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Whedon Fans Can Dry Their Tears


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Whedon is Wonder-ful! Mar. 17, 2005


  Source: Variety  by: Mike Sampson


  Comic book fans who were disappointed that Joss Whedon didn't get the gig writing and directing X-MEN 3 can take solace in the fact that the man's next project will be a big comic adaptation. As it was rumored, Warner Bros. officially announced that Whedon, the "Buffy" creator no stranger to developing heroic women, will write and direct WONDER WOMAN. With Whedon now officially attached it may end one of the longest "development hell" comic movies around. Joel Silver has been trying to get the comic adaptation off the ground for years and years and almost came close in 2001 with Sandra Bullock starring. Numerous interations of the script were commissioned but all will be scrapped as Whedon works off his own ideas. No start date has been set but Whedon would likely begin production once he completes post-production work on SERENITY based on the short-lived Fox series "Firefly." In my mind WONDER was one of the hardest comics to adapt (hence the eons of development) but if there's anyone out there who could do it, Whedon is the guy. Now that Warner Bros. has finally gotten SUPERMAN off the ground with a quality director attached let's hope WONDER WOMAN has the same luck.

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I agree with Triplexpac, but nonetheless I *actually* have some interest in seeing it.

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I demand more Buffyverse. It was the best thing to come off TV in the last 20 years.


He's doing the X-Men comic, which is good enough for me for now. Never had any interest in Wonder Woman, but I'll probably see it simply coz it's Whedon.

Anyway, Serenity comes out this year which will be awesome, so there's my 'Whedon on film' goodness.

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Guest Ringmaster

I was gonna put the "best thing on TV", but I remembered my eternal allegiance to the Sopranos.

On a side note, I saw Serenity, and GOOD GOD. In my eyes, it's already one of, if not the best movie of the year. The fight scene was probably one of the best I've seen. And the swerves. Those fucking swerves. And Mal is gold in there, he's kinda evilish which makes him even better.

Fuck Star Wars, fuck LOTR, Fuck X-Men. Serenity is the way to go.

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I was gonna put the "best thing on TV", but I remembered my eternal allegiance to the Sopranos.

On a side note, I saw Serenity, and GOOD GOD. In my eyes, it's already one of, if not the best movie of the year. The fight scene was probably one of the best I've seen. And the swerves. Those fucking swerves. And Mal is gold in there, he's kinda evilish which makes him even better.

Fuck Star Wars, fuck LOTR, Fuck X-Men. Serenity is the way to go.

The fact that Firefly, while only having about 15 episodes, is one of my favourite TV shows of all time...well that just says to me that this film is going to be fantastic.

I wanna know when Serenity is set to be released. I've heard March, May, June, September, November, when is it?

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September 30th. Mark your calendar.

I swear, Mal puts Han Solo to shame in that movie.

I just marked it. But WHY must I wait so long? Ah well, I'll just watch my Firefly DVD again...and again, and again, and again. I need me some Jewel Staite. Mmm...she hot.

I've gotta say that I agree with you on the Mal > Han Solo comment. I've not seen the film, but from the TV series I definetly agree. Nathan Fillian is class.

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Guest Ringmaster

You have to wait because Fox ordered the movie's effects to be better. The movie I saw wasn't fully done in that you could see people flying around because of strings and stuff like that. It also wants the movie out of the blockbuster season so it doesn't have to compete with bigger franchises. September is a better date because it's usually quiet and allows for more viewers. Which is a good thing, because it could make the two sequels a reality.

But Mal in this film is different from the TV show. I'm not saying anything, but he's a lot darker.

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According to Alan Tudyk, there's a 3-picture contract with Universal anyway, so I'll be happy if that's true.

On the subject of Wash, the funniest moments in any TV series is in the episode the Message where Tracey comes onto the bridge and Wash turns round and let's out the funniest sound of terror I've ever heard. He's all "Mal, why is your dead friend's not dead?". I can't remember what he says, but the scream thing is hilarious.

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Awesome news on Serenity, please stop hyping the movie up movie more, your just making September seem longer then it already is :P Its definently an amazing year for Sci-Fi fans, we get a 1-2-3 knockout punch, with Hitchhiker coming out in April, Star Wars Episode III, and Serenity. wow :crying:

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I was gonna put the "best thing on TV", but I remembered my eternal allegiance to the Sopranos.

On a side note, I saw Serenity, and GOOD GOD. In my eyes, it's already one of, if not the best movie of the year. The fight scene was probably one of the best I've seen. And the swerves. Those fucking swerves. And Mal is gold in there, he's kinda evilish which makes him even better.

Fuck Star Wars, fuck LOTR, Fuck X-Men. Serenity is the way to go.


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