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Gothic is now downloadable.


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That's right, I logged into HOTU today, and low and behold there was Gothic is all its glory. Too bad I am just getting it down now since it's 116MB and The Underdogs server will only let me go at around 7.55 kb\s although I do have highspeed. Meh. It's supported by torrents as well.

Check it out if you get the chance, awesome game.

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HOLY SHIT! They have Incredible Machine 3! During I was addicted to that game in elementary school! Of course it was the only game on the school PC that you could play without a disk, but it fucking rocked! Oh man, nostalgia time! Holy shit, I can't believe it! I haven't played this game for like 7 or 8 years...

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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HOLY SHIT! They have Incredible Machine 3! During I was addicted to that game in elementary school! Of course it was the only game on the school PC that you could play without a disk, but it fucking rocked! Oh man, nostalgia time! Holy shit, I can't believe it! I haven't played this game for like 7 or 8 years...

Damn, I got addicted to that as well. TIM rocked :D

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I just downloaded this game, and it's good. I struggled with the controls at first, but soon, it came naturally. Intriguing plot, although I haven't got too far.

One problem though, when I reached the Old Camp, the game keeps crashing at random times for no apparent reason.

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It works fine for me, it messed up once.. but meh. I think it's actually where the inspiration for Fable comes from, come on, it's very open and you can at least attempt to do anything. There's a Gothic II and III either out or coming out I believe, and I am seriously going to look into it. For those that are having problems, here's the basic scheme:

Default position (without hitting space, character standing straight):

Ctrl+UP: Picks things up that are highlighted, talks to people etc.

TAB: Brings up inventory.

Ctrl+UP: Eat things, equips things, puts things into the buy\sell section of a store purchase.

After hitting space (which puts you into combat stance, pulling out weapons and making you hostile):

Ctrl+UP/LEFT/RIGHT: Attack in that direction

Ctrl+DOWN: Block

That should get you going with the controls that were fucked up for me. Also, be careful about being rude to guards, messing with their stuff and finally going into places that aren't yours. Many times have I entered a hut thinking it's empty and had an angry person pull a weapon on me.

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That should get you going with the controls that were fucked up for me. Also, be careful about being rude to guards, messing with their stuff and finally going into places that aren't yours. Many times have I entered a hut thinking it's empty and had an angry person pull a weapon on me.

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