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Big Brother 6 (UK)


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Orlaith (yep, that's how you spell it) is mega-hot, as Kraigy said, the fittest of the year by far.

I like Eugene cos he's a lot like me, tee-total, kinda boring, kinda half good-looking/half-ugly but can be funny.

And Kinga is just.... ew. I seriously thought they said her name was Kingdra, and I thought she was a Pokémaniac :shifty:.

Edited by Chris2K
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Orlaith (yep, that's how you spell it) is mega-hot, as Kraigy said, the fittest of the year by far.

I like Eugene cos he's a lot like me, tee-total, kinda boring, kinda half good-looking/half-ugly but can be funny.

And Kinga is just.... ew. I seriously thought they said her name was Kingdra, and I thought she was a Pokémaniac  :shifty:.

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Well, not much. The new three are exremes and are confined to the 'Secret Garden' which links to the house via the diary room


Orlaith is an amazingly hot Irish blonde. Nuff said.

Kinga (Minga) is an overweight Kuwaiti/Pole/English ladette who can't stop talking about fannies, sex, tits etc.

Eugene's the biggest loser of all time, and is ultimately boring. He wouldn't even bend over for Kinga to shove a fire extinguisher up his ass (no joke, and no joke).

Craig, Saskia, Anthony and Maxwell are a group. Makosi, Kemal, Vanessa and Derek (sort of) make up another group. And Makosi is now helping the secret garden folk (the three new people) get suplies and organize times for them to sneak out and use the shower without the rest of the housemates finding out. It's the best task ever in my opinion.

Oh yeah, Vanessa isn't allowed to eat from the luxury fridge since she did something wrong again, but you probabaly knew that.

Can someone fill me in on what Max did to Science's meatballs or something (my sister rambled about BB when she's in and I don't really catch everything)?

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WHY is Makosi helping the new three? WHY aren't they allowed to enter the house? WHY is this blonde not as hot as you made her out to be? Sure, she's hot, but she didn't look -that- hot when talking to Makosi earlier.

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Guest Red Devil

The story with Sceience's meatballs was that Max took of some of his scab on his foot and sprinkled it onto the food while he wasn't looking and he ended up eating it. Only Saskia and Craig know, not sure bout Anthony.

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Hell, I'd have pushed the button too. There's nothing else to do for her except make Kemal look even more stupid than he currently does.

I quite liked the fact she's helping them. Hopefully people will find her out, thus she'll be up for eviction, or people will think she's being a greedy bitch or visiting 'Big Brother' too much and get nominated for being annoying.

I can see Derek or Science going next week. Neither really fit in, Derek's done nothing (I think he probably fancied Roberto) and Science was owning Anthony pussy-wording with Craig earlier, and Team Saskia don't like him in general. Makosi like him, and by default so does Kemal, so he's not entirely alone. And the public suck, they just vote for the people that act most like them, no matter what they do. And that means Science will go.

Gays outnumber hip hop stars in the UK sadly.

I still can't get over how ugly this house is. It's like someone tried to be all abstract, failed, and just ended up with a pile of flourescant building blocks and paint. Oh, and mirrors, obviously.

And yeah, Maxwell really is a dirty bastard.

I also find it funny that /forum/index.php?showuser=618">this guy is reading the thread. Just checking up on the public opinion, eh? ;)

Edited by The Kraig
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Just been watching the live coverage, and Kemal's been questioning the whereabouts of his wipes that Orlaith took on Friday. BWAHAHAHA.

And Orlaith was lying in bed just "wearing" her duvet. Yum.

Kraigy's right actually, Kinga does look a lot better without make up.

By 7am tomorrow Madozy has somehow got to get all three of the Secret Gardeners from the diary room to the showers and back without the other housemates noticing. Looks like this task is failed then.

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Orlaith > Sam. Fittest woman this year, if not ever to be on BB. The Irish accent just completes it.

I haven't really watched it muh recently. I caught a bit last night with the new people on. I agree with whoever said the bloke's like Alan Partridge. And the other woman is sort of annoying, however she'll be fairly contreversial so I'd prefer her to go in other than Alan Partridge, only if she leaves her tits alone.

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It's about damn time they brought a catholic in, albeit a hot one. They've had just about everything else... ¬_¬

She's a catholic? I thought she was from Northern Ireland? AKA, the bit of Ireland that has protestants and needed Britain to step in and say 'calm the fuck down'.

Just wondering (off-topic), but how are things over there right now? I think Scottish news had pretty much gave up on coverage of it because no one really cares that much anymore. I assume nobody really cares much over there either, and that it's only the leaders of both sides that refuse to kiss and make up.

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