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*SPOILERS* Batman Begins

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The Third Actor is


Lachy Hulme

As for the Article,

Skywalker As The Joker? It's No Joke

Original Star Wars star Mark Hamill has joined the shortlist of favorites to play The Joker in the Batman Begins sequel. The actor, who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, has become a fan favorite to play Batman's colorful foe. He joins Crispin Glover and Aussie actor Lachy Hulme on the three-strong internet shortlist. Hamill became an obvious choice for some Batman fans after voicing The Joker for the Batman cartoon series. A spokesman for top Batman website Darkhorizons.Com points out, "The net basically picked Christian Bale to play Batman, so who knows." Batman Begins opens across America and Europe this week.

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Guest Rygar Frost

The weird thing is that I can actually imagine Hamill in The Joker facepaint and suit, and he doesn't look that bad.  But I associate him too much with Star Wars and Luke Skywalker.  Isn't it called Type cast, or something?

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I think Bale didnt do as well as he could of as Batman


When he has that fat guy upside down from the rooftop thingy letting him go and holding him ect...to get info from him the angry side of Bale wasn't to good.

Next time you wanna warn us about spoilers, you could atleast add a few more lines after it.

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Jack Nicholson as Joker is overrated. Not his fault I suppose, more of the screenwriter's. He took what they gave him and ran with it but that Joker wasn't as good as he could be. Thats why I'm excited for Joker in the next one as its darker and they have a better chance to display Joker as the twisted homocidal maniac he really is. Jack didn't look the part, Crispin Glover does. Don't know about Lachy and Hamill is too short.

For anyone who disagree's with me about Nicholson, go read The Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum and the even more recent The Man Who Laughs and then watch Batman again.

I could see Joker killing Rachel Dawes and then going on trail for it, with Harvey Dent, the new D.A. as the prosecutor and during the trial have him be hit with acid and turned into Two-Face for the third movie.

Edited by Maxx
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Am I the only one who see's Eddie Izzard as The Joker?

EDIT: Scratch that....I'm watching Matchstick Men at the moment and Sam Rockwell would make a great Joker.

Edited by Pepsi
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I've just come back from the movie, and it was freaking awsome! best movie I've seen this year no doubts! Everything about it just .....wow......that's all I can say without going too far. I can't wait for the next one!

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I watched the feature last night and let me say, good but not best movie of the year. There was just too much stuff holding it back like say the first 25 minutes. (More or that in my review.) Bale was a good Batman, though, and I hope they keep him in that role. Moreover, I hope that this is the start of a great franchise.

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I saw last night and was blown away. Not only is this a great Batman movie, it is a great film period. I would stand this up artistically against any movie that has come out in the past 5 years.

Even Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle?!


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Here's the article that I read with the sequel info on them, so yeah, THAR B SPOILARHZ~!

Empire Online dropped the goods on the new villains for the upcoming sequels to what is destined to be one of the highest grossing films this summer (next to Sith), Batman Begins. Writer David Goyer confirmed that the sequel will have the Joker as Batman’s nemesis with the addition of Two-Face and the Joker once again in the third part. As for who may be starring in these subsequent roles? Rumor has it that Australian actor Lachy Hulme may play our maniacal villain with Guy Pearce as Dent. Read below for Goyer’s own words on the future of Bat’s.

Empire reports,

Now here’s confidence for you. Batman Begins is still a month or so away from opening, but Warner Bros – the studio behind Chris Nolan’s revamping of the Dark Knight – has already put plans into place for franchise-building sequels… and those plans include the ultimate Bat-nemesis, The Joker.

“The next one would have Batman enlisting the aid of Gordon and Dent in bringing down the Joker... but not killing him, which is a mistake they made in the first one," Batwriter David Goyer tells the latest issue of US movie magazine Premiere. "In the third, the Joker would go on trial, scarring Dent in the process."

Intriguing. Gordon, in case you were wondering, is Lt. Jim Gordon (soon to become Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department), played in Batman Begins by Gary Oldman. ‘Dent’ is Harvey Dent, Gotham’s DA, close friend of Batman’s alter-ego, Bruce Wayne, and the man destined to become the scarred and schizoid maniac, Two-Face. That role has not yet been cast.

But the plotting for an expected trilogy (will Batman Begins do anything less than $500 million worldwide, at least?) sounds like Goyer, Nolan, star Christian Bale and WB are keen to avoid the mistakes made on the recent series of Batman movies, by consciously establishing an ongoing mythology and a rogue’s gallery, without killing the villains off.

And if you’ve been in Arkham Asylum for the past two years, and you’re not entirely sure how the Joker can be running around Gotham when he fell to his death at the end of Tim Burton’s Batman in 1989, well Batman Begins is a prequel, showing us the roots of the Caped Crusader.

More than that, though, it’s a total retread of the Bat-series, which means that we’re about to get a brand new Joker. With Jack Nicholson too old (and increasingly round) to reprise the role, there’s sure to be a casting frenzy over one of the most iconic villains in comic book and movie history. May we be so bold as to suggest… Sam Rockwell?

While you’re chewing on that, you might want to check out the new issue of Premiere, for more Batman Begins news. While you’re at the newsagent, you could also pick up the current issue of Empire – you know, the one with the breathing Darth Vader cover. Actually, on second thoughts, why not buy the Star Wars issue of Empire, ignore Premiere and then come back in a couple of weeks’ time for our next issue? We can’t say too much right now, but it’s going to be Bat-tastic…

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