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Members of a band who...

Guest George

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Okay. In defense of Ringo Starr, his post-Beatles career tears Paul McCartney's to shreds, despite a fifteen year period of worthlessness from the late seventies to the early nineties.

Seriously. Ringo's last album alone has more good songs than everything I've heard out of Paul McCartney from the Beatles' demise on.

As further evidence, please note that John, George, and Ringo all had great, memorable albums after the Beatles split (Plastic Ono Band (or Imagine, really... or Double Fantasy and Mind Games to lesser extents), All Things Must Pass, and Ringo respectively). Paul, meanwhile, formed Wings.

For a defense regarding Ringo on drums, here's a site that presents it fairly well.

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George, I demand you take back Mudvayne's guitarist - although everyone else is amazing, he's like the Tool guitarist in the sense that he's more about the strange timings, effects and overall sound than overly complex guitar lines. Although some of that stuff is fairly challenging to play.

Having said that, Ryan and Spag from Mudvayne are two of the best musicians I've ever heard.

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Considering there is a lot more to a band then just picking up an instrument, the fact that Cobain did a lot more of the song writing, lyrics and stuff such as that, which you also have to take into consideration.

So I'll stick with Novaselic not being as good/important as the others, since writing the music in the first place is probably a more important skill than who is better on the guitar.

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GoGo, why the Wings hate? I know they're basically universally hated, I just don't see why? They aren't as good as the Beatles (or arguably any of their solo stuff) but I hardly think they're terrible.

Wings always bored the hell out of me. Basically, there are four Paul McCartney/Wings songs I like...

- Live and Let Die

- Another Day

- Uncle Albert

- Silly Love Songs (And I'm not particularly sure WHY I like this one, I just do.)

And that "Someone's Knocking at the Door" song is all right, too.

Part of the problem is that, well, Paul McCartney just sort of got uninspired for the most part. John, George, and Ringo all found their niches (even if for Ringo that's just being self-referential and saying "Peace and love" a lot), whilst Paul just started making music that sounded like his solo Beatles work except watered-down.

But that's just my opinion of Paul's work. Since he's had the most successful solo career I suppose there is something to be said for his work (of course, if John Lennon had lived perhaps that wouldn't be the case).

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I hate to say it, as he's probably of second-most importance to the band, but Fieldy is the weak link in KoRn. While he dosen't detract from the music (in my opinion), its been stated that he's unable to handle some of the more complicated basslines, which have to be laid down by Johnathan Davis.

Plus, his rap album sucked.

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I know most of you think the rest of the band suck anyway, but Nickelback's drummer is TERRIBLE, even in comparison to the rest of them.

Even in comparison, it isn't that bad. Nickelback's guitar are god-awful, and it isn't in a way of "Oh they are Nickelback, they don't have solos, therefore their guitars suck" no.... they are worse than Tom Hoppus (Who allegedly just found a guitar and that's how the group started) where he has SOME energy, Nickelback's guitar are... ugh...

One of the worst guitar works EVER.... and to think I liked them 3 years ago.

Wait. Do you mean Tom DeLonge or Mark Hoppus there? Or is there a Tom Hoppus I don't know about?

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Guest George

I know most of you think the rest of the band suck anyway, but Nickelback's drummer is TERRIBLE, even in comparison to the rest of them.

Even in comparison, it isn't that bad. Nickelback's guitar are god-awful, and it isn't in a way of "Oh they are Nickelback, they don't have solos, therefore their guitars suck" no.... they are worse than Tom Hoppus (Who allegedly just found a guitar and that's how the group started) where he has SOME energy, Nickelback's guitar are... ugh...

One of the worst guitar works EVER.... and to think I liked them 3 years ago.

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Mark Hoppus was given a guitar on his 15th birthday. And 15 years of experience playing an instrument can make you pretty damn good, go pick up an older blink 182 album, and listen to their newer shit, compare it.

Edited by Dan
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In terms of members of two-person bands, Meg White isn't nearly as good as her brother/relative/ex-husband Jack. Though, Jack White isn't the most talented musician out there, he is a solid songwriter, and he does have a much more brooding presence than Meg does. Meg just seems to be standing there rather than drumming.

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I can still play better than that :P.

The difference is, noone cares about you. Nickelback and Blink have fans, you don't. And I don't see your work splashed accross the net..

But didn't you know that music has to be technically mind-blowing to be any good these days?





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The title of this thread is "Members of a band who aren't as good as co-members" and you weren't expecting people to be bagging out someone's technical skills?

Blink 182 are catchy but to make an argument that aside from Travis they are good musicians technically (which is what Dan was doing) is rediculous.

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Guest Bluesman

In terms of members of two-person bands, Meg White isn't nearly as good as her brother/relative/ex-husband Jack. Though, Jack White isn't the most talented musician out there, he is a solid songwriter, and he does have a much more brooding presence than Meg does. Meg just seems to be standing there rather than drumming.
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