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Lisa and Jen leave Kittie


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Alright, I know that what has happened with Lisa comes as a shock to all of you. It was a shock to all of us too. Things haven't been said in a press release up until this point with good reason however. Not only has Lisa decided to leave the band, but Jennifer has decided to leave too. I figured we should get this all out into the open while we still can.

We discussed Jennifer's departure with her, and with a heavy heart, she said she can no longer continue with Kittie, so she will be continuing on with Suicide City full time.

There was no press release for Lisa when she decided to leave because we had decided with Jen that we should wait until April 1st to let this all out of the bag, both from her end and ours. This is an amicable departure!

Now the reasons...I feel that there are only a few real factors that came into play regarding this happening with both Lisa and Jennifer...

For the past few years, Artemis records has denied us critical things like tour support, movie soundtracks, advertisement placement and other critical things that help a band to keep making money and pay the people that needed to be payed, like Jen and Lisa. Within the last 6 months, thing became so financially bad that we were no longer able to keep the girls on retainer, that is give them a salary while we are not touring. Not only were we not able to pay them, but we came home from the last tour not knowing what was next for the band.

It is a sad fact, but ALL of this is happening because our label is destroying us, and these girls jumped from the sinking ship while they still could. Unfortunetly for Mercedes and I, we have to continue on if Artemis renews our option, whether our hearts are in it or not...

Jen has been with us for 3 years, and she has seen the hardship, and experienced the pain and sadness in knowing that as long as we are with the label, we will never be where we know Kittie can be. She is a smart girl, and a hungry person, and she knows the trouble with the label first hand...

We don't blame the girls for leaving. Financially and emotionally, our troulble with the label has done nothing but break our spirits. How can we insure a future for them when we DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT OURS WILL BE? As long as we are with Artemis, I can't guarentee anything...

We love all of the girls, and wish them the best of luck...Its just so sad

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Kattie haven't released anything remotely good since "Oracle". It's a shame that band members keep dropping like flies, man. Kittie really impressed me on "Oracle", but then I listened to some songs off of "Until The End" and I was really disappointed.

I don't know how much longer Kittie can survive since they're turning into the metal version of Destiny's Child, minus the whole kicking them out thing. <_<

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I've listened to some of Oracle and I agree it was great , I own Spit and Until the end(Can't find oracle around here)

it's sad though that because of the label they don't have enough to keep paying the other members. I wish Artemis would drop them and let them find a new better label that will support them.

Rumors are circulating that Tara . B (lead Singer My Ruin) might fill in for a replacement until they can find some new members . Some people are saying talena might re-join(I hope not couldn't stand her)

Rashrock interview with Morgan lander

in the interview she states how they can't afford to tour abroad again because of the lable.

I don't care how many members they go through they'll never be an equivalent to Destinys Child :puke:

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:) yeah like I said Artemis hardly advertises them . I remeber when "until The End " was released I saw one commercial like at 4:30 in the morning on Fuse and that was it , most of their advertising is done by the fans (on the internet and etc) or by themselves
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I think it's funny that they basically threw two people out of their band (not even including the guitarist pre-Fallon), and now they can't even keep anybody. They're like Canada's Knowles Family.

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You have a point jar jar but imo they still do great music , granted I'm not too knowledgeable in all women metal bands, but back then they were yound but still thats no excuse . I hope they get things straightened out and start on the next album

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Drain STH was pretty good alogn with My Ruin .. Hopefully now with Artemis out of the way , Morgan and mercedes cna get 2 more members and heres hoping they have success with their clothing line

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I dunno what it is, but I can't really dig girl vocalists in rock/metal bands. It does nothing for me. The only female fronted bands I really like are Arch Enemy and Lacuna Coil, and Angela Gassow (sp?) sounds more like a man anyways, and Scabbia isn't a standard rock vocalist, really.

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