

Low Ki /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Bryan Danielson /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Chris Hero /w WWE Cruiserweight Title

Lacey /w Divas Title

Thanks for any or all of these, i truly appreciate it.As you do excellent work.

Here's the first three, I will do the other three later tonight. Sorry for the repeat Morrison pics, but there's a surprising lack of recent pictures of him, and I figured you didn't want anything from his Johnny Nitro days.

John Morrison w/ WWE Title


John Morrison w/ United States Title


Low Ki w/ Cruiserweight Title


Thnx amazing as always dude. i really hate to ask but i'd like to add 2 more request if its not too much of a bother.

Kofi Kingston /w World Heavyweight Title

The Miz /w WWE Heavyweight

thnx again.

Edited by XxFutureLegend112xX
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Could someone make

CM Punk w/X Division title

Edge w/TNA World

Mercedes Martinez w/Knockouts Tag Title

Serena Deeb w/Knockouts Tag Title

Madison Rayne w/Knockouts Title

Ricky Ortiz w/ TNA World and Global Title

Charly Manson and Seven Thorn with the TNA Tag Titles

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Could someone make

CM Punk w/X Division title

Edge w/TNA World

Mercedes Martinez w/Knockouts Tag Title

Serena Deeb w/Knockouts Tag Title

Madison Rayne w/Knockouts Title

Ricky Ortiz w/ TNA World

Ricky Ortiz w/ Global Title

Charly Manson and Seven Thorn with the TNA Tag Titles

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Could someone make

CM Punk w/X Division title

Edge w/TNA World

Mercedes Martinez w/Knockouts Tag Title

Serena Deeb w/Knockouts Tag Title

Madison Rayne w/Knockouts Title

Ricky Ortiz w/ TNA World

Ricky Ortiz w/ Global Title

Charly Manson and Seven Thorn with the TNA Tag Titles

Seriously, if someone is goin to make them, you might want to wait more than 25 minutes before you start getting impatient.

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does anyone have any of these cut or not

Bugsy McGraw

Carl LeDuc

Chris Garrett

Danny Dominion

Danny Rodd

El Hijo del Canek

Hardcore Kid Kojiro

Hikaru Sato


Johnny Valiant

Kaji Tomato


Keisuke Ishii

Kenta Kakinuma

Kid Fite

King Curtis Iaukea

King Danza

Larry Goodman


Mike Bailey

Munenori Sawa

Pequeno Halloween

Pequeno Ninja

Razor Ramon RG

Rene Goulet

Roberto Indiano

Ryouji Sai

Shito Ueda

Shota Takanishi

Steve Wright

Sugar Dunkerton


Tomimitsu Matsunaga

Tomokazu Taniguchi

Yukihiro Abe

Yuzuru Saito

Here you go mate, sorry about the delay.

Bugsy McGraw x 2, Carl DeLuc, Danny Dominion, Hardcore Kid Kojiro


Hikaru Sato, Hoshitango, Johnny Valiant, KAMIKAZE x 2


Keisuke Ishii, Kenta Kakinuma, Kid Fite, King Curtis Iaukea, Lionheart UK


Munenori Sawa, Pequeno Halloween, Razor Ramon RG, Rene Goulet, Roberto Indiano


Ryouji Sai, Shito Ueda, Shota Takanishi x 2, Sugar Dunkerton


T-Bone, Tomimitsu Matsunaga, Tomokazu Taniguchi, Yukihiro Abe, Yuzuru Saito


Hopefully this helps, and if you want the other Lionheart guy too, here:


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anybody got any decent recent Dragon Kid pics on KyKy? I've got the ones from TheWho's photobucket and no offense to him but I can't find the right look/attire hmm.gif Thanks in advance smug.gif

provied a pic of the attire you want and i'll cut (or someone else here will cut it if they get to it before me)

I'd like the attire he wore when he beat Masato Yoshino at the Dragon Gate USA tapings, but I can't find a picture of it (besides google and the official website, I don't know where to look) hmm.gif

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anybody got any decent recent Dragon Kid pics on KyKy? I've got the ones from TheWho's photobucket and no offense to him but I can't find the right look/attire hmm.gif Thanks in advance smug.gif

provied a pic of the attire you want and i'll cut (or someone else here will cut it if they get to it before me)

I'd like the attire he wore when he beat Masato Yoshino at the Dragon Gate USA tapings, but I can't find a picture of it (besides google and the official website, I don't know where to look) hmm.gif

Isn't this the outfit he wore at Enter the Dragon (from TheWho's account)?


Its the same image on the cover art and I just checked the match and it seems to be the same outfit. This is a slightly wider cut I made.


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It wasn't the one I was looking for, but if no-one can find it, then the wider one will do just fine. Thanks a lot, anyways thumbsup.gif

The reason I'm being slightly picky is because I'm preparing a main event push for him when he returns from rehab, and I like to have my top stars look credible in their pics if you know what I mean. Thanks again smile.gif

Edited by Jig
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Could someone make

CM Punk w/X Division title

Edge w/TNA World

Mercedes Martinez w/Knockouts Tag Title

Serena Deeb w/Knockouts Tag Title

Madison Rayne w/Knockouts Title

Ricky Ortiz w/ TNA World

Ricky Ortiz w/ Global Title

Charly Manson and Seven Thorn with the TNA Tag Titles

Seriously, if someone is goin to make them, you might want to wait more than 25 minutes before you start getting impatient.

I was waiting I just thought I would repost it as it was moved to the other page. Plus I would make for other guys on here I may have joined in 05 and started to post not to long ago but I respect others here I really don't know you all so I am not going to start till I know I don't think lowering my rep gives me a shot to show what I can do here.

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