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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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And I wish I could get a `Holy shit!' chant from the crowd again. I haven't managed to do that in a while. May have to start doing a lot more TLC matches and try to do the dive off a ladder onto a victim set up on a table outside the ring spot.....if I can get them to stay on the table long enough.

Just put someone through the announcer's table, that gets a HS chant every time.

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I can't find a good Mike Awesome CAW :(

It's the only person my One Night Stand scenario is seriously missing. I've got every other person that appeared in a match in their one night stand attires. (Unless they're already in the game - Rey, Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero)

Just finished turning 'Nobodys' Dudleyz into the one night stand versions, it was tricky but they look awesome.

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I can't find a good Mike Awesome CAW :(

It's the only person my One Night Stand scenario is seriously missing. I've got every other person that appeared in a match in their one night stand attires. (Unless they're already in the game - Rey, Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero)

Just finished turning 'Nobodys' Dudleyz into the one night stand versions, it was tricky but they look awesome.

You wouldn't happen to have a moveset for Sandman and/or Dreamer, would you?

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Ring In: Normal

Ring Out: Roll Down

Taunts: Raise Arm 4, Christian 2, Hold Up 2, Taunt Outlaw 2

Stance: Wrestling 1

Walking: Normal

Running: Normal


Strike attacks: Outlaw Punches 03, Toe Kick 01; Back Chop 04; Clothesline 01; Triple H Punches 03; Enzuigiri

Grapple moves:

Clean: Scoop slam 5, Neckbreaker 17, Suplex 11, Body Knee Strike, DDT 8

Dirty: Eye Rake 1, Head Pound, Low Blow 5, Reverse Atomic Drop, Triple H Choke

Brawler: Outlaw Knee Strike 1, Elbow To Back Of Head 1, Mat Slam, Neckbreaker 16, Fury Punch 4

Power: Backbreaker 9, Clothesline 22, DDT 15, Powerbomb 10, Spinebuster 4, Suplex 3

Old School: Backbreaker 1, DDT 24, Hurracanrana 8, Piledriver 2, Russian Leg Sweep 1

Grapple Attack: Grapple Punch 1, Grapple Body Attack 1, Grapple Elbow Strike 1

Grapple From Behind: Back Suplex 6, Snapmare 1, Elbow To Back Of Head 2, Bulldog 6

Atomic Drop, Back Suplex 4, DDT 17, Russian Leg Sweep 2, School Boy Roll Up


Strike Attacks: Angry stomp, Double Axe Handle 4, Elbow Drop 3

Grapple Moves: Camel Clutch 3, Mounted Punching 3, Sleeper Hold 6

Boston Crab, Kick To Groin, Tope Atomico


Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1, On The Top Rope, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

Grapple Moves: 10 punch, Mudhole Stomping 1, Shoulder Thrust 2, Superplex 2, Toos To Turnbuckle, Stomping Mudhole

Grapple From Behind: Super Back Suplex, Illegal Pin, Turnbuckle Smash, Tie To Tree Of Woe, Toss Into Ring Post


Groggy On Ropes: Outlaw Attack

Rebound attack: Clothesline 14, Slingshot Body Splash 1, Vaulting Body Press 2

Diving Out Of Ring attack: Baseball Slide 1


Standing: Diving Spear, Double Axe Handle 3

Downed: Diving Leg Drop, The Money Shot Pin, Rolling Thunder 1 (Drunken Senton)

DASH Running Strikes: Clothesline 14, Benoit Attack

Running Grapple: DDT 1, Neckbreaker 1

Rear Techniques: Bulldog 5, School Boy Pin 2

Running Ground Attack: Elbow Drop 5, Running Leg Drop

Counter Attack: Drop To Hold, Powerslam 1, Samoan Drop 1


Finishers: DDT 24, Hurracanrana 9

Signature: Russian Leg Sweep 2, Tope Atomico, Russian Leg Sweep 1

Chair Finishers: DDT 23, Guillotine 2

Combination Attack: Outlaw Punches 1, Outlaw Punches 1, Undertaker Punches 2



Ring In: Triple H

Ring Out: Normal

Taunts: Taunt Table 1, Christian 2, Hold Up 2, Longhorn

Stance: Wrestling 1

Walking: Normal

Running: Normal


Strike attacks: Dropkick to Knee 2, Toe Kick 01, Back Chop 04, Punch to Gut, Undertaker Punches 2, Enzuigiri

Grapple moves:

Clean: Scoop slam 5, Neckbreaker 6, Suplex 11, Body Knee Strike, Snapmare 2

Dirty: Eye Rake 1, Head Pound, Low Blow 5, Reverse Atomic Drop, Triple H Choke

Brawler: Outlaw Knee Strike 1, Elbow To Back Of Head 1, Mat Slam, Neckbreaker 16, Outlaw Stomp 1

Power: Emerald Fusion, Back Suplex 7, Clothesline 21, Neckbreaker 8, Last Call

Old School: Backbreaker 1, Running Neckbreaker, Hurracanrana 8, Piledriver 2, Russian Leg Sweep 1

Grapple Attack: Grapple Body Attack 01, Grapple Punch 03, Grapple Elbow Strike 03

Grapple From Behind: Back Suplex 8, Snapmare 1, Elbow To Back Of Head 2, Bulldog 6, Head Smasher

Atomic Drop, Backbreaker 4, DDT 17, Russian Leg Sweep 2, School Boy Pin 2


Strike Attacks: Undertaker Stomp, Double Axe Handle 4, Elbow Drop 4

Grapple Moves: Sleeper Hold 6, Fury Punch 6, Outlaw Stomp 2

Figure-4 Leg Lock 2, Stomping Combo, Elbow Drop Combo


Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1, Clothesline & Bulldog, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

Grapple Moves: Superplex 01, Mudhole Stomping 01, 10 Punch, Hurracanrana 9, Turnbuckle Body Strike, Running Knee Strike 2

Grapple From Behind: Super Back Suplex, Neckbreaker 13, Turnbuckle Smash, Tie To Tree Of Woe, Lucha DDT


Groggy On Ropes: Groin Shaker

Rebound attack: Shoulder Block 2, Running Leg Drop, Vaulting Body Press 2

Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Baseball Slide 1


Standing: Flying Clothesline 2, Double Axe Handle 3

Downed: Diving Elbow Drop, The Money Shot Pin, Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1


Running Strikes: Clothesline 9, Kitchen Sink 1

Running Grapple: DDT 3, Neckbreaker 1

Rear Techniques: Bulldog 5, Chop Block

Running Ground Attack: Elbow Drop 5, Running Leg Drop

Counter Attack: Drop To Hold, Powerslam 1, Spinebuster 4


Stand: Double Suplex, Double DDT, Double Punches 02, Double Clothesline, Double Beat Head

Turnbuckle: Spike Piledriver, Double Stomping, Hip Toss 3, Kick To Gut 1, Body Splash & Whip


Finishers: DDT 24 or DDT 15, Death Valley Driver

Signature: Russian Leg Sweep 2, Spinebuster 4, Emerald Fusion

Chair Finishers: DDT 23, Guillotine 2

Combination Attack: Undertaker Punches 1, Triple H Punches 2, Undertaker Punches 2

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Kid Kash Moveset for SVR2006

Created by mccc301

Standard Actions

Ring In: jumping 2

Ring Out: Quick

Taunts: Christian 2, cut throat, raise arm 2, spike 1

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1

Walking Motion: Normal

Running Motion: Normal


Strike Attacks: dropkick 2, Jericho toe kick, back chop 4, back kick1, Tajiri low kick, Front kick 1

Grapple Moves:

- Clean: Arm drag 3, snapmare 2, headlock takeover, small package 1, neckbreaker 17

- Dirty: eye rake 1, low blow 5, eye rake 2, headpound, reverse atomic drop,

- Submission: armlock 1, armwrench 3, Headlock 4, ground headlock, armwrench 1

Category 1: speed

- Moves 1: dropkick 7, snapmare and dropkick 1, Kitchen sink 2, neckbreaker 10, Step up Enjuriguri

Category 2: Tech

- Moves 2: leg trip 2, back side slam 1, Mexican-stretch pin, DDT 07, Tiger bomb 1.

Category 3: Luchadore

- Moves 3: Cruser-weight moves 5, Hurricanranna 1, Back suplex 1, hurricanranna 8, neckbreaker 18,

- Grapple Attack: grapple punch 1, body punch 1, grapple elbow strike 1,

Grapple From Behind: German suplex pin 1, bow and arrow 4, knee breaker 2, Abdominal stretch 1, backbreaker 12, high angle backbreaker, head smasher, back supex 2, Russian leg sweep 2, back side slam 2,

Top of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust, Downward Thrust, Downward Thrust, Downward Thrust


Strike Attack: angry stomp, angry stomp, dropkick 4

Grapple Moves: undertaker hold, bow and arrow 1, furry punch 6, kick to head, leg drop 1, leg lock 11,


Strike Attacks: on the top rope, on the top rope, turnbuckle dropkick 2,

Grapple Moves: super hurricanranna, whisper in the wind, knee strike 3, superplex 1, triangle dropkick, mudhole stomping 2

Grapple from behind: toss into ringpost, illegal pin, rolling powerbomb, turnbuckle smash, super back suplex,


Groggy on ropes: top rope choke,

Rebound Attack: front dropkick 2, spring board leg drop, vaulting bodypress 2,

Diving out of ring attack: rope flip 2,


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.: diving hurricanranna, diving closeline

Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.: rolling thunder 1, diving moonsalt 2, near leg drop,


Running Strikes: flying forearm smash 2, spinning wheel kick 2,

Running Grapple: DDT 3, hurricanranna pin 1,

Rear Techniques: school boy pin 2, bulldog 6,

Running ground Attack: double axe handle 5, elbow drop 5,

Counter Attack: tilt-a-whirl sideslam 2, back body drop 2, free fall drop,

Tag Team

Standing Tag Team: bonsoir, dropkick and rolling clutch, double suplex, double closeline, combination cutter,

Corner Tag Team: kick to gut 1, moonsalt combination, double stomping, double arm whip, body splash and whip


Finishers: suplex 6, suplex 2

Signature Moves: back suplex 1, abdominal stretch 1, headlock takeover,

Chair Finisher: DDT 23, DDT 23

Combination Attack: punch to head, punch to head, dropkick 2

all I could find

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Made a Bobby Lashley CAW and had him beat Benoit for the US title and then I did a couple defenses mainly against guys like Paul London, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Spike Dudley just for fun. So I thought to myself why not make Lashley defend against Andre the Giant... bad idea. Andre beat me and I now can't get the title off him at all. I have gone through like 6 matches trying to win but can't beat him. I am now trying to beat him with HHH so hopefully that works.

Great game though first wrestling game since HCTP.

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