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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I did a tag team cage match for the first time yesterday - I could have sworn it said it was "first person out wins" on the menu, but it's both people isn't it :( I know it's realistic, but it's a bitch when your partner leaves and you're then stuck 2-on-1, as it's virtually guaranteed that you're going to get killed until one of the opponents decides to leave too.

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Horrid. Time after time again in the Mania 21 challenge, Michaels has been DQed. It's pretty shit with how every single heel tries to get DQed in every match, bullshit to that :angry:

Edit: I take that back, finally. After SEVEN tries, I've finally actually done the thing. I was pretty damn annoyed, but that is awful with how they simply tried to get DQed in every single match, and usually do so.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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well that was cool . I'm playing against rvd in tlc match . I whip him into the barricade and climb up to the apron and hit sheltons clothesline(top rope move) I connect but something cooler happened I wen tinto the crowd and now I'm walking all around the crowd. trying to find a way to rvd in with me but if I get close to the barrier I come out.

I'm also glad you can still stack tables . not as easy as previous versions but its possibble for those that don't know I've made a little diagram in paint.

first set the table up as shown

then get another table and stand int he appropiate area and get in teh ring. the table should slide in and over on top of the other table thats set up. now all you ahve to do is get on that table and set the other one on top of it.

might take a few tries but its doable


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I hate that there are millions of Hardy Boys CAWS, countless Brock Lesnars and a box load of Ultimate Warriors. But no fucking Dean Malenko. There's one Perry Saturn, but I don't like it. It's good.. but the face is off.

I neeeeeed to reform the Radicals.

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Argh, I was playing as Bret Hart against Christian and we were having a really good match. We were at about 15 minutes and I had kicked out of the Unprettier twice, Christian had reversed my attempted piledriver and survived a sharpshooter - then Christian goes out as I'm preparing to try and finish him off gets a chair and blasts me over the head. Ruined a perfectly good match..... :angry:

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A quick question I need asking.

I don't want to try it and get DQed. When you have a Singles w/manager match and the manager is on your team, when you press down and your manager gets onto the apron, does it totally distract the referee? I've done it and I know he goes over to her, but if I was to use a chair in the time he's talking to her, would I get DQed? Or is it realistic where the referee doesn't actually see it?

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A quick question I need asking.

I don't want to try it and get DQed. When you have a Singles w/manager match and the manager is on your team, when you press down and your manager gets onto the apron, does it totally distract the referee? I've done it and I know he goes over to her, but if I was to use a chair in the time he's talking to her, would I get DQed? Or is it realistic where the referee doesn't actually see it?

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A quick question I need asking.

I don't want to try it and get DQed. When you have a Singles w/manager match and the manager is on your team, when you press down and your manager gets onto the apron, does it totally distract the referee? I've done it and I know he goes over to her, but if I was to use a chair in the time he's talking to her, would I get DQed? Or is it realistic where the referee doesn't actually see it?

When you press down your manager gets a weapon :P

Press up to have them distract the referee.

I don't know whether you'd get DQ'd or not. In those matches I just throw my opponent to the outside and let my manager beat him up, occasionally helping when I'm not taunting. Then if you get in any trouble, just have your manager climb up and distract the referee when you're in a pinning predicament.

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Bah, sometimes this can be the most frustrating game ever. :angry: As RVD vs Orlando I beat him senseless, hit seven frog splashes onto him while his body was well into red, and he kicked out before the two count each time. He then hits a stomp to the leg, a regular stomp to the body...and gets the three, despite the fact I was only in orange. 28 minutes for that finish. :thumbsdown:

I wonder if they really have coded it so that the computer can "cheat" and has an easier time pinning you than you do of pinning it? It seems to happen too often to be a coincidence...

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I know the amateur and rising star challenges could be done with two players, but....can the Superstar ones too? I have managed to do some of them on my own, but I cant freakin' put Kane on the casket or beat Edge thanks to Lita, so I was wondering if I could do those in two player.

Also, I found a very great looking Matt Hardy and Abyss CAW so if anyone wants it let me know.

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So I managed to do all the superstar challenges minus two: The ECW Battle Royale and the Elimination Chamber. I havent tried the EC yet, but that Battle Royale is driving me nuts. I always end up at the end with Misterio or Jericho and always loose.Why? I dont know!!! The last time Misterio was all red,no stamina and I hit him with the 5 Star Frog Splash TWICE and he still kicked out. I tried as many power moves as I could and pinning predicaments and he kicked out. I locked him on a submission move and he starts half way(at all RED he should be near the submit part, but no dice) and he survives. I dont know what else to try.....I almost threw the controller down in frustration.

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