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Brothers in Arms


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My mate got it and said it is one of the best games he has played. And said that the online feature is absoultley brilliant. I really want to play it, it does look and sound fucking awesome.

He also said that it feels like you are playing Band Of Brothers, if you have ever seen that then the game might feel that little bit better.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

My brother rented the PS2 version, I didn't play it for long, but it was terribly slow and annoyed the shit outta me, I should of played it longer, but I really didn't want to.

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Playing the XBOX version wowed me. It was amazing. Playing against my friend was awesome fun, because controlling your squad made the game more then a first person shooter. I set up some awesome ambushes, and got ambushed as well.

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Guest Grapehead

I never got into it, it's definatly not even close to the style of FPS me and my friend enjoy either. The action wasn't as non-stop as it can be with other games. I'll give it that it's good looking, and quite realistic in most aspects, but I just didn't get a good feeling towards it, and quickly put the controller down.(played the Xbox version, just for the record)

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I played this game yesterday, and it s fucking amazing. I love it, the ambushes are awesome, I played online with someone and we got ambushed but it still rules a lot.

This has to be one of my favourite games ever. I need to get myself an Xbox.

And it really does feel and look like Band of Brothers. On one mission you even have to take Carentan.

Edited by Gooner4Life
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I'm liking this so far. I don't think its going to have the replay value of say Counterstrike, A shooter I love, and play to death, and when (read if) I complete it, I may not go on it much, but it does make me want to complete it, which is good.

I suck at thinking games though, I usually prefer the run in shooting randomly thing, so its taking me a few too many attempts to pass things, but the trial and error is part of the appeal. My only problem so far is, I always get my ass handed to me (have been just getting through missions so far), and even with a cross-hair on, the aiming is too erratic. I swear you can stand at point blank range and it takes 3/4 shots for an ememy to die......

I'm enjoying it though, and will play it, but I restate my replay value point.

How far are you guys? I'm doing it bit by bit, so Im at the Fourcarsville (sp) mission early on. I got to the last objective (the church part owns), before dying, and deciding to restart the level to try and get more health, but not the damn road blocks on the first friggin steet take me into red for health. I can't remember what I did that worked well the first time :(

Edited by timmayy
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I played this again today in a system link game, it is fucking awesome. Being the Germans is quite good, if you are the fire team, because they have this brilliant machine gun.

Only annoying thing about that is when your ally takes the orders it comes up in the middle of the screen and you can't see anything, and it gets really fucking annoying.

It is defniatley in my top 5 games of all time.

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I did the foucarsville mission, its quite good, but the first part is by far the toughest bit of the mission.

The next one confuses me slightly, there was something about destroying some poles so Germans can land, but I havent had chance to really look around yet. I seem quite susceptible to death on that mission........

Edited by timmayy
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WOW! AN AWFUL BOX! What the hell do game play and level design count for if the box is awful????

I don't know why I didn't bother to take into account the packaging before buying a game sooner! Well, thats that then, who cares for the actual way the game plays if the packaging is bad? Shit box = shit game. Simple!

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Picked this up on Thursday, had a chance to play it a bit yesterday before I went out for the night.

Short thoughts: Not impressed. The squad control is this game's only real selling feature, as everything else has been done in Medal of Honor/Call of Duty, and some of it better. The lack of destructible terrain and un-enterable buildings really further killed the appeal for me. I figured this would be the be-all, end-all of WWII FPSes, but really, there's a long way to go. It seems that they spent way too much time on historical research and the like, and not enough on actual in-game details.

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WOW! AN AWFUL BOX! What the hell do game play and level design count for if the box is awful????

I don't know why I didn't bother to take into account the packaging before buying a game sooner! Well, thats that then, who cares for the actual way the game plays if the packaging is bad? Shit box = shit game. Simple!

1) I had never even heard of the game before, and yes, on the back of the package it looked horrible. If I am going to buy a game, I have to like how it's looking on the BACK first, that's why it's there.

2) The packaging says a lot about the game, how much work has gone into it, and it sets the tone of the game. Excuse me if I didn't like it, but, I didn't like it... that's it, plain and simple. I am having more fun playing Metal Gear Solid 3 then I ever would've playing a game in that genre.

3) Quit acting like it spilled out of your womb.

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Once again, YOU don't like it, find you don't have to like it, it doesn't draw you towards it, you wouldn't pay any attention to it. You canceled out your own argument by saying that. And as I said, over here in Canada, that's the cover, not the same as in YOUR country.

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