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Guilty pleasure films.

Timmoru Suzuki

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Guest Morecello

My guilty pleasure is all these cheesy animal horror flicks that sci-fi always shows. Like today the following were on.

Shark Hunter


Blood Surf

Shark Attack 2

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Bring It On.

God I love that film, I have the promo poster on my wall.

Same. :blush:

No poster though.

I also like "Some Like It Hot". It was made in 1959, directed by Billy Wilder, it had Marilyn Manroe and her amazing talents of read off of cue cards. Great, funny film though.

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There are loads of bad horror movies, but I can't really call them guilty pleasures since I like them for the wrong reasons. To me, guilty pleasure implies that you love a movie for what it is even though it's a bad movie. Liking something because you laugh at it even though it's not supposed to be funny doesn't exactly make it a guilty pleasure.

So my guilty pleasure films are tons of movies in the evil girl genre: Jawbreaker, Heathers, Mean Girls. Also, I find myself liking some teen movies that are usually forgotten or overbashed like Can't Hardly Wait or American Wedding. I also have a huge hard-on for mindless action movies that don't try to be mindless action movies.

Also, I liked Blade Trinity despite everyone saying it was one of the worst films ever made. Oh and I love Escape from LA.

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Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls (I find it hilarious worryingly)

Oh thank god im not the only one. I loved Jim Carey as Ace Ventura, but they are such guilty pleasure movies for me. I really can't think of many movies that I would consider guilty pleasure movies, other than Wing Commander and Starship Troopers. The former is bad is so many ways, yet im always compelled to watch. Starship Troopers I can always say is a decent and funny piece of satire, and then people stop making fun.

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