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Saddest TV Moment

Guest Wrestling_Man

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The season 4 finale of Degrassi:TNG. *Spoiler for American viewers* Where Craig and Ashly break up and Joey and Caitlin break up. Ashly goes to London and Craig wants to go with her but Ashly just wants to get away from Craig. Caitlin is offerd a job in LA and she takes it after her and Joey break up because all they do is fight. The ending of that episode is pretty sad.

Boy Meets World has alot of sad moments. Got my eyes watered up many many times during that show.

Edited by illmatic
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Though they have already been mentioned....

The "Wonder Years" finale when Winnie is crying, and the part where he mentions losing his dad.

The "Quantum Leap" finale when we find out Sam doesn't get to go home.

and to add something new....

The finale of Dinosaurs. When the ice age begins to descend and they all realize there gonna die...that one fucked me up.

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Just remembered one . The Episode of Monk when he adopts the little boy for a week and in the end he watches as he he is placed with another family. gets me everytime

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Not proper bawled my eyes out but wept in, the last ever friends when ross is sayin did she get off the plane and then you hear rachel say I got off the plane. And at the end when they all put there door keys on the table and then walk off to get some coffee.

Also at the end of of the office christmas special when tim and dawn finally get together, brilliant end to a brilliant show.

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In addition to the first NewsRadio episode after Phil Hartman died, I'd put the David Strickland tribute episode of Suddenly Susan. Granted, Strickland wasn't Hartman and Susan wasn't NewsRadio, but it was just as emotional for me back then.

Another emotional moment for me was the season finale of Desperate Housewives, when Bree finally breaks down. I know EWB isn't exactly full of DH fans, but that one was truly heart-wrenching.

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Someone just mentioned the Office Christmas special. That brought it back to me. I cried like a three-year old whenever Dawn was on her way to the airport and opened the present from Tim. Really sentimental moment.

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Okay, I only skimmed through this, so excuse me if someone has already mentioned these:

The last episode of the next to last season of Roseanne, and the very end of the series finale. Imho, its possibly the worst series finale ever due to the fact it wipes out that entire season, but still sad at the same time.

The last episode of Frasier.

As for ER, I can think of a few other than Mark's dying days (which is one of my top 5 saddest moments). In particular, the episode guest-starring Ray Liotta as a dying drunk who has to come to grips with the fact that he's dying and whose son won't have anything to do with him.

The episode of M*A*S*H where Radar announces that Colonel Blake died in a plane crash (or was it a helicopter crash?).

As for tv movies (if they count): Brian's Song - the original with Billy Dee Williams and James Caan, not the remake that was done recently. If you're a guy and that movie doesn't make you cry, you ain't human.

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Guest Wrestling_Man

I thought of another one. The episode of Cheers where it's Shelly Long's last episode, and her and Ted Danson dance as the show ends, just heartbreaking.

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Guest Crimson Nightmare

*Marked for spoliers as I don't know if The OC season finale has aired in other countries yet, courtesy never hurt anyone*

Okay, initially I didin't even like this show, but my parents turned it on to me after they finally convinced me that there was a character ALOT like me on the show (Seth), I never believed it, but when I finally checked it out, they were right. I watched over time and grew attached to the family, noticing they were alot like my own in some respects, (it's a stretch..but you know what I mean), anyhow, the whole Ryan/Marissa/Trey thing, it always really bothered me, because Trey was such a tweener character, he got himself into trouble, but at the same time was a stand up guy for some of the things he did to help out others, well, yeah, when Trey and Ryan had the big confrontation and fight, for some reason, it scared the hell out of me, and when Seth and Marissa and Summer arrived, and Trey was choking Ryan, and Marissa went for the gun and shot Trey, I don't know why..but I started trembling, tears welled up, and wept harder than I had in a long times. As I said..I don't know why it got to me like that, but it messed me up. I believe it was the first time I had shown anything like that infront of my parents in years. Also, the mother going to rehab for alcoholism, yeah..that got me too a little, but not as badly as the ending.

I dunno.

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The finales of Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

And the episode Seven The Hard Way of Boy Meets World when Eric says "Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself."

Can anyone tell me what happened ? , i watched this on and off for a while on Disney Channel because it was on after Smart Guy .

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Also, there was an episode of ER with Ray Liotta in it that actually got me full-on to tears. I can't remember the details, but Liotta is an ex-con drifter who comes into the hospital...he's in really bad shape, and when given the option of going on dialasys for the rest of his life, or dying, he decides to refuse treatment. At one point, they contact his only relative, his son, and put him on speaker phone in the OR so that Liotta can talk to him, and while everyone is standing around, the son basically tells his dying father that he has nothing to say to him, and hangs up. That was avsolutely brutal, and one of the saddest things I have EVER seen.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Wrestling_Man

OK, I just thought of two more scenes that are sort of hard for me.

The episode of Family Guy when Brian goes to see his mother for the first time in 7 years but then finds out she's dead, and then after he sees her stuffed he takes her and burys her, that's tough because I hope I never have to bury any of my family members, especially if it's my parents.

The other one was on Hulk Hogan's Rock N' Wrestling when Junkyard Dog meets a robot and he names him Bucket and they try to keep him away from the FBI. The hardest part for me is when Bucket is about to leave and he tells them how much he will miss them and JYD feels the same way.

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