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Football Manager 2006


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Just started playing FM again today after finishing off my dissertation last week. I remember last time I played, my team was struggling a little, but I'm steamrolling teams right now.

I got sacked as manager of England, though. Who the hell cares about the Confederations Cup? I won Euro 2008, went undefeated as England manager (except for a loss to Norway in a friendly), and finally lost to Argentina in the first round of the CC with a fluke loss. And I got sacked. The hell? But then, Sven got sacked after not making it out of the first round in 2007, so maybe I shouldn't be too surprised.

But my Spurs team are doing well as the 2010/11 season starts. We're top after four games, three wins and a draw. We drew with Wigan after having two men injured when we'd used all our subs, and have yet to concede in the Prem with even ten men on the pitch, let alone eleven. We also just tonked Chelsea in the Super Cup, 3-1.

And we have Tevez out injured right now... I've just signed Leo Messi, with a view to having an all Argentine forward line if I can train him to play up front properly. We've also bought and sold Robinho, who was frankly useless.

In five seasons, I've been second three times and won it once - although after the win we finished fifth :thumbsdown: We've also got a UEFA Cup, and FA Cup and a League Cup, as well as the Super Cup and a couple of Community Shields as well.

I'm pushing a few youngsters through at the moment, especially defenders and one is standing out, Lino Marzoratti. Check him out if you're later on in the game (3+ years) and tell me what he's turned out like.

Edited by James Casey
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I want to start a new game but I don't know where. I want to run some different leagues too, I normally run England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, N. Ire., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Holland and then some non-European leagues. But I want a good mix this time around and do something different.

Any ideas?

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I tend to have all leagues runnings (most in basic) with full detail across the British Isles, and have the best European leagues top two divisions as playable (France, Germany, Italy, etc) and the top league from English speaking countries and others I quite like (Australia, USA, South Africa, China, Korea (since Japan's not in it), Hong Kong and some others I'm probably forgetting. I like to have all the other leagues in basic, since it's cool to see who wins what, who signs what, who's getting relegated/promoted and so on. And the qualifiers for continental competitions is much more varied. I just watched Ajaccio get relegated from Ligue 1, then Ligue 2 in two seasons. Both times I offered to take over. An offer, they were fools to ignore. MUAAAHAHHAHAAHAA..ahem. (¬_¬)

But you need a good computer if you want to run your game like that, or it can take up to half an hour to process a single day (seriously). I used to have a shitty computer. *hugs new CPU*

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I've revitalised my current game by resigning from Shelbourne. I've also managed to get Strasbourg to fire Paul LeGuen...if I get that job I'm sticking with this game. If I don't I'm starting a new one for certain.

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I knew he wouldn't be happy. You're all pushing him too far.

You don't wanna push Tom too far, if he thinks you're a cheater he'll label you a cheat forever. Hell, he still claims i'm a cheat even though it was my brother who was doing it.

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I knew he wouldn't be happy. You're all pushing him too far.

You don't wanna push Tom too far, if he thinks you're a cheater he'll label you a cheat forever. Hell, he still claims i'm a cheat even though it was my brother who was doing it.

Edited by The Kraig
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And the K2-League system is gay. I don't think you can get promoted to the K-League at all. The season is split into two sets of ten games. The top team in the league after ten games wins a playoff place. The same for the second season, then the two teams play the playoff assumably for promotion, but all the past K2-League winners haven't been promoted. It's weird, and SI may have fucked up. Or Korea is just gay.

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Guest muddatrucker

Finally in the 2nd season my team hit form, unfortunately Daniel Carvalho has a £12million minimum release clause and Man Utd seem interested, I'm offering him new contracts but I never get a reply, no doubt he'll be gone.

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I NEVER sign a player if he wants a minimum release clause unless it's under 25 million.

It's annoying when you have a player on form, and you don't release he has a 2 million release clause when you could probably sell him for 5 times as much, and a "big" team come in to sign him.

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I NEVER sign a player if he wants a minimum release clause unless it's under 25 million.

It's annoying when you have a player on form, and you don't release he has a 2 million release clause when you could probably sell him for 5 times as much, and a "big" team come in to sign him.

Generally players who want a minimum fee release clause don't care how much it is as long as there's one in there. When I signed van Persie for Walsall, he wanted a £7m release clause...I offered him a £25m one and he wasn't bothered by the difference at all.

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Yeah, I just signed Kerlon from Real Madrid for Newcastle. He wanted a minimum fee release clause of £20 million (when I signed him for £26 million). I put it at £150 million and he still accepted that. I did get a little worried about the clause turning him off because Juve, Milan and Barca had all had offers accepted.

Wright Phillips also had a £13 million release clause on his contract (I missed it and only noticed it when Man Utd became interested). I offered him a new contract (same terms, just a year longer) with a £65 million release clause and he accepted.

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Maybe it's a problem with the game as you should get some sort of a reply. When you start negotiating the contract does it say he's willing to negotiate a new contract (i.e. it'll say what he's after) or does it say he's not willing at this time?

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